The Alchemist’s Code

When last we left Nondrick, roughly eighteen years ago, he was faced with a moral dilemma.  Stealing a Shepard’s Pie from someone’s home to cure his wolf-born infections (Witbane and Helljoint) was weighing heavily on his soft mind — was it the wrong thing to do?  Was it in keeping with his NPC nature?  With his back against the wall, would Nondrick fill his pockets with stolen goods?

In a moment of desperation I’d mixed up the ill-gotten curative and stood there, bottle to my lips, debating, worrying, and trying to remember the Alchemist’s Code.  What I eventually remembered was that I’d never actually invented an Alchemists Code. So, I invented one.

What I can find is mine. What I can’t find, I can buy. But stealing is kind of a dick move.

Okay, it’s not the most eloquent code ever written. But stealing, along with fighting, adventuring, romance, and writing eloquent codes,  just isn’t Nondrick’s thing .  I decided, eventually, to leave the potion in the house I’d broken into, along with a trinket or two to make up for ruining someone’s dinner. With that, I trudged out into the night on aching, infected joints, to find where I’d parked my horse a year ago and to continue searching for a cure that wouldn’t involve stealing a baked lamb entree from a stranger’s dinner table.

Of course, this being Oblivion, when the game closes a door it opens a window. Unfortunately, opening a window in Oblivion is a dangerous prospect, because sometimes an enraged pigs rushes through it and tries to kill you.  Today, as I travel north atop my faithful horse, Beaker, boars finally make their appearance in the game.

Boars are actually pretty tough: they’re fast, durable, and challenging for any character who hasn’t leveled up properly, and Nondrick’s improved speechcraft and mercantile skills, which certainly help with his career, haven’t left him particularly capable of dealing with boars easily.

Killing a boar requires a lot of blocking, back-pedaling, and just plain running away, while making the occasional swipe with a sword or blast with a fireball.  The first boar I encounter drops me quickly to about one-quarter health before I’ve even done him much damage. I heal quickly with my Mara’s Gift spell, then find myself battered down to half-health again before I finally send the little piggy to market.

While I’m carving up the boar, a Timber Wolf leaps snarling out of the woods.   I blast the animal with my frost spell and hack him down to size, hoping he doesn’t infect me with yet another disease.  My health is now worryingly low, and I don’t have much in the way of curatives. I use my Heal Major Wounds spell, but since I’ve never built up my magic abilities, I can only use it once or twice before running out of gas.

As soon as I’m back on Beaker, I spot a fellow traveler heading my way. He sees me as well, and thrusts a fist skyward.  I’m hoping he’s waving hello, but no, he’s casting a spell: a scamp spawns beside him and attacks me.  Ignoring the conjured beast, I chase the spellcaster around, trying to smack him with my sword. Cripes, can’t these stupid animals and evil wizards just fight amongst themselves and leave me out of it?

A retarded little parade ensues.  The conjurer can run backwards as fast as I can run forward, so it’s a futile chase for a while as I follow him around.  Meanwhile, his scamp is chasing me, so the three of us make circles all over the road and through the grass, nobody gaining on anyone.  Finally, the warlock runs back-first into a boulder. Pinning him against the rock, I hack away at him while his scamp repeatedly sets me on fire.

Eventually, he folds and his scamp vanishes.

Back on Beaker, I proceed slowly up the trail, gathering ingredients from horseback (somehow).  With the city of Bravil in my sights, I spot a plant with large leaves by the base of a tree.  My keen eye for plant life tells me this is Mandrake.  Wait a second.  Wait a second!

I slide off Beaker and yank the Mandrake roots out of the ground.  I check the properties in my well-thumbed copy of Mushing Up Plants For Fun And Profit.

There it is. The Cure Disease property!  I mix the Mandrake Root with the remaining sample of Elf Cup Cap that has been gently decomposing in my pocket for days.  Bam!  One Cure Disease potion.  I chug-a-lug and check the active effects — all traces of the disease are gone.  Hurray!  I have rid myself of wolf-cooties!

Wow. I’d sunk pretty low there for a while, but finally managed to complete my personal quest, ridding my body of unwanted canine pathogens. Nondrick was once again complete, and could walk triumphantly into Bravil.  Or, if not “triumphantly,” then at least proudly.  Well, “proudly” may be overstating it.  How about, “not crawling with diseased ticks.”

Yeah, that’ll do.

Explore posts in the same categories: Nondrick's Non-adventure

2,026 Comments on “The Alchemist’s Code”

  1. Stefan Says:

    Holy fucking shit!

  2. Noah Says:

    “When last we left Nondrick, roughly eighteen years ago..”

    So true, I’m glad to see this back. Keep it up, Chris!

  3. 18 Years sounds about right. Hurrah for the return of Nondrick!

  4. Oreolek Says:

    Nondrick is back and kicking!!
    That’s awesome.

  5. Jazmeister Says:

    What’s a nice Craig like you doing in a comment thread like this?

  6. Smash Says:

    Oh my god….

    I dont know what to say….

    Am I dreaming?

  7. SAeN Says:

    Lol, I just started reading this the other day and its got its first update in ages just now! Awesome!

  8. Nick Says:

    Oh. My. God. Thank you so so much, Chris!!!

  9. Lotta Says:

    Ha! See, good things come to those who wait. And to those who don’t steal, apparently.

    Yay, Nondrick!

  10. Demon Beaver Says:

    I’m glad you and Nondrick are back!! I’m looking forward to much more of the tale!

  11. Adoring Fan Says:

    Oh no, don’t make me pick up Oblivion again. Last time you updated I lost around 50 hours of my life.

  12. Oh my god Nondrick is back! Thank god!

  13. AndyW Says:

    I reckon that for Nondrick “not crawling with diseased ticks” *is* a proud triumph :D!

    Great to see another post… Thanks!

  14. Quinn Says:

    Huzzah! Nondrick’s return!

  15. Holy crap, a Nondrick post!!! That was a pleasant surprise 🙂

  16. EGTF Says:

    I’m just amazed you’ve had the strength of will to return to this insane project. Still good to read anyhow!

  17. Alexander Says:

    However, one thing:
    “…a baked lamb entree…”
    I’m not sure if you exactly know what shepard’s pie is made of…

    • Davo Says:

      Well, I don’t know about entree, but it’s certainly made of lamb, and they’re usually baked (at least eventually) so that the mashed potato gets a nice brown crust.

      If of course you’re thinking it should be made of beef, then you’re undoubtedly making the classic mistake – that’s COTTAGE pie. Shepherds look after sheep. Cottagers (used to) look after cows.


  19. Mike Says:

    Rejoice everyone!

  20. smoegril Says:

    i check this every single day, without failure. finally my patience is rewarded.

  21. Terry Says:

    Omg, when I saw this update on Nonny I literally fell out of my chair in disbelief!!!! NONDRICK LIVES AGAIN! :]

  22. hah Says:

    I bet James linking this blog made you decide to start it up again huh?

  23. Arreh Says:

    This is not April – treachery!

    But srsly – thank you, Chris! A new comments section is always appreciated.

    In actual seriousness; this is great! Moar Nondrick!

    Thank Goat, etc etc.

  24. Aaron Says:

    Hooray! I knew it was a smart idea to stat subscribed 🙂

  25. Chris Says:

    Remember when I asked you (on behalf of the Internet) at the Game Developers Conference last year when you would update this thing? Man, I had forgotten all about that!

    Well, I guess I’d better go back to sleep until next year.

  26. chambz Says:


  27. Nolori Says:

    I’m so glad Nondrick is back! I hope he stays with us for a post or two more before the next eighteen year hibernation.

    How funny, I just started playing Oblivion again too. Clearly it is in the stars for people to randomly play it again.

  28. Paul Moloney Says:

    Glad to see good old Nondrick back….


  29. Jeremy Says:

    Yay!!!! Nondrick P. C. is back!!! Thanks Chris!

  30. Adam Says:

    Yay Nondrick is back. Are we to expect more updates soon?

  31. chaos95 Says:

    I seriously had to do a double-take when I saw this show up in my rss aggregator. Viva Nondrick! See you in 9 months for the next update!

  32. PS Says:

    Whoa. No way.

  33. The Manman Says:

    Wow. It’s seriously been over a year since the last actual update. Kind of early for that April update though. Maybe we will see an update in April.

  34. dupersude Says:

    I’m commenting on here to say hi before reading the actual blog. Is this bad?

  35. dupersude Says:


  36. SimonSayzHigh Says:

    Yay another good episode about the ugliest alchemist in the world!

  37. Farty Says:


  38. anonymouse Says:

    hooray, you’re back!

  39. Drew Says:

    YES! I’d like to tell you not to leave us like that again, but I’ve been reading your stuff for long enough to know better…

    But this was great!

  40. Rutskarn Says:

    Hells and also YES. This is one of the finer LP’s I’ve laid eyes on, and seeing that it’s resumed is like seeing that the Beatles have resumed their nerdy LP series.

    Only it’s not the Beatles, it’s you, and this series is awesome.

  41. Eergluk Says:

    YAAAAYYY! Nonny is back!

  42. KingFrozen Says:


    I<3U CHRIS!!!!!

    that's not creepy at all. I swear.

  43. Kadorhal Says:

    Nice to see an update.

    Though one nitpick: When you said “gently decomposing in my pocket for days”, I think you meant “decades”.

  44. dupersude Says:

    I know everyone was posting on the last post, but since the update not much of the crew have been on this comments section.

  45. Vadermath Says:




  46. Vadermath Says:




    Also, the post itself was awesome, and refreshing. It made me remember the good ol’ days, which may be coming back yet!

  47. Smash Says:

    Yeah, well, im happy about the blog being updated and all, but what the fuck am I gonna do with all these babys?

  48. Alda Says:

    Haha, what a coincidence!
    I stumbled (“stumbled” with a lower-case “s”, mind you) upon this blog a few days ago, and was pretty upset when I saw there were no updates… and now there is one, hooray!

  49. G Says:

    Holy shit, there’s an update.:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  50. Tim Says:

    By my calculations that makes an internet year roughly 22 earth days long 😛

  51. bacon Says:

    Thanks for linking to this from FPS. And by “thanks” I mean you’re an asshole, Chris. I literally just wasted a full day of work reading the entirety of this blog, but it was fan-fucking-tastic! Sort of made me want to go an play Oblivion again, but reading about a fish faced dork once a year will probably suffice. My personal favorite parts:

    – Your depression after the first couple of days when you actually LOST money.
    – “Clever girl!”
    – Woman Gone Wild (“These shady oil painters travel around the coasts of Cyrodiil, getting young, mead-filled maidens to spend a few hours undoing the complicated ties and straps of their undergarments, and then painting portraits of them in the buff.”)
    – Almost getting killed by Beaker
    – Your battle with the Nord on the boat (“My kingdom for a Backburner!”)

    Keep up the great work!

  52. G Says:

    Rise and shine, Mr. Chriistopher C.Livingston. Rise and shine. Not that I wish to imply you have been sleeping on the job. No-one is more deserving of a rest. And all the effort in the world would have gone to waste until… well, let’s just say your hour has come again. The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. So, wake up, Mr. Livingston. Wake up and smell the ashes.

  53. dupersude Says:

    That was awesome G. Like the time I made that Dark Knight parody quote over on Nondrick Update… Ahhh good times.

  54. dupersude Says:


  55. G Says:

    O_o all i did was switch the freeman to livingston, although most of the text seemed rather fitting anyways.

  56. Awesome Says:


  57. payayoe Says:

    Is it just my eyes playing tricks or there’s something different about the world textures? It looks kind of sharper compared to the last update. I SMELL MODS!

  58. Jimmy! Says:

    You know your blog is popular when it has more than sixty comments on the first post after a ten-month hiatus.

    • michael Says:

      who ever is reading this testimony today should please celebrate with me and my family because it all started like a joke to some people and others said it was impossible. my name is Michael i live in Chicago i am happily married with two kids and a lovely wife something terrible happen to my family along the line, i lost my job and my wife packed out of my house because i was unable to take care of her and my kids at that particular time. i manage all through five years, no wife to support me to take care of the children and there come a faithful day that i will never forget in my life i met an old friend who i explain all my difficulties to, and he took me to a spell caster and and the name of the temple is called, okundonorgreatspell, i was assure that everything will be fine and my wife will come back to me after the wonderful work of dr okundonorgreatspell, my wife came back to me and today i am one of the richest man in my country. i advice you if you have any problem email him with this email: and you will have the best result. take things for granted and it will be take from you.

  59. G Says:

    and thats only within 27 hours… i think

  60. Arreh Says:

    But… but with regular updates, how will we regulars (yes I count myself as one now) establish new meaningless and esoteric traditions?

    Maybe with regular updates, we won’t need to. We… we could be free.

  61. Washcloth Says:

    freinds, some of you may or may not remember me, as i gave up hope and fled the parched earth that was this blog, now i am back from my travels of the internet, and found a newly fertile medow in its place!

    Long live Nonny!

  62. Rikku Says:

    This is pleasing to my eye.

  63. G Says:

    Holy shit it’s washcloth it’s a ho- wait how do i know your not a fake washcloth…

  64. Midget52 Says:

    You are FUCKING kidding. I go away for TWO days and he goes and does this? Figures

    Oh, awesome post, by the way! Thanks so very incredibly much!

  65. Midget52 Says:

    Let us feast on many babies! And hope to GOAT that Nondrick finds something else to do!

  66. Addicted Says:

    . . . I am dreaming. This is all some really weird dream where impossible things happen.

  67. CON-Troll Says:

    Chris, consider turning this whole “Living in Oblivion” story into a printed product someday. If you do, I’ll buy it. Of course, there may be some copyright issues to deal with. Darn it.

  68. KingFrozen Says:

    YAY! the whole crew is almost back together! Cept for whositsface and whatshisname.

    Also, who is dupersude mk2?

    And go Smash with the baby stockpile. And the book is a great idea. Almost sounds as awesome as “John dies at the end”

  69. Washcloth Says:

    Of corse im the real Washcloth!
    why would anyone else want washcloth for a name!

  70. dupersude Says:

    Who WOULDNT want Washcloth as a name??
    And I wanna know the same thing, King.

  71. Arreh Says:

    Maybe it’s an upgraded version of Midget. One without all the voices.

    But those voices made Midget52 the midget he is today, and I would have him no different.

  72. dupersude Says:

    are you talking about my twin there, Arreh?

  73. Smash Says:


    I like how were like 70 comments in and already talking about pretty much random shit again.

    Well, I guess we will get the next update next year some time.

  74. Vadermath Says:


    WASHCLOTH! Is it really you, mate? Bah, I believe you, seeing as most of the newbies don’t even know who you are. Still, you here to stay? ‘Cause that’d be awesome. You should also join the Hiatus Crew group on MSN.

  75. Addicted Says:

    Okay, so who are we missing? I’m too lazy to check

  76. dupersude Says:

    Quite a few people. I suspect they’re just waiting for the hype on the new post to die down first.

  77. Vadermath Says:

    Indeed. Right now, we’re missing:

    Green Lantern

    I just spoke with Michael on MSN, he should be in any minute now.

    • Jackrabbit Says:

      Dude, forget me. I’m dead and gone. Every time I post a comment here or anywhere else that has a remote connection to Chris, I have an irresistible urge to apologize for whatever mild annoyance I may have caused him. Let me deal with this destructive mental issue in peace.

      Also I left the Crew like three months ago.

  78. Michael Says:

    I’m here, reporting for duty! Also yay nonny etc

  79. dupersude Says:

    Michael! Thank god you’re here! We have a dilemma! Everybody reading this post just lost the game!

  80. Michael Says:

    Goddamn you, dupersude!

  81. Vadermath Says:


  82. dupersude Says:

    😀 I love you guys ❤

  83. Michael Says:

    So, what do now?

    Tell you what, I need another update!

  84. dupersude Says:

    Agreed. I guess we just go back to hurling babies off a bridge every day we don’t get an update… Wonder if it’ll be a regular thing now, or if he just wanted to wrap up the whole “personal quest” thing before ignoring us for good…

  85. G Says:

    Didn’y Jackrabbit leave us and sa e has nothing to do with us anymore?

  86. He’s back! Thank you, Mr. Livingston! *cue gleeful excitement*

  87. Verendus Says:

    Goddammit, now I’m going to start playing Oblivion AGAIN.

  88. Joeman Says:

    Word. Wordwordwordword. Nondrick. Word.

  89. […] The Alchemist’s Code When last we left Nondrick, roughly eighteen years ago, he was faced with a moral dilemma.  Stealing a […] […]

  90. Plinar Says:

    If you will excuse me, I have to dance naked in the street with delight.

  91. Midget52 Says:

    Well, this comment section is filling nicely.

  92. Smash Says:

    So, whaddya think, are we gonna get to a thousand comments this time again?

    I hope not.

  93. Midget52 Says:

    I’m ambivalent about the whole thing. On the one hand more Nondrick! (It still feels weird to say it.) On the other hand, this could very well destroy the Hiatus Crew. Apparently our very aim may be our downfall. Oh sweet dramatic irony!

  94. Arreh Says:

    I’ve always liked that about the hiatus crew. Their very survival depends on the events that they worship not coming to pass.

    Probably poetic beauty in there somewhere.

  95. Vadermath Says:

    Hey, Joeman! You’re here! That’s one guy off our MIA list, I suppose…

  96. Addicted Says:

    I think it’s okay, it’ll be another millennium before Chris updates this again

  97. G Says:

    another 18 years*

  98. Vadermath, Supreme Chancellor of The Hiatus Republic Says:

    Now, I announce myself Supreme Chancellor of the Hiatus Republic!


  99. Michael Says:

    Will I be the Vice Supreme Chancellor of The Hiatus Republic?

  100. Vadermath, Supreme Chancellor of The Hiatus Republic Says:


    Join me, and we will rule the galaxy as Father and Son!

  101. Michael Says:

    Sweet! I’ve always wanted to do that!

  102. Addicted Says:

    May I be The Interpreter of the Goat’s Wisdom? Because that title sounds awesome.

  103. Tyler Says:

    Whoo! An update! Awesome!

  104. Tree-Line Says:

    YYAAAAYYYY You’re back! You’re back! You’re back you’re back you’re back! Well done to Nonny for doing the right thing. Also: Hope you update more often now. I really love this series and don’t want to see it disappear…


  105. Midget52 Says:

    And I suppose I can be just about every other position in the court. As soon as I find that list of personalities…

  106. Skaevola Says:

    OH SHI-

  107. dupersude Says:


  108. Tom Says:

    I tried to look at this last night, but WordPress was broken probably due to peoples shock at there being an update!

    Anyway, whilst it wasn’t as long as previous updates, it was still good.
    I hope this means you will post some more updates soon, without another hibernation period.

  109. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    I declare myself to be the Hiatus Crew’s Ministry of Love. Not the head, or director; the whole thing.

    If any of you don’t get the reference, then son I am disappoint.

  110. dupersude Says:

    You’re livin’ in the passssst Arreh. Quit livin’ in the passsssst.
    And by past I mean, 21 years ago.
    Also, the first line of my comment is also a reference.

  111. Vadermath, Supreme Chancellor of The Hiatus Republic Says:

    1984, Arreh?

  112. G Says:

    It’s nice to see THC is coming back, although there are some people mia.

  113. dupersude Says:

    Woah my math is horrible. 25 years* not 21.

  114. Frei Says:


  115. Gilead26 Says:

    I’m not sure what to make of this. I started playing oblivion again today after about a 5 month hiatus and it made me think “hmmm wonder if nondrick has updated” and holy shit it has, that’s amazing!!!

  116. steve Says:

    At this rate, I will die before Nondrick

  117. It pisses me off that I was playing oblivion the night before my computer broke, and now hehas an update. IRONY SUCKS!

  118. Midget52 Says:

    Yeah. Goldy and Bronzy are far better.

  119. Vadermath, Supreme Chancellor of The Hiatus Republic Says:

    Your sense of humor seems to be broken, dupersude.

  120. Skafsgaard Says:

    Holy brother’s mother!
    I can’t believe he’s back! Way to go Chris, and way to go Nondrick! 😀
    Damn, I’m so psyched, I might actually write another poem (even though you damn near banned me, if that’s even possible, last time I did that.
    At least, I’m going to fire up my Oblivion game again, and play my Merchant character – believe it or not, there’s actually profit to be made, if you run with the market economy simulating mod ‘Living Economy’.
    Whoot! (:

  121. Jackrabbit Says:

    I get the feeling Nondrick is going to go down hard if he doesn’t train up a bit. Perhaps you’re going to have to remain in the one city for a while Chris.

  122. Michael Says:

    Hey, it’s Jacknazi! He’s back, after all! This is getting better and better…

  123. Rohach Says:


    A triumphant return for the mundane hero.

    This is like what would happen if Terry Pratchett made up quests.

  124. California Wrestler Says:

    I remember a couple months ago when living in oblivion first started its hiatus. It all began with me checking in daily with a face full of innocence and glee, just to be disapointed again and again with a lack of update. Just like a half retarted loyal golden retriever puppy, I kept coming back hoping to see something new. Eventually it was updated, with a post that said it will soon be updated. Even though no new content was given the news that Chris was still indeed alive kept my hopes up. Fast foward to the present day and my face full of glee and hope is replaced with a dark and vile look that if anyone was to look into my eyes their soul would feel pain. I was possitive Chris was not only dead but actually haunting the internet making sure no news of his death would surface and occasionaly updated first person shouter to fuck with my head. Imagine my absoulte disbelief when I saw it, Living in Oblivion updated. Great Googaly Moodgaly, was the first thought that went through my near zombiefied mind.
    Long story short thanks for coming back 😀

  125. Shatari Says:

    Woot! An update, a month and a half ahead of schedule! ^_^

  126. KingFrozen Says:

    Fuck you guys are scaring me. I mean… at this rate, we will probably fill up the comments again in about…


    take away…12?

    carry the 1…

    divide by zero…

    4 days?

  127. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Of all the times this could have updated, the time when I’m between internet is chosen to update. Reading on a friends iPhone is not how I wanted to find out. Anyway, yay.

  128. Michael Says:

    No, KingFrozen! Don’t divide by ze-

  129. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    Now that the universe has imploded and re-created itself, we may continue as before.

    I propose a one word at a time game. This will continue for a few posts until everyone realises it’s really shit.

    Here is word one:


  130. G Says:

    I counter propose that and say, hey putz. we now know why chris didn’t update before, he wanted to update when you weren’t there.

  131. kibble Says:

    i came

  132. Joey, Chief Antagonist. Says:

    Well fuck me sideways and call me Nondrick…

    My internet literally commited suicide the day before yesterday… My one word: Schizophrenia.

  133. Vadermath, Supreme Chancellor of The Hiatus Republic Says:

    How would I go about fucking you sideways?

  134. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    Very craftily.

  135. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    Most certainly.

    I would know – look at my title; you’ll see it’s my job to know.

  136. Midget52 Says:

    And it is my job to continue searching for a job!

    Hey, my job is done!

  137. Vadermath, Supreme Chancellor of The Hiatus Republic Says:

    Good job.

  138. dupersude Says:

    I need a job. In real life. ;_;

  139. Michael Says:

    Don’t be sad, dupersude. You can become my personal sex slave!

  140. KingFrozen Says:

    WOOOOOOOOOOO! Can i come too? (no pun intended, but it was kinda funny)

  141. dupersude Says:


    You lost.

  142. Michael Says:

    Grats, dupersude! Also, fuck you for making me lose the game! Oh wait…

  143. Joey, Chief Antagonist. Says:

    Times are moving on, peoples.

  144. Vadermath, Supreme Chancellor of The Hiatus Republic Says:

    “Come gather ’round people, wherever you roam!
    And admit that the waters around you have grown,
    And accept it that soon you’ll be drenched to the bone.
    If your time to you is worth savin’
    Then you better start swimmin’
    or you’ll sink like a stone,
    For the times, they are a-changin!”

  145. The Green Lantern Says:

    Well look at this.

    An update.

    Today’s forecast in hell.


  146. Midget52 Says:

    YAY! The Lantern of Green!

    The Inner Circle is almost complete. The time is nigh.

  147. dupersude Says:

    Thanks michael! Interview went good, they’ll give me a call sometime within the week if i get it. Which i should. 😀 And now i lost the game! again.
    Also vader, that song is awesome.

  148. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    If I may just add one thing,
    That is all.

  149. Vadermath, Supreme Chancellor of The Hiatus Republic Says:

    Lantern my man! I would be surprised about seeing you here if I hadn’t talked to ya beforehand via email.

    Dupersude: I’m a Bob Dylan fan.

  150. The Green Lantern Says:

    I’m still in shock. Give me a few more days before it can wear off.

  151. Vadermath, Supreme Chancellor of The Hiatus Republic Says:

    On an unrelated note;

    The Game.

  152. The Green Lantern Says:

    Did I lose?

  153. Vadermath, Supreme Chancellor of The Hiatus Republic Says:


  154. Michael Says:

    We know the game and we’re gonna play it!

    – Rick Astley

  155. Michael Says:

    Oh god, this shit is fucking rad! OPEN YOUR EYES MAKE A WISH

  156. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    I approve of this.

  157. Michael Says:

    Of course you do, that’s the best thing that’s happened 2010.

  158. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    England lost to Ireland. I may play this game again to console myself.

  159. ArmEagle Says:

    I was pointed to this adventure only yesterday. Your great way of writing made reading this a breeze.

    I even feel more like an idiot for never having played Oblivion. Since being able to play it like this, totally not like it was intended, shows how rich the game world is.

  160. Michael Says:

    Damn, I’m disappointed in the Hawaii tsunami. That shit sucked!

  161. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    These tsunamis are nothing like the ones we had back in my day.

  162. Vadermath, Supreme Chancellor of The Hiatus Republic Says:

    Yeah. In your day, all tsunami’s would strike during May.

  163. dupersude Says:

    I’ve had two tsunami warnings in the last year and a half at my city, both of which have turned out to be NOTHING MORE THAN A METRE SURGE TIDE.

  164. dupersude Says:


    … I feel cheated.

  165. Midget52 Says:

    A metre surge tide can make a difference depending on the speed and how far up river it can get. Can make a boat list pretty damn badly.

  166. dupersude Says:

    Well where I’m from, the raise did nothing. Literally. Even people at the beaches who get flooded in ALL THE TIME were unchanged in routine.

  167. Michael Says:

    Yo, Hawaii, I’m really happy for you and I’mma let you finish but, Thailand had one of the best tsunamis of all time! One of the best tsunamis of all time!

  168. Michael Says:


  169. The Green Lantern Says:


  170. Vadermath, Supreme Chancellor of The Hiatus Republic Says:

    Best way to fix a Playstation is to throw it into the fiery chasm from whence it came.


  171. Midget52 Says:

    If by PC, you mean XBox 360, then yes, PC FOR LIFE, MAH DOG!

  172. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    If by PC you mean PC, than yes, PC FOR LIFE, MAH DOG!

  173. Michael Says:

    Open your eyes I see
    Your eyes are open
    Wear no disguise for me
    Come into the open

    When it’s cold outside
    Am I here in vain?
    Hold on to the night
    There will be no shame

    Always, I wanna be with you
    And make believe with you
    And live in harmony,
    harmony oh love

    Melting the ice for me
    Jump into the ocean
    Hold back the tide I see
    Your love in motion

    When it’s cold outside
    Am I here in vain?
    Hold on to the night
    There will be no shame

  174. dupersude Says:

    What an odd film clip…

  175. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:


  176. G Says:

    Seen as Dupersude got dethroned here and didn’t get the first 100, i’ll aim fo – wait a minute he got 200, he didn’t even say his get message, ok i’ll aim for 300.

  177. G Says:

    Should we all agree not to post after the 4000th comment on nondrick update it’s getting riduclously long.

    P.S lets all try and get 4000 before Dupersude does. 😉

  178. Michael Says:

    So, guys, what’s your records at Robot Unicorn Attack?
    In one run: 44.3k
    Total: 85k

  179. Vadermath, Supreme Chancellor of The Hiatus Republic Says:

    Have any of ya seen all of the Portal 2 cryptic buzz going around the Web?!


  180. Tyler Says:

    Heyo! Nondrick is all new and shiny! I bet his head can be spot from a mile now.

  181. Corporal Peanut Says:

    Well, seeing as how it’s been seven posts without a song… Ahem,

    When I find myself
    in times of trouble
    Mother Mary comes to me
    speaking words of wisdom

    Let it be

    And in my hour of darkness
    she is standing right in front of me
    speaking words of wisdom

    Let it be

    And when the broken hearted people
    living in the world agree
    there will be an answer

    Let it be

    For tough they may be parted
    there is still a chance
    that they will see
    there will be an answer

    Let it be

    For some reason, I always connected it to the whole “No Nondrick” thing until now.

    Then again, maybe I’m just crazy(Well I AM a lurker, after all).

  182. Midget52 Says:

    You may be right. But it just might be a lunatic we’re looking for.

    Thats right, I made a song reference! I know things too!

  183. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    I don’t mind who gets the 4000 get. So long as NO ONE POSTS AFTER IT. NO ONE.

    Also; Portal stuff! Yay!

    Also, I’m not going for every 100 get on this post because i missed the first 100 get. I didn’t even realise i got 200 get. Which post was it??

  185. KingFrozen Says:

    You got 200 while i was gone? awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww… 😥

    in unrelated news, when we do reach 4000 and no one is allowed to comment…

    where will we gooooo
    ohhh, where will we go now? where will we goooooooo-o-ohwowowoo?
    where will we go now?

  186. Ninjabutter Says:

    Man, I read this like a year ago and got to where it was left off and assumed it was finished. I randomly got linked back to it while searching for an image of a Dremora Lord and I find a post from two weeks ago. What fucking luck. Hail Nondrick!

  187. KingFrozen Says:

    Your hopeless dupersude.

    Nice to see you nijabutter, you seem incredibly lucky. Like a leprechaun.

  188. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    Suspiciously like a leprechaun, in fact.

    I just hope your kind can see eye to eye with my department – I can’t have you bringing joy and hope to the proles, y’hear?

  189. Midget52 Says:

    Wow. We only started a government a week ago and we already have counterfeit joy.

    I call blackmarketeer!

  190. Arreh Says:

    Ah, Midget. Blackmarketeer of hope and joy. Don’t you realise the stuff you get is only the stuff we allow you to get?

    You do our job for us. You cannot stop doing what we want – no matter what you choose to do, you do it because of our influence.

    So please, set up your little racket. We sit back and enjoy what we have created.

  191. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:

    Seeing as we’re slapping each other with 1984 references, I changed my name accordingly.

  192. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    My weapon of choice happens to be 1984 references, but you can use whatever you want. Brave New World hasn’t really been touched, for example.

  193. Midget52 Says:

    You cannot control our knowledge! Knowledge is power! The truth will set us free!

    I know at least one of them is a biblical reference, so I have so far made the oldest reference. Bring it on.

  194. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:

    “Holy shit!”

    -The Jews, after seeing Moses in action.

  195. Bobskid Says:


  196. Corporal Peanut Says:


    -Dr. Hax, after recieving his PHD

    I believe I have made the newest reference! Take that, Midget!

  197. Michael - Almost Head Minister Thing of the Department of the Destruction of Justin Bieber, And Other Such Disney Music Bands Says:

    I feel so special now.

  198. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:



  199. Midget52 Says:

    Cooperative Portal? I hope your model is the Companion Cube. That would make the most sense.

  200. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    In actually interesting immediate news, Just Cause 2 is out soon, very soon. FYI, the xbox and ps3 versions are much easier to control.

  201. Michael - Almost Head Minister Thing of the Department of the Destruction of Justin Bieber, And Other Such Disney Music Bands Says:

    Portal 2 won’t be released until late October this year.

  202. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:

    I know Portal 2 was announced last year, but we had absolutely no confirmed info about it.

  203. Michael A. Sinclair Says:


    I came here to re-read the blog and found an update. Woohoo!

    Thanks, Chris! 🙂

  204. I just re-read parts of the previous comment sections first stages, and man! That shit was lulzworthy indeed!
    The reactions the one time commenters posted were fucking hilarious. You should all read it again.

  205. A fartboy walks into a bar. He says to the bartender, “Gimme a shot of your finest whiskey”. The bartender takes off his glasses, looks at the fartboy directly in the anus, and vomits blood onto the decaying, wooden floor. Crickets can be heard in the distance as the fartboy cracks a smile. The universe explodes.

  206. Midget52 Says:

    Gotta love surrealist humour.

    How about this: How many surrealists does it take to change a lightbulb?


  207. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    That joke amuses me.

  208. G Says:

    What does the scouter say about Midget’s Power level?

    IT’s, IT’s, OVER 9000!!!! Raghhhh *breaks scouter*

  209. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    That joke doesn’t.

  210. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:

    Indeed. ‘Twas just plain retarded.

  211. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    In other news, is now the literal translation of win.

  212. Oh hey! It’s Pen Island, that AWEESOME NEW ONLINE GAME! come on guys, join and add me as a friend!

  213. Wait dammit i just checked to see if it still worked… It doesnt. Didnt that place lead to a shock site back in the day?

  214. Midget52 Says:

    I thought it lead to an office supplies store. I could be wrong.

    In fact, from what you suggest, I could be VERY wrong.

  215. I remember a few years ago someone told me to go to Pen Island dot com, typing it out revealed the actual site to be penis land.

  216. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    That sounds awful. I wouldn’t want an island of pens, but a land of nothing but penises would be even worse.

    Oh the humanity.

  217. Midget52 Says:

    What’s so bad about “Who represents” ? Is this an injoke I missed in the twenty minutes that I looked away from the cameras I planted in your houses?

  218. yes, it was between when you were talking about penisland and some other shit….

    Why don’t you guys have a Gravitar?

  219. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Because I am much too awesome for that.

  220. Joey, Chief Antagonist. Says:

    And now for something completely different.

    There we were, thick as thieves, frightened by shadows in the Autumn leaves.
    We wore stolen hearts, frightened souls, aided by lies among…

    Hey oh, where did we go?
    When do we lose our sight?
    And it’s a nice show the one we perform,
    performing it day and night

    See the lights upon my face, walking in circles with the human race
    And all the little people, they want to be free, but I can’t get there cause I’ve got you holding me back.

    Hey oh, where did we go?
    When do we lose our sight?
    And it’s a nice show the one we perform,
    performing it day and night.

    And we’d be free.

    I gave you all the Earth’s skies, but you gave me night.

    Let the lights sing again.

    There we were, thick as thieves, frightened by shadows in the Autumn leaves.
    Goodbye my sweet, goodbye, goodbye…

  221. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    One day I will read all of one of Joey’s posts. Today is not that day.

  222. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    God DAMN it Joey! I told you to not only never post song lyrics again (nobody can hear the music and you look like a spammer) but I also told you to rub the lotion on it’s skin or else it gets the hose again!

  223. Corporal Peanut Says:

    Alas, poor Arreh, this was not your finest hour…

  224. Someone Else Says:

    Yay, Nondrick and his stupid face are back! Now I’ll go back to keeping my hopes low for a new update!

  225. I agree completely and wholly with putz.

  226. Corporal Peanut Says:


    Joey has done nothing wrong by posting the song, and, Mr. Putzingburg, you could always google the lyrics…

    But you knew that already, right?

    HOLD IT!

    It does not get the hose again… BECAUSE THE HOSE WAS STOLEN!

    Forgive me, I usually don’t erupt into Phoenix Wright-esque objections, it just happens!

  227. Midget52 Says:

    The HOSE was stolen? This would be a good time for a convenient personality change!

  228. Midget34 Says:

    Yes, it would, and lucky for you I lost the list, giving you a perfect Deus Ex Machina on all personalities.

    Right, let’s see…..

  229. Midget19 Says:

    Yes, please, hold the applause…

    It seems this hose has been stolen by one of us. It could be you, or you, or YOU, KEITH!

    (Your name probably isn’t Keith, but on the off chance it is, ha ha! Scared ya!)

  230. Um… Why are the midgets back? I swear that whole laser beam show at the pyramids of Egypt solved that problem. Or did you counter it with the ritual done during the vernal equinox?

  231. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Good to see a fellow MR fan.

  232. Joey, Chief Antagonist. Says:

    Corporal Peanut, you shall make a fine ally.

  233. KingFrozen Says:

    I think we need a new character to combat Corporal Peanut.

  234. Private Public Says:

    LIKE ME!

  235. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:

    *shoves Private Public aside*

    You needn’t worry, innocents! I am now here to battle this criminal!

  236. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    Vader, you have my sword.

  237. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    *Without letting anyone see, Putzy drags Private Public away into his dungeon whispering “Oh yes, this will do nicely”*

  238. G Says:

    G saw, and what he saw disturbed him greatly. Very greatly. *Rocks back and forth in the corner, muttering*

  239. Corporal Peanut Says:

    Never thought I’d see that again…

  240. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:

    *strikes Arreh down with his own sword*

    I’ve always wanted to do that, incidentally.

  241. Midget52 Says:

    How pleasantly droll you are, Vadermath. So quick-witted. A master of juxtaposition.

  242. Midget52 Says:

    That last comment was way more cynical than I meant it to sound. Sorry about that.

  243. KingFrozen Says:

    so… Midgets a cynic? And wouldn’t Vader use a lightsaber? Or Sabermath?

    fuck… i can’t believe i just made that connection…

  244. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:

    I would’ve used a lightsaber, but killing one with his own weapon is far more satisfying. Such is the way of the Sith.

    Nay, for such is the way of the Force!

  245. KingFrozen Says:

    Ok, thats just getting annoying. I vote we crack out the Banpocalypse and nuke his ass with so much bannage it isn’t fucking funny.

  246. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    I would like to take this moment to point out that as Chairman Of The Society Of Awesome People, I am really awesome.

  247. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:

    Invalid, seeing as I don’t see you wearing your title proudly.

  248. G Says:

    Your his mother?

  249. Michael Says:

    I’m the father.

  250. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:

    No, duper.

    I, am your father!

    Cue dramatic death scene.

  252. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Vadermath: If I wore my various titles in my name, then my awesomeness would decrease slightly. I just can’t take that risk when I’m so close to infinity mega-fonzies.

  253. KingFrozen Says:

    Your almost as cool as zoidberg then.

    Almost. not quite

  254. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    Fonzie visited my department once.

  255. G Says:

    Hey now that there are so many of us gathered, i think it’s time to bring back the awesome wall. Which i will allocate points to people who are awesome.

  256. Midget52 Says:

    Did I mention horrendously, ridiculously attractive you are today, G?

  257. Midget52 Says:

    Damn. Nearly a year without a grammatical error or misspelling. Ah well.

  258. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    G, I would like to be excluded from this game you’re doing, as I have too much awesome already and I just might explode if that level changes at all.

  259. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:

    Ah! You should add a 100 points to Putzy to start with, G.

    That’ll bring his total number of points to zilch.

  260. Midget52 Says:

    Can I have a point too? Please?

  261. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    Seeing as on my first post on this here site I revealed myself to be a cyber-pirate AND and cyber-ninja, I deserve at least a gajillion.

    Having said that, a man in my position does not beg for things he wants. He simply extracts them.

  262. G Says:

    Some basic Awesome wall, guranteed things that will get you points, or deducts points.
    posting something that is awesome = + depends on the level of awesome the thing you post is at.

    ~get’s you points
    100 get’s = +100 points
    1000 get’s = +250 points
    3000 get’s = +500points
    Kissing up, which is not to excessive and is just ok = +50 points
    reminiscing about good times = +50 points

    Over excessive kissing up = -100 points
    Bitching about your lw rank on awesome wall = – 200 points
    Thinking your to awesome for the game = resets score to 0.
    Gramatical errors = -50 points

    i might add more. Let the wall begin. After this.

  263. bluefearless Says:

    Also automatic +100 to everyone playing.

  264. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:

    On an unrelated note; The new Sherlock Holmes movie is bloody awesome.

  265. Corporal Peanut Says:

    I’m back, baby!

    Wow, I missed all that? I am never going to Vegas again…

    Speaking of what I missed, I think I remember this Awesome Wall back when I was a nameless lurker. Good times…

  266. Midget52 Says:

    Lukers are awesome. They are invisible, AND they can attack.

    Also, the lurkers on Starcraft are pretty cool.

  267. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    What if he wants to take up dancing?
    He can take up dancing. He can leave his friends behind. Because his friends don’t dance and if they don’t dance then they’re no friends of mine! S! A! F!-

  268. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:

    I’d like to add awesome points to Putzy for the Scrubs-safety-dance reference.

  269. I sure did get a lot of hundred gets, and a thousand get. Aiming for another thousand get soon G.
    Also, I must say you do look stunning today. Where DID you get your tie? It’s marvelous.
    And remember back when you guys thought Jackrabbit and I were the same guy? Good times…
    Also, for reference, I got the 3k get on nondrick update and 9 100 get’s after that. Just so you know. In case. And yeah.

  270. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:

    I kick arse in reminiscing old Hiatus shit, seeing as Midget(s), Michael, and I are the eldest Hiatus Crew members here! It seems Washcloth and Lantern have fallen back into hibernation.

    Remember when we threatened Chris with murdering babies in ridiculous ways? Remember when Max hurled a hundred of them off a bridge? Remember when I wrote the Hiatus Novel? Remember Putzy’s stories? Remember when we constantly pestered Chris for updates?

    Hell, Remember when we created the Hiatus Crew?

  271. I was around for the Novel, AND putzy’s stories. And we’ve always constantly pestered chris for updates. Still do.

  272. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:

    HA! But I was one of the very founders! It’s like comparing Washington and Obama.

  273. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:

    Indeed it does! Let me shove it into your face!

  274. G Says:

    corp peanut + 50 for the awesome wall reference. not sure if your playing or not.

    Vadermath +50 points for sherlock holmes movie reference, i havn’t seen it so i dont know how awesome it is. lol.

    A scrubs reference! I likes
    Putzy +200 points

    Dupersude +50 points for the compliment and another + 50 for old times.. you have to get 100’s and thousand’s gets from now on, for it to be counted on the awesome wall.

    Vadermath + 300 points for reminiscing about good times ( you did 6)

    So the awesome wall thus far:

    Vadermath: +350
    Putzy: +200
    Dupersude: +100
    Corp. peanut: +50

  275. Michael Says:

    I’m going to disappear for a while so that I may mysteriously re-surface again to gain mysterious Awesome Wall Points! Also, yeah, I’m an oldie. Been lurking for what… like a year before my first comment. DO HO HO. Also helped Lantern with out site. Most comments on it too!

  276. Corporal Peanut Says:

    Well, bye, Michal.

    Peanut Jesus! Michael leaving reminds me that I might get pulled back into service!

    I hope that doesn’t happen, the Almonds were tough enough the first time around!

  277. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Corporal Peanut, may I be the first to say WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU ON ABOUT?

  278. Corporal Peanut Says:

    Well, back when I served in the Peanut Military, I fought against the Almonds.

    The Nut’s were a peaceful society, most conflicts having been resolved long ago.

    However, the resources soon began to run out, and the Nut’s desolved into bickering Nation States.

    The Peanut’s butter fuel, the Almonds salt, the Chestnut’s ethenol. But the worst case was the Cashews oil. The oil had begun to run dry long before the other’s, so they had barely enough to keep their Military supplied.

    They didn’t last long.

    The Almonds made the first move. Seemingly in the blink of an eye, the Cashews were conquered, with their entire civilization brought to it’s knees.

    The Chestnuts opted to conserver their resoureces and, rather than launch an attack, fortified their defenses with Guerilla Warfare being effective against the Almonds attempets to invade.

    With the Cashews defeated and the Chestnuts too foritified for a successful attack, the the Peanuts were soon in their sights.

    It was a mere two months before the initial Almond assault that I singed up to serve in the Peanut Armed Forces. I served as a ground trooper, assinged to the 102nd battalion after graduating from training. I still remember the first time I was called by my full name and rank: Private William Peanut Cooper.

    My squad leader was Sergeant- Major Peanut Jhonson. It’s rather ironic that the event that led to my premotion to Corporal was caused by Jhonson’s death. But that’s another story for another time.

    Those were some of the best- and worst- years of my life serving with my squadmates. I saw many die in the war. Now that it’s over, I look back on those days with a fondness I cannot express. It was one of the greatest achievment’s in my memory, and I’m proud to have been a part of it.

    What was the point of this again? Oh, right, to tell Putzy about the Great Nut War. I hope you have found this informative, or at least interesting.

  279. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    My Grandpappy served in the Great Nut War as a Captain, though he never talked about it.

    He served on the Macadamian front – the one that all the history books choose to forget. As they say, history is written by the victors.

    He said it used to mean something, to be a Macadamia. But now… after the atrocities committed – on both sides – the pivotal role played by the Macadamia Confederation is simply ignored.

    You wonder why there are so few left? It was their regiments who were sent in first, and out last. Theirs who had the greatest burden of guilt placed upon them. The choice only ever came down to eradicating the families of their enemies, or allowing the eradication of their own families back home. Remember that it was never as black and white as it is portrayed.

    They were some of the last of the true nuts. Sure, the Peanuts called themselves nuts, but it was well known they were simply seeds.

    The Almonds? Seeds. Cashews? Seeds. The Chestnuts? Even they’re only capsules.

    And it was the Macadamia nuts that were forced to suffer for it.

    Historians talk of the Peanuts’ brilliant natural defences, of the courage of their troops, of the nation’s ability militarise close to 100%, as if that was what brought about the beginning of the end for the Almond Empire.


    The Macadamia were willing to do whatever it took to save their battered nation. For too long had they been used and abused by those who looked down on them. So yes, they targeted civilians, and yes, they engineered bio- and chemical weapons, and yes, yes they used them mercilessly.

    But ask yourself this – do you really think the Peanut Winter Defensive would have been successful, or the Cashew uprisings would have worked, or the Chestnut incursions could ever have happened had the Macadamia not collapsed the Almonds from within?

    Remember the Macadamia Confederation as a warning, certainly, as a failed state going too far as it places its head on the executioner’s block, perhaps, but remember also the sacrifice they made so that you may live in a free world.

    Your people would rather forget the Macadamia, Corporal. But when you next tell of the Great Nut War, I beseech you – forget them not.

  280. The Green Lantern Says:


  281. Corporal Peanut Says:

    Arreh… I cannot atone for the lack of history of the Macadamian involvment. However, they were some of the finest soldiers I’d ever seen.

    I remember the Battle of Marathon, when the Macadamian artillery crippled the Almond offensive. Were it not for them, Marathon would have been lost.

    A battle that sticks out in my memory, however, is the assault on Red Mountain.

    Allow me to elaborate: A month ago, I had been promoted to Private First- Class. Under Sergeant- Major Jhonson, the 102nd battalion attacked one of the most powerful Almond Military/Research bases in their Empire.

    The attack, as well as the number of units for the fight, was concieved by Admiral Greynut. We were heavilly outnumbered, and Greynut knew it. Many believed he had been secretly working for the Almonds, or (at best) the still neutral Brazil Nuts.

    The attack confirmed tho former option. It was only because of the intervention of a the Macadamian 33rd battalions tanks that we were able to push through the bunkers guarding the rim of the Mountain.

    The fighting was fierce; Before the Macadamian’s showed up, we were pinned down and seperated between a hastily dug trench and a captured enemy bunker. Jhonson had ordered our soldiers with rockets to intercept the incoming Jeeps. When the smoke cleared, they were destroyed or useless, and we could take a quick breather before the next attempt to flush us out.

    Then, we saw the Macadamian’s Tanks: They opened fire on the incoming troops, destroying their offensive force. The brief shock wore off, and the Almond commander ordered rockets on the far side of the bunkers. At his order, the rocketeer’s opened fire, sending tanks off the ridge outright destroying them. One tank took a rocket to the gun barrel while it was firing, bringing the barrel to rest on our postition.

    When it fired it blew literally blew Jhonson in half, stopping our advance. In a coordinated attack, Almond infantry charged the trench, killing most of our officers and wounding the others.

    Ina desperate move, I took command and ordered the unmanned operational Macadaimian tanks and Almond Jeeps to be captured. With most of the officers dead, no one payed much attention to who was giving the orders, and soon they were relayed to the captured bunker, being that they were closer to the wreckage.

    They obeyed, and soon we had three Jeeps and one Tank. I had the Jeeps give the impression that we were running away while I and the remaining soldiers in the trench crammed into the Tank, which we had made to look like it was inoperational.

    Soon, the enemie sent scouts past the pinned down Macadamian infantry to check if we really had fled.

    After the scouts passed we sprung the tank to life, and, as stealthily as possible in a tank, got into flanking position. We first fired on the squad pinning down the Macadamians. After the enemies attention was fully on us, we sprung out of the tank, leaving only the driver and gunner.

    Caught by surprise and being attacked from two directions at once, the Almonds soon fell; the base of Red Mountain was ours.

    That is one battle that you’ll find in the history books, and the Macadamians are mentioned. While the Macadamians never got full credit for their victories, the were mentioned, if only in their minor battles.

    Speaking of the Macadamians, you said your Grandfather was a Captain?

  282. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    That’s right. Captain Arreh Macadamia. I was given his name, and I’m proud to have it.

    It may sound odd to you that it was my Grandfather who served, but as I’m sure you’re well aware, the Macadamia have a life span roughly three times the length of your own fine race – so it’s not unusual for a Macadamia to serve in the military for generations.

    Before the war he had earned his name as a great fighter during the Macadamia Land Reclamations – the period during which the Macadamia made their first real push to retake and reunite the lands that had been theirs for millennia.

    He specialised in lightning strikes into the occupied territories – get in, take the city, and hold it until the regulars marched in. He once held a small town, with only a handful of men, for over three months before the main army body could break through the Pine nut defence.

    Obviously the Great Nut War and the Almond Aggression put a stop to Macadamian territorial ambitions, and they realised too late that a different kind of warfare would be needed against such a mighty aggressor. The Macadamia Confederation was a powerful force, certainly, but it was small, and weakened by its decades of wars.

    My Grandfather was promptly promoted to Captain, and placed in the newly formed 21st Special Air Macadamia Service – or SAMS for short.

    Large (for the small Macadamia Confederation) swathes of newly reclaimed territory were snatched by a few Almond divisions, in just a few months.. This was the start of what the Macadamia refer to as the 6 Day Wars – 6 day bursts of furious fighting, followed by a “strategic withdrawal”. If you look at it on paper, it doesn’t look too bad – hundreds of thousands of Almond (or their Pine nut underlings) casualties, against only a few thousand Macadamia dead or wounded.

    However, what you must understand is that these dead enemies were mostly new, fresh-faced recruits, faced recruits, who were blown up, mown down and (of course) destroyed from the inside by the engineered Pine Plague.

    Not only that, but to get these results the Macadamia had abandoned almost all of their territories not deemed essential to military production. So far the Macadamia hadn’t entered negotiations with any other states. Too proud, I suppose.

    Needs must, though, and in what looked like the final days of the once mighty Macadamian Empire, an agreement was reached with the Peanuts – who knows how the war would have ended, had not these two forces allied?

    This can’t quite be considered a turning point in the war, but it is certainly an important factor – and relevant to our story, as for the first time Macadamia troops (officially) fought alongside the bulk of the Peanut army.

    If you fought in the 102nd battalion during the Spring counter-offensive, you may well have met him, or those directly under his command.

    Also, I hadn’t realised the Macadamia were directly mentioned in texts on the Red Mountain, so thank you. Although I suppose they barely deserve to be, considering the way they later used the research they found there. All the same, thank you.

  283. Midget52 Says:

    This comment section is going a little nuts, I think.

  284. Corporal Peanut Says:

    Midget, was that pun intended?

    But, on to more important matters: If your talking about the Spring Offensive after the desruction of the Peanut Research Center Heliopolis, then I did meet your grandfather!

    Truthfully, I mainly heard his voice over a radio, but when we were aiding the Cashew Resistance a group of Macadamian SAMS bombed the Pine position and drew their attention for long enough to allow us to infiltrate the city and destroy their command post.

    When the planes landed, a Macadamian stepped out and introduced himself as Captain Arreh Macadamia. With their help, we were soon finished liberating several Cahsew cities in two weeks and we were able to regroup with a Peanut Naval Fleet on their way to assault an Almond base. It was then that the SAMS left to pursue the fleeing Almonds, but it would not be the last time we saw them…

    Soon, we overheard rumors that Admrial Greynut had led an attack on a neutral Brazil Nut port… while flying an Almond flag!

    Sure enough, the Fleet came across a skirmish between Pine Nut and Brazil Nut forces over a patch of forest. Thinking fast, the Captain, Joseph Peanut, asked the 102nd to intervene. We did so, and as soon as the Pine Nuts were defeated we asked the Brazil Nuts what was going on.

    Apparently, after Admiral Greynut attacked the port the Brazilian Goverment opted to respond in kind; The port was now partly under their control, but the Almonds had a slight strategic advantage in the form of the experimental weapons from Heliopolis! Admiral Greynut had smuggled weapons out of it before the Almonds “discovered” the project and attacked.

    With the Brazil Nuts facing a dilemma, it was decided to send a larger force and, if possible, appeal to the Macadamians to send aid. The Macadamians begrudgingly sent the 21st SAMS platoon.

    With the added support, we faced one of the most ferocious battles in my, and perhaps anyone there’s, career: We had to fight the JUGGERNAUT. The JUGGERNAUT was an experimental new tank being developed in Heliopolis. It was designed to be invincible from any attack, and the finished model would have no weaknesses.

    The only way we could win was by exploiting the unfinished versions main flaw: It had little to no anit-air defense.

    It was here that I saw your grandfathers unit’s skill. Nimbly they dodged through the storm of flak let loose from the anti-air guns positioned around the JUGGERNAUT. We moved in as a sort of luxury, being that our job was to neutralize the anti-air guns using our heavy artillery.

    We opened fire, destroying rows of soldiers and guns. With minor attention drawn to us, we charged the position, assaulting a superior force in an attempt to draw their fire. It worked and any flak gun that could aim down fired on us from the raised platform.

    Using buildings as cover, we dodged from alley to alley, sandbag to sandbag and trench to trench. Quickly, they forgot about the unmoving artillery.

    Big mistake.

    The tanks opened fire, catching the flaks off-guard while the SAMS moved in for the kill.

    At this point, the JUGGERNAUT tried to move, but it was built with power, not speed, in mind. The SAMS missles punctured the unfinished top,tearing through decks until they had opened up a big enough hole to take a shot at the core.

    The JUGGERNAUT made one final effort; It used the side engines to whip around and opened fire on any aircraft at the low altitude.

    Only two SAMS, assigned to take shots at the main hull, were caught in the ensuing hellstorm of lead, missles, fire and plasma from the JUGGERNAUTs main cannons. They were destroyed almost instantly, but when the JUGGERNAUT turned around it exposed it deepest gash, and the return fire from the SAMS smashed right into the core, disabling the JUGGERNAUT.

    And so Arreh, that is the story of my first encounter with your grandfather and the 21st SAMS platoon. I will never forget those days…

  285. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    Ah, it’s a small world.

    You speak there of the SAMS’ skill in aviation – and it’s true that they were gifted pilots and plane crews. However, their skill in the air never matched, for instance, the elite Pine Light Flying Corps. No, their skill lay in their ability to be dropped deep behind enemy lines, and to survive there through a mixture of extreme localised combat skill and sheer rugged determination.

    It’s rumoured that the SAMS were the unit dropped to set off the dirty bomb by the main Almond Inner Citadel. They were dropped a hundred miles away from the place, in uncharacteristically strong Autumn storms. The terrain was treacherous, and numerous Almond patrols went missing in their vicinity – suggesting, at least, that they encountered significant resistance.

    However, they were some of the best fire-teams seen in the war, and they made it right up to the Citadel’s outer ring of fortresses. In the dark of the night, they will have crept up to the fortress and, using Peanut long-range projectile launcher tech, their Captain fired the dirty bomb into the Inner City.

    Within 24 hours, 95% of the population was dead or dying from radiation sickness – and remember, there was still a significant military garrison; this was no simple act of mindless genocide.

    The 21st began their long trek back – but, as expected, they had not escaped unscathed. Around half of their initial force died as a direct result from the radiation emitted, and another quarter died on the trek back – a mixture of an early, harsh winter, and aggressive Almond troops rushing back to their precious Citadel.

    When they finally got to the pick-up, there was no-one there. They waited, but after two weeks of staking out the position, it was deemed suicidal to stay much longer. The Peanut Front was now the closest friendly territory, and so the began the long walk back. They were weakened and battered, but never down-heartened.

    As it was, the walk wasn’t as long as they had thought: they caught a Peanut Vanguard division leading that sector’s Great Push as it forced its way into Almond territory. From there, they must have managed to get back to the (now) mobile Macadamia HQ.

    As I said, it’s only rumoured that it was the Macadamia 21st – simply for the fact that it was one of the greatest war atrocities committed, no post-war government has officially stated who it was. Be that as it may, it’s a fairly undisputed fact that whichever nation ordered the attack, they never expected the unit to make it back. Fewer mouths to ask why, I suppose.

    I’ve always suspected that it was my Grandfather’s SAMS that committed the act – and also that it was he who fired the bomb. I don’t think he would have allowed the younger soldiers to bear that burden. If it was him, that would explain why he’s so quick to condemn the war and the role the Macadamia played, but so silent when asked to explain.

    I’m sure he’d be interested in your stories – especially your views on his Macadamia. However, the lifetime of fighting, and the residue radiation poisoning has taken its toll – he’s close to death. I’m sure he’d just be happy that their less contentious operations are remembered.

  286. G Says:

    Those posts are to big, i’m not reading it, maybe, one day, later, but not now.

  287. Corporal Peanut Says:

    G, I would suggest you do.

    Alas, Arreh, I would have liked to hear that your grandfather died in peace, or at least honourably.

    But, war rarely gives pardon to those who deserve it. I would like to be able to say he always affected a battle in a positive way, or that the 102nd as a whole remembered him fondly.

    This might be partly true, but in every battle the SAMS were deemed necessary in were wrought with complications and horrible casualties on our end.

    When we fought the JUGGERNAUT, two hundred Peanut soldiers from the 102nd went in… twelve came out.

    After the battle of Red Mountain, the 102nd were sent to Heliopolis for a brief shore leave; The war simply wouldn’t allow us to leave the front lines.

    At least, that was what they told us. Quite odd, considering Heliopolis was a well defended research centre with no direct connection to the conflict… but that would all change after the JUGGERNAUT was sent for “battlefield testing”.

    Not one person there was happy about sending the eleven story behemoth away before completion, but Admiral Greynut had ordered it and there still wasn’t enough evidence of his treachery to deny his orders.

    In fact, Colonel Peanut Anderson had said that I would have been promoted to Master-Corporal were it not for Greynut’s interferance…

    Actually, did you say Arreh used a long-range launcher created by the Peanuts? I believe your talking about the 177 “Catapult” launcher! It was shipped to the front lines shortly before the Almond attack on Heliopolis!

    A week later, it was the third day of March; A day that would later be known in the history books as the Fall of Heliopolis…

  288. KingFrozen Says:

    Cbf reading all the text now…

    China called, they want their wall back

  289. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:

    I suggest giving KingFrozen some points for this one.

  290. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:

    Do I get points for a good suggestion, then?

  291. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    Screw you guys.

  292. hay guys. who do you confide in when the one person you trust and can talk to is the person who will get hurt by what you need to say?

  293. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:

    Simple. You confide in said person, whilst twisting the story so that it seems to be talking about a third person.

  294. The Giant Faggot Says:

    Sounds like a plan, Vadermath!

  295. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    Make a fable out of it. Publish this fable, hidden among many others. Send them an anonymous message with the page number written on it, and then, a couple of weeks later, give them (anonymously) the ISBN of the book. They should put two and two together, find the book, and discover what they needed to.

    And if they don’t, they aren’t worth your while.

  296. Problem is it’s something along the lines of “I miss this person” and the person hearing this would be cut deeply upon hearing that i miss this person.

    I like your plan though Arreh. You wouldn’t happen to own XKCD would you?

  297. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    Yes, that’s me.

  298. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    He thinks you’re all right.

  299. Orbb Says:

    Hey everyone. I don’t know how many people will see this but I love this series. Due to my love for this series I have decided to start up my own. I am doing videos and posting them on youtube. It is very similar to this but I’m doing it on the xbox so I won’t have any mods. I will keep to the tradition of this story but try and find my own path. I have a lot of time on my hands so updates should come out frequently. Once a day at the least. You should all give it a look.

  300. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    Second commandment of Goat:

    Thou shalt not worship false idols.


  301. Emilly Orr Says:

    It is sad that, after reading through the comments, I want not so much to exhort Nondrick’s adventures onward, but exhort blog entries in general, just to see what the commenters will do!

    *sits back and makes preemptive popcorn*

  302. You have the same first name as my ex (with the small difference of an “L”). She wanted to cheat on me. I don’t like my ex.
    But you use proper grammar and punctuation, so you can’t be HALF as bad as her!

  303. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:

    That was…quite a welcome, dupersude.

  304. The Green Lantern Says:

    Stop, you have violated the law! You must pay the court a fine or serve your sentence. Your stolen goods are now forfeit.

  305. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:

    Holy crap, it’s Lantern!

    Hold. The phone.

    I’m the Orwellian Policeman here, bitch! That’s my line!

  306. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    Take it from him.

    Do it.

  307. The Green Lantern Says:

    Anyone know of any good online free(I’m a cheapo) virus scans? I got a virus that disabled the one I normally use(AVG). Links please, because it seems to have fucked up my ability to google anything.

  308. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    I’m trying to post a link to avast, but wordpress doesn’t like it. I’ll try this:


  309. The Green Lantern Says:

    I really don’t care if it’s pirated.

    I’ve been trying Avast all day, but the site won’t load for me. I got AVG to work again, but I think that only quarantines.

  310. G Says:

    Shit, I like totally neglected the awesome wall. Damn, i’ll do it later. Procrastinaiton 🙂

  311. Procrastination is what got me a B+ grade on an assignment I did overnight, 3 weeks late, the term AFTER it was due. 😀

  312. Tony Says:

    Just found this blog and it’s amazing! I had to go pickup a copy of Oblivion. Keep up the good work!

  313. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Keep up the false hope!

  314. CON-Troll Says:


    Have Frohman show up in Oblivion.

  315. Midget52 Says:

    Riding a Goat!

    Wait, that’s not a crossover. Nevermind.

  316. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    Still fun, though.

  317. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    It’s kinda a crossover. Because Nondrick spawned our Goat meme.

  318. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:

    Also, Fallout 3, the only other RPG Chris really liked, contains a G.O.A.T.

  319. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    Dupersude, those were dirty, dirty tactics to get the 4000.

  320. Well fuck me Arreh. I think you ARE Peanut. Have I foiled your ingenious scheme?

  321. Corporal Peanut Says:

    Arreh isn’t me! I’m me! I just haven’t posted in a while.

  322. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    Silly people. My prose style and general grammar is far superior to Peanut’s. Who isn’t even a real nut.

    God I wish I was asleep.

  323. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Nice save, but we gotta trim down those pauses.

  324. His pause was only a minute long, factor in connection lag etc. etc. and I think Arreh didn’t do TOO badly this time…

  325. Midget52 Says:

    I think that any pause that is on the positive side of a number line by even an infintisemal amount is still inexcusable.

    Therefore, we should burn him.

  326. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:

    Or throw him off a bridge, like we would a baby!

  327. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Did nobody get my Concerned reference? I am disappoint.

  328. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    I got it. Also, to be fair, I actually slammed the stop button on my broswer before it said it had sent it. But then I refreshed and it had sent. Bastard browser.

  329. Corporal Peanut Says:

    In my defense, I wrote those war stories at two in the morning. It’s kinda hard to remember to proofread when my nocturnal perserverance is also related to gaining a special gaming tip (cookie for reference).

  330. Midget52 Says:

    And in my defense, a synth isn’t exactly the best instrument to play mellow jazz on. Though it works well with jazz funk.

    Right, well, I’m off to . See you next week!

  331. Michael Says:

    Guys! I return with good news indeed! Chris has plans to make a new update!

  332. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:

    The fuck? It hasn’t even been three months yet!

  333. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:


  334. Corporal Peanut Says:

    JESUS. H. TAPDANCING CHRIST! You had me going for a there! Don’t even joke about Chris updating! Everyone knows that only the power of cosmic radiation, unleashed by a planetary alignment, can cause Chris to update.

  335. Corporal Peanut Says:

    GODDAMNIT! I’ve got to start proofreading these things…

  336. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    I actually considered doing that. However, there are some things you just don’t joke about.

  337. Michael Says:

    Arreh, I joke about everything, everywhere and everyxxxxx

  338. The Green Lantern(Scourge of the Galazy) Says:

    It’s my birthday today.

    In other news, my friends and I are starting a Star Wars Dnd. I’m thinking of rolling a sith Yoda. Think it’d be cool if he were named Craig? Darth Craig, scourge of the galaxy.

  339. Michael Says:

    Happy vagina-plop-day, Lantern! Oh, and yes. Craig.


    In other news, happy birthday Lantern! My ex best friends is today, my girlfriends is tomorrow, her ex best friend is the day after, mine is on the 11th, as is my ex’s, and two other girls i went to primary/high school with. My cousins is on the 17th. My uncle is on the 18th (or there abouts) and another friends is on the 20th. So many april birthdays…

  341. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:


  342. Corporal Peanut Says:

    Happy Birthday, Lantern!

  343. G Says:

    Happy Belated Birthday Lantern ( It was yesterday right? If it was today, then happy birthday Lantern) Ahhh, I have returned.

  344. Michael Says:

    G, press the link in my name to see how awesome I am, so that I can get more awesome points!

  345. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:



  346. Michael Says:


  347. Someone Says:

    Woot, he’s back! 😀

  348. Simon Says:


  349. Joey, Chief Antagonist. Says:


  350. Joey, Chief Antagonist. Says:

    If you read this… I rock. 😀 And I have a blog you guys can read.

  351. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:

    Yes. We can. But we don’t want to.

  352. Michael Says:

    You have to link to it, Joey. I forgot the url.

  353. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    Jeez, I leave this place alone for just a coupla days, and you guys let someone destroy the beautiful 4000 post count?

    Way to go.

    Also, happy birthdays where appropriate.

  354. Corporal Peanut Says:

    I would like to read Joey’s blog, if he would give a url.

    Also, yes, the 4000 post count was destroyed. I never thought I would see the day…

  355. Michael Says:

    So, guys, what we gonna do now? I’m kind of bored here.

  356. Midget52 Says:

    Don’t worry, I’m back. You can stop being bored while I completely explain the First Amendment of the Australian Constitution in a style that is in no way copy-pasted from wikipedia.

    The Australian referendum of 12 December 1906 approved an amendment to the Australian constitution related to the terms of office of federal senators. Technically it was a vote on the Constitution Alteration (Senate Elections) Act, 1906, which after being approved in the referendum received the Royal Assent on 3 April 1907. The amendment moved the date of the beginning of the term of members of the Senate from 1 January to 1 July so that elections to the federal House of Representatives and the Senate could occur simultaneously.

    The 1906 vote was the first referendum ever held in the Commonwealth of Australia and concerned the first amendment proposed to the constitution since its enactment. Only one question was put to the voters at that time.

  357. Michael Says:


    yo ar a fgt

  358. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    Nice, nice.

  359. Midget52 Says:

    I will let it go for $20, But only if you pay by credit card.

  360. silencer Says:

    hi I have been reading this from the start but have not commented.
    @hiautus crew you guys are awsome.
    @chris keep up the good work.
    @putzy please do more SOME WHAT INTRESTING TAILS

  361. silencer Says:

    oh yeah sorry if my picture changes i’ve got to switch between pc and psp

  362. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Hah! you guys got a general “you guys”, I got a name mention! Suck on that, nobody!
    Welcome silencer.

  363. silencer Says:

    cheers putzy but to be honest I can only remember vadermath,you and G in the hiautus crew

  364. G Says:

    I will Putzy if you will.

    Anyhu, I also miss those tales, Where be the tales of many adventures I used to enjoy reading?

  365. silencer Says:

    any chance of me joining the hiautus crew?

  366. silencer Says:

    damn I keep spelling tales wrong

  367. G Says:

    Awesome, I was remembered.

    I give you my invite to the HC.

  368. silencer Says:

    thanks G

  369. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Don’t you feel like a gangsta mo fuckah when talking to G? I know I do. Sure, you have my invite. What the heck, I’m on holiday.

  370. silencer Says:

    thanks putzy but I dont feel like a gangster

  371. silencer Says:

    sorry about the double post but how could I forget about green lantern

  372. Midget52 Says:

    I find this punishment acceptable. You have my support, sir!

  373. silencer Says:

    thanks midget and that bullet really hurt

  374. Nothing personal, but you remind me of Joey when he first came along, CONSTANTLY posting. Except you don’t use punctuation which irritates the fuck out of me.
    Oh, and I didn’t get recognition.

  375. silencer Says:

    sorry dupersude for not remembering you and not using punctuation.
    I’ve got a memory like a siv.

  376. silencer Says:

    tell you what I’ve been through all the past comments and I will write a list of everyone that I forgot.
    Coreperal peanut,
    Arreh and washcloth.
    To all people above sorry I forgot you.

  377. G Says:

    There’s no need to be sorry to joey.

  378. Midget52 Says:

    There’s always need to be sorry FOR Joey.

  379. silencer Says:

    Has anyone seen district 9?
    I want to know if its any good before I pick it up.

  380. G Says:

    Hmm, looking back at the last page, Dupersude you have been a very bad boy, you posted more then once to get the 4000 get. Bad. You will have to go into Putzy’s basement.

    Also who was the fag that posted afterwards?

  381. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:

    We all had cybersex with each other at some point around here, so “fag” could apply to everyone.

  382. silencer Says:

    He has a point.

  383. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:

    Silence, silencer! You aren’t allowed to contribute to conversations until you are approved by every member of the Crew.

  384. silencer Says:

    Do you give me approval vadermath?

  385. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:

    What did I say about you talking?

  386. G – I had to. I couldn’t let a nice neat 10 get powercombo just slip through my fingers like that. You know what they say: Alls fair in love and gets.

    And i lol’d at the Joey comments.

    And Silencer seems to be cleaning his act up a bit….
    … But Vadermath has been here longer than me so you should do as he says.

  387. Michael Says:

    How the fuck could you forget about me? Also you spelled my name wrong ;_;

    I has a sad.

  388. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Also silencer, you have to come into my basement for…for…coffee. And gratuitous rape.

  389. silencer Says:

    Please for the love of Goat dont make me go down there!
    Also please let me join the Hiautus crew.*Gets down on knees and begs*
    Sorry for talking vadermath.

  390. G Says:

    I kinda like him, he’s nice and obediant, kind of.
    Also, sorry to say, but you won’t be able to join unless you went into the basement, we’ve all been there, we’ve all experienced it. Some liked it, some disliked it, but we have ALL done it.

  391. Michael Says:

    Also, silencer, you need to get my consent that I wish you to join, otherwise, fuck you. So, do something entertaining and I’ll see what I think.

  392. G Says:

    Oh this was an epic conversation.

    Person A”Bush Rulz”
    Person B”Bush Sux”
    Person A”You Sux”
    Person B”Ur Gay”
    Person A”Ur Mom Gay”
    Person B”Ur Mom Sux Bush”
    Person A”Ur Um. Gay”

  393. silencer Says:

    Fine I will go to putzys basement but that doesnt mean I will enjoy it. Oh yeah I also hate irrelivent spam, I would kill him/her/it by slowly dunking it in acid. Then when it is half dead I would put it in a room with a knife and play jedward songs until it took its own life and a goat would pee on the body.

  394. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    I like this subservient silencer guy.

    I don’t remember if I’m actually part of the hiatus crew, but damnit I’ve been lurking here since post one of Nondrick, so I’m close enough.

    Anyway, I think he should be some sort of Hiatus Crew groupie.

  395. Midget52 Says:

    I think he has the whole attitude down pat. Let the poor kid in! He’s so adorable and psychotic!

  396. Corporal Peanut Says:

    I know I haven’t been here that long, and my experiance in Putzy’s basement are still quite recent and painful(so very, very painful).

    However, if my vote counts for something I like him; He’s obediant, attentive, and has great potential.

    I must confess, I have been caught off guard by a recent change in my life. I don’t know how to phrase this so I’ll just put it bluntly: I’m being pulled back into service. The Brazil Nuts goverment has been usurped by a rebel faction. Their first move was to establish complete loyalty among the Brazil Nuts. They attacked without warning, and are quickly burning through our defenses and our intel. Already they have made heavy fortifications in our capital province(Peanutario).

    As such, there is my brief explanation for my brief absense(that nobody noticed). I hope that this will end soon.
    Before you ask; Yes, I am unsubtly attempting to replace Putzy’s Tales.

  397. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Look out your window Peanut.

  398. Corporal Peanut Says:

    Look out my window? Why do you want me t-OHMYGODOHFUCK

  399. silencer Says:

    That was not pleasent in putzys basement and I think I only need michael and vadermaths invite. YAY

  400. Midget52 Says:

    You think you have it tough. Try going through it 53 times. He changes it every third person, to keep it fresh. Let me know if he still has the Gamelan set and the egg whisk.

  401. Joey Says:

    YOU JUST GOT LINKED! :zelda.jpg:

    Personally I was treated to the Chess variation, Midget.

  402. silencer Says:

    @ midget no it was bare with a table and a bed.Also there was some marks on the wall like someone was counting the days so creepy.
    @Michael you want something entertaining then this is it. In school today (Im 17) we were doing atheletics in PE and I was doing the heave throw when I was half way through the throw my bag split. The wheight came out and flew across the yard and hit someone in the head and knocked him flying. It was so FUCKING FUNNY.
    There you go Michael is that good enough for your invite?

  403. Michael Says:

    I must admit I cracked a smile, but… say… how… how good are you at [B]polishing spears[/b]?

  404. silencer Says:

    Not bad.
    I think?

  405. Michael Says:

    Then get down on your knees, open your mouth, and start polishing my spear.

  406. silencer Says:

    Oh ha ha ha. Do I need to do this to get my approval?

  407. Michael Says:

    Yes, of course.

  408. silencer Says:

    Fine *gets down on knees and polishes the spear* Jesus that was sticky now give me my invite like you said you would.

  409. Michael Says:

    You call that polishing? Well, I guess that’ll do… but, you have to undress in order to get my recommendation as House Hlaalu’s Hortator.

  410. silencer Says:

    Ok I will but you had better give me my invite. *takes off clothes in a sexy manner*
    There happy? Now give me my invite.

  411. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    I dislike this spear polishing. You lose my invite.

  412. silencer Says:

    You basterd. What do I have to do to get back your invite?

  413. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    Get everyone’s approval.

  414. G Says:

    hm? But that in itself is a paradox, how can he get everyones approval, without getting yours as well.

    What you should have said is, Get everyone elses approval.

  415. Corporal Peanut Says:

    Okay, let’s read off the list:

    Approved by:
    Dupersude(I think)
    Putzy(Who tried to murder me)

    Not approved by:
    Washcloth(Chasing the Cliff-Racers from Morrowind)
    Green Lantern(In hibernation)

    • Corporal Peanut Says:

      How could I forget? There we have it: The list of people Silencer has been approved by, and those whos approval he still needs(with information on Lantern and Washcloth’s current status).

  416. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    That’s a good list. Sorry about that murder attempt. Shit happens.

  417. silencer Says:

    So really I’ve just got to get arrehs. But wait a second that means I need lanterns and washcloths(who I doubt we will see anytime soon)invites.
    God this is going to take a while.
    Thanks for writing the list.

  418. Midget52 Says:

    Now no one can say our neurotic, paranoid, completely bat-shit bananas organisation isn’t organised!

  419. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    Nono, you misunderstand. When I said get everyone’s approval, I meant everyone’s. Including mine.

    Of course it’s a paradox! I’m in the ministry of love, torturing people is what I do.

    And I think lantern and washcloth can be excused the vote here.

    In that case, silence, write a 50 word (EXACTLY) short essay on the history of the Hiatus Crew, including whatever you see fit.

    If any current member of the Hiatus crew approves of it (without another disapproving), you have my vote. You have until midnight. At which point I will be asleep, and you will have another 12 hours or so.


  420. silencer Says:

    The hiautus crew was founded by vadermath, green lantern and washcloth in 2009. Since then many more people have joined such as midgets1-52,G,king frozen, micheal,corporal peanut,dupersude,arreh and many more.

    The Hiautus rules are as follows: Thou shall capitalize Goat.
    Joining the Hiautus crew involves rape.

  421. silencer Says:

    That do it? and please dont dissagree anyone I’ve always wanteed to be inthe Hiautus crew.

  422. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:

    What? You left out Max, our founding father!

  423. silencer Says:

    Um that isnt a dissagreement right.

  424. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:


    It’s outright denial.

  425. silencer Says:

    I’ve got a fealing you’ve got it in for me vadermath.
    Is this true?

  426. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:

    Let me put it this way; When you feel the dagger steadily sinking into your back, you’ll know it’s actually a lightsaber.

    Because it will burn.

  427. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    Vadermath is Chief of the (highly respected) Thought Police. If he disapproves, then I remain unimpressed.

    Win him over, silence.

    No invitation granted.

  428. silencer Says:

    Right vadermath what do I have to do to win you over?

  429. G Says:

    You forgot Max?

    Son, I am dissapoint.

  430. dupersude Says:

    I could have sworn the crew was founded in ’08, on the Hiatus post. then there was A bitter brew, and then “nondrick update” which is where i started posting, and now of course The Alchemists Code.
    But yeah. Just sayin’.

  431. Midget52 Says:

    That sounds accurate. Although you forgot the baby cannibalism and INFANTONIUM(c)!

  432. silencer Says:

    I couldnt fit in baby cannibalism and infantonium because I could only write 50 words.

  433. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    Also, I’m pretty sure that’s only 45 words.

  434. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:

    Also, yeah, the Crew was founded in late ’08, IIRC.

  435. G Says:

    On that note, someone should really write our history down, or archive all comments from hiatus to this one, just in case something were to happen to the comments.

  436. Michael Says:

    Our site, anyone? Also, who told you you got my approval? You might have to do a few things more before you REALLY get my invite. Also, I laughed at the end of your essay. You got it right there(not the invite, but keep trying)!

  437. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:

    @G: I actually had all of them (by that point) archived in a txt file somewhere.

  438. silencer Says:

    Michael I think thats the first nice thing you said to me.

  439. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    Treasure this moment always.

  440. Michael Says:

    Silencer, then you better keep it up to hear more good things from me.

  441. G Says:

    You did Vadermath? Awesome, I also think we need a new site. Not that I have anything against the site, it’s to bland, anyone got any nifty programming skillz they have been keeping quiet?

  442. Midget52 Says:

    Well, I AM an expert in Visual Basic. So, assuming you want to make a website that only I can visit, that is contained completely in one word document, then I’ll be right on it!

  443. Michael Says:

    Sounds good, Midget52! Get right on it!

  444. G Says:

    Yeah totally. The reason we need a website is to archive our awesomeness.
    We need a chat at the very least…hmmm.

  445. G Says:

    I Do Not Object.

  446. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    If we don’t archive all this, how can Hollywood make a movie about us?

  447. G Says:

    Someone totally needs to archive this and make a better site. Anyone got any nifty web programming skillz they were previously hidin’?

  448. Michael Says:

    I’m behind successful game dev companies like Valve, Bioware, Blizzard, Activision and Infinity Ward.

  449. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:

    Hang on to your underwear guys, for a new chapter of the Hiatus Novel will be coming to you by the end of the weekend!

  450. Michael Says:

    /me falls out of underwear

  451. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:

    Unfortunately, I’ve lost a chapter, which means some bits of the story will be rewritten.

    I’ll post all of the (back in action, effective immediately) Novel, or rather everything written up so far, including the new chapter, and the last two I had to change.

    I need to get back to writing and humour, I’ve been waaay to serious for the past year for my own good!

  452. G Says:

    I still havn’t read the hiatus novel, I was gonna get around to reading it one day, anyone got a link?

  453. Corporal Peanut Says:

    Vadermath… is actually rewriting the Hiatus Novel?! This is the happiest day of my life…

  454. Michael Says:

    G, you can find them at our head quarters.

  455. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    Michael, I just clicked on your link.

  456. Vadermath, Chief Of The Thought Police Says:


  457. Michael Says:

    I warned you, Arreh.

  458. Corporal Peanut Says:


    I knew I shouldn’t have looked, I just wanted to see what it was…

    I have seen many disgusting things on the Internet, but that’s the most frightening out of all of them.

  459. The Ministry of Love now has its newest weapon, though.

    We take dissidents in, put them in a Virtual Reality chamber and BAM! we play your site, looping through the images, nonstop.

    Possibly to the sound of “Never gonna give you up”.

  460. G Says:

    I on the other hand, have not visited the site, I usually google links in peoples names before going on them, this is a good stragety of avoiding shock sites.

  461. I usually google links that I can’t see. Michael was obviously waiting for the one day I let down my guard.

  462. Michael Says:

    Arreh, always standing by for the strike…

  463. G Says:

    Or are you?

  464. G Says:

    Oh I clicked the link in Arreh’s name, expecting to be rick roll’d, I did, but i’m immune to the affect of rick roll bitchs! Ha! Take that Arreh.

  465. dupersude Says:


  466. Corporal Peanut Says:

    Actually, I rather like the song. I suppose that’s why I’m never angry about getting Rick Roll’d.

  467. Midget52 Says:


  468. ShweeBish Says:

    DOH! I quit checking for Nondrick updates and the new one comes out about a week later.

    Whats the average life-span of an NPC?

  469. ShweeBish Says:

    i have a feeling this will be the very last one

  470. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    Wait, how have you only seen the first Doctor Who episode with Matt Smith?

  471. ted sheckler Says:


  472. Michael Says:




    OH LOVE*fade*

    Yes, I just typed that out.

  473. Corporal Peanut Says:

    Well, Arreh, the new Doctor Who series has only aired the first episode for North American audiences. I did recently get to see it on Saturday, and it was, in fact, awesome.

  474. dupersude Says:

    Arreh, from which country do you hail? I’m pretty sure you’ve mentioned it before but i’m too lazy to go back and check. England i think?

    Michael, my girlfriend and i were having a soppy moment lastt night and she said something along the lines of “I want to be with you… Always..”
    Is it unhealthy that one of the maain things on my mind was to start singing that song?

  475. Corporal Peanut Says:

    I thought Arreh was from Austrailia…

    Also, ahem…

    Hello darkness my old friend
    I’ve come to talk with you again

    Because a vision
    Softley creeping

    Left it’s seeds
    While I was sleeping

    And the vision
    That was planted in my brain

    Still remains

    Within the sound
    Of silence

    In restless dreams
    I walked alone

    Narrow streets
    Of cobblestone

    ‘Neath the halo
    Of a street lamp

    I turned my collar
    To the cold and damp

    When my eyes were stabbed
    By the flash of a neon light

    That split the night

    And touched the sound
    Of silence

    And in the naked light I saw
    Ten thousand people, maybe more

    People talking
    Without speaking

    People hearing
    Without listening

    People writing songs
    That voices never shared

    No one dared…

    Disturb the sound
    Of silence

    “Fools,” Said I
    “You do not know!”

    “Silence, like a cancer, grows,”
    “Hear my words ‘that I might teach you,”

    “Take my arms ‘that I might reach you.”

    But my words,
    like silent raindrops, fell

    Echoed, in the
    Wells of silence

    And the people bowed and prayed
    To the neon god they made

    And the sign
    Flashed out it’s warning

    In the words
    That it was forming

    And the sign said

    “The words of the prophets are written in the subway halls,”

    “And tenement halls.”

    Whisper the sounds…
    Of silence…*fade out*

    Personally, I find this song oddly comforting when my terrible luck catches up with me.

  476. Midget52 Says:

    Arreh can’t be from Australia, as they only had the first Doctor Who recently as well. I checked.

    I may have too much free time.

  477. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    I’m from Angleland. Australia is for convicts and sexists.

  478. John Smith Says:

    Me also.

  479. Arreh Says:

    Nah, I don’t mean it.

    Also John Smith was meant to reply, but it was too complicated in the end.

  480. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    I’m from Terra Australis Incognita.

  481. Midget52 Says:

    I’m from .

    Damn, I wish that would stop happening. It makes it really difficult to post letters.

  482. Michael Says:

    That makes me moist.

  483. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    That moists me make.

  484. G Says:

    Atta boy Arreh, now take of your pants.

  485. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    No, G, that’s my thing. Now you can both take your pants off, and Joey you too, and come into my basement.

  486. Midget52 Says:

    I feel safe in the knowledge that none of the comments above affect me in any way. Except for the ones that do. They make me feel nervous.

  487. Arreh Says:

    I ain’t goin’ no basement.

  488. Michael Says:


  489. G Says:

    Lol. Rofl. Fag. U suk.

  490. G Says:

    Death, isn’t afraid of me.

  491. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    Kind of an important point to muck up there.

  492. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Yeah that was quite a failure.

  493. Michael Says:

    You will fail.

  494. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    You will fall.

  495. Midget52 Says:

    I guess falling is a type of failure. A failure at verticality.

  496. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    And I guess failing is a type of falling. A falling of success.

  497. G Says:

    I would say its falling from success.

  498. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    I would say it’s success from falling.

  499. G Says:

    I would say, wheres Vadermath?

  500. Matteo Says:

    This is epic!

  501. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Fourth Says:

    Hello all! I am Putzy Von Putzingburg the Fourth. My father sent me here to learn about my duties, which he said involved standing around talking with strangers and raping people in his basement.

  502. G Says:

    Welcome Putzy the 4th, however seen as your not your father, watch out for basement joey, whom your father reguarly abuses, and michael.

  503. Corporal Peanut Says:

    Putzy had a son? I knew he would have had some offspring considering his… tendencies. Also, as G said, welcome!

    Although, I think your father may have misinformed you; He only raped anyone new, and it is conducted as a ritual of initiation

    Also, we do just stand around and talk. I remember your father used to tell tales that livened-up boring periods of conversation. Of course, he stopped telling his tales and many have tried to replace them. I myself have attempted to substitute with recountings of the Great Nut War.

    Of course, there has yet to be a real replacement. Maybe his son should take his place?

  504. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Fourth Says:

    I am no where near ready to attempt such an art as the TALES OF SOMEWHAT INTERESTING PLOTS, that will be my final lesson when I am about to take over the family business, whatever that may be.

  505. Midget52 Says:

    It’s nice to see a family business in the modern world, what with all the multinational corporations. It’s reassuring to the little people.

  506. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    I don’t know what you lot thought of Corporal Peanut’s recounts of the Great Nut War, but I’ll be damned if my contributions are brushed away. You just don’t get quality like that nowadays.

    Anyway, looks like one of the rapes paid off, and here you are, Putzy the fourth. Welcome.

  507. Michael Says:

    Wow, a new guy for me to abuse? Sounds good to me!

  508. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Fourth Says:

    There has been some confusion as to which rape paid off, as apparently none of you are female.
    And Michael, my father told me to give you this non-desript box, then run away. So here you go.

  509. Michael Says:

    What? Oh, let me just ope- OH GOD NO FUCK FUCK SHIT

  510. Midget52 Says:

    Unless it involves an egg whisk, I would like to know the contents of that box. Sharing is caring!

  511. Michael Says:

    Words cannot describe the abomination that I just saw.

  512. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    Maybe you should express it through the medium of dance.

  513. silencer Says:

    Im back baby.
    Also check out my site at
    (copy and paste)

  514. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:


    Anyway, we already have a site.

  515. dupersude Says:

    And on the same domain too.

  516. Midget52 Says:

    Yes, but this one is newer and shinier! Get with the times! Our old site is so last tuesday!

  517. dupersude Says:

    It’s equally shiny though, it even has the same background!
    Also, anybody else on here played saints row 2?

  518. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    I was all like RARRRGHHH too, then I tried actually playing it on my pc and was all like RARRRGHHH, but for different reasons.

  519. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    And silencer, I actually live right by you. I might even know you – what’s your name? You go to Worcester Sixth, or Pershore, or what?

  520. silencer Says:

    No I dont I just forgot to change the location and its only a testing site.I run it through webs as I was looking to make a website so I clicked on the link on the bottom of your site. If you could think of any way to improve my site could you tell me?

  521. Midget52 Says:

    Black jack! And Hookers! In fact, forget the black jack! Ahhhh, forget the whole thing.

  522. Michael Says:

    Midget52, I saw that coming.

  523. G Says:

    My theory is that Joey is the female, or a hermaphrodite. So Putzy the fourth my by Putzy the third’s and Joey’s child.

  524. Plinar Says:




  525. Corporal Peanut Says:

    Good for you, so are the rest of us.

  526. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    Speak for yourself.

  527. Midget52 Says:

    Do you mean alive in the literal sate, as in a state of being or conciousness, or alive in the figurative sense, meaning active or lively? It’s just we don’t want to get confused.

  528. dupersude Says:

    It’s too late for Joey anyway, already being confused.
    Sexually, that is.

  529. Basement Joey Says:

    *a surprisingly hot female crawls out of The Basement* Where is my son?

  530. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Fourth Says:

    * tranquillizer gun*
    Get back in the fucking basement, mum.

  531. Michael Says:

    Why use tranquillizers when there’s

  532. G Says:

    Why use that when theres Joey’s fac – damn, that one can’t work.

    Back to plan B.

  533. Midget52 Says:

    Infantonium on standby…

  534. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Fourth Says:

    I legally own Paraguay now. Funny, story, massive technical loophole in their law system.

  535. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    This reminds me of the time I accidentally sold Hawaii to the Americans.

    And 600 GET. Heheheheheheheehhe.

  536. Michael Says:

    >implying GETS aren’t for fags

  537. dupersude Says:

    I take offence to that Michael, you bastard.

  538. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    I only got it because I wanted to rub it in dupersude’s face.

    And you walk in here, Michael, with your 4chan-faggotry, and have the audacity to claim GETs are for fags?

    4chan is built on GETs.

    I bet Michael was the EFG who pushed our 4000 count over the edge. Not that I’m bitter, or anything.

  539. Michael Says:

    >implying you aren’t a fag

  540. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:


  541. Michael Says:

    >implying I wasn’t my link all along

  542. dupersude Says:

    You’re right, you were your link all along Michael.
    Too bad that “all along” your link has been to and you only just changed it to

  543. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    I hate

  544. Midget52 Says:

    It’s better than

  545. dupersude Says:

    But I LOVE business supplies.

  546. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    This internet depresses me.

  547. Michael Says:

    I agree dupersude, I came up with that changing link earlier would be neat, but sadly I came up with it AFTER I had pressed submit.

  548. dupersude Says:

    Damn straight it would have been neat. Neat like yo’ mamma’s landing strip.

  549. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Fourth Says:


  550. dupersude Says:

    I said skin, not brofist. God DAMN it.

  551. Midget52 Says:

    no /noʊ/ [noh] adjective, noun,pluralnoes, nos, verb
    1.(a negative used to express dissent, denial, or refusal, as in response to a question or request)
    2.(used to emphasize or introduce a negative statement): Not a single person came to the party, no, not a one.
    3.not in any degree or manner; not at all (used with a comparative): He is no better.
    4.not a (used before an adjective to convey the opposite of the adjective’s meaning): His recovery was no small miracle.
    5.not a (used before a noun to convey the opposite of the noun’s meaning): She’s no beginner on the ski slopes.
    –noun utterance of the word “no.”
    7.a denial or refusal: He responded with a definite no.
    8.a negative vote or voter: The noes have it.
    –verb (used with object) reject, refuse approval, or express disapproval of.
    –verb (used without object) express disapproval.
    —Idiom can do, Informal. it can’t be done.

    bef. 900; ME; OE nā, equiv. to ne not + ā ever (see ay1)

  552. dupersude Says:


  553. Michael Says:

    wat wat, in da butt

  554. Arreh Says:

    butt   /bʌt/ [buht]
    1.the end or extremity of anything, esp. the thicker, larger, or blunt end considered as a bottom, base, support, or handle, as of a log, fishing rod, or pistol. end that is not used or consumed; remnant: a cigar butt.
    3.a lean cut of pork shoulder.
    4.Slang. the buttocks.
    5.Slang. a cigarette.

    1400–50; late ME bott (thick) end, buttock, OE butt tree stump (in place names); akin to Sw but stump, Dan but stubby; cf. buttock

  555. dupersude Says:


    • Midget52 Says:

      game1    /geɪm/ [geym] noun, adjective, gam·er, gam·est, verb, gamed, gam·ing.
      1. an amusement or pastime: children’s games.
      2. the material or equipment used in playing certain games: a store selling toys and games.
      3. a competitive activity involving skill, chance, or endurance on the part of two or more persons who play according to a set of rules, usually for their own amusement or for that of spectators.
      4. a single occasion of such an activity, or a definite portion of one: the final game of the season; a rubber of three games at bridge.
      5. the number of points required to win a game.
      6. the score at a particular stage in a game: With five minutes to play, the game was 7 to 0.
      7. a particular manner or style of playing a game: Her game of chess is improving.
      8. anything resembling a game, as in requiring skill, endurance, or adherence to rules: the game of diplomacy.
      9. a trick or strategy: to see through someone’s game.
      10. fun; sport of any kind; joke: That’s about enough of your games.
      11. wild animals, including birds and fishes, such as are hunted for food or taken for sport or profit.
      12. the flesh of such wild animals or other game, used as food: a dish of game.
      13. any object of pursuit, attack, abuse, etc.: The new boy at school seemed to be fair game for practical jokers.
      14. Informal . a business or profession: He’s in the real-estate game.
      15. Archaic . fighting spirit; pluck.
      16. pertaining to or composed of animals hunted or taken as game or to their flesh.
      17. having a fighting spirit; plucky.
      18. Informal . having the required spirit or will (often fol. by for or an infinitive): Who’s game for a hike through the woods?
      –verb (used without object)
      19. to play games of chance for stakes; gamble.
      –verb (used with object)
      20. to squander in gaming (usually fol. by away ).

      bef. 1000; ME gamen, OE gaman; c. OHG gaman glee

      —Related forms
      gameless, adjective
      gamelike, adjective
      gameness, noun
      un·game·like, adjective

      3. sport, contest, competition. 9. scheme, artifice, stratagem, plan, plot, venture. 11, 13. prey, quarry. 17. brave, bold, intrepid, dauntless, fearless.

  556. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Fourth Says:

    I stopped caring about the game before I knew about it.

  557. dupersude Says:

    I want him to give a definition though.

  558. Michael Says:

    Midget52, fucking magnets
    how do they work?

  559. Midget52 Says:

    Positive charge of some metals attract metals with the opposite charge. This is due to the magnetic field produced by some ferromagnetic substances, that is substances without a complete outer shell of electrons.

    That was information of the top of my head, by the way. Also, I wouldn’t advise fucking magnets. Unless you feel attracted to them.

  560. Arreh Says:

    No, no, man, like, [i]how[/i] do they work. Like, [i]how[/i] do they [i]work[/i].

    Because I’ll tell you something. We have no idea.

    [i]No fucking idea, man[/i].

    (I hope my italics work. Please let them work)

  561. Midget52 Says:

    I really thought I covered that. Have you people not been paying attention?

  562. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Fourth Says:

    What are we talking about again?

  563. Arreh Says:

    Wait, who are you?

  564. G Says:

    Italics? Italics are awesome. Did I do it rights?

  565. G Says:

    AWESOME SAUCE, It’s Italics! YAY! I’ can write in teh Italics now. From this dat forth, May the 7th, it will be known as Italic day.

  566. Lemon Says:

    So… You are all obviously males… Ugh… Sometimes, I am so glad to be female…

  567. Midget52 Says:

    Way to drop a hint there. Very subtle.

    Before we start the conversation that is bound to originate from this, do you plan to be a regular comment(-ee? -or? -ist?) or was that the extent of your contribution?

  568. dupersude Says:

    The italics or the women? If in fact you mean the latter, then quick! Someone get a goddamn kitchen in here to contain them!

  569. dupersude Says:


  570. G Says:

    Shit, I only wanted May the 7th to be italics day. What Have I done?!

  571. Midget52 Says:

    Let me try something….

  572. Corporal Peanut Says:

    Wait, what just happened? Did someone divide by zero?

  573. dupersude Says:

    Something along those lines. What has science done, etc etc.

  574. Midget52 Says:

    This is not going well. I beleive I started somethingTERRIBLE

  575. dupersude Says:


  576. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Fourth Says:

    Well it’s safe to say we are all screwed.

  577. dupersude Says:

    How do you bold shit anyway? Do you use HTML tags? This is a test.

  578. dupersude Says:

    Odd. It didn’t do anything. I can assume from the absence of my tags though that it worked.
    I wonder if you can start a tag in one comment and end it in another? Something like this…

  579. dupersude Says:

    to this.. ?

  580. Midget52 Says:

    Nope. I tried to fix the italics that way. It went about as well as that.

  581. Lemon Says:

    Wow. For your information midget, I do surely intend to be a regular commentee/ist here. I mean, the place does need sprucing up. A little lavender over here, and a bit of kitchen appliances over there. But seriously, I intend to stick around.

    And dupersude, sexism obviously detected. Please humor me into why women should be contained ‘in the kitchen’. Women are just as equal to men, if so possibly far more superior imo.

  582. Arreh Says:

    All hail the power of

    I’m not going to lie, I’m not expecting that to do anything. Unless I’m missing the joke here.

    And greeaat, mindless sexism on both sides. Is the average woman superior to an average man in strength? No. Is an average man as intelligent as the average woman? Studies would seem to suggest not.

    Therefore, both sexes suck, and I am the master race, being both stronger and more intelligent than the average human.

  583. Arreh Says:


  584. Midget52 Says:

    I did not mean for my comment to be taken as hostile. If I had, there would be exactly 38% more malice, an extra dash of nutmeg and at least one link to a virus disguised as a rick roll disguised as an invitation of friendship.

    Welcome to Nondrick! Go to this website for you prize!

    Seriously, though, you do still need to pass initiation. Assuming, of course, that Putzy is continuing the basement tradition?

  585. G Says:

    Hm, I say we call a emergency Hiatus meeting, in letting a female into our ranks.

  586. Arreh Says:

    You guys considered that she might not want to join our ranks?

    If she does, she must simply pass initiation, just like everybody else.

  587. Lemon Says:

    I am ready to pass initiation fellow commentees. Who is the leader here? Oh and thankyou Midget. I feel somewhat welcomed.

  588. Corporal Peanut Says:

    You know, now that you mention it, I don’t think we have a leader. You see, a leader can be corrupted and would need to be disposed of. That would cause… unnecesarry damage.

    If you request information on the initiation “ceremony”, talk to Putzy. He holds the key to his fathers basement.

    I must warn you, however, that it is the Putzingburg family tradition to change the… experience every third person so don’t expect any advice on what you should expect (I was treated a rather strange version myself). The only advice I can give you is to expect the unexpected, and if Putzy stands or sits still for too long DON’T LOOK AWAY.

  589. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Fourth Says:

    My father has taught me well on the intricacies of the basement initiation. It will not be pleasant. You will emerge a different person, and your brain may automatically suppress what happened.

  590. Arreh Says:

    I have to say, I don’t remember what happened in my basement trip.

    One minute I was declaring myself to be a cyber-pirate/ninja, and the next I was a member of the Hiatus crew.

    Obviously as well as surviving the basement, you need to gain the main members’ approval.

    You can have mine, just because you seem vaguely interesting.

  591. Midget52 Says:

    You can have mine, because you seem to display an appreciation for dry wit. We shall get along nicely.

  592. G Says:

    You can have mine. There isn’t really any leaders, but the most important member, has to be Vadermath, as well as max and washcloth, however they are rare to be seen, michael and Putzy the third are high on the list.

  593. G Says:

    Also, Joey is the hiatus slave, just so you know. What’s everyone rank?

  594. Lemon Says:

    Oh, I have seen such things from the infamous Joey.

    And thankyou Arreh, Midget and G. Your kindness is somewhat welcoming.

  595. Lemon Says:

    You can have mine because you give great head.

    I mean, make good sandwhiches.

  596. dupersude Says:

    Oh fuck.
    Games up. Lemon is my girlfriend, she left her info on my computer.

  597. Lemon Says:

    So… Thanks a lot dupersude. My mask has now been revealed. Dick.

    However, I still am going to post. Because of him. Dick.

  598. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Fourth Says:

    Does she know who I am dupersude?

  599. Lemon Says:

    Why yes I do Sir Putzy. I know exactly who you are 🙂

  600. dupersude Says:

    Everything tastes like milk

  601. Arreh Says:

    That would be the italics slowly destroying the sensory systems in your brain. They do that, you know.

  602. dupersude Says:

    I’ve heard about that. Now imagine the effects of… BOLD TEXT.

  603. Midget52 Says:

    They can certainly skew your outlook on things.

    That really wasn’t that great, was it?

  604. dupersude Says:

    Not really, no. Probably more suited for an italics joke, which WE CAN’T EVEN MAKE ANYMORE, THANKYOU G.

  605. Arreh Says:

    Yeah G, you cock. Now we need Chris to make another post, so we can go back to normal text. Ugh, how inconvenient.

    • Arreh Says:

      Damnit, I can’t even put [/delicious irony] at the end of my post. Obviously not with the square brackets.

  606. dupersude Says:

    If we keep reading italics ’til the next post we’re going to be asking “Why is the text suddenly skewed straight upward?”

    … Lame jokes seem to be contagious. Thankyou midget.

  607. G Says:

    Italics ftw.

  608. Corporal Peanut Says:

    You know, I think this comment section is more entertaining then the actual blog.

  609. G Says:

    And today, May the 11th will be the concluding day in the 5 day Italic day.

  610. G Says:

    If i find a fix.

  611. G Says:

    Lets make is worse.

  612. Arreh Says:


    All hail the paradise that has come unto our tiny worlds in the form of Italics.

    All hail G, Bringer of Italics.

  613. dupersude Says:

    Arreh, I hope you know the consequences of creating a group which worships italics, and G himself…

  614. dupersude - Leader of the Anti-Italics Cult Says:

    … That is, for every action, there must be an equal and opposite REaction…

  615. Midget52 Says:

    Only in a three dimensionl plane that obeys the laws of newtonian physics. If you are in a black hole or travelling faster than the speed of light, or are a subatomic particle, or have a fourth dimension…

    Then what the hell are you doing reading this comment section?

  616. Midget52 Says:

    Only in a three dimensional plane that obeys the laws of Newtonian physics. If you are in a black hole or travelling faster than the speed of light, or are a subatomic particle, or have a fourth dimension…

    Then what the hell are you doing reading this comment section?

  617. dupersude - Leader of the Anti-Italics Cult Says:


  618. Midget52 Says:

    Well, of course he doesn’t. The fact that I said it only makes it slightly more likely that he’ll find out.

  619. dupersude - Leader of the Anti-Italics Cult Says:

    That’s a nice use of italics in a passage of italics. Yes, I do see what you did there.

  620. Arreh Says:

    Faster than the speed of light? You may as well say if you are but are not. Oh sweet impossibilities.

    Also, I realised the foolishness of worshipping G, of all people. I am not built to worship.

    And seeing as there is no longer an italics worshipping cult, dupersude’s cult blinks out of existence.

  621. G Says:

    What? 3 Dimensions? Fuck, I live in a 2 dimensional world. Curse you lucky bastards.

  622. Nick Says:

    ¡¡¡ʍou suıƃəq uoɥʇɐɹɐɯ ʇxəʇ uʍop-əpısdn əɥʇ

  623. Midget52 Says:

    Okay, wow.

    How did dupersude know I put some text in italics?

    Also, upside down text. Should probably address that.

  624. G Says:

    “I said it only makes it slightly more likely”

    View source. Slighty is in italics.

  625. Arreh Says:

    If you’re you smartiful and clever, which part of this sentence is in italics?

  626. Lemon Says:

    Wow. What have I gotten myself into. Log into email and discover 30 new emails from word press. Come on here to discover its just the same topic. Italics. Sigh… Can’t we discuss something more interesting…?

  627. Arreh Says:

    Only fools choose to be emailed updates.

    But okay. I’m aiming to study Physics (and maybe a Philosophy course) at Oxford uni, Keble College. Physics is the best subject, though English, History, Art, Maths and Sports are all great. And I’m smarter than all of you.


  628. Midget52 Says:

    How long until you get into uni? Priorities can change. I used to want to be a doctor, until
    I realised that:

    a) I would suck at it

    2) I enjoy music a lot more

    iii) I am good at music

    So, you know, we should know that too.

  629. Arreh Says:

    Bearing in mind all the while that all I’m doing is starting a more interesting line of conversation by being fairly (read: really) obnoxious, I am aware that:

    a) I would be great at it

    2) I have a deep love for Physics and Philosophy (which really do go hand in hand)

    iii) I am good at Physics

    I’m in my final year of GCSEs at the moment, so a couple of years yet to go. And obviously I’m not judging my ability by the fact that I’m acing all my GCSEs – that would just be stupid.

    But I wanted to be a mad scientist by the age of 2, and earned the nickname (to friends of the family) of the professor at the age of 3, so all my life I’ve really pointed towards that. Of course, priorities do change, but I don’t think mine will to too great a degree.

  630. Joey Says:


  631. dupersude Says:

    I didn’t use the source code G. That’s for wimps.
    No, mamma always said i had a special knack for seein’ things that others can’t see. Like dead people. Oh and the word “part” is in italics, Arreh.

    Now on to the new topic, Midget, you’re good at music? Do you play a specific instrument?

  632. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    I can’t even remember which bit I italicised. But I’m sure you’re right, what with you having The Sight, and all.

  633. Midget52 Says:

    We seem to be distracted from Arreh’s line of thought. Though, on reflection, it seems to be more a statement than a discussable topic, so let’s go with dupersude:

    I play piano and guitar.

    You make any “pianist” jokes and I swear to Goat I will fill your computer so full of viruses that you will need a new hard-drive just to store all the spam.

  634. dupersude Says:

    I wasn’t going to make any pianist jokes, I play piano myself. Granted I’m not the best. I’ve been kind of on-and-off since December. I can play the first half of Fur Elise by Beethoven and a couple of other pieces. But the only FULL song I know is Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol, which is only ’cause its extremely simple.

  635. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    I can play all of Fur Elise, but very little else. How well do you play, Midgey Midge-Midge?

  636. Michael Says:

    I’m away for a few days, and am greeted by Italics? Wow, only you guys, only you.

  637. G Says:

    Apprantly i’m to blame, sheesh, I didn’t do nothing, would this face lie to you?

  638. Michael Says:

    if F(x)=f(x+1)−f(x) then

  639. G Says:

    Lets make things worse.

  640. Corporal Peanut Says:

    Nothing, thank Goat. Only G could actually think that would work. The italics were clearly a result of an interdimensional anomaly occuring in parrallel with him and several other people using Italics in rapid succesion. The resulting burst of radiation was attracted to the opposing charge of the italics. The anomaly created a Time-Lock, trapping us in an area of time where the italics saw widespread use, causing all text to appear in italics. You see, most people think that time is a straight line; It’s really more of a big bubble of… wibbly wobbly, timey wimey… stuff. It’s really quite simple: The confliction/attraction of the italic energy coupled with the radiation of the anomaly (which, opon further study, has turned out to be a rift in the universe) created the Time-Lock, trapping us in this permanent-italics scenarion.

  641. Midget52 Says:

    Of course! I knew I should have gotten my timey-wimey detector!

    It goes bing when there’s stuff.

    And, though it’s slightly late, I have been playing piano for around 10 years now. So, you know, I play pretty well.

  642. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Fourth Says:

    [i]I love the timey-wimey detector! [/i]

  643. Midget52 Says:

    This italics stuff is getting slightly annoying.

  644. some random guy Says:


  645. some random guy Says:


  646. some random guy Says:

    It is currently 3:58 in Austin right now… I should go to sleep but I only have a small iron chair to sleep on. GOD HELP ME!!!!

  647. some random guy Says:

    I once posted a video on a thousand get, I also posted my first comments… THEY WERE GAY also I apologize for both.

  648. Arreh Says:

    If you see things in italics it means you’re a ghey.

    This is all in normal text for me.

  649. Michael Says:

    Arreh, come to think of it, I don’t see any italics at all!

  650. Joey Says:

    Why are we talking about italics? What italics?

  651. G Says:

    Oh shit, it’s Joey, I thought you were meant to be in the basement?

  652. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Fourth Says:

    Joey, when my father finds out you are missing, the bowling ball with no lube will be the least of your problems.

  653. dupersude Says:

    What a coincidence, Joey AND SRG both show up at the same time. And one of them is already wearing out their welcome.

    In other news, Midget, I’ve only been playing since december. Did I say that already? I think I said that already…
    Anyways, even at only playing since december I’ve been on and off ever since. I played it often for a few weeks then went off for a month or so, then played it often again, then went off again. Etc. etc. Now I play it every few days – a week. I should probably practice more often. A lot of people were amazed at how fast i picked it up. That is to say, what i know how to play in Fur Elise now, I learnt how to play within the first week or so of owning a keyboard.

  654. Midget52 Says:

    Yeah, it does come naturally to some people. I have worked for long enough that I can make up my own stuff now. Jazz is awesome. Fur elise is awesome too. It’s a fifth grade piece, so, you know, go you!

  655. KingFrozen Says:

    Lemme get this straight… i leave you guys for 1 (possibly many more) month(s).



    Also, i don’t like piano for the sole reason i cant play it.

  656. KingFrozen Says:

    //from what I read on the wordpress FAQ, this should not be in italics. Probably isnt going to work

  657. dupersude Says:

    Thanks midget 😀 that means a lot. Really.
    I can’t play much else, a few bits and pieces from songs here and there, but the only whole song i can play as i said before is Chasing cars. And that only uses different notes across two octaves throughout the whole song. Maybe I’d get somewhere if I practised more.

  658. Midget52 Says:

    Yeah. I used to hate people telling me that. “Do your scales!” “Practice more!”. Then I caught myself saying that to people. I felt sad.

    Sadly, it is the only way to get better. Helps if you enjoy it though.

  659. Arreh Says:

    Actually it would be “Practise”.

    Hope it helps with your piano.

  660. Corporal Peanut Says:

    Actually, I play piano, too, and I found that a great way to remember how to play a song is to keep notes on it. It really helped when I began playing songs that required a certain level of hand-eye coordination to be played at the proper speed. With that said, it usually still took me at least a week to perfect a song. I still occasionally play, though.

  661. G Says:

    Do I get the feeling that i’m the only one that doesn’t play a musical instrument?

  662. dupersude Says:

    I should probably look into it then. Maybe even get lessons if they’re not too expensive.

    Arreh –

    Corporal Peanut – hehe, just realised your name’s initials are CP. But serious. How high is that level of hand-eye coordination? Another thing i have trouble with is learning to play left and right hand independently. If I learn one hand at a time, I then have to try and learn them together.

    G – I don’t know. Do you?

  663. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Fourth Says:

    I played the recorder in primary school.
    Suck on that.

  664. dupersude Says:

    No thanks, but apparently you did “suck on that”. Zing!

  665. Corporal Peanut Says:

    Well, dupersude, I wouldn’t say it’s a high level of hand-eye coordination. What I meant by it was more on the level of having to read notes at a fast pace while keeping your hands at the same speed. This became apparent to me when, for my piano lessons, I was assigned a song called Vianese Waltz. My attempts to play it now feature prominintly in my personal hell as elevator music. Of course, that where the notes came in. I found that if I broke down the song into individual notes and spend time working out more comfortable ways to play the position-switches at the desired tempo that it came much more naturaly. Although, that is my method of learning and yours may differ. Personally I find playing it hands seperatley helps me work out individual hand positions.

    Also, yes, my initials spell CP. Honestly I didn’t notice until now, either.

  666. dupersude Says:

    Ah, I see. And yet another thing I can’t do well yet – Read sheet music.
    So far I’ve been learning by ear and eye on youtube videos. I can, to an extent, read sheet music, but i need to use reference points which is apparently very very bad. And the only reference point i know of is middle C. So in order for me to learn a song from sheet music, I have to sit down and decipher what notes are what, and then i label them on the paper in a similar way to Shawn Cheek’s (online piano teacher) “whiteboard method”.

  667. Midget52 Says:

    You have to start somewhere. In fact, what you are detailing is pretty much the way I started learning to read music. Do’nt forget the acronyms! They’re helpful, AND slightly childish!

    Every Good Boy Deserves Fruit!
    All Cows Eat Grass!
    Good Birds Don’t Fly Away!

    Good times….

  668. dupersude Says:

    I should probably learn those. I don’t know any of them, the only one I’ve heard of is All Cows Eat Grass, and that was included in the sentence of “These are bad for learning to read music, as are reference points”. So that was kind of a mood killer :<

  669. Midget52 Says:

    Whoever said that is a bitter person who will live their life musically deficient.

    Not to be negative or anything…

  670. dupersude Says:

    The guy who said that is the same one i mentioned earlier, Shawn Cheek. He doesn’t just say they’re bad. He gives his reasoning for why, something about “If you rely on references and things like All Cows Eat Grass you get too used to it and won’t be able to identify individual notes on the sheet as easily.”
    Or something along those lines.

  671. Michael Says:

    Could we stop talking about piano? I feel left out.

  672. Arreh Says:

    Dupersude – Practice is the noun, practise is the verb (in standard English, at least). I don’t know if Americans follow that any more, but by god the rest of the world shall.

    Sorry for being pedantic and an arse.

  673. Corporal Peanut Says:

    Dupersude, if he says that, please give him this with my regards:

    (I hope to Goat that embed works)

  674. dupersude Says:

    Well Arreh, you win this time… But I’ll be back..
    And yes… Apologise for the mistake… Go on… It’ll only make everything go much quicker when I execute my plans later.

    CP, I love that movie. And that video. I award you all my internets ❤

  675. Midget52 Says:

    I’m saving my internets for a special occasion. Though I have held on to my internets for so long now, I may have built it up too much, so I don’t know when to give them away.

  676. Michael Says:

    Hey guys, I played bass today and I fucking rock.

  677. Michael Says:

    water fire air and dirt

  678. Arreh Says:


  679. dupersude Says:

    Midget, give them to me! Pleasssssssssssse!

  680. Smash Says:

    Combo breaker?

  681. dupersude Says:

    I broke your mother’s combo the night you were conceived.
    Yes that’s right. Have a moment to take that information in.. My son..

  682. Arreh Says:

    Once I hit someone so hard my fist went faster than the speed of light and went back in time and hit them as an embryo and killed them.

    Then who was phone?

  683. Michael Says:

    Once I hit someone so hard my fist went faster than the speed of light and went back in embryo and hit them as an time and killed them.

    Phone who was then?

  684. dupersude Says:

    He’s swapped a couple words around (four to be precise, “embryo” and “time” in the first paragraph, and “phone” and “then” on the bottom line) to give the effect of his words travelling through time.

  685. Midget52 Says:

    Goat, that is genius. That’s humour taken to another level. I wish I was smart enough to get that first try…

  686. Drei Says:

    inb4 1 year wait again.

  687. Arreh Says:

    I totally set him up for it.

  688. Michael Says:

    Thank you, Midget52. In your honour, I will do it again, just for you.

    Genius, Goat is that. That’s humour level to another taken. I wish I was first enough to get that smart try…

  689. dupersude Says:

    Your comment made me think of Get Smart. Great movie.

  690. Midget52 Says:

    Great TV series, too.


    TV show vs old movie vs NEW movie!

    Who will win?!?!?!?!

  691. Midget52 Says:

    I can’t do an Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny without help. Get bickering!

  692. dupersude Says:

    I never seen the originals, just the one with rowan atkinson.

  693. Corporal Peanut Says:

    I think I saw a few episodes of the show. Never saw either of the movies, though.

  694. Arreh Says:

    I can’t remember what we’re talking about.

  695. dupersude Says:

    Get Smart.

  696. Arreh Says:

    Got Milk?

  697. Midget52 Says:

    I have some milk, but I need it for my cereal. Would you like a clever milk substitute?

  698. Arreh Says:

    Exactly how clever?

  699. dupersude Says:

    Clever enough to pass the basement initiation.

  700. Arreh Says:

    I think we’re all aware that that mostly just requires an ability to allow awful, awful things to be done to you. Not that you really have much choice, but I’ve said too much.

    I’ll take it!

  701. Michael Says:

    Want to pay me a visit in my basement?

  702. Arreh Says:

    Pay to visit me a basement in my want?

  703. whitefox Says:

    cool man cool

  704. Arreh Says:

    Hot woman hot.

  705. Midget52 Says:

    I’m fairly sure that’s the point, yes.

  706. Arreh Says:

    Yes that’s the fairly I’m point, sure.

  707. blackbirdofpeace Says:

    I think you all may be sociopaths, but I must say I’m entertained.

  708. Arreh Says:

    You all think I may be entertained, but say I must I’m sociopaths.

    • (chuckle) ok, you’ve had your fun. Let’s try something else now. How do you think Nondrick will finally snuff it? My money’s on “mauled by a troll.”

      • Arreh Says:

        (fun) chuckle, your ok you’ve had. Now something let’s else try. Snuff do you Nondrick will finally think it? My troll on “a money’s by troll.”

  709. Ha, you left out “mauled.” Did it dissipate and coalesce in a parallel dimension or something?

  710. Corporal Peanut Says:

    So that’s were that “mauled” came from! I was wondering why my Nega-self called me about it.

  711. Michael Says:

    My joke has been really overused now, Arreh. Time to think of something else? inb4 this comment gets overhauled

    • Arreh, last hurrah Says:

      My penis has been really overused now, Arreh. Time to penis of penis else? inpenis4 this penis gets penis

  712. Arreh Says:

    I don’t recall that it was your joke.

    Anyway, nobody noticed that I replaced mauled with “troll”? Because I totally trolled that new guy all over everywhere.

    And aren’t you aware that you have to continuously repeat the best jokes before they become funny?

  713. I noticed you used “troll” twice. I guess you pulled the extra one out of the same dimension to which the missing “mauled” went.
    And I’m not a guy.

  714. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Fourth Says:

    Sure you aren’t.

  715. Midget52 Says:

    Well, technically, you’re just a name to us. Unless you live in the same country as one of us. In which case: How you doin’?

  716. I live in the US, how about you? I’m a little starstruck right now that y’all are talking to me.

  717. Arreh Says:

    Silly new person.

    You think we have anything better to do?

  718. Probably, but that stuff takes too much effort.

  719. Michael Says:

    Just ’cause blackbirdofpeace ain’t male, doesn’t mean blackbirdofpeace is female either… ZING!
    Also, Arreh, maybe I didn’t come up with the joke, but I used it first, and that made you start with it too. So in that sense, it was my joke.

  720. Arreh Says:

    Nope, I’ve been doing it for ages. You may have set off my recent spree, but it was totally through my own free will.


    And you mean to say The Newcomer (their name takes too much effort) is like light – both a wave and a particle at the same time?

    Italics would have worked better, but one doesn’t really notice them nowadays.

    (and yes, I know light is actually neither a wave or particle, it merely has both particle-and-wave-like properties, but shh)

  721. G Says:

    Whats with these males and females and males pretending to be females and females pretending to be males?

  722. Ooh, you got me dude. I thought my becoming irrational and belligerent once a month meant I’m a woman, but it turns out I’m only a werewolf.

  723. THC seems to be losing steam. It’s been…well, a long time since anyone posted. Where are you?! And when do I get dragged to the basement?! Putzy, did you not even notice your 800 get?

  724. Corporal Peanut Says:

    It’s not losing steam, it’s just that this topic is getting boring. Speaking of that, I need a werewolf to help me dig up the gold I hid in Dublin. Care to help me?

  725. Arreh Says:

    Surely you could just get the leprechauns to- ah, wait a minute, this must be leprechaun gold. No wonder you need the werewolf help.

    I wasn’t aware you were in that line of business, Corporal.

  726. Corporal Peanut Says:

    Well, you see ever since the Great Nut War ended I became embroiled in certain… pusuits of that vein. ‘Course, Brazil Nut incursions put a stop to me continueing my “hobby”, but that doesn’t matter at the moment. You see, I had come into possesion of several kilograms of leprechaun gold and I needed a safe place to hide it. I decided to try and get a hold of some of them, but when I did, they double-crossed me! It turns out the gold had been stolen from them long ago by my grandfather, and they sought to take it back. Long story short, I’ve been sent to Dublin to investigste rumours of Brazil Nut spies, and I will not leave until I have that gold back! They have sealed it in an ancient leprechaun tomb, with powerful enchantments put upon it, allowing only leprechauns and werewolves to enter. I imagine they think this is hilarious, as the only way I could retreive it is if I became a werewolf. But that’s where blackbird comes in…

  727. Midget52 Says:

    Though I do not speak of it often, I have experience in the matters of leprechauns. Thus I devote to you the full assets of my estate in pursuit of this goal. Use my television well.

  728. What a serendipitous occurrence! I specialize in leprechaun tombs! Also sex dungeons, storm cellars, prothean ruins, fallout shelters, broom closets, etc.

    Midget, get the tv, this will work very nicely…

    Corporal Peanut, if we do this, what’s my cut? I propose full THC membership (with probationary rights and privileges) and birthday wishes from the entire crew on my birthday this year. And a small percentage of any lucky charms recovered, proportional to the actual danger I encounter.

  729. Corporal Peanut Says:

    Well, blackbird, I can get you a recommendation for Hiatus Crew membership, as well as a quarter of any excess loot we gain. I believe that is a fair deal. Now then, we must plan our infiltration carefully, as the treasure is no doubt gaurded by leprechaun guards. If we use Midget’s television to distract them, you can jump through the enchantments and deactivate the magical field. If you don’t know how, I’ll loan you my Manual of Magical Enchantments.

    All things considered (let’s not forget that I’m supposed to be, you know, protecting highly contested neutral ground) I think that we could be safe just winging it.

  730. I’m pretty good at winging it, pun intended.

    MyDays tells me that the week after next is auspicious.
    With the right timing, we won’t need a plan.

    I’ll simply charge in, teeth bared, and rend limb from tiny limb any leprechaun who dares oppose us.

    Sound good?

  731. Arreh Says:

    You are aware that Leprechaun gold is – in this recession we have – now approximately 90% silver, right?

    Just giving you the heads up, B-Bop.

    Though I suppose, if this is old gold, then it may well be more pure. Just wouldn’t want you to die horrifically by touching all that silver.

    And Corporal, I’m aware you’re capable of handling yourself, but keep in mind that werewolves can be a bit crazy. If tries to eat you, I’m sure it’s nothing personal.

  732. B-hop…I like that.
    I leave the looting up to Corporal Peanut, it’s his gold (alloy), so as long as he doesn’t turn on me and shoot me with it…somehow, I should be fine.

    But he would never do that, right? Just as I would never turn on and subsequently consume Corporal Peanut (regardless of his tasty name), or any other member of THC.
    At least, as far as I am able to control my id…

    You’re right, Arreh. Corporal Peanut should be very careful.

  733. Michael Says:

    Werewolves? That’s why I always wear a suit of silver under my underpants. Also, garlic necklace for extra safety!

  734. Midget52 Says:

    Garlic clashes with my favourite jacket, so I find it easier to never sleep in the same place twice. And daily plastic surgery.

  735. Garlic is for vampires, Michael. I ain’t skurda no garlic.

  736. Corporal Peanut Says:

    Arreh- I think B-Bop will be fine, but just in case I’m going to pack a revolver with several silver bullets. Just to be safe.

    Also, I believe the gold is (mostly) pure, as the leprechauns said the gold had been stolen “long ago”. Exactly how long is up for debate, but I think that I should be the one handling the gold.

  737. As I said, the gold belongs to Corporal Peanut, all I ask is for membership and happy birthdays where applicable. And perhaps, eventually, recognition as a female.

  738. Arreh Says:

    I thought you traded the right to be female for being a werewolf?

    And you have to earn invitations from each of THC, not just old Peanut over there, B-bop.

    Pull this stunt off, persuade the good Corporal to cut me in on some of your dirty Leprechaun money, and you can have my vote, no problem.

  739. Michael Says:

    What’s that? You want my invite to become a Hiatus member? You have a higher chance to access area 51(if you do, you’ll get my invite)!

  740. Arreh Says:

    That’s… some interesting probability maths right there.

  741. Corporal Peanut, it is in your best interests to help me get Arreh’s approval. Here’s why:

    I’m a werewolf dammit. I make a staunch and loyal ally, and a very churlish enemy.

    Also: I am a girl, even if Arreh won’t allow me to claim it.

    Michael: I have been to Area 51, and I brought you this awesome alien blaster.

    Midget: you make me lol.

  742. Michael Says:

    blackbirdofpeace, why are you forwarding it so much that you’re a girl?

  743. Michael; would you like to be denied your very gender? I just want you guys to get your pronouns right should you feel the need to refer to me. But if it doesn’t come up, then never mind. The last thing I want is to make anyone uncomfortable by insisting on a point of contention. I just want to hang out and chat with a group of people who challenge me and amuse me in a way that no one I know in RL does.
    I sense hostility from you. Why?

  744. Aaaaaaaaaagh, I just drank several beers and realized I was too uptight! Sorry Michael. I lose perspective at times. I need a humor fix…guys, you’re the best. All of you, I mean it. I don’t think I can match the Crew’s level of awesomeness, but if you suffer me to remain I may have some humble contribution to make.

  745. Arreh Says:

    Luckily, B-bop, if we only ever refer to you as B-bop and use no pronouns, we can avoid all conflict.

    And Michael’s lovely really, but simply confused as to your intentions with being a girl.

    In other news, the moon is waning, as is my interest in B-bop being a werewolf. You know I only managed to be a cyber-pirate/ninja for a few weeks on here? Later on I was head of the ministry of Love, then the leader of the Italics cult, but that only lasted like a day, tops.

    Point is, being on here will change who you are. I hope you’re ready for it.

    [cue Doctor Who music, because it is dramatic and I like it]

  746. Michael Says:

    My point was, that your gender really doesn’t matter. Also I could say that I’m sorry for taking you for one of those extremely irritating Internet women, who REALLY want to make the point that they’re females, only to bask in the attention they will get from male users, and I hate that crap. As it turns out you’re not one of them, you can have half of my invite(you need to do something that will dazzle me to get the other half)!

  747. Whew. After Irrelevant Spam (or should I call her “Biggest Hypocrite of All Time), I guess I really can’t blame you for being wary of me.

    Arreh, I am SO ready to be changed as I am rather bored with being a werewolf. I suck at it anyway. As my name clearly states, I am not quite bloodthirsty enough to be a successful predator. Other werewolves laugh at me. My diet consists primarily of sashimi and energy drinks.

  748. Michael Says:

    Welcome to the world of Hiatus, B-bop! Here you can be anything you want(but only for a brief moment)!

  749. Thank you, Michael it’s lovely to be here! Are you officially extending the other half of your invite? And if so, is it rude to ask which part of what I said sufficiently dazzled you?

    Arreh, I’m pretty sure the cult of italics is extant. Unless I’m the only one who sees this? And also, I thought you were the entire Ministry. Either way, I submit to your authority on love and italics. Btw, did I get your invite?

    Don’t know when the rest of the crew will show up. I went to the website, but there were like cobwebs and dust and chirping crickets.

  750. Michael Says:

    B-bop, I only welcomed you to our world, not into our Crew. So, yeah, you could always write a 100 word essay about the Crew’s history, or somehow get our website running again, to get the other half of my invite and thus a full membership in the Crew! And then there’s always Premium membership…

  751. It is GMT minus 5 hours in my time zone, and I am nocturnal, so I am getting very sleepy. But tomorrow is a holiday here and I don’t have to work, so I may submit my essay then. Or I may spend the time thinking of other ways to dazzle you. Gnite!

  752. Arreh Says:

    B-bop, you obviously do not understand what Ministry of Love refers to, which means son I am disappoint.

    To even have any chance of getting my invite, you must first find out what the Ministry of Love means, and report back within 24 hours.

  753. Michael Says:

    Have a good one, B-bop!

  754. Guhhhhhh, sleep is postponed as I cannot bear for you to be disappoint, Arreh. Ministry of Love is a 1984 reference, meant ironically in that it employed use of torture to enforce love of Big Brother. I haven’t read it since middle school, but as you are such a fan I assure you I will reread it. But probably not today as I am starting to go cross-eyed from sleep-deprivation. Not as young as I once was, you know.

  755. Arreh Says:

    Not exactly a huge fan (preferred Brave New World), but it’s an important reference in its meaningless use.

    There’s a good B-bop, sleep now.

  756. CRAP! I just spilled my energy drink all over the damn room. Hey Michael, it occurs to me to wonder about premium membership and what is included. Hm? Depending on your response, I may compose 200 words or possibly end gang violence in South Memphis.

  757. Arreh Says:

    How about you end gang violence in South Memphis in 200 words?

  758. Well I would, but now that I think about it gang violence is really the only thing South Memphis has going for it. The economy is based on it. If I ended it, what would Yo Gotti and 3 Six Mafia rap about?

  759. Arreh Says:

    Oh B-bop, an elemental mistake.

    In other news, I now plan on typing every third word backwards. Starting after now. For at tsael the next eerht posts.

    I dnemmocer no one esle does the emas, for the ekas of all ruo sanity.

  760. I love it, Herra. It wakes me right up. My name is eceapofdribkcalb!

  761. Arreh Says:

    You yllatot screwed up ruoy name, by eht way.

    And tahw are you gniod – you have a crazy pattern gniog on there.

    Tub at least er’uoy trying, that’s eht main thing.

    (Dna yes, I’m gniyrrac on from ym last post)

  762. Oh noooooo….

    Epic fail.

    I wasn’t following a pattern, per your recommendation, I just wanted to do our names because I thought it would be funny.

    Instead I have dishonored myself.

    I am not worthy of the name ecaepfodribkcalb.

  763. Midget52 Says:

    It’s a lucky thing. If we could actually hear each other, that would have been a bitch to pronounce.

    Only gone two days and I nearly missed the recommendation thing! Madam Crow, you shall have my recommendation, under the condition that your next ten posts be in Iambic Pentameter! Good luck…

  764. Arreh Says:

    Er’uoy crazy! She’ll reven do it!

  765. Michael Says:

    To get premium membership, please make Arreh stop screwing my eyes with his shitty backwards text! God damn it!

  766. Arreh Says:

    Ah, finally, my three-post-penitence is complete.

    Okay, B-bop, you may continue earning our recommendations.

  767. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Fourth Says:

    Father thinks the woman should return to the kitchen. He’s very old fashioned.

  768. I have no culinary expertise.
    The kitchen is the last place I should go.

  769. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Fourth Says:

    Father insists, he seems very persischhhnm -n-fACGH
    I apologise for that, my father saw what I was writing and felt the need to modify it.

  770. Before I flash my goods I have to ask
    Will doing so impress you, Putzy 4,
    Sufficiently to gain approval thence?
    (To self: is this approval really worth
    My self-respect? I think not) Nay, good sir
    Content yourself with other boobs than mine
    I would forsooth not be a one-night-stand
    As I intend to stick around a while.

  771. Midget52 Says:

    Two so far. This one’s got skill. No offense to you other talentless Bozos, of course.

    I may join in the metric task I set. The challenge seems like one I would enjoy.

    So then, Madam Blackbird, answer thus:

    What is the motivation to join us?

  772. If Living in Oblivion is hard
    Then Living without Nondrick’s harder still
    The only thing that seems to fill the void
    Is ell-em-ay-oh at Hiatus Crew

  773. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    How’s my son doing? And guys, don’t forget about the last chick who roamed our sacred shit-stained halls.

  774. Holy fucking hell, it’s Putzy 3!
    You sir are a rock star in my eyes
    Your tales are pure comedic mastery
    They used to keep me laughing ’til I cried.

  775. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    I cannot be swayed by petty flattery. On an unrelated note, you have my vote. My son is not old enough to vote on new members yet.

  776. Putzy 3 has given me his vote!
    The awesomeness of that just blows my mind
    If only I can get through 5 more posts…

    Um, uh,

    da Dum da Dum da Dum da Dum da Dum

  777. Midget52 Says:

    3 more shall now be added to your count, though the last I should now rightly disregard.

    But due to the hilarity it brought, it shall be let through, past without a thought.

    These rhyming couplets difficult though to form, are greater challenge to me from the norm.

  778. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Your rhymes fuckin fail
    you can’t accept
    just how awesome I am
    and how you’re losing the bet

  779. Arreh Says:

    If we shadows have offended
    Think but this, and all is mended:
    That you have but slumber’d here;
    While these visions did appear.
    And this weak and idle theme,
    No more yielding but a dream.
    Give me your hands, if we be friends,
    And Arreh shall restore amends.

    Bitches check my flow, you see
    that I don’t need to use no
    Iambic Pentameter
    When stealing from the leader;
    Truth, I choose to rear, in here
    The poetry of Shakespeare.

    I think in future
    I won’t suture
    These shit lines
    In my rhymes –
    Let the master
    Do it faster
    (but just wait
    – get it straight –
    who’s the greatest
    the best, freshest
    slickest at this,
    finds it a diss,
    don’t need pause
    breath, thought, cause:
    the beat flows
    their breath slows
    who steps up
    claims the cup –
    in this group,
    in the loop
    Crew, us
    Gs in hoe
    town, this schmoe
    town. What I
    Mean is by
    My rhymes I
    Want to fry
    Your brains and
    See who’s the best)

    Iambic Pentameter time! Who’s the
    Best rhymer, is what I was getting at.

  780. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Ok then. That wasn’t confusing or dragged out at all.

  781. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Fourth Says:

    Dad! Stop trying to take over! I need to learn how to run the family business, and you aren’t helping!

  782. Midget52, this task is hard
    Methinks I make a shitty sort of bard

  783. Midget52 Says:

    And with the sixth comment past, I commune
    Your rhythmic style caters for no tune.

    Luckily, the task that I have set
    Is drawing to a close, limits near met.

  784. Arreh, you’re a puckish kind of guy!
    The end of your last comment made me lol.

  785. Arreh Says:

    I really hate having to do rhymes here.
    I think I waste my time fitting the words.
    Also I sometimes do not rhyme them. Or
    Even put them in couplets, so they end
    On an odd number of lines. Syllables.

  786. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Fourth Says:

    Has cheated me,
    Forcing me to decide upon,
    The woman that I idolize
    Or the hands of an, automaton.

    Without these hands,
    I can’t complete,
    the opera that was captivating her,
    But if I keep them,
    And she marries him,
    He probably won’t,
    Want me dating her.

    Cookie for reference.

  787. Well, Midget never said it had to rhyme
    That’s why I have to say we’re doing fine
    If sometimes our posts rhyme and sometimes not
    No one could truly say we haven’t tried

  788. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Fourth Says:

    Ah hell, I’m doing that whole song now.

    A deal’s a deal, even with a dirty dealer!
    Very well, then I’ll take what I want from Leela!

    Leela, has promised me her hand!
    Fry, you do not understand!

    *Leela steps into spotlight*
    I should have revealed I’d been deafened by bender
    The shame! The shame!
    But I feared you’d stop writing this musical splendor
    Deception’s the curse of my whimsical gender.
    He gave me mechanical ears,
    effective though just a bit garish,
    In return, without shedding a tear, I agreed to give him my haaaaaaaaand…

    *Robot Devil steps forward*
    In mariaaaaaaaage!

    *Fry and Leela gasp*
    That isn’t what I meant!
    That isn’t what I signed!

    You should have checked the wording in the fiiiine!

    I will marry her now and confine her to hell
    How droll! How droll!
    Where Styx is a river, and not just a band
    Though they will play at our reception if all goes as planned…

    Has cheated me,
    Forcing me to decide upon,
    The woman that I idolize
    Or the hands of an, automaton.

    Without these hands,
    I can’t complete,
    the opera that was captivating her,
    But if I keep them,
    And she marries him,
    He probably won’t,
    Want me dating her.

    By the power vested in me by the state of new New Yoooork!

    No! Stop! Take my hands! You evil, metal, dooooork!

  789. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Son, that’s not how men rap. That’s called plagiarism.

  790. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Fourth Says:

    Sorry dad.

  791. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    That’s all right, son, just don’t do it again.
    Also, your dog died.

  792. Futurama references! Kick ass!
    Leela is my favorite of all time
    Though Bender can’t be beat for funny quips
    I’d quote one but it wouldn’t fit the rhyme

  793. Sorry for the triple post, you guys
    I really have to get this over with

  794. Done and DONE! Oh yeah!

    Hm…you guys have all gone somewhere without me, haven’t you?

  795. Arreh Says:


    We are hiding.


    Midget52’s knee is in my back, though 😦

  796. Arreh Says:

    Nooo, I didn’t want an actual smiley there. But shhh now, Arreh.

  797. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    The person who fixes the italics gets a rap and a TALE dedicated to them.

  798. Arreh, you and Midget come out of there THIS INSTANT. Now go play outside like normal people.

    Putzy, what is this power you have over me? I haven’t the faintest idea how to even BEGIN to fix the italics, but I feel like I might stay up for the next three days trying to figure it out.

    I love TALES!

  799. Yay! I ❤ you, Arreh! So I think I have 3.5 votes now: Putzy's, Arreh's, and hopefully Midget's since I did make it through 10 comments in iambic pentameter. And half of Michael's.

    Where did Michael go? Hiding?

  800. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Yes, and most certainly not in my basement. Who said he was? If you tell anyone I’ll kill you! I want my lawyer!

  801. Midget52 Says:

    Sorry, I capped my internet two days before it renewed. Congratulations Blackbird! You have won my invite. Though I have never heard the word puckish before… Hmmmmm….

  802. Arreh Says:

    A healthy disregard for the english language is always handy, so B-bop does well there.

  803. I didn’t make it up, I swear!! That’s right, I know stuff.

  804. Midget52 Says:

    puckish\PUHK-ish\ , adjective;
    1.Whimsical; mischievous; impish.

    Damn, this one’s adroit. I would have sanctioned your invite just for that display of linguistic aptitude.

    Right, I’m done. I, too, know stuff.

  805. He was quoting Robin Goodfellow, aka Puck. So I said he’s puckish.

  806. Midget52 Says:

    If you ever write a book, please send me a copy.

  807. Of course, Midgie. It will be a most awesome sort of a book, transcending genre and defying milieu. It will be truly universal, relatable by every living man, woman, child, hermaphrodite, and Goat. It shall be about love, loss, robots, and all the truly universal themes. And you shall be a key character.

    Look for it in about 25 years. I’m very lazy.

  808. Corporal Peanut Says:

    Twenty five years, you say? Wait right there, I’ll be back in a few seconds…

    *Interesting sounds that are in no way related to time travel*

    And I’m back! Great book by the way.

  809. Peanut, your very presence in the future has affected it.

    Now I HAVE to write the book. Damn.

  810. Midget52 Says:

    Be sure you portray me accurately. Be sure to capture my washboard abs, how by biceps ripple and bulge at the seams of my shirt. Also my incredible intellect, my completely positive personality, my profession as astronaut-slash-mountain climber-slash-quantum physicist. And glasses.

    Very little of that was true.

  811. Midget52 Says:

    I agree completely! Flattery will get you everywhere.

  812. You’re adorable. I feel affection for you, Midgie.

    And I already know about the dead babies, so that can’t pop up and surprise me at an awkward moment.

  813. Peanut, since you visited the future I don’t suppose you brought back the cure for chronic italics?

  814. Arreh Says:

    The journey to cure italics is not in time. It is one inside yourself.

    Yes, I’m talking about venturing through your intestines.

  815. On that note…

    I probably won’t be the one who fixes this.

  816. Arreh Says:

    I would have thought you’d have overcome your fear of the human intestines in Putzy’s cellar.

  817. KingFrozen Says:

    Arreh, you do not mention that place!

    How *bash* many *smash* times *bam* must we tell you *once more for good measure*.

    BBOP, nice to meet you. Also, don’t refer to him as midgie. He’ll get upset. And sulky. You won’t like him when he’s sulky.

    On a side note, since intestines were mentioned, has anyone here done anything interesting over the weekend? The most awesome part of my weekend was discovering that my internet limit reset on monday…

  818. Arreh Says:

    Wait, so you’re telling me I can’t mention Putzy’s *smack* Cellar *crash* ever? *crack*

    And had friends round, nothing much. Got a maths exam today that I should be revising for.

  819. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    English exam tomorrow. Where is your god now?

  820. Oh dear. @Midget, sorry if I caused offense.

    @KingFrozen, I’m honored to meet you!

    @Arreh, I like how you say “maths.” We don’t have that word here. Also, is revising like studying?
    Glad you had a good weekend.

    Mine was a bit crappy as my 360 ate my level 50 Mordecai character on Borderlands.

  821. Midget52 Says:

    Kingfrozen underestimates my capacity for vague, maturity-like emotions. You may call me Midgie, if you wish. Of course, only one may refer to me as such at any one time, lest the universe be torn asunder.

    It has taken me nearly half an hour to send this comment. Treasure it, as with the way my connection is going, I may not been seen in a while.


    Midgie, don’t go…

  823. Arreh Says:

    Maths was easy, yes, revising is your studying, and no, you don’t get dibs on anything.

    Is B-bop a fully fledged foundling in the Hiatus Crew now, then?

    Because she’s pretty great, and even her shortest comments somehow manage to thaw our cold, icy hearts of coldice.

  824. 😀

    Arreh, well done! I doubt I would find maths easy.

    I sure can talk pretty though. That’s one thing I have going for me!

    Actually, I don’t really talk that pretty. I have a bit of a southern drawl. Oh no…I must have SOMETHING going for me…

  825. Oh, I know what! Arreh thinks I’m great! That’s something HUGE that I have in my favor.

    Thank you, Arreh. Your approval has saved my Monday.

    And I defer to your seniority in the matter of Midgie.

  826. kingfrozen Says:

    You actually care what Arreh thinks about you? Wow. Are the people here like, whats the word…

    what do you have like 3000 of on facebook? pages… groups… statuses… FRIENDS!

    Thats it! You think we are friends? This is the internet! We are all homosexuals who want to make windchimes out of your genitals. Isn’t that right guys?

    Guys? Hello?


  827. Arreh Says:

    Je do not comprends.

    But he’s right, this is the internet. You must not care too much.

  828. Care? About you guys? Please. That’s what my RL friends and family are for.

    You guys are merely an interesting diversion…


  829. Arreh Says:

    It’s hard, but that’s the path you need to take.

    Hey, maybe if you pretend for long enough, it’ll become the actuality.

  830. kingfrozen Says:

    Yeah! We could all move in together! And start a family. With a dungeon! Wait.. scratch that.

    With a laundry! With chain hanging 3ft from the ceiling which is 9ft tall. And with the odd hook on the wall that can disconnect. But the room would need to be sound proof. I make a lot of noise when I… launder.

    Lemme show you..

    *chainsaw grinding interspersed with shrieks of agony and horror*

    See? Nobody wants to hear that. Also, we need a projector TV because they can be huge and still look focused.

  831. DIBS ON THE TV!

    I want to play Fallout: New Vegas on it. Just while you’re busy with the “laundry” of course.

  832. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    I really feel the love guys! Let’s all go into my basement for…drinks. Flavoured drinks!

  833. Arreh Says:

    After B-bop, of course. Ladies first.

  834. Midget52 Says:

    Right, I waited nearly an hour for the page to load. This is gonna be good.

    I find this place good for discovering people whom I can pester to allow me to resupply on my eventual round-the-world trip. We’re very multicultural.

    Let’s see, we have (Including members not present):

    -4 Australians
    -An Eastern European
    -Two Americans (One urban, one Southern)
    -An Englishman (I think)
    -Other people

    Maybe not so multicultural. Is anyone here from a non-Western country?

  835. Guys…I’m back. I think I had a horrible nightmare that I can’t recall. And I’m all battered and bloody like a super mutant made sweet love to me with a gatling laser then threw me down three flights of stairs. WTF happened…head hurts…

  836. Arreh Says:

    It, uh, it’s best if you don’t speak about it.

    And yes, I’m an Englishman, so you’re welcome to come into my castle and replenish your supplies on your journey.

    We’ve got a whole spare flat (2 bedrooms, bathroom, study, kitchen) around the side of our house that we never use, so you can stay up there. No one would even know you were here (and we have an “understanding” with the local police, so if you need some “help”, just “say” so).

  837. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    The Putzingburg residence is always open to members of the Crew. The basement is open at night as well. We have never been robbed.
    So. Guys. How about a sleep over at my place?

  838. Corporal Peanut Says:

    Actually, I’m pretty sure I’m Canadian. Unless America annexed Canada while I wasn’t looking. Sadly being Canadian means the only thing I own of interest would be my vast underground fortress disguised as a maple syrup factory. We don’t get that many visitors.

  839. kingfrozen Says:

    Hm… Arreh, I know we have had our differences in the past but I wanna be British toooooo!

    Can you teach me? PLZPLZPLZPLZPLZ!!

  840. Come now, kingfrozen, wouldn’t you rather I teach you how to be Southern? It’s really awesome because people massively underestimate your intelligence based on your accent. I can teach you that accent!

    And also they assume you’re a racist.

    Hm…disregard. None of that is the least bit awesome.

    Arreh, teach me how to be British too! Plzplzplzplz etc.

  841. youjustlostit Says:

    >.> You’ve degraded into pathetic nothings. No wonder Michael and dupersude are no longer about.

    Also, I’m Cornish, which resides NEXT TO England.

  842. Arreh Says:

    >>Implying the Hiatus Crew could actually degrade.

    And of course I can teach you guys to be British. I’ll just give the queen a quick ring and she can give you all knighthoods over the weekend.

    Then we’ll have tea and scones, and ta da! You now know the basics of being British.

  843. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    youjustlostit, you degraded with us. THERE IS NO ESCAPE

  844. I don’t feel degraded. I feel pretty frickin great!

  845. Midget52 Says:

    I feel slightly dizzy!

    Just to be clear, it IS the Southern US, right?

    • Yep, southern US, home of the king thankyaverramuch.

      I think I need a list or a soundoff or something because I’m having trouble getting the hiatus crew geography straight.

      Arreh is English,
      Putzy is Australian,
      Peanut is Canadian,
      I’m American…

      that’s all I really know.


  846. kingfrozen Says:

    Air hair-lair. (oh, hello)

    Am i successfully british now?

    And degraded? like that chick in my laundry?

  847. Midget52 Says:

    Awesome. We updated at the same time! If I didn’t know better…

    *Runs and checks windows*


  848. Joey Says:

    Oh, I fully accept that I am as degraded as you. It saddens me.

    B-Bop: Cornwall is in the South of England.

    Frozen: You stole that from a hilarious play, didn’t you? Also, no – she’s DECOMPOSED.

  849. Thank you, but I know where Cornwall is, silly :b

    I just hadn’t realized you are Joey. I’m slow today, okay?

    So that’s two Brits, a Canuck, and an Aussie that I’m sure of…and myself, a southern belle. Ah dew decleah!

    Charmed to meet you Joey 🙂

  850. Joey Says:

    I’m sure you are. >.>

  851. Can you teach me to be Cornish?

  852. Joey Says:

    Simply done. Refuse to believe Cornwal is part of any other county, it is a country of its own. Develop a deep love of pasties. Use phrases like “my lover” and speak as such: “It were me tra’er (tractor) that hit it, it were.” Boast proudly of your heritage, and call anyone from Plymouth a “janner”. Support England in the World Cup though.

  853. Wow, that sounds deeply awesome!

    It’s funny, but being Cornish sounds quite a lot like being southern in the US. Interesting parallels…

  854. Joey Says:

    I bet they are interesting. >.>

  855. You’re quite cagey, aren’t you. Mysterious…

  856. Joey Says:

    You’re quite nice aren’t you? Too nice… >.>

  857. What, you don’t like nice people?

  858. Joey Says:

    They’re suspicious, m’dear.

  859. Oh, you with your suspicions. If being a mean would make me less suspicious, then I’m sad for the state of the world.

    I am what I am. I’ve been a less upbeat person in my life, and I didn’t like myself then. I realized it takes more courage, and speaks better for my character, to be more positive, compassionate, open-minded and open-hearted.

    Lest you think I am a wide-eyed naïf, I assure you I am not. I simply choose to be what you call “too nice” because I like myself better that way, and I’ve found that quite often you get what you give.

  860. You don’t forget, because I never said.

    I am 29, I will be 30 this Halloween. And you?

  861. Joey Says:

    Hah! I’m 13, I’ll be 14 this July. So, born on Halloween, eh?

  862. Wow, you’re younger than I thought.

    Yep, I was born on Halloween and I have a twin brother so my parents liked to joke that they got a trick and a treat!

  863. Bahahahahaha! I used to wonder that a lot. It was never specified…

    So when in July is your birthday? My mother and my sister-in-law are both Cancers, and I get along quite well with them.

  864. I like cusp people. They’re a bit complicated. Also, my moon is in Leo so…you know, I get it. The Leo mentality. Very warm and generous, Leos.
    Betcha can’t tell I used to be heavily into astrology 🙂
    Waaaaay back when I was your age…

    So I might be just a lil freaked out if I turn out to be the oldest person here, especially if it’s by a sizable margin…

  865. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Well you’re definitely older than me, I’m only 16.

  866. Joey Says:

    I bet you are B-Bop. And the only female. And very, VERY, nice. I smell A PEDOOOOO. xD

  867. I’m glad you look out for yourself, Joey. I hope my step-daughter will be as smart about these things as you are when she’s your age.

  868. Midget52 Says:

    Dammit. I enjoyed being in the top two oldest here. Well, back to being an immature sod, I guess.

    My internet’s back, by the way. Also, I use the term “Sod” to mean “Clump of dirt”, not the other meaning.

  869. Joey Says:

    Eh, I’m kidding, you’re probably a nice enough young lady, and it’s not like we’re gonna give you our home addresses anyways. :p Step daughter you say? How old is she now?

    • She’s 8. She’s really awesome. I’m raising her right if I say so myself. She’s smart and hilarious and loves video games.

      And thank you for calling me young 🙂

      • Joey Says:

        Well, how modest of you. xD Reminds me of my step-sister. Also, 30 IS young. Wait until you’re 42. Or, 60, like my dad’ll be this year.

  870. Well. Midgie, how old are you? And who is the oldest? And how old is the oldest?

  871. Midget52 Says:

    Give me 17 days and I can vote. Dupersude is about a year or so older than me. And the rest of the crew are little whippersnappers who don’t know how good they got it, dag nabbit!

  872. Ooooooooooohhhh… (pained moan)

    I feel so ooooold…

    Maybe I can be the hiatus crew den mother or something.

    Just call me mama b-bop…

  873. Midget52 Says:

    Age is an abstract here, B-Bop. All our respective situations are a moot point in the face of the anonymity of the internet. For example:

    I live in Australia, have twelve cats and must eat twelve kilos of butter a day or the ants will take over.

    I live in Tenochtitlan, where I work as a fishmonger whilst simultaneously solving supernatural mysteries with my kooky canine sidekick. I recently aquired a boat licence, allowing me to actually catch fish to sell.

    I live in Peru, the perfect place for my rocket base, from which I intend to launch a intercontinental ballistic missile at the suburb of Kemang, Jakarta, due to a past misdemeanour.

    Any part of those stories could be true.

  874. Midget52 Says:

    Except for the butter thing. I don’t like butter that much.

  875. @Joey: to which Putzy comment are you referring? I don’t mind sharing, if you promise not to use what you learn to steal my identity.

    I am 5’5″ tall, weigh 106 lbs, have long black hair, brown eyes, and medium light skin tone. My father is of English descent and my mother is Cherokee.

    I have a birthmark and three tattoos, but I’m not describing them just in case you are planning to steal my identity.


    @Midgie: I’m guessing you live down under, but as for the veracity of all that other…no idea.

    Isn’t it autumn there? It’s going to be 97 degrees here today.

  876. Lmfao! Well, I’m not fat, nor am I a mutant.
    However, beyond innocent curiosity I don’t see why it matters, since it’s been established that I’m waaaaay too old for even the oldest among you.

    • Joey Says:

      I most certainly am amazing curious about stuff. And you think that now, but this IS the internet. 😀

      • Hahaha, you have a point. Maybe I’m the only one who’s being honest…
        As long as you guys keep making me laugh (and don’t try to stalk/murder me and/or steal my identity) you can all be whatever you want.

      • Joey Says:

        Well, I’m very good at being racist (but I don’t mean it), and marginally obsessed with Hitler… If you wanna know what I look like, ask away. :p

  877. I don’t much care for racism myself as I see it far too often where I live
    But I do know how to have a sense of humor about things.

    What do you look like?

  878. Joey Says:

    I look… like Ron Weasley apparently. xD

  879. Hahaha! Cute

    I don’t have any videos on YouTube. Maybe I should get some…

  880. Arreh Says:

    I load up this page, and find about a bajillion new updates. I thought, at last, the Hiatus Crew is coming out of its shell, there’s been a fantastic conversation or something.

    But no. It’s just Joey slobbering all over B-bop like a puppy on crack.

    You got puppy-slobber all over our site, Joey.

    I think, perhaps, Joey needs to pay a visit to the new-generation Putzy.

    In other news, I’m getting a Dinner Jacket (Tuxedo to you foreigners), and was just wondering if that particular piece of clothing gave me any specific powers? Obviously capes allow you to fly, silk dressing gowns allow you to be a playboy, and top hats allow you to be British. Anyone know anything about Dinner Jackets?

  881. I’m severely limited in what I can do at the moment as I am between computers and am therefore doing everything on my mobile phone. Try to imagine for a moment the exquisite frustration of that…
    However, I put a pic of myself on my blog, so if you click on my name you should be able to see it…

  882. arreh Says:

    Not that I tried to look at it or anything, but it won’t let me look at it.

    Even when I log in with the account I most certainly did not create just for this.

  883. youjustlostit Says:

    Your site’s all protected and the like, m’dear.

  884. *sigh*

    Sorry for the delay, guys, but I FINALLY got my privacy settings fixed. The blog itself is pointless, it was meant to be private rantings lol so you needn’t waste time on it. But the pic is there, try it again.

  885. Lol you sweet-talker! I’m not a perfect specimen by, say, Hitler’s standards, but I’m not a fat mutant either.

    So that’s me, and you have a face to put with the name.

  886. Is my phone playing tricks? I don’t see anything here…
    I’m assuming you pasted song lyrics. Perhaps you’d better just tell me what the song is.

  887. If you get a chance to, you should go to Beale Street. There are bars all along it and live blues in every one of them.

    You know something funny? I’ve never been to Graceland.

  888. Arreh Says:

    *grinds teeth*

    This would never have been acceptable back in the Golden Age.

  889. Hey Arreh, what’s the occasion that requires a tux? Are you getting married?

  890. Joey Says:

    Well, if I get a chane I will. Also, Arreh, shyadupp.

  891. Went to MSN without me again, didn’t you?

  892. Sergeant Peanut Says:

    Okay… this couldn’t have happened in the last sixteen hourns I slept. Excuse me for one…moment…

    How did I get a promotion in the last sixteen hours?!

    Wait, it’s all coming back to me… There were… leprechauns, and treasure, and time travel and werewolves and Daleks and I’m gonna stop before I go insane.

    Anyway, I’m going to try not to miss anything else in the next sixteen hours.

  893. Arreh Says:

    Sarge, I hope the gold you got was worth it.

    B-bop, it’s just our “prom”. Going with pretty much the hottest girl in school, though, so gotta look the part.

    • Joey Says:

      >.> School Prom, eh? So, will you be misplacing your cherry, or have you been there done that?

      • Arreh Says:

        Aha, you have a sweet way of putting things.

        Not really an issue for me, to be honest. Want her to have a good time, maybe I’ll have gewd tiems after, maybe not. I’ll certainly have a nice after-party, you could say that.

        S’life, man.

  894. some random guy Says:

    God of war is fun. Also, I’m leaving. I Can’t keep up anymore. I post once and next time I come back there had been 800 MORE COMMENTS. So yeah. I had a great time screwing around here, thanks a lot and I’ll see you in hell! MUAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA!

  895. Oh I remember prom! It was fun I think, it’s hard to remember though because I drank quite a bit.

    Have fun Arreh! Don’t drink and drive! And use protection where necessary!

    In other news…I have pizza 🙂

  896. kingfrozen Says:


    Also, random guy, you will be missed. I remember when you did that thing that you did at the place where you did it. Good times…

    Arreh, you bastard! How can you get a girlfriend! You’re on the internet after all. If you’re going to lie at least make her a brazilian supermodel or something.

  897. @Arreh, which Bond are you?

    @kingfrozen, I HAD pizza but the other people in my house ate it all.

    Also: I am a Brazilian supermodel!

  898. ROFLMFAO!!!

    Ahem. Sorry. I just posted another pic on my blog that was taken last year on Bourbon Street in New Orleans. In the pic are my mother, me, and…A LEPRECHAUN!

    Hey, Sarge, what’s that he’s holding?!

  899. Arreh Says:

    I’ll probably become Pierce Brosnan, I think, or maybe old Sean Connery.

    And sorry, KF, I mean, uh, I haven’t got any friends, and am not going to the prom because, uh, girls explode on contact with me. Does my lying make you feel better?

    And B-bop, none of us are quite old enough to drive, though I’m only a few months off. You are definitely pushing for brood mother, I see, though it’ll never work.

  900. Oh. Sorry 😦

    I really wasn’t trying to be your mother, just your friend.

  901. Arreh Says:

    Yes, yes, you look very pretty.

    And the two women to your right are also pleasant looking.

  902. Picture? Alright, I’ll take a…look… Excuse me, I have to make a call.

    *numbers dialing*

    Bill? Yeah, it’s me; Listen, I need to borrow Jack’s crossbow-…

    What do you mean he doesn’t have it?! I thought I told him to- you know what? Never mind, I’ve got another one. Does he still have the silver and cold iron arrows? Good, ’cause our jolly green friend couldn’t stay away from our side of the rainbow.

    Meet me in the Shamrock and Thistle, standard transfer procedure. Our mutual friend will be there at 12:23 AM, tonight. Be there with the arrows, and we’ll make sure that the traitor does not cross us again…

    Ahem, thank you for waiting.

  903. kingfrozen Says:

    holy shit. Its been like, a whole day! Where are you guys? Did i do something wrong? PLEASE COME BACK!


    Also… you just lost. sorry

  904. Joey Says:

    Hrm. Neat picture. Not meaning anything by this, but your mother doesn’t look much like you.

  905. I was at work :p

    Glad that’s over.


    Fallout: New Vegas still MONTHS away…

    I need to be entertained in the interim. Get to it, guys.

  906. Arreh Says:

    Shan’t. You can’t make me.

    You’re not my real father.

    • Muahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaahahaha!

      What you just said entertained me exceedingly.

      You have fallen right into my trap.

      • Arreh Says:

        Thanks for upsetting me right before my big history exam.

        When I find myself working the rest of my life in a chippy, I’ll remember this and think of you.

  907. Aw, don’t be mad, I was just kidding. I wasn’t entertained, not even a little bit, in fact I was very very bored…

    What’s a chippy?

  908. Arreh Says:

    It’s a chip shop.

    I won’t really work in one of those.

    In other news, I’ve got a summer job working over at CERN.

  909. Well, congratulations!!! Are you super excited? Did you squeal when you found out? XD

  910. kingfrozen Says:

    I sure as hell would have. Isn’t CERN the guys with the large hardon collider…

    shit. I totally did not mean to type that but i made a vow NEVER to delete a word i have typed ito this box. So i wont.

    Its a hadron by the way, just if i confused anyone.

  911. Arreh Says:

    Yeah, it’ll be pretty damn great.

    Hmmm. My life sounds pretty good, actually.

    How’re all you guys doing?

  912. blackbirdofpeace Says:

    This comment section seems to be kicking my phone’s ass.

  913. Arreh Says:

    When he himself might his quietus make.

  914. some random guy Says:

    Only one of you failed the gay test. HA. I said to myself, whowever talks about my final post is gay! The game. You just failed that too.

  915. kingfrozen Says:

    Today is (in my world anyway) obligatory plug day!

    Has anyone heard of Least I Could Do? Its a web comic. Updates frequently. Started in 2003 so plenty of old ones to read as well.


  916. Midget52 Says:

    Jaysus and Begorrah! (Whatever that means) We shall have no product placement here! Life’s Good without product placement to bother us Fresh Food People! The Burgers are Better without your all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce cheese, pickles, onion, on a sesame seed bun. There’s Something Better Every Day!

    Right, I’m done.

  917. blackbirdofpeace Says:

    Suddenly I’m very hungry…

  918. Midget52 Says:

    Has anyone else noticed B-Bop’s icon has changed? A little bit suspect, if you ask me…

  919. kingfrozen Says:

    Something to do with a phone?

  920. Midget52 Says:

    Stop making sense when hi-jinks may ensue!

  921. I’m still me, Midgie. WordPress mobile is giving me shit, not letting me access my dashboard and stuff. It’s taken me upward of 15 minutes to get here the long way.

  922. And now the issue seems to have resolved itself. Wtf? I told you it was capricious.

  923. Midget52 Says:

    Well, yes, I figured as much, but I saw a chance for hi-jinks and I leapt at it. You can’t blame me for trying…

  924. Joey Says:

    Hi-jinks, ay?

  925. You really like music, don’t you? Who are your favorites?

    • Joey Says:

      Oh, there are various ones, for different genres. However, I suppose notable bands are The Script, Relient K, and Plain White T’s.

      • I saw Reliant K at the Memphis in May Beale Street Music Festival several years ago. had never heard of them before that, but they were really awesome. I haven’t heard much from those other two you mention.

      • Joey Says:

        =D The Script did “Man Who Can’t Be Moved”? And Plain White T’s did the famous “Hey there Delilah”.

  926. Oh yeah, that song was everywhere for a while. I haven’t heard the Script song but I’ll check it out.

    My favorites are the Killers, Tool, Radiohead, Muse, the Strokes, and Modest Mouse. Also the theme song from Pani Poni Dash that goes “mawaru mawatteku ai ai aa…”

    That song always disperses my gloom clouds.

  927. Arreh Says:

    Great Goat, it’s just one big love fest in here.

    If, when I’m reading your posts, I happen to projectile vomit, you can both split the cleaning bill.

  928. Hmm, if I were a guy I’m pretty sure that would be called friendliness. But since that disgusts you, Arreh, perhaps you prefer hostility? How about…

    You’re a jerk!

    I’m sorry you had to see that side of me.

  929. Midget52 Says:

    I am SHOCKED.

    How did we have a discussion on music without me? Bring it back, dammit!

  930. kingfrozen Says:

    Midget, just because you like music doesn’t mean that music likes you.

    Music is something to be enjoyed by all and NOT just you . Unless your a stalker. Do you stalk music midget?

  931. Midget52 Says:

    That would be incredibly difficult. I accept your challenge!

  932. So what is it Midgie? Your favorite music I mean. Don’t be shy.

  933. Midget52 Says:

    *breathing heavily* I like… Tim… Minchin… and the John Butler Trio… as well as… most… Jazz…

    *Fumbles for binoculars*

    Yeah, that’s right, baby, you like it half-diminished with a suspended second, don’t you?

  934. Midget52 Says:

    Thank christ SOMEONE here likes them. I seem to be the only one in a 75 Kilometre radius who likes them around here.

  935. Joey Says:

    Indeed, this is Arreh disgust-worthy.

  936. Arreh Says:

    Ich aime them.

  937. Midget52 Says:

    Right: German, Japanese, Spanish. Saya Bagus Sekali?

  938. Gomen nasai, wakarimasen deshita. Mõ sukoshi yukkuri hanashite IN ENGLISH kudasai. Please.

  939. Midget52 Says:

    I realise I could run that through a translator, but I’m gonna assume that was a request for English conversation and move on.

    How’s things?

  940. Arreh Says:

    Ick sprekken ins zie auslaufden, unt ich schlieferglossen.

  941. Joey Says:

    Guten tag?

  942. Arreh Says:

    Keine deutch, zu auschloff.

  943. Bah. Doitsugo wa dekimasen, sore hanashimasen. Jibun de eigo ga hanashitai onegaishimasu. The only German word I know is gronen bonen.

    This has to stop!! What did you say Arreh?

  944. 方法については私は完全別の文字形式を使用します!

  945. @Sarge: Yoku dekimashita! 😀 I wish I could do kanji and kana on my phone.

    @Midgie: how did you come to know Indonesian?

  946. Just saw this on the news. Pretty typical of my hometown. I laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaughed! XD

    • Joey Says:


      • GAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA Hahaha haha. Fricking awesome.
        I was relieved that the puppy was ok.

        Also: where did the puppy come from? Was he keeping it in his pocket for just such an occasion?

        Hey kingfrozen, I read your blog and spammed all over it. Prepare to be pestered for updates.


  947. Arreh Says:

    Unstuud frau B-bop esse ins die zommer funf naut-flossen, unt mitte frau Joey est zie sweinhunt gefahrer.

    Unst mit der kingfrozen, wie sumenhaus isnt es zie mortkompfer.

    Es ist auch scheisse.

  948. Arreh Says:

    Da, unt sie auben ist auch mijne aussfluff.

    Da, ick sprekken van de lifde.

    Unt van der sprouchsen ick goflaurer, da?

    Njet. Geen.

  949. Ich weiß nicht, was zum Teufel du sagst!

  950. Arreh Says:

    Traussig, ick kan nicht sprekke deutch.

  951. Arreh Says:

    Hello kingfrozen. You are cool.

    Hello Midgie. You are interesting.

    Hello Sarge. You are an accomplice.

    Hello Putzy. You are amusing.

  952. Arreh Says:

    Hello Joey. Sometimes you are shit, but also sometimes I like you.

  953. Arreh Says:

    Hello B-bop. You are odd but I like you.

  954. 😀

    You were aware that you were torturing me, right? That was intentional?

  955. Arreh Says:

    Of course.

    Take it as a compliment that I view you worthy of torture.

    Far worse is the hell of being ignored, and slipping into nothing.


    • So my adjective is “odd,” hm? I suppose there are worse things to be (such as ignored please don’t ever do that again I felt like I was getting smaller).

      When is prom? I want to see you in the tux. If you want. If that’s too nosy then sorry and never mind.

  956. Arreh Says:

    Well, it’s hard to call someone odd amongst company such as this.

    You’re odd in a less creepy, less sociopathic, less psychotic way. Which is good, really.

  957. Michael Says:


  958. Then I am forced to assume that you said as follows: you think I am hot, brilliant, funny, and 90% superior to 90% of women worldwide, and if current obstacles were no obstacle then circumstances would certainly be different.

    Haha, assuming things is fun because it makes an ass out of you.

    Not me though.

  959. Michael’s back!

    Yay Michael!

  960. Arreh Says:

    That better be the blood of innocents.

  961. Midget52 Says:

    I personally prefer essence to blood. It has a richer taste. But it does have a higher piety content, which gives me heartburn.

  962. Joey Says:

    So, sow, though, your boat.

  963. Happy Father’s Day, Putzy 3

  964. Michael Says:

    My father is not here. He’s in Germany, or Denmark at the moment. BUT I AM STILL FULL OF BLOOD SO IT DOESN’T MATTER

    /manly tear

  965. Michael Says:

    B-Bop, the reply button.

    Also, to answer your question,

  966. Michael Says:

    Never use the reply function.

  967. …?

    🙂 Joey, you are adorable. But you have to stop peeping in my window.

  968. Michael Says:

    B-Bop, I thought you had read all comments?

  969. I have read them all at least once. And I sense you’re about to reprimand me for forgetting some key point re: our current topic of discussion. Before you do, I’d just like to say:

    I’m deeply sorry for failing to retain the pertinent information. In my defense…

    I clicked on your link. I gave in to curiosity in spite of my better judgment.

    Now that image has supplanted all memories from before.

    • Joey Says:

      When I first appeared I replied to so many old comments that Michael went off on one, along with many other members, practically destroying The Hiatus Crew. Of course, they reformed, and I have been branded as the antagonist ever since. Also, I’ll never stop! Your new lounge furniture looks GREAT from the lawn by the way. And FINALLY: Doctor Who! Dicuss.

  970. 😦 I can’t. We don’t have that here.

  971. Michael Says:

    Grate, on another note though, my headphone cable keeps curling up and it’s getting really annoying.

  972. Arreh Says:












  973. Arreh Says:


  974. Michael Says:

    I hate it too, Arreh. Fucking smokers ruining my day. To counter it though, I usually cough extra loud to make sure the smoker hears it, when walking past them. Makes them go all pink.

  975. @Michael: have you tried taping them to your head? The cables, I mean.

    @Arreh: that was quite poetic.

  976. Michael Says:

    I mean the cable that is connected to my keyboard(yeah I have a cool keyboard like that), and this cable then connects with the headphones. So, taping them to my head wouldn’t be a good idea, really.

  977. Ooohhh, I see your point.


    Hilarious mental image though, isn’t it?

  978. Arreh Says:


  979. Arreh! NOOOOOOOOOOO!

    WHY, GOD? WHY?!

  980. Midget52 Says:

    ________/\ _________/\ _________/\ _________/\ __
    \/ \/ \/ \/

    He’s ALIVE!!!

    (That is what he meant by coded, right?)

  981. Not sure, but that’s how I took it.

    Arreh’s been very cryptic lately

  982. Arreh Says:




  983. That’s right, Arreh, vlaggen em ab, definitely

    (been drinking, I expect)

  984. Arreh Says:




  985. Absolutely, darling, I concur. Now wouldn’t you like a cup of coffee or a nice lie down?

    I have an embarrassing confession. I loved Toy Story 3.

  986. Dupersude Says:


  987. Midget52 Says:

    I am seriously considering going to see that movie. Also, SYDNEE BETTAR THAN MELBOURNES FTW TROLOLOLOLOLOL.

  988. Do it, Midgie, it’s AWESOME!

  989. Midget52 Says:

    Can you prove it?

  990. Negative. That’s an opinion, not a fact.

    It made me happy, so I think it may make you happy too.

    I got all green lights on the way home today 😀

  991. I’m starting to think I may have driven everyone away. So I’m just gonna stop for a while.

  992. Midget52 Says:

    No! Stopping solves NOTHING! We sometimes go through lapses. It’s due to our collective neuroses, the sheer weight of which could knock the sun out of orbit.

    Also, I realise it’s an opinion. If you can’t prove it, can you at least QUANTIFY it?

  993. Michael Says:


  994. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    You are now aware that you are a brain.

  995. Midget52 Says:

    Unless, of course, you are not.

  996. Joey Says:

    I went to London. I bought a Heat magazine. This is all.

  997. Michael Says:

    On a related note to Putzy, you’re now aware that you have a fucking skeleton inside your body, and you can’t escape it. A fucking skeleton.


  998. Midget52 Says:

    Well damn.

    Also, “Heat”? I didn’t know you played for THAT team, Joey. You must know people in the theatre, if you know what I mean…

  999. Arreh Says:



  1000. Joey Says:

    xD Midge, I went to London to watch Billy Elliot in the theatre. xD Also, I bought it because of the advert.

  1001. Antaru Says:

    Hey Midget52? Didn’t I see you with people in the theatre? If you know what I mean…

  1002. Midget52 Says:

    Right, Antaru. If you’re looking for a way into the group, you have mine if you can tell me what show I was referencing.

    Otherwise, yes, I do know people in the theatre, but not in THT way. Though some of them ARE that way…

  1003. Antaru Says:

    Thanks Midget, I was kinda hoping everyone would just ignore that new guy and pretend he was always there…

    And I didn’t know you were referencing a show, I was just kinda going along with the joke. Besides I used to comment on here a while ago but got bored when nondrick went on hiatus.

  1004. Antaru Says:


    Can I join?

    please? I’ll be your bestest friend!

  1005. Midget52 Says:

    My offer still stands. GET RESEARCHING!

  1006. Michael Says:

    You have my invite if you can make me laugh. Or, write a 255 word essay on the Hiatus Crew(I’m still waiting on that one, I wanna see what you guys are going to write!).

  1007. KingFrozen Says:

    Well, not that my votes count because I come in here about as frequently as… um… whats a simile that would put me as coming in here so rarely and when I do come in I might as well not have been here because it changed so much without me?

    Anyway, I offer my vote to welcome Antaru.

    Off topic: What made you guys pick your names? I know we already did this but I forgot. So, lets do it again.

    I got my name when I was starting high school. I needed an email address and had been recently introduced to Warcraft III. I loved the lichs in that game and I really wanted to rule something.

    Kings rule stuff, lichs are frozen. Kingfrozen! Yeah, totally stupid thought path but 6 years later, I still love the name.

  1008. Arreh Says:





  1009. Antaru Says:


    Ahem, well I’m going to take a stab at this…

    1) To Midget 52: You were referencing your own show, seeing as you are so interested in the theater. I believe it was in that play with your mates. You know, the ones that asked you several nights ago to be more than friends?

    2) To Michael: A man walks into a bar.

    3) To King Frozen: ow, that hurt… now that I’ve recovered, I can tell you that my name is a bit of an experiment. I met this guy on holiday in Egypt, he said he was writing a book and it was in a place called Antaru. I figured, meh?

    And, just cos you asked nicely…

    The Hiatus Crew (Scientific designation: Hiatii Crewzii) is a somewhat dysfunctional form of symbiotic life form, rarely seen on this planet. Despite their repeated attempts to move into the realm of illogical non sensibility, they maintain a strangely accurate line of thought that proves impossible to deny.

    It is hard to speculate, but most likely they draw their sustenance from either increasingly incomprehensible thought processes or from the act of subtle insults and insinuations of hidden sexual drives. Furthermore, what is amazing is that the conglomeration (for lack of a better word) has refrained from being infected by the 7hr33 plague, and maintained a high quality standard of insults, in stark comparison to three letter accusations about sexuality.

    For being on the interwebs, that’s quite an achievement.

    One can also learn much from their loyalty. While most wildlife tends to detach itself from suffering or dying parents, the Hiatii Crewzii displays an immense, almost stubborn loyalty for it’s parent, a being named Nondrick. Despite the obvious fact that he has expired, the symbiotic organism has survived, even flourished in the absence of it’s biological mother. I am not sure whether this is a compliment to the organism, or the virtual intelligence program known as ‘Nondrick’ and in turn it’s parent, the standard humanoid organism, Christopher.

    In conclusion, one would surmise that the Hiatus Crew are in fact, one of this planet’s great untold mysteries. Sadly however, that mystery will remain unsolved as most scholar’s and scientist’s interested in such a discussion would be distracted the moment they noticed something shiny. Ohh! whats that…?

  1010. Michael Says:

    Antaru, I actually laughed at that joke. Also, nice essay you got there, however it was 263 words, but you are forgiven due to the essay’s high quality. I’m impressed that you included small details such as the shiny thing- oh, what’s that?

  1011. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    God damn it Antaru! Stop talking intelligently! You’re making us look like squares.

  1012. KingFrozen Says:

    Antaru is such a f4g. Shit… broke the 7hr33 rule…

  1013. Midget52 Says:

    I don’t care how damn funny he is, my reference WILL be understood, dammit! Get Googling!

    On a side note, i do like our little classification. We should submit that to a wiki.

  1014. Joey Says:

    The IT Crowd. You owe me one (1) invite.

  1015. Midget52 Says:

    Well, now you’ve ruined Antaru’s chances. Guess I better think of another challenge. Speaking of relatively new people, what happened to B-Bop?

  1016. Joey Says:

    She’ll be bach. =D Also, hah! One (1) down; many to go!

  1017. Antaru Says:

    Oh by the way Midget it was the IT crowd. What? I never spoke to Joey… I swear!

    Ah well that’s a vote from KingFrozen, Michael, and Putzy von Putzingbird the Third (I think)and Midget52, as I TECHNICALLY passed the test. Is four enough? Can I vote myself in?

  1018. Antaru Says:

    P.S: To Putzy who I can’t be bothered writing the full name cos it’s too long and still failed to notice the irony that this name is even longer: I am pretty amazing.

  1019. Hi everyone. Missed you.

    Hey Midgie, is it your birthday?

  1020. Arreh Says:


    Also Antaru doesn’t get my vote.

    He can have mine if he becomes a different, more amusing person, for at least 3 posts.

  1021. Midget52 Says:

    I’m so happy someone remembered! Thanks! Though it is a bit… creepy…

  1022. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    I remembered, I just didn’t wish you a happy birthday for literally no reason. 😐

  1023. Antaru Says:

    Oh it’s your birthday? Well if you come to my house I will give you $10,000!

    Happy Birthday!

  1024. Hmm…

    I try to be thoughtful, and I get called creepy. For a fleeting moment it was nice to be back.

    Time to disappear again, I guess…

  1025. Michael Says:

    No, B-Bop, don’t go! Come and sit close to me near the camp fire and let’s toast some marshmallows and share some stories instead!

  1026. Ooooh, s’mores!

    And ghost stories!

    It was a clear, cool evening in late autumn, the kind of chilly, purple, autumnal evening that makes one feel a strange foreboding…

  1027. Arreh Says:


  1028. Joey Says:

    What, like this?

  1029. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    FUCK that was scary let’s not play this anymore D:

  1030. Joey Says:

    Oh, but Putzy… The Game has just begun. =D

  1031. Antaru Says:

    You just lost the game

  1032. Joey Says:

    You don’t say?

  1033. Midget52 Says:

    I meant creepy in a nice way. Like a creeping warmth from a heater in the middle of winter… Goat, it’s freezing.

  1034. Joey Says:

    … Summer. Rain. Heat. Humidity. Stupid British weather. >.>

  1035. Antaru Says:

    My heater says creepy things in the dead of night.

  1036. Joey Says:

    Your heater IS creepy things in the dead of night.

  1037. Arreh Says:

    I had prom and afterprom party and no sleep god I’m tired.

    • Arreh Says:

      By god I refer to not Goat but Zeus, head of my new pagan religion.

      No, I didn’t break any rules, damn you all.

    • Arreh Says:

      And by Zeus I also mean god, which is actually his nickname and not a description.

      Okay, I think I’m safe now.



  1039. Arreh Says:


  1040. :p gwouch

    Did you have fun at prom Arreh?

  1041. Arreh Says:

    Yes but no haven’t slept about 30 hours.

    Aargh. Good fun though.

  1042. Joey Says:

    Lies. None of them.

  1043. Arreh Says:


  1044. Haha, that’s nothing. I never slept that whole week I wasn’t commenting because I was occupied with nonstop hedonistic indulgences with brilliant, attractive people. That’s right, people. Plural. And non gender specific.



    Glad you had fun Arreh. 😀

  1045. Well duh. Of course I slept. And my “brilliant, attractive” companions were just my coworkers.

    And my hedonistic indulgences were mainly solitary and involved kit kats and video games.

    Wasn’t the embellished version so much more exciting?

  1046. Hmm, perhaps, but that’s, as they say, “nunya.”

  1047. Mm hm, didn’t I tell you? I am occasionally silly.

    And I really did eat a jumbo kit kat by myself. Can’t seem to gain weigh whatever I do.

  1048. Nah, not that desperate.

  1049. Elephants are matriarchal. 🙂

  1050. Arreh Says:


  1051. I’m with Arreh on this one, although it shall be beneficial to discover a creature capaple of withstanding Joey’s stupidity-field. We must disect it! For science!

  1052. Antaru Says:

    Exactly, he’s a ‘Doctor Peanut’. That’s gotta be worth something?

  1053. Happy birthday USA!

    You know what else was annoying? In Mass Effect when they’d yell “ENEMIES EVERYWHERE!” like every three seconds.

  1054. There’s an old saying, Joey. A word of great power and wisdom, in consolation of the soul in times of need: MEDIC!

  1055. Joey Says:

    So, anyone else feel like shit? xD

  1056. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Actually, yes. I am feeling very sick today. Somebody kill me.

    • Joey Says:

      Can do. Activate the basement upon yourself. Creation kills creator; it’s obvious. Then again, you’re not it’s creator… But the genetic material should be enough to fool it.

  1057. Midget52 Says:

    Ahh, the basement… Who doesn’t love the sound of twenty-seven rabbits screaming a perfect dominant seventh chord?

    On an unrelated note, does anyone here know where I could find “The Real Book”?

  1058. Antaru Says:

    I have the ‘Real Book’. It’s in between the fake book and the not-so-fake book, but it’s also above the possibly-fake book but nowhere near the might-be-real book.

    Also, make sure you don’t get confused by the real-that’s-not-real book or fake-that’s-actually-real-book.

    You got all that?

  1059. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    But wouldn’t the fake-that’s-actually-real book be the real book?

  1060. Antaru Says:

    No, the Fake-that’s-actually-real book is the fake-that’s-actually-real-book. The real book is the real book. duh.

    Anyway I actually have to stop commenting from now on. So have fun everyone.

    P.S: TLH

  1061. KingFrozen Says:


  1062. The Real Book, lest you forget, hasn’t been written yet because I am lazy. However, any questions you have regarding the contents of said book can be directed at Peanut, as he has travelled to the future and read it.

    In fact, Peanut, I plan to enlist your help when I finally get around to writing it. Hell, you should probably just go ahead and handle the whole thing. You already know everything that’s in it.

  1063. Ah, an ontological paradox. Very clever. However, as my name was not credited as co-authour twenty five into the future, we can only assume that my assistance must not be given, lest the timeline be changed! Or perhaps this very conversation is changing my personal timeline, which could affect the entire timestream! Or, wait… is that how history works? Because perhaps my presence in the future does not confirm the fact that the book is written, but my return to this time results in the book being written in the first place!

    Screw this. I’m going to go to the future and bring back a copy of the book, time paradoxes be damned.

  1064. Midget52 Says:

    But nothing went “Bing” !

  1065. Joey Says:

    Bada-bing; bada-boom. (]:

  1066. Michael Says:

    Oh shit man what are you doing

  1067. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    I want whatever you guys are smoking.

  1068. Midget52 Says:

    What we’re smoking is extinct now.

  1069. Hidole555 Says:

    How hard can it be to update this? It seems like a homework assignment from a gamer’s dream. Play Oblivion for hours on end and write a short, humorous essay about it.

  1070. Midget52 Says:

    Slightly aggressive, Joey? Don’t forget how our group started.

  1071. Michael Says:

    Joey, get out. Now. The door is over there.

  1072. Michael Says:

    I’ll just put on my war face.

  1073. Arreh Says:

    They were emergency boat flags you fuckers.

  1074. Michael Says:


  1075. Midget52 Says:

    The quality of conversation has really declined recently. Let’s see…

    What is your opinion on the new motin controllers for your respective consoles?

  1076. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Technology is looking up. Wii is still shit.

  1077. I’m still waiting for virtual reality. Wii still prints money.

  1078. Midget52 Says:

    I didn’t know it could do that! Stupid non-money printing consoles!

  1079. KingFrozen Says:

    Wow… you guys haven’t posted anything for a whole day? what happened? was there an exodus that no one told me about?

    I knew you all would leave me here! Alone! With only corporal cashew here to take care of me…


  1080. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    So he’s the fucker that’s been stealing my Vaseline!
    The jokes on you, because that’s actually gasoline! So when you have your post-coitus cigarette, you goan burn!

  1081. Midget52 Says:


    Have absolutely NO idea what the game is, but ITS FREE!

  1082. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    And it is extremely fun!

  1083. And it comes with a hat!

  1084. Michael Says:

    Hats make everything better. Did I tell you of when my uncle Derek put on multiple hats on a party, but ended up leaving with only one?

  1085. Joey Says:

    And then it died.

  1086. KingFrozen Says:

    Who died? The hats? Or Uncle Derek? I hope it was the hats. I don’t know what I would do without Uncle Derek!

  1087. Michael Says:

    The loss of Derek’s hats traumatized poor Uncle Derek so much that he didn’t leave the house for two weeks straight. However, once he finally got out, he supposedly had order seven new hats from , which were so impressive that everyone around him started worshipping him. Have I ever told you about the time Unlce Derek was traumatized due to a drastic loss of hats, and then got out with seven new hats which were so impressive everyone started worshipping him?

  1088. Midget52 Says:

    That does sound familiar…

  1089. KingFrozen Says:

    He is the messiah! (and I should know, I followed a few)

  1090. Joey Says: No! =D

  1091. Arreh Says:

    Well done, Joey.

  1092. Michael Says:

    Ehum… Dear members of the Hiatus Crew.

    There is a special feeling, a feeling you rarely get, but when you get it, you’ll know it. I got this feeling today. Do you know what it feels like, to have one of your best friends fucking shit on his floor on cam, live? Now I know, and I’d be a fucklot happier if I never got to know this feeling.

  1093. KingFrozen Says:

    That is a “special” feeling. Why were you introduced to such a video? And more importantly… WHY DID YOU WATCH?!

  1094. Michael Says:

    We were on IRC, alright? He linked to a tinychat channel, where he was on cam and apparently taking a shit. He was completely naked, and took a shit while we were watching. I didn’t know what was going to happen, bro

  1095. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    I find this to be humorous.

  1096. Arreh Says:

    This tickles me.

  1097. Joey Says:


  1098. Midget52 Says:

    I think a better question would be: is he still your friend, and if so, how many xbox games must he have?

  1099. Michael Says:

    Yeah, he’s still my friend. Anyway, I just watched this:

    Hey, Green Lantern is in it!

  1100. KatonRyu Says:

    How I wish Nondrick would return again. This blog makes me want to play Oblivion in the same style as Chris, were it not for the fact that I am way too impatient to do this and not cheat.

  1101. KingFrozen Says:

    The DC online looks pure awesome sauce.

    KatonRyu, I know exactly how you feel. I mean, sometimes I just too impatient and can’t be bothered to finish-

  1102. Joey Says:

    I has a penis. ^.^

  1103. Congratulations, so do the rest of us xD

    Btw, I know I’m late, but happy birthday.

  1104. Michael Says:

    What the fuck is this shit?

  1105. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    In other news, this place is fucking boring.

  1106. Midget52 Says:

    Right, we need to spice up this place a bit more. Time for the FIRST POLY ANNUAL CONTINUING STORY CHALLENGE EXTRAVAGANZA!

  1107. Midget52 Says:

    ‘Twas the night after Doomsday, and all through the hut, not a creature was stirring, not even the mutt. Though, technically, half of it WAS stirring, given the large mutation protruding from its side. The howls of the festering, sentient ulcer rang through the night, attracting…

  1108. Joey Says:

    … attracting, of course, the unrivalled attention of all but one of the nearby cats. The single one un-called for cat, however, was unique, in a very odd way. He wasn’t called for because…

  1109. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    because he was drowning in a puddle of his own urine. Zombie urine! It mewled in pain, alerting a nearby…

  1110. Arreh Says:

    … a nearby cow called Gerard. Gerard whisked a pump action shotgun from under her udders, and pointed it at the cat’s head. The cat looked at Gerard, and…

  1111. Michael Says:

    …and then Gerard dropped the gun, embraced the cat and made sweet, sweet love to it. However, their most intimate moment was interruped near climax as they could hear a frat boy cricketing through space knocking on their door, when suddenly…

  1112. Joey Says:

    … When suddenly Tim awoke from his dream to his mother knocking on his door. DAMN; he’d creamed his pj’s again. At least the dream hadn’t been of his sister this time, he remembered the last one…

  1113. Midget52 Says:

    …one and a half seconds of the dream, whereby he had been careening through the air, hurtling inexplicably towards an oversized model thumb. Somehow, Tim knew that his dreams were linked, that their subject matter was linked and it would only be a matter of time before their importance would come to the fore. It was at this point that…

  1114. … that a giant sandwich monster exploded out of nowhere! It took on look at Tim with it’s olive- eyes (causing him to add a layer of urine to the fluid already in his pants), and said, in a sandwich-y voice…

  1115. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    “I want you inside me.” The sandwich monster embraced Tim, and they made sweet passionate love on his bed. Tim awoke several hours later with an aching arse to find the sandwich monster was long gone. All that was left of him was the mayonnaise in his rectum and the memories of that magical night. Tim thought to himself…

  1116. Arreh Says:

    …himself that if his life were a story, the writers would have to be pretty fucked up. He shook his head, clearing his mind as he rolled out the dead prostitute from under his bed. The girl lay there, and…

  1117. Joey Says:

    … and he admired her body with slovenous eyes. “What would it be like to commit necrophilia?” he wondered aloud, and slowly started growing hard again…

  1118. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Suddenly, the corpse came to life, and bit off his penis. It chewed thoughtfully for a moment, then swallowed. Tim squealed in pain, then…

  1119. Michael Says:

    …then he had the best orgasm ever! However, seeing as he no longer possessed genitals, nothing happened. He was very disappointed, but soon his thoughts moved on to something else as the corpse found his hidden scat stash on his computer, and screamed for Tim’s mother who came charging up the stairs and burst through the door. Naturally, as Tim was standing there, with his wet pants around his ankles, no genitalia and a living corpse looking at scat pornography on his computer, she…

  1120. Arreh Says:

    …she wapped out her own massive cock, and placed it on the floor. It clucked. Tim laughed at the clever joke, when…

  1121. Matteo Says:

    …when the kool-aid man busted through the large stained glass window in his room. He shattered the minute long silence and shouted “IT’S AWWRIGHT!”…

  1122. KingFrozen Says:


    …”You can totally drink me! It’ll only hurt if you do it wrong.” He winked at our hero(es[delete as applicable]) while looking off into the distance, probably the camera in the corner of the room. I’m not really sure. when suddenly there was a hiss, to with everyone responded to with…

    /crosses fingers for dance.

  1123. Midget52 Says:

    …the Numa Numa dance! The slightly obese back up dancers poured into the room, rolls of flab glistening as the oriental music coaxed them into epileptic gyrations. However, the incredible concentration of pure cellulite that the room had become was having an unforeseen effect. This was…

  1124. KingFrozen Says:

    The song is European, not oriental.

    …that the walls began to collapse in on the huge mass that had become the centre of the fat orgy. Creaking and cracking the walls shifted inwards. That is until…

  1125. Joey Says:

    … until suddenly, the effect know as the “Divide by Zero Phenomenom” was inflicted, and the entire rom became a whirling black hole of fat, which of course caused…

  1126. Michael Says:

    …caused a rift in the fabric of time. Everything went black for poor Tim, but he woke up minutes later, covered in fat and piss and blood and sweat and shit and piss and cum and blood and vaginal juices and piss and sweat(eww, sweat!) and shit and blood and piss and sweat and piss and blood and sweat and shit and blood and piss and blood and vaginal juices and piss and cum and blood and vaginal juices and piss and sweat and shit and blood and piss and sweat and piss and blood and sweat and shit and blood and piss and blood and vaginal juice and piss and cum and blood and vaginal juices and piss and sweat and shit and blood and piss and sweat and piss and blood and sweat and shit and blood and shit and piss and blood and vaginal juices when suddenly a dinosaur licked his forehead. The dinosaur then asked Tim what his name was, and he responded…

    (if you don’t get the reference, I’m disappointed in you, Hiatus Crew)

  1127. Midget52 Says:

    OH NO. The end of Nondrick? Whatever will happen to the crew?

    Also, I didn’t get the reference, so I’ll wait for someone else to continue the story.

  1128. Vadermath Says:

    …by saying he was Tim, and thus he bowed down to the mighty creature, and started licking his gargantuan penis. Upon which another black hole appeared, and out of it sprouted an old Frenchman.

    “It is I, LeClair!” he yelled ecstatically, before…

    (I’m back, bitches. I am also disappointed if you don’t get my reference)

  1129. Midget52 Says:

    (Would that be ‘Allo ‘Allo? And OMG VADERMATH HAI!)

    …cunningly disguising himself as an onion seller. Dinosaurs, being both incredibly stupid and incredibly allergic to onions, attempted to hide behind Tim. This only caused further problems, because at this point, LeClair…

  1130. KingFrozen Says:

    …turned out to be the cause of all this villainy-ness. It was his wicked disguises and genius behind the veil of stupidity that allowed him to get away with this plan of his for so long. And that plan… was…

    whoever’s next can fill that in

  1131. Joey Says:

    … Was to take over the world! Tim sighed. “Of course it is! That’s ll you ever want to do, but none of you know what you’ll do with it, or why you even want it! Despicable!” LeClair was beggining to be upstaged, so…

  1132. KingFrozen Says:

    …promptly burst into (wait for it) a musical performance. It was the best musical of all time. The plot was emotionally wrenching, the action outstanding, the special effects unrivalled and all this was by one man. LeClair played every role brilliantly. It was the only show to receive multiple eleventy-squillion out of ten review. Never again will a show like this be broadcast or seen in the future. This did distract LeClair from his plot of world domination while providing countless others with encouragement to both attempt similar feats and others to foil those nefarious plans. The show now has a cult following with re-enactments every tuesday, thursday and sunday (twice on sundays) though none will match the original masterpiece. Our hero was flabbergasted (which doesn’t get detected by the spell checker) and discombobulated (but that one does) and went on to forgive LeClair for his past villainy. This forced him to seek out a new opponent and adversary in…

    I apologise now for typos, misprints and/or errors. Viewer discretion is advised.

  1133. Midget52 Says:

    … a small waterbiscuit, which he promptly named Cecil. Cecil was a cunning waterbiscuit, having been trained in the elite art of…

  1134. Midget52 Says:

    Where’d everybody go?

  1135. Joey Says:

    TO HELL.

  1136. KingFrozen Says:

    I’m still here. I didn’t want to be the one to continue the story. Then it would have looked like a midget sandwich.

  1137. Midget52 Says:

    Something that should NEVER happen again. EVER

  1138. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Anyone still trying to fix the italics? I can’t [b]emphasise[/b] like I could before.

  1139. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Well fuck. I knew I did something wrong.

  1140. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Success! My life is now complete, bitches!

  1141. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    And if I try this?

  1142. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    And what about this?

  1143. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Fuck this.

  1144. just a test Says:

    investigating how to close the italics, now that I found the source

  1145. just a test Says:

    ok, so what happened up there is that “G” perhaps unwittingly entered in an opening italics, a self closing italics command, and then a closing italics command. because of the self closing placement, the last closing command will not work, nor will the self closing tag close. The italics is being ‘cloned’ as google chrome is putting it, in order to preserve the italics it thinks should be there. You may have noticed that adding in closing italics commands do not work without an opening command. Very interesting!

  1146. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Good work, just a test. You earned your pay. Now hit the showers all of you, debrief is at 0800 tomorrow.

  1147. Joey Says:

    >.> Fishes.

  1148. Midget52 Says:

    So the Italics are self-replicating?

    May Goat have mercy on us all.

  1149. KingFrozen Says:

    Thats ok. We just need to put in an opening italics at the start somewhere.

    anyone know where the italics were closed?

  1150. Dunmarik Says:

    Noooo! I need more Nondrick dammmit! Like so many others, these stories have inspired me to play and enjoy Oblivion yet again, and with the mods you recommended, It’s even better! Go Nondrick! (Also, does anyone know where we can find pictures of Nondrick from the Fallout universe? I know he let the domain for the pictures expire last time, any way we can still see them?)

  1151. Midget52 Says:

    I think we need a contigency plan for when Nondrick does end. So we can keep in contact. Maybe an exchange of facebook names or something?

  1152. “To my loyal butler, You There, for his decades of service, I leave a pittance, to be paid in twenty equal installments of one-twentieth of a pittance each.”


    I don’t know if I’m considered a real Hiatusian, but I would be facebook friends with you, Midgie.

  1153. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    I already am, because I’m hardcore.
    Remember that time we came to this site for Nondrick and not the comment section?

  1154. Midget52 Says:

    Ahhh, t’was a simpler time. When plants were harvested, canine diseases festered, and we knew not the magnificent properties of Infantonium.

    Right, so it’s agreed? Facebook after the end?

  1155. G Says:

    …and what’s with these italics, I wonder who started all that…

  1156. Midget52 Says:

    Hang on. How long have you been gone?

  1157. Midget52 Says:

    Hey G! Hang on. How long have you been gone?

  1158. Midget52 Says:

    Dammit. Bloody keyboard.

  1159. Michael Says:

    I’m not going to assume that you missed me, but here I am again. However, I do not have facebook, and do not intend to. Why can’t we just stay here in the comment section? Unless Chris deletes this blog, I don’t see why not.

  1160. Joey Says:

    As if you guys would miss me.

  1161. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Well aren’t we all desperate to know if anyone would care if they left. 😛

  1162. Midget52 Says:


    Which should I address? Hmmmm…

    Michael: Without a common purpose, we are likely to disperse. So, you know, get facebook immediately.

  1163. Well Crew, if anyone wants to be my Facebook buddy, my e-mail is


    Don’t leave me hanging, guys

  1164. I don’t have facebook, but perhaps one day I will join you there. For now, however, I remain wandering this wasteland known as the Internet, the blog being the closest thing I have to a home.

  1165. G Says:

    @Midget52: My last post was at May 27th so about 3 months I guess.

  1166. Arreh Says:


    The Hiatus Crew is greater than the sum of its parts.

    We shall live, and die, together.

    Enjoy adding each other on facebook, but count me out, gentlemen.

  1167. G Says:

    I’m With Arreh.

    I’m also with Doctor Peanut, i’m a wanderer of the wasteland known as the internet as well, to give my facebook would count against my wandering.

  1168. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Yes, let’s pretend the internet isn’t just a screen and that your ‘wandering’ isn’t just typing things into google.

  1169. Midget52 Says:

    Okay. I will add people on the provision that you speak not my name on forums other than FAcebook. Okay?

  1170. Agreed. And, um, ditto. Ok?

  1171. Midget52 Says:

    So we have reached an accord. Thank you, !

  1172. Michael Says:

    ( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \ 一二三┻━┻ 一二三┻━┻ 一二三┻━┻ 一二三┻━┻ 一二三┻━┻}。々°)ノ

  1173. Whoa. That’s profound Michael. Or dirty.

    Hi Arreh! 🙂

    Midgie, send me your name. Or I’ll send you mine.

  1174. Michael Says:


    Yes, I am a wizard.

  1175. Drei Says:

    So next year, March, guys?

  1176. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    This place takes ages to load, for me at least. I don’t care if it’s a post saying he’s going to post, we need a new comments section.

  1177. Kas Valentine Says:

    A true hero that will live forever in legend….

    Glad to have met you Nondrick, glad to have met you.

  1178. Arreh Says:

    If you guys got my facebook, you would actually be bowled over by how awesome I am.

    It’s more for your safety than anything that I keep myself to myself. Don’t want you breaking anything.

  1179. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Less active than usual comment section is…well…less active than usual.

  1180. Jov Says:

    Well, that was surprisingly fun to read. This doesn’t seem like a fitting end to the tale of Nondrick, so I hope it continues. I would like to commend you on your abilities to stay alive thus far, albiet with some close encounters. Are you playing on normal difficulty? I’d like to see Nondrick settle down somewhere, and really find his niche in the world. I’m also curious just how far you can get before he finally dies. Well, thanks for the blog. I’ve never really read a blog before, and I read this entire one. Cheers! -Jov

  1181. Midget52 Says:

    Well awesome. I won’t be adding you just yet, B-BoP. But I promise I will.

    In other news, how awesome is cake? I mean, wow.

  1182. NOT Midget52 Says:

    Why, yes it is, NOT ME, it is indeed awesome! But I think we should change the subject so that OTHER PEOPLE WILL SAY SOMETHING.

  1183. Ian Says:

    I think someone should mod this whole entire blog into a book (pictures included) and put it in the elder scrolls library or something! How’s that for an easter egg?

  1184. Arreh Says:

    Guys I’m still here.

  1185. Mad David Says:

    Hmm. It’s ammazing how these sites get broken.

  1186. Mad David Says:

    What now?

  1187. Mad David Says:


  1188. Wth…shenanigans.

    Hi guys! Arreh, Midgie, Putzy, Vadermath, KingFrozen, Joey, Michael, Peanut, G, how’s everyone? I’m fine, thanks. I wish it didn’t take three and a half days for this page to load…

  1189. Midget52 Says:

    That’s the price we pay for the sheer awesome that is us. Personally, loading isn’t a problem. Though there is an incredible lag between me typing something in the box and it appearing. About three seconds. I’ve taken to typing my messages in notepad and just copy-pasting.

  1190. Arreh Says:

    I’ve been doing that for a while, and with the last entry, too.

    Until, suddenly, Chrome out of nowhere!

    And there is no lag. So stop using Firefox or IE, load up chrome, and everything is approx. 15 bajillion times faster.

    In other news, I got my GCSE results back and I won everything.

  1191. Midget52 Says:

    Congratulations on both the test and the gratuitous product placement! Now please explain either or both!

  1192. Arreh Says:

    Chrome! Use chrome! I get paid by the mention! Chrome chrome chrome!

    Also, GCSEs! Tests! Qualifications! I did really well! Nearly all top grades! Chrome! Exclamation marks! I got a perfect 2 year result in my physics!


  1193. Midget52 Says:

    Physics? Wow. I had to choose between physics and music, so didn’t get to do physics.

    Probably for the best though. I really only like theories that can’t be proven or that have little maths.

  1194. Midget52 Says:

    For example, the bend in space time caused by an object’s mass. That’s pretty cool. OH! And entanglement theory and Shroedinger’s Cat. All awesome stuff.

  1195. Joey Is Here Says:

    Which of you ladies missed me?

  1196. Arreh Says:

    >implying the curvature of space due to mass or acceleration, entanglement theory and quantum wave function collapse aren’t heavily mathematical.

    You fool, Midge.

    And Joey, I have lain awake every night, wondering when you would return.

  1197. G Says:

    Yes joey, you were supposed to come back to bed, but you toke to long.

  1198. Midget52 Says:

    In order to combine the two topics we were discussing:

    Perhaps Joey was travelling near the speed of light close to a black hole, thus he was taking a reasonable time to get back to bed, but it seemed longer for you.

  1199. Joey Is Here Says:

    Precisely correct my pint-sized pal!

  1200. Messmon Says:

    I know it’s seriously boring to make a game journal, but really! PLEASE! You kept it going pretty well, what happened?

    • ihaveagiantcocklololol Says:

      Suck my dick, you never did this before — you don’t know whats going on little nooblett!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1201. Midget52 Says:

    The presence of the above reply saddens me.

  1202. Joey Is Here Says:

    … I say it’s Putz.

  1203. Midget52 Says:

    Wrong icon, but I guess it’s possible…

    Shame on you, Putzy! What happened to the bright-eyed, bushy-tailed young psycho we used to know and love?

  1204. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Woah woah woah, that dude isn’t me. His comment doesn’t even make sense. And I always make ching chong potato.

  1205. Arreh Says:

    Nobody leaves this room until the mystery is solved.

    One of us here is the culprit, and it could be any one of us. It could even have been me.

    Or is that just what the poster wants us to think?

  1206. Midget52 Says:

    This conspiracy obviously has many layers. We need to be subtle, yet brutal. This must be thought through carefully.

    I suggest copious amounts of fire.

  1207. Midget52 Says:

    I have started preparing a closing statement for the site. I will post it eventually. Hopefully someone will come back soon…

  1208. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Now I don’t want to post so I can read it.

  1209. Midget52 Says:

    Nope! Too late! Timer reset! CPR successful! Grabbing Pills!


    People, please get beack here!

  1210. Arreh Says:

    I am beack here.

    I have always been beack here.

  1211. Midget52 Says:

    Lurkers! Damn it, they’re everywhere! They’re coming out of the god-damn walls! Or, well, from their homes, I guess.

  1212. Arreh Says:

    I wish they would. Might liven this place up.

    C’mon you fuckers, get out here.

  1213. Midget52 Says:

    Perhaps we need some raw meat. Or a troll. Does anyone know where we can find any?

  1214. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    You can find some trolls at Pen Island.

  1215. Midget52 Says:

    Then we must venture there! Sounds like a mysterious place full of whimsy and terror in equal measure! Who is with me on this expedition?

  1216. Arreh Says:

    You have my sword (of +2 adventuring).

  1217. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    And my Axe (shaped guitar).

  1218. Joey Is Here Says:

    And my antagonism.

  1219. And my uncanny ability to detect the presence of ninja lurking in darkness. It’s extra-sensory.

  1220. I want a new fucking post!!! Says:

    Could somebody send an email to this guy or something and get him to make a new post!

  1221. Midget52 Says:

    Silence, I want! We have more pressing matters at hand! Like how no one is… commenting… hmmm…

    In a search for a solution, I have inadvertantly solved the problem! Damn, I’m accidentally a genius!

    So how is everyone?

  1222. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    I was sick for the week just before school holidays, so I get a three week holiday. THE MORE YOU KNOW

  1223. dupersude Says:

    *whistles casually while strolling by*…
    … Oh, hey guys. Didn’t see you there.

  1224. Arreh Says:

    Ohshit it’s some guy.

  1225. Midget52 Says:

    Everyone is returning! It’s almost as if there is some psychic signal, calling us. I wonder why?

  1226. dupersude Says:

    ‘Tis the will of Goat, Midget. Do not question his almightiness.

  1227. Michael Says:

    I heard there was a rally going on? Also, it’s my birthday today. Isn’t that cool?

  1228. dupersude Says:

    Michael! Happy birthday! Have some more italics.

  1229. Midget52 Says:

    Right! The rally has a purpose now! Bring forth the babies and novelty birthday candles! We feast for seven days and six nights!

  1230. Midget52 Says:

    Also, overuse of exclamation marks is now being enforced!

  1231. dupersude Says:

    I like pancakes.

  1232. Midget52 Says:

    As do I, dupersude, as do I. On an unrelated topic, the Hiatus Crew got a mention on the TV Tropes page about Nondrick. It was good.

  1233. dupersude Says:

    *Gasp*! Is that supposed to be an attack at us? “Why don’t you marry it”? MAYBE WE WILL.

  1234. Midget52 Says:

    Yeah, you tell the- wait, what?

  1235. dupersude Says:

    The TVTropes page, upon labelling us “Disaster scavengers” also linked to the article “Why don’t you marry it”. So now we need to find a religion who will support such an act, marrying an online blog….
    Luckily we already have one.
    Praise be to Goat.

  1236. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    That would mean that either there is a lurker here that mentioned us, or…or….OR IT WAS ONE OF US

  1237. dupersude Says:


  1238. Midget52 Says:

    I think it’s time for an INQUISITION!

    Bet none of you expected that!

  1239. Midget52 Says:

    Right, who are the most likely candidaates for heresy? Bring them forth, and seat them on the COMFY CHAIR!

  1240. Joey Is Here Says:

    I guess I’ll go first, seeing as I’m the only antagonist about.

  1241. dupersude Says:

    Oh and before we throw this here switch we should probably mention it’s an electric chair and the comfy part is only there to make your last moments not AS painful. So long!

  1242. Joey Is Here Says:

    Meh. I’ve survived a Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster, I’ll survive this.

  1243. dupersude Says:

    Pan Galactic Garble Blasters are a drink consumed by billions of customers across the universe all the time.

    Electrocution by Comfy Chair is not.

    You will not survive.

  1244. Midget52 Says:

    What trickery is this? We’re not cru- oh wait, yes we are. DO YOU CONFESS TO YOUR CRIMES HERETIC?!?!

  1245. Midget52 Says:

    Refusing to speak from guilt, eh? TURN ON THE ELECTRIC COUCH!

  1246. dupersude Says:

    AYE AYE. /run ElectricCouch.exe

  1247. Michael Says:

    Well, well? Joey’s being electrocuted? Not without me!

  1248. Arreh Says:

    So it’s an electrocution we’re having, eh?

    It’s been a while.

    I only wish the death of the Hiatus crew will be as energetic, but I fear we die a slow heat death.

    Small amount of internets to anyone who gets the scientific concept.

  1249. Midget52 Says:

    Is it to do with the sun?

    Getting distracted… DO YOU CONFESS NOW, HERETIC?

  1250. The fact that due to pollution the earth is slowly being turned into a Galactic Cookie?

    On topic: It’s for the best, Joey. Just confess, and you will be… preserved, so to speak. A place where you can do no harm to anyone, and no harm can come to you.

  1251. dupersude Says:

    Preserved alright… In an airtight Urn.

  1252. Michael, happy belated birthday, sorry I missed it. 😀

    Guess what? I’m incubating some infantonium. Blech!

    Hey, how come we’re having an Inquisition?

  1253. dupersude Says:

    Who the hell is this guy? Did we accept more Hiatus members while I was away?

  1254. Midget52 Says:

    @dupersude: Which one?

    @bbop: Is that a euphemism?

    The Inquisition is because we found a (hilarious, yet vaguely offensive) entry about us on TV Tropes.

    @Joey: Your continued silence will not save you from the wrath of the INQUISITION! Bring forth the RACK!

  1255. Oh.

    Hrm. Well…this is awkward…


    That was me. Mystery solved, no Inquisition necessary.

  1256. dupersude Says:


  1257. Arreh Says:

    Someone link me her heresies. I could not find them.

    I will judge once I have read, and call down a judging judgement.

  1258. Yeah, someone link it. I haven’t read it either.

  1259. Midget52 Says:

    Your guilt is suspect. View your crimes and despair, potential HERETIC!

  1260. Great Scott Says:


  1261. Oh, THAT.

    That wasn’t I.

    I do, however, find it hilarious. It doesn’t hurt my feelings in the slightest.

  1262. Arreh Says:

    I can’t even find a reference. Perhaps I’m not trying very hard, but that’s beside the point. It hides itself from me.

    I think it has to have been B-bop, let’s hurry up and electrocute her.

    Trial concluded. Um, sort of.

  1263. Midget52 Says:

    Damn it, you people are so damn difficult! Why can’t you just let me burn you?

  1264. Burning? Why didn’t you say so? I don’t mind being burned at the stake. I know it’s the traditional punishment for heresy, but you said ELECTROCUTION. I’m not into that.

  1265. Arreh Says:


  1266. Midget52 Says:

    How about we compromise and burn the heretic on an electric stove?

    It may take longer than a gas stove, but at least then EVERYONE’S unhappy!

  1267. Midget52 Says:

    Okay, fine. No stoves. Just stop giving me the silent treatment already!

  1268. Damn right. I demand the noble death to which I am entitled. Off with my head!

  1269. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Hang her like a commoner!

  1270. Midget52 Says:

    Are we going to have to compromise again?

    Bring forth the razor string!

  1271. Michael Says:

    Why don’t we rip off her feet first?

  1272. Arreh Says:

    Rip it all off.

    All off everywhere.

    Or, or; we could talk about it like adults.

  1273. Midget52 Says:

    HAHA! You make me laugh, Arreh! Us, adults? You’re talking to about three people there.

    But okay, let’s try it. After you!

  1274. Midget52 Says:


  1275. Arreh Says:

    Sorry, was at a party and ungggggghhh.

    Good fun though.

  1276. Wolven Says:

    Man, I keep checking back here everyday, reading the comics and waiting to see if a new Nonny update will happen. I guess Chris isn’t updating anymore? D:

  1277. Midget52 Says:

    Probably, Wolven, but the Golden Rule is to NEVER SAY IT.

    Good stuff happen, Arreh?

  1278. Arreh Says:

    What can I say, Midge, I am universally loved. I just can’t stop good things happening to me.

  1279. Midget52 Says:

    Yeah. It’s tough being people like us.

  1280. dupersude Says:

    Tough like gristle.
    I hate gristle.
    Can we burn some people now?
    Or electrocute them?
    I got an iPhone the other day, I’m sure there’s an app I could get to do the job.

  1281. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    I hate sand. It’s coarse and rough and gets everywhere.
    Not like you.

  1282. dupersude Says:

    Thats what she said isn’t it putz? It’s okay, I’m here for you…

  1283. Arreh Says:

    This is all like

    I don’t know what this is all like

    What is this all like?

  1284. Heartwarming.

    New Vegas FTW!

  1285. Arreh Says:

    Ah, she deigns to grace us with her presence.

  1286. From now on I am going to decreed February the 15th “Official Nondrick Day”


  1287. Arreh Says:

    Where the hell do these guys keep coming from?

    Send them all away.


  1288. Michael Says:


  1289. dupersude Says:


  1290. Midget52 Says:

    Excellent! But first we must accomplish these other vaguely related tasks. I think the fetch quests are generally first. Someone grab an egg whisk and three litres of liquid helium!

  1291. Midget52 Says:

    I think I’m sensing a pattern here. I comment twice, then do nothing for a while, then everyone else comments. Clearly I’m not wanted here… Have fun you guys… *sniff*

  1292. Arreh Says:

    Midgey, Midgey Midgey Midgey




    Sup guys.

  1293. Zombie Joey Says:

    Like Jesus but cooler.

  1294. Doctor Peanut Says:

    Gah! It’s Zombie Joey! Quick, somebody restrain him! He must be dissected! FOR SCIENCE!

  1295. dupersude Says:


  1296. Michael Says:

    But, what would come of his body parts if we electrocute him first? Clearly we must come to a compromise! Let’s dissect him, and then electrocute him! And to not spoil the effect, we must dissect him while alive so that he can be electrocuted to death!

  1297. It makes me happy the last comment on this non-updated blog, on a post written in February, was a mere 5 hours ago.

    I salute you all, with your dedications.

  1298. Arreh Says:

    Thanks, ‘terp. That’s awful sweet of you.

    Aw shucks, now I’ve gone all red.

  1299. dupersude Says:

    I think he was just shortening your posting name. InTERPretations. etc.

  1300. our kitchen appliances are mostly made by Panasonic and Electrolux, my mom always trust these brands ..

  1301. Michael Says:

    In MY comments section?

  1302. :p

    Not one of you remembered my birthday. But that’s okay, that would’ve been creepy, right?

    As the queen of Albion, we forgive your crimes.

  1303. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Hey look its that place I rarely go to anymore with all those people I used to speak to.
    Welp, seeyah next year.

  1304. Vadermath Says:

    *pops in to make sure all of you chaps know I haven’t forgotten ya*

  1305. Doctor Peanut Says:

    It’s Vadermath! Quick! Someone restrain him!

  1306. KingFrozen -- Reborn Says:

    Why would we do that? It’s a revival!

  1307. Midget52 Says:

    Right, what happened? Did someone sound the Horn of Hiatus?

  1308. it is actually fun to be on music festivals because i love music so much ~

  1309. dupersude Says:


  1310. KingFrozen -- Reborn Says:

    I concur dupersude.

    Do you guys concur?

  1311. Midget52 Says:

    I concurrently concur.

    On what topic do we concur?

  1312. KingFrozen -- Reborn Says:

    The topic of our concurring of course. God Midget keep up.

    I move that I be the keeper of votes. In the event of a tie or a loss I shall be he who appoints the victor. All those for?

    All those against?

  1313. Arreh Says:

    No one should have that much power; Goat knows we have nothing but votes and talk.

    In other news, guys, I have crushed all who oppose me. The path is clear.

  1314. KingFrozen -- Keeper of Votes Says:

    Well, you oppose me, and we have one vote either way.

    That means that I, as keeper of votes, declare that I be made Keeper of Votes.

    The logic is sound.

  1315. Midget52 Says:

    Yes, but protesting a speeding ticket based on the Hiesenburg Uncertainty Principle is also logically sound on the surface of it.

    I challenge anyone to make a more complex and scientifically obscure joke. I DARE you.

  1316. Arreh Says:

    Please, uncertainty principle? That’s like the popular kid of scientific principles. Everyone knows it. Especially I, Arreh, Lord of Physics. But everyone also.

  1317. KingFrozen -- Keeper of Votes Says:

    Lord of physics? More like lord of…


    the rings! Ooo take that. Take it like a shy school girl.

  1318. Matteo Says:

    I wonder if this will ever get updated…

    It has been a long time since I checked the comments, last time I was here we were doing storytelling. Ahhh, good times. Anyway guys, see you in a few weeks. Or months. Or years.

  1319. chris 12 Says:

    great ending!!! do more!

  1320. Doctor Peanut Says:

    Ending?! This is no ending, chris! This is the beginning of a new era… a shame you will not live to witness it.

  1321. KingFrozen -- Keeper of Votes Says:

    Why wont he live to witness it? I would like to call a vote!

    I vote that he lives and joins our ranks! Become one of us chris 12!!

  1322. Michael Says:

    I’ll vote no, just because I can.

  1323. KingFrozen -- Keeper of Votes Says:

    That makes it 2-1. I need another vote in my favour before I can do anything…


  1324. Arreh Says:

    I vote no, never, absolutely not.

  1325. Doctor Peanut Says:

    I vote he be inducted… posthumously!

  1326. Midget52 Says:

    I think Doc Peanut’s suggestion has merit. Posthmous would be humourous.

    Or should I say… POSTHUMOUROUS?

    No, I definitely should NOT say that.

  1327. Arreh Says:

    I won’t lie, guys, we have enough material on these comments for several years of stand-up comedy gigs.

    Which is why I have just copyrighted you all.

  1328. KingFrozen -- Keeper of Votes Says:

    How can you copyright an individual who only exists within your imagination? This is the internet after all.

  1329. Villain Says:

    This whole series has been a great read. Absolutely hilarious. Thanks for what you’ve done so far, and please, PLEASE come back and give us some more!

  1330. Arreh Says:


  1331. Midget52 Says:

    I have been studying the specimens presented at length, and can draw only one conclusion: They originate from OUTSIDE NONDRICK! *thunder crack*

    Gentlemen, it begins…

  1332. KingFrozen Says:

    What happens? I don’t get the reference. ‘Splain please!!

    Also, there is a surprisingly small amount of internet outside of nondrick. It would seem that our excessive comment posting has caused us to eat the internet storage devices at google.

    I think we need to all go to rehab.

  1333. Midget52 Says:

    I say no no no.

    I also hate myself for that.

  1334. KingFrozen Says:

    You should. You really should.

  1335. Arreh Says:



  1336. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    You guys know a site where you can post original stories and read other peoples and help them improve their writing?

  1337. Arreh Says:

    Yeah, I know a good one.

  1338. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    You went to the trouble of copying this link, going to tinyurl, making it smaller, then copy-pasting it back here just for that?

  1339. Arreh Says:

    Yes. Yes I did.

    Je regrette rien.

  1340. Darverses Says:

    I miss Nondrick.

  1341. i always make sure that our kitchen appliances are very clean and shiny before using them -*~

  1342. Midget52 Says:

    I make sure my kitchen appliances are plugged in before I use them. You’d be surprised how ineffective they are otherwise.

  1343. Michael Says:

    So, guys, almost a year now since this update. Anyone think we’ll make it a year, or will Chris make a surprise update?! My money’s on the first option.

  1344. Arreh Says:

    Holey shit (a more disturbing image than holy shit, I find), this was posted back in February. Yeah, we’ll make it a year.

    Oh boy.

    I just hope we can all make it ’til the next update.

    STAY STRONG LADS (and the occasional ladette)

  1345. Michael Says:

    Well, yeah. Lately however, we haven’t really been too active. That’s not very Hiatus Crew-like, is it? Time to post at least twice a day again! Revive the Crew!

  1346. Arreh Says:

    Revive! Crew! Post! Interesting content optional! Let’s do it!


  1347. Ian Says:

    Come on, hiatus crew! If nondrick is inactive and you guys don’t post, what the hell am I going to read instead of studying for final exams? NOTHING! I’ll have to be lame and lurk on youtube, instead.

    Save me from this fate!

  1348. Arreh Says:

    I do not know this person

    but by goat he’s right

    We have to save him from a fate of good grades.



  1349. ZeroTo325 Says:

    FIRST! Livin in Skyrim anyone???

  1350. Doctor Peanut Says:

    Crew roll-call!


  1351. FutureCam Says:


  1352. Midget52 Says:




  1353. Vadermath Says:

    *hiatus crew revival alarm rings*

    Hoooray, for posting twice a day,
    the crew we must revive, if the blog is not to die!

    Also, TESV has been announced, it’s called TESV: Skyrim, and it’ll be released in November 2011. The only reason Chris hasn’t been continuing this blog is because he’s bored with Oblivion. If, however, he were to play TESV, I am sure he will continue this! We must simply hold on for just another year, and Nondrick might be here!

  1354. Midget52 Says:

    A new Nondrick! We can only hope for such divine gifts to be showered upon us!

    Though I do wonder what an updated graphics engine might do to his… unique visage.

  1355. Michael Says:

    Don’t worry, Midget. Bethesda always finds a way to fuck up their engines.

  1356. Arreh Says:


  1357. Midget52 Says:

    Is this a good “Holy Shit”, as in “WOW IT IS AWESOME”, or a bad “Holy Shit”, as in “I AM TIED TO A SHEEP, MY HAIR IS DYED BLUE AND I DON’T KNOW HOW I GOT HERE”?

    Either way, awesome!

  1358. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third, reporting in.
    Maybe if this page didn’t take eight fucking hours to load, then I would post more. Which would make it take longer to load. Fuck.

  1359. Michael Says:

    >there will never be another blog post

  1360. Arreh Says:

    Your lack of faith disturbs me.

  1361. sixer Says:

    I feel your guy’s pain. For some reason I keep returning to this page in hopes of a new post. I just lurk through your replies but never speak. I have made my presence known. Realize that I am watching.

  1362. Midget52 Says:

    This raises an interesting point. How many lurkers are there around here?

    • Tim Says:

      I’m always lurking. I’m subscribed to these comments. I have email back ups of everything you’ve ever said.

      …good day.

  1363. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    And more importantly, who gives a shit?

  1364. Gilead26 Says:

    I commented once way way up there but I’ve been lurking ever since anxiously awaiting the return of Nondrick.

  1365. Midget52 Says:

    Happy Quaid-e-Azam’s Day, everyone!

  1366. Arreh Says:

    Yes, and to you, Midget, and to you.

    And the rest of you fuckers.

  1367. AceRay Says:

    So, um, when is Chris updating this? In the next few years or so? cause I’m going to get a job, or go to university/college when I turn 18, and I’m nearly 15 now, so I need to plan ahead.

  1368. Arreh Says:

    Ahhh, new guy, he make joke.

    But seriously, a) where do they keep coming from? and b) WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS

  1369. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Hey, Arreh, when did you join us? I was under the impression that you were a somewhat new guy as well.

  1370. Arreh Says:

    Oh boy. I’ve been here since the very first post, commenting for the past year or two. Maybe more, time does odd things down here.

    Back when the Hiatus crew hit a particularly slow patch, I was pained to see it die, and so enter Arreh. With the arrival of the cyber-pirate-ninja-Arreh things picked up (not that they wouldn’t have anyway) and the glory days – if not returned – at least didn’t seem so far away.

    Don’t give me your new guy trollop.

    Anyone doing anything interesting for New Year? I’m off to London to see a beau.

  1371. Midget52 Says:

    My New Year’s Plans extended as far as:

    Part 1 – Get a Bottle of Scotch

    Part 2 – Get someone to organise a venue for the Bottle of Scotch

    Part 3 – Drink the Bottle of Scotch

    It all worked very well, I think.

  1372. Dayton Says:

    I’m attempting the same experiment, I need readers to motivate me to do it! It’s located here:

  1373. Midget52 Says:

    At least you’re honest about your advertisements. Better than the rest of the people. I’m looking at YOU, Spambot #42, better known as PINE WARDROBE!

  1374. Tumbleweed Says:

    Sorry, just passing through.

  1375. AceRay Says:

    I say we call Chris a fag every day, and then he’ll have to update it! What else can we do?

  1376. Midget52 Says:

    We could be polite and civilised?

    Oh wait, it’s the Internet. Never mind.

  1377. AceRay Says:

    actually, that was a reference to the great concerned comic;
    so, politeness resume!!!

    and have you guys been coming on here for a year? wow, that is dedication. I bet Chris has forgotten this, or something.

    oh, and Chris is a fag.

  1378. Arreh Says:

    Have we been coming on here for a year?


    Oh how little you know.

  1379. Midget52 Says:

    Wow. That reference shows some pretty serious dedication. Impressive!

    We are called the Hiatus Crew for a reason. Look up the article “Hiatus”. 2 years, 2 months.

  1380. AceRay Says:

    well sign me up sonny. Put me on this hiatus list please.
    It would be awesome if Chris made a RDR version of this, or a Halo Reach Version of Concerned. That would make me lol.
    ooo, he should update First Person Shouter! its really ironic how on his last post he says “First Person Shouter isn’t going anywhere” and that is his last post for 8 months!!! fail

    Chris is a fag.

  1381. Arreh Says:

    Well, someone’s been at the fizzy drinks.

  1382. AceRay Says:

    Chris is a fag.

  1383. Midget52 Says:

    Come on! If you’re going to constantly insult the host of this site, the least you could do is put some effort into your posts. Add some commentary, start a conversation, use different languages, that sort of thing.

  1384. AceRay Says:

    fuck. I just wrote a 20 minute long piece on why a nondrick Bully Scholarship would rule, and I posted it, and it isn’t shown. damn. Lets just say if Chris played as a Preppie NPC in chapter 3, it would rule.

    Chris is a fag.

  1385. Midget52 Says:

    We thank you for your effort.

  1386. Arreh Says:

    I’m just glad I no longer have to spend such long periods of time alone with Midgie.

    (He’s craaaaazy)

  1387. Midget52 Says:

    Shut up and get back in the basement, Arreh! We haven’t gotten to use the gopher and the seventeen blocks of limestone yet!

  1388. Arreh Says:

    Sounds like an adventure.

    Well, a painful adventure.

    Well, pain.

  1389. AceRay Says:

    its a free online shooter. just download and play. We should have like a nondrick only game, you know.

    I wish we hap sigs on here.

  1390. Midget52 Says:

    Currently, that would consist of three people. It would be one of the saddest online games in the history of everything, ever.

    I miss the rest of the Crew…

  1391. Arreh Says:

    I miss them too.

    I miss them so much it hurts.

    And if you scroll up, and go to other comment sections, it is like they are still there. That’s what hurts the most.

    It is like being in a long-empty home, but having a floater in the toilet reminding you of the woman you once loved.

    I’m so poetic.

  1392. Midget52 Says:

    Thank you. That was very nice, Arreh.

  1393. KingFrozen Says:

    What? I’m still here. Kind of. Just to confuse you really.

  1394. AceRay Says:

    yeah. How do you know that these people aren’t just lurking around, and we can have super awesome (free) urban terror fun?
    anyway, anyone looking forward to Bioshock Infinity? it looks really cool. I’ve played BS1 and I’m getting BS2 this week. Wicked!

  1395. Midget52 Says:

    Bioshock 1 was good, I didn’t like the ending very much though. It seemed to go on too long. They should have ended sooner to the whole Andrew Ryan confrontation.

    Also, Bruce Willis is dead, Rosebud was his sled, Luke is Darth Vader’s son, Snape kills Dumbledore, Gandalf comes back, Hamlet, Mufasa, Trinity and everyone except Private Ryan gets killed and Tara is actually a tomato.

  1396. dupersude Says:

    Hi guys.

  1397. AceRay Says:

    I too felt the ending was a bit crappy. It just seemed like they just threw in a bunch of things randomly to fill the void between Ryan/Atlas revealed and Fontaine final boss battle.
    “lets have the little sisters suddenly become the focus!”
    “lets make Fontaine take away the player’s health willy nilly!”
    “lets make that once you take this potion, plasmids get randomly switched all the time until you take some other potion!”
    “lets make Jack into a Big Daddy! and then send him on an annoying escort mission where they protect some idiot AI!”
    “Lets have some lame text pop up to tell us stuff instead of something creative and through gameplay!”
    “Lets make Fontaine a giant monster who belongs in some boss battle 15 years ago”
    “lets have a twist ending which is entirely reliant on a side-quest which suddenly becomes the main focus on the story!”
    They’re all bad. There are some moments which I like(sort of liked the plasmid swapping thing) but the whole thing was pretty depressing considering the best and most colorful character (Andy) has died.
    But of all the things, I hated the whole becoming a Big Daddy thing.
    The whole thing was emphasized and then forgotten. I’ve permanently put on a diver’s suit, munted my voice so that I can communicate only with low pitch whale calls, and I smell terrible. Its a pretty big price to pay, and one that doesn’t really pay off; After doing all that, all I do is go through some linear corridors and then I’m at Fontaine’s door. Do I really need to be guided by the little sister? And then, its all swept under the rug, and never brought up again? Very unexplainable.

  1398. Arreh Says:

    You twat, I hadn’t finished Saving Private Ryan.

  1399. Midget52 Says:

    Lucky I was lying then. Someone else survives.

    *ominous music*

  1400. Michael Says:

    Hey, I’m still here. Just didn’t have any input to the ”conversation”, I guess. Also, fucking dupersude bro!

  1401. Midget52 Says:


    Totally missed his two word comment up there. Sorry!

    How are we all?

  1402. Doctor Peanut Says:


    Okay, who else is hiding in the closet? Get out already!

  1403. AceRay Says:

    yay! we can have that Urban terror battle now!

  1404. Michael Says:

    Well, yeah, the problem here is posting again after your first post… We need some kind of motivation to stay. I’m sorry to admit that the magic has left me.

  1405. Midget52 Says:

    Perhaps we need to liven the place up a bit!

    Disco is still cool, right?


  1406. Michael Says:

    Yes, it could be cool. Let’s throw a party!

  1407. Arreh Says:

    I’m the third post in a single day!

    That’s a party by our standards.

    Cool party, guys. I think you got the right crowd.

  1408. Michael Says:

    Wow, that makes this the fourth post in one day!

  1409. AceRay Says:

    when we reach 4000 comments and no one is allowed to comment…

    where will we go? what will happen then?

    and woot! can we have that urban terror battle now? we could just join a really big server!

  1410. Midget52 Says:

    Serious Answer: Chris locks the comments, so I don’t think it will cap out at 4000.

    Non-Serious Answer: Then, my friends, we will have reached the Point of No Return. The Internet will tremble at our wrath, as our armies of Infantonium Cyborgs march upon the Livingstone Citadel! And through the ruins of the Great Gate, we shall ride our Goat Chariots to victory! ARE YOU WITH ME, BROTHERS (and one (known) sister)?

  1411. Michael Says:

    Serious Answer: No, get off that poor Goat!

    Non-Serious Answer: AYE, TO VICTORY! Let’s show those peasants who rule this part of the internet(and Livingstone Citadel)!

  1412. Arreh Says:


  1413. I have a random selection of alchemical ingredients for which I’d be willing to offer a discount, provided you are able to threaten, cajole, amuse, and impress me in the correct order.

    Sorry but I’m still working on the infantonium. It’s still in the fetal stage.

    Also, my goat broke down. Can I get a ride?

  1414. Midget52 Says:

    How does a Goat… Nevermind, we can discuss that later.

    Surely you can stimulate the foetal growth throught the introduction of xyloglucan oligosaccharides? Alternatively, I could lend you Kingfrozen’s pituitary gland, which I have for… safe keeping…

    Right, Xyloglucan Oligosaccharides should be impressive, and I would be cajoled by a pituitary gland. Two more to go.

  1415. I find I am also simultaneously intimidated and amused by your claim to possess Kingfrozen’s pituitary gland. And by those long words you used.

    Your speechcraft leveled up.

    I have reduced my prices by 2%. Enjoy your marginally cheaper crab meat.

  1416. Arreh Says:

    The point is not what we won, but that we won.

    Treat anything, no matter, how small, as a victory.

    Then you will have rooms of trophies. Rooms.

  1417. And rooms of discount crab meat.

    Sweet victory!

  1418. Michael Says:

    Hm, maybe I could have some of that delicious discount crab meat? I haven’t eaten for days!

  1419. Arreh Says:

    And suddenly it’s almost as if we aren’t a dying entity.

  1420. Midget52 Says:

    With the exception of Michael, who hasn’t eaten in days.

  1421. Michael Says:

    What? I’m still he- *dies from starvation*

  1422. AceRay Says:

    I know, lets play continue the story!!!
    I’ll start.
    There once was an angry dude called Johm, who one day decided to travel across the world to find…

  1423. Arreh Says:

    Johm is a ridiculous name.

  1424. Michael Says:

    But finding him wasn’t an easy task. He sailed seas, he climbed mountains, and traversed deserts, but he still wouldn’t find that bastard who chose the cruel twist to his name(that’s his official name now).

    But after countless months, he made his way to India, where in the local bar, he found a clue as to where the bastard who chose the cruel twist to his name resided.

    It was in…

  1425. Arreh Says:

    …the depths of deep night that this secret was revealed to him. A dying Indian man whispered into Johm’s ear.

    “To find the bastard who chose the cruel twist to his name, Johm, you must first find yourself. After that, you should start looking in Pyongyang.”

    North Korea, eh? thought Johm. He chuckled to himself as he realised…

  1426. Michael Says:

    …that getting into North Korea would be quite a hard task. But Johm was determined to find the bastard who chose the cruel twist to his name, and would stop at nothing. Equipped with only his woollen pants, his sack shirt and a leather belt, he set out for Pyongyang, riding on the wings of the night.

    Countless of Asian towns later, he made his way to South Korea, where he found a popular band, SNSD, or, Girl’s Revolution, who were singing about something called Intel. Had this Intel thing something to do with the bastard who chose the cruel twist to his name? Johm asked one of the girls, and they said…

  1427. Midget52 Says:

    “누가 우리에게 횡설수설을 회담이 미친 사람이다?”.

    In his haste, Johm had completely forgotten that there is such thing as other languages. Stranded in the middle of Seoul, thousands of miles from home with nothing but the clothes on his back, Johm could have easily panicked. But his training had prepared him for a moment like this, his years of training at…

  1428. Arreh Says:


    “Hedwig, to arms!” he cried.

    “AND MY AXE,” said Hedwig.

    With a bellow, the giant owl monster crashed once more into the fray, drawing from under her feathers a single pair of…

  1429. Midget52 Says:

    Tweezers, needed now more than ever due to the unsightly hairs Johm had noticed on the singer’s upper lip. He stared, transfixed in horror at the unsightly keratin growth. It wasn’t quite curly, it wasn’t quite brown, it seemed to be staring directly into his soul. Luckily, the hypno-hair was soon vanquished thanks to…

  1430. AceRay Says:

    Johm (sorry, typo)aggressively attacking her face with the tweezers. The hair was gone, but Johm was so disgusted than he kept attacking until she was dead. Her skull was mangled, and Johm felt great sorrow for her. Johm then screams in horror as her corpse morphs and mutates into…

  1431. Michael Says:

    …a bubbling puddle of goo and oil. Johm was quite ashamed about his paraphilia for bubbling puddles of goo and oil, so he made sure that no one was around. Then he took out his phone and shot a photo of it, and said to himself; ”Boy, this IS Spooksville!”.

    He went to his local hotel and started looking at the picture when someone knocked on his door, and to his surprise, it was…

  1432. AceRay Says:

    A horse, who was getting his rape on. Johm noticed the giant boner the horse had. It was about as long as his arm. Johm looked deep into the horse’s eyes, and it was deprived of love. It just wanted to get freaky with Johm.
    Johm screams in horror as the horse’s large dong speeds towards his face. Johm tries to…

  1433. Arreh Says:

    adjust to the constant changing of tenses. As he stood there, dazed, he noticed the horse had a rider.

    Of course, he though, who else could it be?

    Atop his rape-horse the bastard who chose the cruel twist to his name sat proud.

    He opened his mouth to speak, and…

  1434. Thumper17 Says:

    So, is he going to do this again in Skyrim? In video format maybe?

  1435. Midget52 Says:

    … Cried Johm, having been possessed by the soul of a strange, fish-faced man. The power of this soul’s complete apathy tore through Johm, forcing his physical form into another dimension…

  1436. AceRay Says:

    Johm is thrown into this weird world. He sh!ts himself as he observes the strange planet he has found himself on. he awes as…

  1437. Midget52 Says:

    Wave upon wave of nothingness descended from the sky, enveloping Johm in a flood of absence. However, given that nothing is, in fact, nothing, Johm was completely unaffected by this. But the silence of the voices dictating his adventure disturbed him, thus in a bid for attention, he proceeded to…

  1438. dupersude Says:

    … masturbate furiously! Until he could do so no more, and not because of fatigue, but because of…

  1439. Loki Says:

    It’s almost March, maybe we’ll get an update like last year in February!

  1440. Midget52 Says:

    Hey, yeah! Yesterday was this post’s birthday!

    Happy birthday, “The Alchemist’s Code”! Your continued existence brings sadness and joy to my heart, in unequal measure!

  1441. Michael Says:

    Well, this is actually quite sad… It’s been a year and two days since this update, where did Chris go?

    Oh, and isn’t this a new Hiatus record? If so, you heard it here first, folks!

  1442. AceRay Says:

    so, anyone got any good RDR stories?

    One time, I was riding from Armadillo to Macfarlane Ranch, and I was somewhere before Warthington ranch. I was riding, and then I saw some people standing around holding guns. They were Bollard twin gang members, and they had a hostage. Normally, the hostage is tied up, and I thought this was the case, so I quickly enter dead eye and use the rest of my dead eye to take out the all the gang members with my repeater. After that, I realize that the hostage was being hanged. I had no more dead eye, so I had to keep shooting the rope while it was swinging and the guy was dieing. I keep shooting, but I can’t aim right. he dies exactly when I finally do shoot him down. EXACTLY at that moment. I was pissed. and that isn’t the worst of it.
    Then, randomly, some dude walks over and sees the dead body, and starts crying, as if it were a brother or son or something. All I could do was stand there, and watch him cry over his lost one. It was a horrible, hopeless moment of despare. I was actually depressed in real life as well. These weren’t cut scene characters or special NPCs, just some random NPCs that made me sad.
    I think this something all games open world games should aspire to. Its not enough to be open, you have got to make a living, breathing world where it looks like NPCs have lives and families and stuff. Random stuff happening like this is also a good thing.

  1443. Midget52 Says:

    Red Dead Redemption is fun. I don’t know about the DLC though, I’ve debated it but haven’t bought it yet. Any recommendations?

    • AceRay Says:

      You mean Undead nightmare?
      Yeah, if you like zombies, then for sure. It kind of kills the realism that was built up in RDR though. Kind of would have preferred another cowboy DLC myself, but thats me.
      It sure is fun, that is true.

  1444. Midget52 Says:

    Yes, but is it $20 worth of fun?

    Bearing in mind that, if you go to the right places, $20 can get you FOUR shots of whiskey.

  1445. Ian Says:

    Hey, is anyone else concerned at the news of the new Skyrim game? It seems as though faces have been fixed… What will we do if the fishfacedness that embodies Nondrick cannot be portrayed in future installments of The Elder Scrolls?!

  1446. Michael Says:

    Ian, while it does concern me, let me quote Dr. Ian Malcolm(look, you share names!) from Jurassic Park;
    ”Life finds a way”.

  1447. Midget52 Says:

    It is amazing how deep a movie about dinosaurs can be.

    There is so much we can learn…

  1448. actsub Says:

    you guys are massive faggots

  1449. Midget52 Says:

    Thank you for your constructive contribution, you sexy beast.

  1450. sales Says:

    what the deuce? why are people still posting here?

  1451. Michael Haglund Says:

    Why wouldn’t we? It’s our home away from home.

  1452. Midget52 Says:

    Our home away from home that we access from home?

    That word has now lost all meaning to me.

  1453. Michael Says:

    Oh boy, it added my last name, too! Please don’t hunt me down and rape me!

  1454. Ian Says:

    So basically what you’re trying to say, Michael, is that even if we cannot make a new Nondrick lookalike in Skyrim, we will at least be attacked and eaten by dinosaurs brought back by mad scientists. Is this correct?

    I am comforted.

  1455. Michael Says:

    No, no, that’s not what I meant, Ian.

    What I DID mean, is that life will find a way to allow the creation of a Nondrick lookalike in Skyrim, even if it’s not supposed to be possible.

    Hence, life finds a way!

  1456. Ian Says:

    Oh, ok. That’s much better. Thanks!

  1457. Ian Says:

    Hello? Anyone?

    They… They’re all gone… They’re dead. And the best part of it is I finally have the time! All the time I need! Time enough at last!

    *Drops Glasses*

    That’s not fair! That’s not fair at all!

  1458. Midget52 Says:

    If they were dead, I would be reading out a eulogy of some kind. We dwell in the shadows, waiting for a decent topic of discussion.

    Your move, Ian.

  1459. Ian Says:

    I saw a mudcrab the other day.

  1460. dupersude Says:

    Ugly little buggers.

  1461. sands Says:

    OK so…is he dead or did he kill himself?

  1462. Michael Says:

    I heard something about goblins around here, recently. Nasty little creatures.

  1463. Jonah Says:

    Oh man, people are still here? Erm, hi guys.

  1464. Doctor Peanut Says:

    We’re always here. Waiting. Watching.

  1465. Ian Says:

    Mostly watching. It’s kinda creepy, really. I’m still thinking of modding this whole blog into a series of books in oblivion… As soon as school work slackens a bit, I’ll get on that.

  1466. dupersude Says:


  1467. Ian Says:

    Oh, tell me you wouldn’t download it, Dupersude!

  1468. Michael Says:

    Fine, be that way.

    Dupersude, do you use IRC or something, bro?

  1469. dupersude Says:

    Wouldn’t download what, Ian?

    Michael, no I don’t have irc or a computer for that matter. I moved in with my bitch about 4 or 5 months ago and my only Internet access is on my mobile phone. I could check to see if I can get an app for irc though.

  1470. dupersude Says:

    Wait a minute I get what you mean. When I said “[SNORT]” I was quoting npc’s in oblivion.

  1471. Michael Says:

    Oh no, you don’t have a computer? That’s horrible! Well anyway, cool to hear that you moved in with your bitch. You should have told me, though. You know, I want to know everything about you.

    Oh, and I understood that you were quoting NPCs with [SNORT] – that’s why I replied in the way I did.

    Am I cool yet?

  1472. dupersude Says:

    No I know you got it Michael, and yes you were always cool. I was talking to Ian when I pointed out the quote because he thought I was referring to his idea of turning the blog into a mod of books.

    But yeah I don’t have a computer. I have an iPhone so I do have the Internet but scrolling through all these comments takes SUCH A LONG FUCKING TIME.
    But yeah. Any news from the other provinces?

  1473. Michael Says:

    Nothing I’d like to talk about.

    Maybe I should have formulated myself better – I did understand that you were replying to Ian, and not to me, but I still wanted to point it out because I wanted to get your approval(not gay). Also, thanks for the kind words(again, not gay).

    I think we should just leave the whole [SNORT] thing.


  1474. dupersude Says:

    I see.

    Now i get it. And you’re welcome.
    Leave the snort thing? You can’t leave the [SNORT] thing!

    You too.

  1475. Michael Says:

    Cool that we both made ourselves understood, and I guess we’ll meet again, eventually.

    I’m through talking to you!

  1476. dupersude Says:

    Fine, be that way!

  1477. Michael Says:

    They say that when you murder someone, the Dark Brotherhood comes to you in your sleep. It’s how they recruit new members.

  1478. dupersude Says:

    I’ve heard others say the same.

  1479. Arreh Says:

    Guys, I have returned from my travels, and I have seen many strange and wondrous things.

    Also the clocks went forward today and I lost an hour so I’m pissed. Can’t find it anywhere.

  1480. dupersude Says:

    Did you check under the couch?

  1481. Zomborgon Says:

    I bet that’s where Chris is. If he’d not dead. The shouter and observer have been dry too. Heh. Of course, we all know this, so meh.

  1482. dupersude Says:

    No we already know where Chris is. He’s in Putzy’s basement.

  1483. Vadermath Says:

    Hiya guys, whazza up with you all?! Awesome to see you’re still here, even though Chris isn’t. He could simply be dead, I suppose, seeing as he hasn’t posted anything in a whiiiiiile.

  1484. Ian Says:

    Has he posted any on his other blogs? I haven’t been following them.

  1485. Nikolai Says:

    I love Nondrick. I want to marry him.

  1486. dupersude Says:

    I guess we all died a little inside when we went into Putzy’s basement…

  1487. Michael Says:

    Oh look, ain’t that good, ol’ Vadermath? Nice to see you too, old chap. You should stay here for a while.

  1488. Midget52 Says:

    Holy cow, PEOPLE! HI GUYS!

  1489. dupersude Says:


  1490. Midget52 Says:

    My thoughts exactly. What have you guys been doing?

  1491. KingFrozen Says:

    People aren’t coming back. That’s just silly. Stop getting your hopes up

  1492. dupersude Says:

    I have been studying my music course midgy, still practicing piano. I can call you midgy right?

  1493. Arreh Says:

    Listen to KF, cease this raising of hopes. Place them back on level ground.


  1494. Michael Says:

    But, we’re all back. Stop pret-

    (got kidnapped by Big Brother)

  1495. dupersude Says:

    (attempting to make a witty 1984 joke and failing miserably because I have not yet finished the book)

  1496. Ian Says:

    (confused because you don’t really need to finish the book to get that particular one unless having not finished actually means haven’t looked the slightest bit into the subject matter of the book)

  1497. Midget52 Says:

    Midgy is fine, thanks. What are you up to with the piano?

    My hopes are now at record highs! Though given the fact that my hopes have only recently begun to exist, their levels are still fairly negligible. Any normal person with this level of hope would spontaneously evaporate from sheer depression.

  1498. dupersude Says:

    Ian, I never said I didn’t get it, I said I failed to make one. I got it perfectly fine, but I’m only about a tenth of the way in, I haven’t been reading too much of it lately. Hence I failed to make a witty joke,

    Midgykins, I’ve definitely gotten better, though I’m a tad too impatient and easily distracted to learn entire pieces. Currently learning Bach/Gounad’s prelude in C Major (or Ave Maria in the commoners tongue) and Beethoven’s Sonata no. 24 “moonlight”. But only the first movement. There are other pieces too but yeah.

  1499. dupersude Says:


  1500. Ian Says:

    Dupersude: I love Gounad! You should check out bobby mcferrin’s version of ave maria on youtube. It’s really amazing.

  1501. dupersude Says:

    I did and it’s awesome 😀 interaction with the audience always is.

    Also you guys might enjoy this. It’s not exactly nondrick but it is a nice substitute.

    • Tim Says:

      Fucking boom.

      The link is so awesome. Thank you. It’s even better than Livin’ in Oblivion!


      • dupersude Says:


      • Tim Says:

        Oh fuck.

  1502. Midget52 Says:

    In regards to Beethoven, are you playing the C# version? Because that’s pretty bloody impressive.

    I’m doing a music course at uni now, learning better Jazz Harmony and stuff. Improv is the best thing since sliced bread! Though I do wonder what people compared stuff to BEFORE sliced bread. They must have been pretty easily impressed.

  1503. dupersude Says:

    I am indeed playing it in C#m although it’s not so impressive because I haven’t really learned past the first of four or five pages, but that is also due in part to the fact that I do not own a piano myself and cannot practice often enough.

    YAY UNI MUSIC COURSE. I’ll be studying a diploma in music next year and the year after i shall attempt to audition for one of the cons down south, probably in Brisbane. If I don’t get in there I guess I’ll go to jcu or something. But yeah.
    And WOOH jazz/blues improv. A minor pentatonic blues scale 😀

  1504. Midget52 Says:

    C Aeolian over a EbMaj/Edim/Fmin7/Bb7 progression is fun! Or an F Phrygian/Dorian to the chords of Work Song.

    I like learning new things.

  1505. dupersude Says:

    I haven’t learnt anything about modes yet, but that one looks like it sounds good. So I shall try it 😀

    One of my favourite progressions is the oh-so-common C, G, Am, F (obviously in C). But you probably already know about that combination.

  1506. Midget52 Says:

    I am fairly aware of that combination, yes. I find it easier in E Major, myself, but that’s just personal preference. Probably has something to do with voice leading.

  1507. Video Gone Says:

    This comment section is impressively furnished. I think I’ll hang out here for a while and play a guitar mournfully.

  1508. dupersude Says:

    I’ve seen that song midge, it’s awesome 😀
    I haven’t actually learnt anything about voice leading yet either but I vaguely understand it. I generally find everything easier in C Major because there are no black keys. I guess I’m just not that used to being flexible with my fingers yet.

  1509. Ian Says:

    Voice leading is pretty fun. Once you get the basics, it’s all logic. From there you just look at the nifty things composers have done in the past and see where you can use them once you advance past basic diatonic harmony. Especially if you practice on piano, voice leading will also make the black keys seem a lot more familiar.

  1510. Doctor Peanut Says:

    Well, Mr. Gone, I see your mournful guitar piece and raise you a piano song (which I am currently learning).

  1511. dupersude Says:

    Okay wait how many people here play the piano??!

  1512. Doctor Peanut Says:


  1513. Midget52 Says:

    Piano is one of the more common instruments. Mainly because all pianists are awesome. It really surprised me that there are only three of us at my uni.

    Fur Elise! A classical classic! I love the C Section especially, with the drone in the bass, and that arpeggio run at the end…

  1514. Doctor Peanut Says:

    INDUBITABLY! It is so classically classical that it classically classics the classic classic of classicton.

    Have I said classic enough times?

  1515. Midget52 Says:

    Yup. It has now lost all meaning!

    Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo!

  1516. Michael Says:

    What the heck is a buffalo?

  1517. Midget52 Says:

    … No one else is going to field that question?

    Okay, BUFFALO!

  1518. Michael Says:

    Ah, finally someone saved me from the title of ”Comments Section Killer”.

    Oh, so that’s what a ”buffalo” is.

  1519. Midget52 Says:

    Where are you that your knowledge of large bison is so lacklustre?

  1520. Michael Says:

    It was a joke, duh.

    It was even a response to YOUR joke.

    Please allow me to quote you.

    >>Midget52 Says:

    April 19, 2011 at 6:33 am
    Yup. It has now lost all meaning!

    Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo!


    You made the word ”buffalo” lose it’s meaning, so of course there’d be no way that I could know what it is.

  1521. dupersude Says:

    I don’t even see the word anymore! It just blends right on in with the blank background!
    At least I think it is. I can’t tell. You guys aren’t just leaving blank space to fuck with me are you?

  1522. Michael Says:

    No, of course we aren’t, dupersude.

    It’s not like we’ve been discussing or anything!

  1523. Michael Says:

    Fucking WordPress, removing my 11 spaces.

    Now that sentence actually somewhat makes sense.

    Let me do it again, this time with underscores.


    No, of course we aren’t, dupersude.

    It’s not like we’ve been discussing _________ or anything!

  1524. nuff Says:

    i wonder, will nodrick be returning in the elder scrolls 5????

  1525. Arreh Says:

    Hey guys, just got back from Pakistan today.

    Nuff, your question is obviously of great importance. I see you have placed four question marks. This must mean your question is four times as important as a regular, boring question.

    I would therefore like to answer your query through the medium of dance.

    Take it away, crew.

  1526. Ian Says:

    *the Beasty Boys start playing in the background*

  1527. Midget52 Says:

    What are these “Beasty Boys” of which you speak? Are they some sort of Bikie Gang? A native pygmy tribe?

  1528. dupersude Says:

    Are you serious midge?


    *dun dun, dun dunnnnnnn*

  1529. JimmyFraska Says:

    …damnit, I come back here every six months hoping for something.

  1530. Midget52 Says:

    What, are we not GOOD ENOUGH for you, Jimmy? Well, fine then! We don’t need you anyway!


  1531. Ian Says:

    There there, Midge… Jimmy’s just jealous of the conversational genius that goes on here.

  1532. killthenrun1 Says:

    can i join in this group i have been stalking you since before you started talking i am even willing to do your initiantion

  1533. Crazy Cal Says:

    Chris is dead, isn’t he.

    He hasn’t updated anything. His twitter is gone. This and NotMyDeask are the only sites of his still up.

    We need to move on. I’m sorry. But it’s true. He’s gone, for god knows what reason, he’s gone.

  1534. Michael Says:

    Holy shit, you’re right. What the hell are we going to do if this site goes down? Back to I’d hate to see us all disband, after all these years.

    Also, killthenrun1, are you really sure you want to do the initiation test? I can be pretty rough, if you know what I mean.

  1535. Michael Says:

    Oh, oh, oh! I just noticed! Today is the second birthday of!

  1536. killthenrun1 Says:

    oh i like very rough things aslong as i get some soap to clean myself with after

  1537. sixer Says:

    lurk lurk lurk

  1538. Joey Says:

    😀 Well. I’ve catching up to do, now I have obtained a machine that this Comment Thread will not kill.

    Missed me, boys? ;D

  1539. Michael Says:

    Okay, killthenrun1, your first task is to write a 50 word profile for every member of the Crew.

    Then you’ll get your reward of a more ”intimate” test.

    Joey, I guess you’ll be needed to bring this place back to the activity it once had.

    Welcome back.

  1540. Vadermath Says:

    I’ve got awesome news, people:

    1) Chris isn’t dead

    2) He has a new blog, about films and video games

    3) His wife is also writing posts on it

    4) Her name is Kris Livingston, which is just bloody awesome 😀

  1541. Michael Says:

    Oh, lawd.

    That means a we can still nag him about updates!

  1542. Midget52 Says:

    Dear god, it’s HIM! He started a new site! Without consulting us! How rude.

    I’m tempted to ask about Nondrick, but I’m thinking that would be incredibly… impolite is the word I’ll use.

  1543. killthenrun1 Says:

    i will do it for you and then i can be lazy and not write a profile about all of you

  1544. killthenrun1 Says:

    there i hasseled him about his ignorance

  1545. Vadermath Says:

    I hope you were polite, killthenrun (what a ridiculous name, by the way). The Hiatus Crewmen have been known for being polite.

    Well, that, and for being savage beasts of mass murderousy, but that’s another story.

  1546. killthenrun1 Says:

    i was polite as a anoying shit can be ;p
    and vadermath is any worse than killthenrun1
    oh i like savae beasts of mass murderousy they taste real nice deep fried

  1547. killthenrun1 Says:

    yay for double posts
    can anyone lend me 100,000 septims so i can proform the dark rights on you to have you all killed slowly
    i mean for the air fare to putzy’s basement as i hear travel to cthulhu’s domain is pretty expensive
    oh and a staff of jabberwocky so you all have strange painfull deaths i mean to make my trip kinky

    i dogded a bullet the paristits didnt suspect a thing i am going to destroy them right in the core

  1548. dupersude Says:

    I don’t like this guy. I say we stash him in Chris’ old cage in putzy’s basement, next to joey and jutin biebers lower half.

  1549. Midget52 Says:

    I need a fresh beating human heart to pump the hydrogen fuel in my latest attempt at creating a mainframe for my nanobot swarm. I’m sure we can put him to some use…

  1550. killthenrun1 Says:

    oooh that sounds fun can i help?

    and why dont you like me i just want kill you oops i mean be your friend.

  1551. Michael Says:

    What’s going on here? Also, I don’t see my 50 word profile anywhere.

    Why do you want us dead, anyway? Did I hurt you in any way?

  1552. killthenrun1 Says:


    michael is a member of the group called the haitus crew who live inside a old unupdating blog called living in oblivion they originaly started as a way to help alivete the boredom of waiting for the next post. but while the crew originaly prospered they now hide i dank rape basements.

    oh and i hate you as when i was a small child my parents offered me to putzy. i shall never say this again my parents offered me as a baby to putzy i think that is more than enough reason to hate you all.

    so can i join the crew?

  1553. Michael Says:

    Well, if you hate us so much, why do you wish to join our ranks? To kill us all?

    Oh, and that’s a pretty cool character profile.

  1554. killthenrun1 Says:

    no that is totaly my reasoning

    oh and you are welcome is this the part where i have to clean your shoes?

  1555. Midget52 Says:

    (Begin Meme) killthenrun1: Look at your post. Now back to mine. Now back to your post. Now back to mine. Sadly, your post is not mine, but with the observance of basic grammar and capitalisation, it could be like mine. (End Meme)

    So, that is my challenge for you. You’re allowed in the group so long as you do that.

    It’s fun annoying the new guy.

  1556. killthenrun1 Says:

    Ok i will use basic grammar and while i am at it i will also go back and read all the comments on every post. I am currently up to Day 27: Trouble by the Boatload. Is that any better?

  1557. Midget52 Says:

    Very good! So, where do you hail from, killthenrun1? I’d reckon somewhere near me, given that you seem to be replying at ungodly hours in the morning.

  1558. killthenrun1 Says:

    Britainia the suckish!

    And that is because i am an insomniac after what i saw.

  1559. Joey Says:

    Britain is amazing.

    Arreh would agree.

    Also, capitalise I’s, m’boy.

  1560. killthenrun1 Says:

    I will capItalIse all my Is then oh and Arreh would not happen to be my racist friend would he?

    I am half way through the haItus post so yeh I should be done soon.

  1561. killthenrun1 Says:

    Oh and i know that It Is max’s fault as my parents wanted to protect me from him but was putzy the best sItter they could find.

    Wondering how that can be? Well I am a tIme lord, … the last of the tIme lords. That is how I know I get my revenge I kIll you eventually but I don’t know how becuase I got amnesia but I do know I kIll you as the world becomes a better place.

    You know what we should do untIl that tIme? We should make a story with the amount left of us It should update about as regularly as thIs.
    oh yes I just rubbed salt Into the wounds.

  1562. Michael Says:

    I don’t understand a single word you’re saying, killthenrun1.

  1563. Midget52 Says:

    It’s the madness of the Time Vortex! He’s going to sic the Toclafane on us! Run! Get behind your couches!

    Dun-dun-dun-dun, dun-dun-dun-dun, dun-dun-dun-dun…

  1564. killthenrun1 Says:

    I know and it is more fun that way!

    Oh and if I could I would sic the Reapers on you simply becuase they are more efficent.

    Dun-nun, dun-nun, dun-nun.

    I Don’t know what a Doctor who is though.

  1565. Vadermath Says:


    …has anyone of you chaps seen the ‘Sherlock’ modern series yet? The first season consists of three 90 minute episodes, and it is awesome.

    • killthenrun1 Says:

      In the future we call those films, they are about 90 minutes long they are in black and white on a 20 inch screen it is so cool i bet you cannot wait.

    • killthenrun1 Says:

      How do you know there name as they are from the future? And can i practise this new blade i just bought by stabbing you it will only take a second.

    • killthenrun1 Says:

      How do you know there name as they are from the future? And can i practise this new blade i just bought by stabbing you it will only take a second.

      I am also a very witty guy just nothing compared to you guys.

  1566. killthenrun1 Says:

    I was planning to but there is such a backlog of things i mean and want to do it will probably take me a month or three. Does anyone want to read the story i wrote it is very long and some of the jokes won’t make sense as it is from another game but any takers?

  1567. killthenrun1 Says:

    What one wants to! 😦

  1568. Joey Says:

    Nobody wants to, but I have to give you props for your smartass comeback to my comment on capital i’s. :p

    You’re like me, but worse.

  1569. Joey Says:

    Nobody wants to, but I have to give you props for your smartass comeback to my comment on capital i’s. :p

    You’re like me, but worse. 🙂

  1570. Joey Says:

    Double post was necessary.

  1571. killthenrun1 Says:

    I know im like if everyone’s worst attrubutes were combined that would be me. Also i was considering making a hiatus crew for the haitus crew for the blog now that would be awesome!

    And the double post was necessary.

  1572. Joey Says:


    • killthenrun1 Says:

      Joey Joey hes just kind of there. No one notices him until he is gone.

      Also for our wedding can everyone but me wear a bulleye on their forrhead. Im am also the man.

  1573. Michael Says:

    How about you two marry each other, and then go on a honey moon somewhere far, far away?

    Maybe into that pit of fiery doom is suitable?

  1574. Michael Says:

    Uh, minus the ”into”.

  1575. killthenrun1 Says:

    Hey that sounds like fun. As long as i can bring : A Dildo, Gas masks, 2 Elephants (without tusks), a Jokebook, Twenty feet of copper insulation, Correct school uniform and the end of the haitus crew.

    Also is this pit of fiery doom napalm proof? Just curious.

  1576. Rick "mick hick" Harper Says:

    i would like to let all you so-called people know that i am a lurker of this page, i check here at night every night to see if you have posted anything
    P.S. send me your address’ and #s i need to get my rape on

    • killthenrun1 Says:

      I live at 1 Fake Street and my social security number does not exist as i live in England.

  1577. Rick "mick hick" Harper Says:

    oh my god will someone please tell me if chris has in any way, shape or form continued or confirmed the death nondrick just so i can move on and stalk this page for eternity

  1578. killthenrun1 Says:

    He is alive but he probably downloaded a bad mod and knows how shit insane we would go if we heard so he went fuck it and moved on.

    Or maybe he is just an asshole both are as likely as the other.

  1579. Michael Says:

    It would be great if you would start writing using proper punctuation, and grammar.

    It physically hurts to read your posts.

    Also, killthenrun1, sure, you can bring that stuff, except for the end of the Hiatus Crew. That’s something you’ll have to work for, yourself.

  1580. killthenrun1 Says:

    Damn are you sure you don’t want to hand it to me with a bow on top?

    For a wedding gift can you give me the world’s sharpest blade dipped in posion? And then can i try it out on you?

  1581. Ian Says:

    HA! I’m not the only lurker! I suppose I’m a little more than a lurker, seeing as I have participated in parts of the conversation. But I’ve always wondered if I could join the crew in earnest.

    I’ll admit, though. I missed the part where you guys made your own forums.

  1582. killthenrun1 Says:

    Same but if rick decides to ask and you go down into the basement, then the Haitus crew will rise again… To constantly moan ofcource.

  1583. Joey Says:

    Yeah, Ian, I miss that too. Remember that one time, where they killed some babies? And when Michael was a dick to some random person? And Putzy tortured that guy in his basement? And Midget was being smart?

    God, such clear memories, huh?

    • killthenrun1 Says:

      Oh well wife things move on, never give up is’nt that the Haitus crew’s motto other than all hail The Goat!

  1584. killthenrun1 Says:

    Yeh its not like that happen every other day.

  1585. Joey Says:

    Dear Goat…

    I don’t ask for much. Next to nothing really. But please, this once, just this ONE time… Could you smite this guy for me?



  1586. Joey Says:

    You are no Prophet. Also, yay for spamming everyone’s Inbox like the good old days, no?

  1587. killthenrun1 Says:

    Can i hear a huzzah for that?

  1588. killthenrun1 Says:


  1589. killthenrun1 Says:

    Do you want a beating wife?

  1590. Ian Says:

    So…. anyway, guys…

    Did anyone ever try to relive nondrick? You know… Make a really ugly character and try to make a living without adventuring at all? Any success stories?

  1591. Midget52 Says:

    Damn, this place is lively! It’s like the old days again. Ah, good times. Not sure I can keep up, old codger like myself.

    I made a character that had to walk everywhere, used no spells and had the following primary skills: Alchemy, Armourer, Block, Hand to Hand, Marksman, Mercantile and Speechcraft. It was fun.

  1592. killthenrun1 Says:

    I did the same and got to level 20 but then my save got corrupted. And for some reason it wont let me give you links so just google:
    Welcome now to oblivion and
    Arwen’s oblivion journal.

  1593. Doctor Peanut Says:

    Wow, I go away for a few months and there are more than two posts? What wizardry is this?! Also, killthenrun1, what’s with the one? Are there others?!

  1594. killthenrun1 Says:

    Hi Doctor you can thank me for all the updates. (oh for gods sake there is even more this is truely an infestation). We did have nearly everyone posting but then Midget managed to spoil it (with his own gun ;). Also where do you live i need to send this package of grenades i mean baby goats yes the holy one has had kids this is definetly worth posting your address online!

  1595. Arreh Says:

    Arreh’s back like a slinky thing in the night.

    I browsed through the comments searching, as you do, for my name. Yes, I live in Britain. No, I am not your racist friend, KTR. I am not any kind of friend of yours, except a not friend. I am a not friend.

    Congratulations on your slow discovery of basic grammar. You were doing so well, until your first sentence up there.

    What in Goat’s name is that all about?

    I suggest you use the Edit button that only awesome people can see.

    Also hey people, yay activity.

  1596. killthenrun1 Says:

    Oh god not him again i have the rest of them dead, atleast i don’t have to buy more plane tickets and he is insulting me!
    What sentence?
    And you are yaying to yourself as i have locked the door want to see my impressive blade collection?

  1597. Michael Says:

    Forgot to check in on here for five days.

    Hi, guys.

  1598. killthenrun1 Says:


  1599. Ian Says:

    There’s an edit button?

    I assume that means you guys are actually members of wordpress… At this point I probably should be, but for the sake of avoiding another password to forget, I will continue to abstain. I’m not interested in blogging for myself anyway.

  1600. killthenrun1 Says:

    I feel the same Ian.

  1601. Michael Says:

    There’s something called a keychain, you know…

    Anyway, I think the edit button is imaginary.

  1602. killthenrun1 Says:

    Or it could be a magic button.

  1603. Joey Says:


  1604. killthenrun1 Says:

    We worship a Goat how is a magic button Absurd?

  1605. Joey Says:

    Don’t argue with my methods.

  1606. dupersude Says:

    I’m a member of wordpress. I don’t remember seeing an edit button, and i don’t blog either. I just became a member so i could thumb up this blog.

    Also, on magic buttons:

  1607. G Says:

    This place is still alive? 😮 I like how everything is still in italics. 😀

  1608. Michael Says:

    Everyone loves italics.

  1609. Seiji Says:

    This looks like fun

  1610. Cespinarve Says:

    Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Chris went and started a new website. Without telling anyone on his old websites. or, from the look of things, acting as though he even started a new website, because the thing just starts in April like it has always been there. What. The Fuck.

  1611. killthenrun1 Says:

    I know he is such a ungratefull asshole.
    Oh and damn more of them I think they are coming out of the walls.

  1612. G Says:

    So… i’m guessing this place is dead then?


  1613. Joey Says:

    The fuck is it, G.

  1614. killthenrun1 Says:

    Oh god i though i killed you both.(Sigh). Time for a nuke. Guess that makes me the last haitus crew member so i would like to take this time to remember the highs and none existant lows of the haitus crew. We had giant killer robots made out of infantanium, We had vampires, murders ,Putzy and The Goat. We were the last truly brilliant part of the internet and with our end the old internet crumbles and the new internet rises a internet where bloggers will just abanden anything that gets hard and no-one would ever dare try to do what we did for fear of failure or been called a fag n00b. And to usher in this new internet i have three words, I AM LAST.

  1615. G Says:

    To everyone else, come back please, it’s lonely coming back with this psycho or something or another, at this rate it looks like I should just return to Putzy’s basement…

  1616. Michael Says:

    It hit me like a hammer.

    Yeah, I’m back, alive! You’ll never kill the Vice President of the Hiatus Crew.

  1617. killthenrun1 Says:

    I am not a sycho it not my fault my time traveling parents hide me as a baby in Putzy’s basement how could you come out of that not wanting revenge?
    Oh for gods sake do you people have thousands of clones i just bloody nuked the planet how much more damage do you want me to do?

  1618. Midget52 Says:

    Um, hi! I’m still lurking over here, it’s just every time I comment the conversation just spontaneously dies. We’re not dead yet! Like cockroaches after a nuclear holocaust. Or fedoras. Fedoras are cool.

  1619. Joey Says:

    No, bow-ties are cool, fezzes are cool, stetsons are cool, but we’re waiting for confirmation on fedoras.

  1620. killthenrun1 Says:

    Fedoras are cool. And if you are cockroaches i guess i will have to call the exterminators… oh yeah, um i guess i will postpone my plans for some light convestation.

  1621. Michael Says:

    That’s because your posts are way too intellectual for any of us plebeians to be able to reply to without compromising our true selves.

    So, we just avoid answering you, Midget52.

  1622. Arreh Says:

    Okay guys so I was looking on the internet (true story) and I found this and I laughed. Read it.

    No seriously, read it. It makes you, like, giggle and shit.

    Also read his stuff on Deus Ex if you’re into that kind of thing. I’m not judging.

    I forgot how to internet right now so here we go:

    • Tim Says:

      Arreh, I extend you my scaly claw of friendship for that link. It is excellent. Thankie kindly.

      • killthenrun1 Says:

        That is awesome until he stops posting but like i said in our great last speach (bit prematue) there will never be a another hiatus crew. 😦 We truly are a relic.

  1623. Tim Says:

    Do you think there will ever, ever be another entry? Surely he can’t have forgotten this thing exists at all?

  1624. killthenrun1 Says:

    He has not forgoten he just does not care.

  1625. Tim Says:

    You teach me much Sir.

  1626. killthenrun1 Says:

    Huzzah for spamming peoples inbox this might just force them to go away… Umm come back yes come back where I can count them and then stalk them then learn there weakness umm… Just ignore that part Ian oh and do you have any crippling weaknesses?

  1627. Joey Says:


  1628. killthenrun1 Says:

    Sush wife or you will fell my inuendo cane!
    Oh and i could ask you the same.

  1629. Michael Says:

    What did I say about the reply button? Don’t use it!

  1630. Vrek Says:

    Hi… *Lurker I am* I’ve been lurking for a year. A solid year.

  1631. killthenrun1 Says:

    More of you really?

  1632. vrek Says:

    Yeah. 🙂

  1633. killthenrun1 Says:

    The Tribal Wars

    It started with Scorpio saying an attack on the p3dr couldn’t be done say it would be suicide

    yep it will but anyway lets try

    (five minutes later)

    (looks at screen)

    no no it was a massacre I sent a hundred spears and 50 swords and only one spear survived his limping home now

    what will I tell the widows how will I pay them without a currency system

    (spears limps forward)

    tell me how did this occur

    spear: it was awful we ran straight in as they were just barbarians (untrained remember) and they just lowered the bridge drowning half of us then the real slaughter began they pulled out a archer a bloody archer in a barbarian village

    me: bloody hell

    spear: that’s not the worst part he started firing at us so naturally we ran forward over the other bridge which they didn’t cut down in time but they had a lv one wall

    me: preposterous no way in hell they did

    spear: aye that’s what we thought as well but as the front row ran straight into it they fell backwards into the moat and we haven’t been trained to swim

    me: damn I knew I should have trained you sooner

    spear: aye that you should have I mean us spears were only goddamn level 2

    me: don’t take that tone of voice we me I am still in charge round here but continue your story

    spear: not much left to tell the worse trained swords were all dead at this point and there were only 5 of us left so I ran away

    me: what was that?

    Spear: I ran away

    me: well you know what has to happen now

    spear: what

    me: well I need to start fresh and I cant have you corrupting their brains

    spear: please don’t kill me I have a wife and kid named bob after me bobby

    me: fine turn around what do you see

    bobby: a pit of water

    me: correct

    (kicks him into it)

    me: this is no creative name

    Chapter 2

    After extensive (five minutes with war and peace) combat training all of Gary’s: 100 lv2 spearmen, 50 lv 1 swordsmen, 25 lv 1 axe men and John Pipesmoker (my paladin) were ready for action that is after they had been retrieved from Buckroggers village as Gary had sent them to the wrong village (a very awkward 60 hours)

    at least for the first time in their collective lives they were not morbidly obese (but had no armor for any of them except john as Gary had no armor that wasn’t XXXXXXXXL)

    Gary: so John I want you to attack the leader of p3dr

    John: I think you will find that it is really called PR3D

    Gary: do you want to be beaten

    John: no

    Gary: good as you will be attacking their leader some dipshit or another

    John: is that his name? Do you have coordinates? Have you got a plan?

    Gary: yes indeed take out the head and the body will die


    Newest spearman: General we have an imminent disaster imminent

    John/Gary (same time): What is it?

    Gary: what the hell do you think you are doing you are demoted to Major-General

    John: you do know that means I’m higher than y


    John: (sighs) so what is your name spearman and what is this is this imminent danger

    Paul: Paul sir and it is Imminent disaster

    John: does it matter

    Paul: (looking abashed) well yes ofcource it matters

    Gary: you are promoted to sergeant Paul

    John: Why?

    Gary: you are now demoted to prime minister

    Paul: (interrupting) shut the hell up for one goddamn second you goddamn idiots the barbarian village to the south the one who keeps sending us random other lv spear head is attacking (starts panting heavily)

    John: (gives a knowing glance to Gary) I told you this would happen

    Gary: just shut up and attack

    John: no need sir

    Gary: and why would that be?

    John: As I have took the liberty of calling in a local militia who I must say are much better than the idiots you have know they get worse the more you “train” them I mean just look at Paul

    (sounds of a not so epic battle outside)

    Gary: you are demoted to president and I best go command my troops

    John: whatever idiot

    (Gary takes a step outside the village hall and looks at the village people slaughtering the barbarians while his troops lie dead on the floor)

    John: see



    Gary: fine then you are now demoted to EMPRORER the most pitiful rank

    John: I can somehow read the speak you are saying and you cant even say it right

    Gary: oh by the way I expect you to kill the village people

    John: what the hell why

    Gary: don’t question me just do it

    John: no



    Gary: (stands there with a disbelieving look on his face) this cant happen

    John: oh but it can village people put him to death



    21 February
    I have found a diary and made a quill and ink by throwing rocks at birds who keep coming into my cell who says rocks cant solve everything
    29 February
    Sorry I haven’t updated (why am I saying sorry to a inanimate object I must be going insane)
    1 March
    I sling my head up from my cell desperate to here anyone who can help me then I here a annoying whistling noise followed by a horrible coughing only one group of people would make such a awful noise my spearmen…
    but they aren’t my spearmen anymore but this is good I shall be out of here in a few minutes either there is something horribly bad going on outside for JOHN to forget me but neither mind… I had better hide the diary

    Gary: hello good sir
    Spearman:….. Hello
    Gary: what is your name?
    Brandy: Brandy
    Gary: do I look like I give even the slightest shit open this door now you invalid
    Brandy: well when you put it like that how can I refuse

    21 March… again
    I have got some more ink by throwing rocks at bobby I think that was his name he just ran into the cell damn cowards oh and I broke his neck who says rocks don’t solve everything anything that weakens JOHN is good for me

    (Gary picks up the Spearman’s spear which breaks)
    Gary: Damn I knew I shouldn’t have spent all my iron building more resources
    John: Hello
    (John pushes the end of his sword into Gary’s neck)
    Gary: Damn and blast its great to see you JOHN
    John: Ha you idiot I thought it would be fitting that to show you my new much better super soldiers I start by showing how stupid your were
    Gary: Ok but you may want to look to the right
    John: And do pray tell why should I look to the right
    Gary: Because your super soldiers are getting slaughtered
    (John looks to the right with his mouth gaping open)
    Gary: Idiot
    (Gary runs away but John runs the other way towards the battle)

    22 march

    I ran to the barracks to magically summon one of my lv 2 cowardly spear men however that works and because he is cowardly he instantly knew all the gossip
    He told me how one of the spearmen had betrayed me to pd3r leader in exchange for a ham sandwich.
    I was somehow not surprised oh and he killed himself as Failless or something troop’s tore down the wall

    Chapter 4

    I have lost the diary and even so I had run out of stones so I will just have to narrate everything I do to the alternate dimension me who records everything I do… Jesus I have gone crazy

    But I better start from the beginning well not the beginning somewhere in the middleish after they tore down the walls I just had time to make 3 new lv 3 spearmen who are still idiots but at least they are not retarded

    I had to escape so I told them to follow me but they said something about union rules silly spearmen they wont be invented for hundreds of years (this does sound insane but alternate me told me about it) and they said I had to know there names

    Gary: So what is your names idiots
    James: I’m James and under article 23 subsection 5 you will see that the insult…
    Gary: I don’t care about your rules that wont exist for hundreds of years
    (they gave me strange looks why did goddamn JOHN have to increase the lv at least he is dead or I hope he is)
    Lewis: My master I am Lewis and I will follow your every command
    Brandon: …
    Gary: what the hell is his problem and what is his name (I would have hit him but lv 3 plus he had a very long spear)
    Lewis: sorry about this worms impudence but he is a mute and is called Brandon
    Gary: whatever I am bored of this lets leave the city
    I left the city with relatively no difficulty as everyone was running through the streets panicking
    but we still killed a few fatless no it must be fail less troops on general principle. Brandon was insane the enemy ran towards him and you could barley even see him move but suddenly there was no more troops.

    We journeyed through the jungles of K25 having lots of adventures and sparking up lots of friendships along the way sounds like Pokémon (alternate dimension tells me lots of things) but that is a story for another day.

    Also I got married to a young slave who I… Fine Brandon saved from captivity but like I said another day

    Then we reached the place we were looking for fine we were no looking for but reached anyway feast’s village

    I hide as I didn’t want to lose face but she saw my soldiers and immediately hit it off with James as he was deeply philosophical oh and I got my wife Arfur to steal most of Feast’s supplies then we legged it well I did then I started throwing rocks until they got the message

    After more amazing adventuring again another day we camped outside fail les’s village which was completely ransacked by DOD

    Gary: Well that’s two months of my life down the drain
    James: Can we go to Feast’s village on the way back?
    Gary: I thought after the snake of Smelting (you know the drill) I told you never to talk to me again isn’t that right Lewis?
    Lewis: (sighs) Yes my lord you are right you are always right
    Gary: Good boy
    Lewis: Can we discuss our pasts we have been traveling together for months and we have barely got to know each over
    Brandon: ….
    James: (eyes glaze over in nostalgia) I was just a wee little lad when I started working on the fields cutting and growing the crops ill tell you nothing smells better than honeysuckle you just spent seasons growing then the worst happened you came to power and made conscription a law and you upgraded the farms lv so it was no longer cost effective to farm that’s why I hate you but I guess I have to be loyal to my king
    Gary: (looks at him with shock and more respect) I don’t know what to say
    Lewis: Well when I was a kid I was a high powered baron who
    James: I know you are the worst fighter out of our group
    Lewis: Say that to my face and I will slit your throat
    (they approach each over when Brandon picks them both up by the collar)
    Lewis: Unhand me you buffoon I promise not to kill him (Brandon drops him)
    James: Same (Brandon drops him as well)
    Lewis: Now as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted I was a baron with every option available to me but then me father got himself killed in a stupid petty war that was over before I had really even started and after that all my money disappeared so I had to join the army even so I got an instant promotion to sergeant.
    Gary: I never knew so (his speak is interrupted by a dagger suddenly around his throat)
    Lewis: I’m sorry but the Satar promised me my birth right back I had to know more about you guys before they killed you now I do so goodbye.

  1634. G Says:


    Thank goat that I don’t subscribe to follow up comments via email.

    Also, one of the many hiatus rules is to never use the reply button. Standard really.

  1635. Tim Says:

    I am sorry to have used the forbidden reply button.

  1636. killthenrun1 Says:

    Thanks I actully make an effort and you tl;dr me you penis.
    And that is one rule i was not aware of what are the others?

  1637. vrek Says:

    Oh hi. That was a pretty good story. They’re playin’ age of empires, I take it.

  1638. killthenrun1 Says:

    Nope i made that a frew months ago for a game called Tribal Wars.
    And thank you for not been ignorat.
    I will kill you last.

  1639. Michael Says:

    Fuck you, Joey. You ruined my good mood.

    Killthenrun, I thought you said you had read all comments? It’s an official rule to never use the god damned reply button!


  1640. Arreh Says:

    Whilst obviously Joey is the towering bastion at the top of my tower-ranking of hatred, this KTR chap is proving a strong contender.

    New members Tim and Vrek, hello. Do not be like KTR and you should be just fine.

    And yeah, good Goat, don’t subscribe to follow up comments.

    Unless you’re that desperate for emails in your inbox. Looking at you, Joey.

  1641. Tim Says:

    I’m subscribed to follow up comments and have been for a long time.

    I regret nothing.

  1642. vrek Says:

    Nice to meetcha. Lookin forward to talkin, and being on hiatus. A lot.

  1643. killthenrun1 Says:

    I had and i have not read that rule.
    And arreh you love me. 😉

  1644. killthenrun1 Says:

    Anyone want me to copy all the Haitus crew chat and post the file?

  1645. Michael Says:

    Maybe once we get an update from Chris [read; never].

  1646. killthenrun1 Says:

    You sadden me and Vrek remember when i said i would kill you last?
    I lied * pulls out a gun and shoots him in the head*!

  1647. Tim Says:

    Ever since I met KTR I realised I am not the lamest person here.

  1648. killthenrun1 Says:

    Hey atleast i have a awesome nickname tim!

  1649. Michael Says:

    Tim, I almost choked on my soup.

    Thank you.

  1650. killthenrun1 Says:

    Oh and are you tiny? (sorry i could not resist!)

  1651. Tim Says:

    I am pleased to appease one of the original greats.

    And indeed KTR I am fairly small. All the same. Come at me bro.

  1652. killthenrun1 Says:

    Ok i will come in you.

  1653. killthenrun1 Says:

    And I am not lame I am as bad as the Power Glove or even the Goat!!

  1654. Tim Says:

    You’re compensating for something.

  1655. killthenrun1 Says:

    Yes my awesomeness did i mention my awesomeness?
    I am AWESOME!

  1656. Tim Says:

    For you, dear.

  1657. killthenrun1 Says:


    Yeh after that i think i am going to go cry in a corner!
    Oh and huzzah for spamming peoples inbox!

  1658. Tim Says:

    I’m sure we’re hilarious enough to justify the barrage of bytes.

    And indeed. Let’s change the subject to:

    *wheel spins*

    Christians. Let us laugh at them?

  1659. killthenrun1 Says:

    Oh hell yes let us laugh at them as we are part of the Goat cult


    I also mock christians in my podcast on Youtube google Lordofpivot1
    Also Tiny Tim (TiT?) lets start calling ourselves The Next Genaration!

  1660. killthenrun1 Says:

    Oh and for anyone curious it was not rats that freed chris it was me ;).

  1661. Joey Says:

    I feel hated. But not as much as I fucking hate that guy. Also, the “No Reply” rule was invented to counteract my efforts, so it goes without saying that I’ll break it whenever mentioned.

    • Tim Says:

      Who do you hate? Is it me? Because I like me. You should follow my example.

      • Joey Says:

        Not you, the guy you seem so eager to converse with. Although you’re slightly annoying, after all – Don’t Feed The Trolls.

  1662. Tim Says:

    I’m not eager to converse with him. I would quite happily watch him burn.

  1663. Joey Says:

    You’re doing one more than the other, m’man.

  1664. killthenrun1 Says:

    Yeh Joey i hate TiT (Tim is Tiny) aswell but we need to stick toghter as we are The Next Generation! (TNG for ahort)

  1665. killthenrun1 Says:

    Fire makes me stronger did you forget?
    Oha nd i am not a troll as i am a official member of the Haitus crew and the founder of TNG!

  1666. Joey Says:

    I know you guys hate me, but seriously… truce so we can kill it?

  1667. killthenrun1 Says:

    I only have one weakness! Oh and *shoots you in knee caps*

  1668. Joey Says:

    Is it called taking your medication?

  1669. killthenrun1 Says:

    No but that is close.

  1670. Michael Says:

    Joey, the no reply rule is there, because I want to be able to read all posts. If you reply to an old comment, I won’t see it unless I scroll up.

    Which I won’t.

  1671. killthenrun1 Says:

    Yeh Joey listen to the big imortant Hiatus man. And stop complaning abuot my awesome TNG!

  1672. Tim Says:

    Can I speak again now please?

    I shall wait for Joey permission for this great honour.

  1673. killthenrun1 Says:

    You have my permisiion and as i am the big head of TNG that is all that counts!

  1674. Michael Says:

    You have my permission to speak, Tim, and I think that outweighs Joey’s.

    Unless you’re into *that* kind of thing.

  1675. Tim Says:

    You have no idea.

    But I’ll accept that anyway Michael. For the time being.

  1676. killthenrun1 Says:

    Yes Its is TiT>Joey>Me>Michael. And i am definetly into that kind of thing!

  1677. Ian Says:

    Wow, what a troll you are, KTR! Anyway, as a normal human being with proper grammatical knowledge, I’d like to make a request to the original greats to succeed KTR as the head of TNG. All in favour?

  1678. Doctor Peanut Says:


  1679. Michael Says:

    Why not disband TNG completely?

  1680. Arreh Says:

    Remember that time when KTR wasn’t here?


    That was good.

  1681. killthenrun1 Says:

    I not a trool does trying to kill you count as trolling plus take it over aslong as it still exists!

  1682. Tim Says:

    Despite the fact I seem to be a member somehow, I wish all to know I have never condoned TNG. I’m not even sure what it stands for.

  1683. Ian Says:

    It’s a pretty silly notion, if you ask me. If The “New” Generation is only several months older than the apparent “Old Generation,” does that really constitute a new branch of government? Michael is right.

  1684. Arreh Says:

    Wait what.

  1685. killthenrun1 Says:

    But it sounds cool The Next Generation fine but we need lots of sub sections for when we leave the vault and go into the wilderness.

    Also redesign!

  1686. Ian Says:

    Don’t you see what KTR is doing, Arreh? He’s establishing this new branch of leadership for an illegitimate subgroup in order to eventually overthrow the Hiatus crew as a whole. It’s unethical to allow this to continue.

    …And yes, the redesign is pretty nifty.

  1687. Michael Says:

    Ian is an intelligent gentleman. Thank you.

    We need to burn this heathen at the stake right now, so that he will never endanger the continuation of the Hiatus Crew and our holy worship of the Goat.

  1688. G Says:

    So new members?

    I approve of Ian.

    We need to remove this cancer that’s undermining the hiatus crew!

    That is all.

  1689. killthenrun1 Says:

    That is annoying it keeps last comment, and TNG is neccesary because.. umm it helps fight cancer? Also i will go (watch) for a week to see just how long it takes for you to fall apart on your own, also i saw a ghoul today horrible creatures!

  1690. dupersude Says:

    Thank fuck I woke up this morning with only 4 emails.
    I guess now that the new faggot is gone I can come back.
    I too approve of tim, and I would like to deal with something that was mentioned in the flood of messages above.
    First of all, since when the fuck did Joey become “one of the crew” as ktr says? The answer: HE’S NOT.
    Secondly (and more importantly), no ktr You are not part of the crew. You never were, you never will be. And tng is a boring, retarded acronym. As well as the full title. There is none of that either.
    There never was.
    Signed – Minitru

  1691. dupersude Says:

    Sorry, sub “Tim” for “Ian” in that post.
    I approve of Ian. Tim has already fraternized with the enemy far too much. It’s too late to save him.

  1692. Ian Says:

    Hey, thanks! I feel special now! Thank Goat he’s gonna leave us alone for a week.

  1693. Michael Says:

    Glad to have you back, dupersude. Also, all you said IS true, screw the new generation (of faggots, which makes them the old generation).

    I bet KTR is crying to himself while reading this.

  1694. killthenrun1 Says:

    Nope i am too busy laughing you guys are hilarious.

  1695. G Says:

    It obviously can’t keep it’s promises and stay away for a week.

    Also, well said Dupersude, I applaude you.

  1696. Tim Smith Says:

    I felt all special for a moment. I’ve barely fraternised at all!

  1697. dupersude Says:

    Scroll up, Mr. Smith.
    Right after ktr appeared and the crew disbanded you joined him for dozens of back/forth postin, resulting in the flooding of innocent inboxes for days at a time.
    If that’s not fraternizing, Mr. Smith, then I don’t know what is.

  1698. Arreh Says:

    Hey Ian, we’re throwing a party for you.

    Just follow the signs to the basement.

    Wear something nice.

  1699. dupersude Says:

    And by “something nice”, Arreh of course means “something that includes nothing but a pair of boxer briefs, preferably worn backward for easy access”.

  1700. Midget52 Says:


  1701. killthenrun1 Says:


  1702. vrek I WILL NOW BE MATT Says:

    Heya. I think I’m gonna go by Matt now. There’s no other matts are there?

  1703. Michael Says:


    It was inevitable.

  1704. Tim Smith Says:

    I’m sorry dudesuper.

    And no Michael. I have eaten the last pie.

  1705. G Says:

    I shall hereby declare myself last, for shits and giggles.

  1706. killthenrun1 Says:

    I must be last!

  1707. Arreh Says:

    Let’s not do this.

  1708. Tim Smith Says:

    I see Arreh’s plan: To say “Let’s not do this,” thereby clinching last position.

    I will not let this happen.

  1709. killthenrun1 Says:

    Neither will i Lets do do the flame war again!

  1710. 2000, suckas!

    It took me all day to do that.

  1711. killthenrun1 Says:

    Ok but i get last!

  1712. Ian Says:

    Come on, KTR, really? Oh, and I’ll see you guys in the basement.

  1713. killthenrun1 Says:


  1714. Ian Says:

    Right back atchya, buddy.

  1715. Arreh Says:

    Ian, you’ve just had acceptance, and now this?

    No. Bad Ian.

  1716. Michael Says:

    Good night, sweet italics.

  1717. Doctor Peanut Says:

    The Hiatus Crew can’t die! It goes against it’s very ideals! Besides, if that day ever comes, I think the whole universe might just shiver…

    Also, who’s this “KTR” guy you keep talking about? I’m not seeing anyone with that name. Not a single person. At all.

  1718. Ian Says:

    Arreh, I was being sarcastic. He’s not really my buddy. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction… I guess it was a bad move on my part.

  1719. G Says:

    Didn’t see this part of the conversation, though I guess we shouldn’t really have any conversation on a dead comment section!

  1720. Jaded Empath Says:

    Welcome back, Nonny.

  1721. Midget52 Says:

    Long time no see, Jaded!

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  1727. Shana Says:

    I got married in 2008 and since then we had no children. Due to this and several other reasons, me and my husband were always quarreling and fighting and I was regretting seriously ever getting into that marriage. I believed that something spiritual was affecting my marriage and I later confirm with the belief that a spiritual husband was involved somewhere. By this time, my marriage was on the verge of collapse. But when I saw a testimony about one Dr EJEMEN spell caster on the internet i decided to give him a trier, so he told me the problem is over after the spell have be cast, my understanding / mindset started changing, especially when I got the reading and the casting was completed : Spiritual Warfare, Back to Sender ;revolutionized my mindset and whole – being. I then called my husband and reconciled with him. I taught him what I learn from the spell caster Dr EJEMEN and your messages and now the result is a happy marriage. There is now peace in my home and my business has been revived. i am now finally pregnant and we are expecting our first baby with mike.HELP ME To THANK Dr EJEMEN for the joy and happiness he brought to my him

    BLESS YOU Hello To The World At Large, I am Mrs William Duke From
    united states of America. I will start by saying to all that have
    experience heart break and also cant do with out there lover should
    please stop here and read up my story, So as you will know how to go
    solving or getting your ex back from this spell caster AND AGAIN I
    YOU MORE THAT WILL SUITE YOU. Last year novenber My lover was cheating
    on me and was not also give me the attention that a man should give to
    a woman, And really that was troubling my mind and tearing my heart
    apart to the extent that i was not concentrating in the office the way
    i use to before the break up by my lover.And before that incident,I
    always see how my boss use to love his wife so much. I was binging to
    think that i was not doing the right thing to him that will make him
    love me forever, So i really gathered my courage and went to my aboss
    wife office to ask her the secret that made her husband love her so
    dearly,In the first place she refused in telling me,She asked me why i
    am asking her such a question,That if is it not normal for every man
    to love his wife.I told her the reason that made me ask her about this
    question, That my lover started cheating on me lately, When i knelt
    down before her for her to see my seriousness in this issue that i
    went to ask her, She opened up to me by telling me that i should not
    tell anybody about what she want to tell me, The wife to my boss
    started to say to me that she used a very powerful spell on her
    husband to love her, And the spell that she used is harmless, But the
    spell is just to make him love her and never to look for any other
    friend of hers also introduce her to him. Then i also ask her how i
    can meet with this spell caster. SHE SAID EVERYTHING TO ME, THAT THE
    was how can i get this wonderful spell caster, She said she is going
    to give me the email of the spell caster for me to contact him for my
    problem, really she gave to me this spell caster email and i contacted
    him and explained all to him, And after every thing that needed to be
    done by the spell caster, In the next four days, My lover that hated
    me so much came to my house begging for forgiveness and i was so glad
    that i have finally gotten my heart desire..I was so grateful to this
    spell caster for what he has done for my life.. So i made a promise to
    him that i will always continue telling the world about his wonderful
    work towards me and also to others that came to you before and also
    the people that will also get to you from my story that i narrated
    online now..I will want to say to the entire world that you should not
    cry over noting again, That there is a great man that has been helping
    individuals to restore there Joy and smile !! The direct email to get
    this man is :{},This is what i want
    to tell you all out there

    Mrs William Duke

  1729. G Says:

    The spam shalt not win

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