Nondrick Update

Well, I promised an update in April, and clearly I missed the window.  But, I don’t want to break my promise — that’s just not something I do — so it looks like you’ll have to wait until next April.  Seeya in 364 days!

Seriously, I’m working on it, and it should be here in  week or so.  It’s pretty obvious you have no reason to believe me, since I’m always saying stuff like this and never delivering.  But it’s coming, and it’ll be here soon.  If it’s not here soon, you’ll see it eventually.  If, eventually, you don’t see it, it’ll be here someday.

In the meantime, why not subscribe to the feed?  That way, you’ll know if it gets here soon, eventually, or someday without having to visit the page.

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4,026 Comments on “Nondrick Update”

  1. Stefan Says:

    Hopefully sooner rather than later, as I’ve loved reading this blog for the longest time. I’d hate to think of Nondrick’s adventure coming to an end prematurely.

  2. The Green Lantern Says:



    At least we know your alive and well, Chris. I was just reading some of your essays from notmydesk and I think those could tide me over for a few more days.

    This probably just saved your life.

  3. The Impostor. Says:

    So how many months will the delay of the delay be delayed by?

  4. KristofferAG Says:

    Already did subscribe. Should I check out notmydesk?

  5. PS Says:

    Notmydesk is really old. You know Chris’ new site is First-Person Shouter, right?

  6. The Green Lantern Says:

    Yes, I do know that PS. I just thought it was nice to read about something other than TF2 for a change.

  7. Addicted Says:

    I love Notmydesk so much, even though it’s old. I’ve probably read everything on there around three times.

  8. Joeman Says:

    YEAH! NEW NONDRICK UPDATE! oh wait, false alarm. Oh well.
    How you fools been hangin’?

  9. tamick Says:

    Translation- “hiatus”. Notice how he was careful not to use that word again? 😉 Oh well, I love this blog so I’ll wait as long as i need to.

  10. Nina Says:

    I hope we don’t have to wait soon. I love this blog and can’t wait to read more adventures of Nondrick.

  11. The Green Lantern Says:


    We hang.

    And I still can’t believe that we have been hanging this long.

    All of that in a completely non-gay way.

  12. Rae Says:

    Yay! My excitement cannot be contained by these pixels.

  13. vadermath Says:

    @Stefan: Lepo je videti nekog domaceg ovde…

    The man sounds like a countryman of mine. At least we get a new comments section, instead of scrolling for 5 minutes…

  14. Addicted Says:

    Why didn’t he mention the fact we got MORE THAN 1,000 COMMENTS ON “A BITTER BREW”?

    • nancymarie Says:

      Because he doesn’t read the crap you’ve been posting in a desperate bid for his attention?

      Because 95% of those comments had nothing to do with this blog?

      Pick whichever applies. 🙂

      • The lab coat Says:

        Hahaha, well said. No doubt you are about to be verbally abused by someone but yours is a comment that needed to be posted.

      • Joey Says:

        *verbally abuses nancy* (Was that good enough?)

  15. Midget52 Says:

    Because it is a sad, deppressing fact that we should suppress in our minds and never speak of again.

  16. Shatari Says:

    You know Chris, as much as I enjoy Nondrick you don’t need to turn this into a job (at least not on my account). Take your time, play when you want to play, and don’t feel obligated to update just because people are demanding it. I like your writing a lot more when you’re enjoying yourself. I think that’s why this blog has been such a success, and I’d hate for you to get burnt out on it.

  17. Aspgren Says:

    I cannot love anymore.

  18. LeFrenchAvenger Says:

    Haha, bring on the Nondrick. Seriously, this inspires me to play Oblivion again every time I read it. It even makes me want to get a computer that can actually run it properly

  19. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    well this is just great. now I have to wait AGES till’ everyone but the Hiatus Crew remains so I can finish my most recent TALE. This might take a while (sorry Michael, you had some cool parts in it)

  20. The Green Lantern Says:

    Oh, so now we are being dissed because of our vocal love of Nondrick?


  21. vadermath Says:

    @nancie: We weren’t talking to Chris, we were talking amongst ourselves. The Hiatus Crew isn’t “a desparate cry for attention”. Here’s an idea. Bugger off.

  22. Appo Says:

    YAY!! Hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry!

  23. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    yeah nancy! we were talking as much as wanted about whatever we wanted because we WOULDN’T get attention! we were just left alone, free to talk about anything without fear of jackass’s like you!

  24. KingFrozen - No longer depressed Says:

  25. Mannehan Says:

    This blog makes me laugh. It is a nice thing for me to wake up in the morning and drink a cup of tea whilst reading one of the funniest men on the internet.

  26. Combat wombat Says:

    Vadermath u don’t have to b such ass to everyone that points out your weird babblings were a bit gay

  27. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    you only dont like them because you dont understand them, wombat. can anyone say RACISM?

  28. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    (i wasnt saying you were being racist, just that your comment sounded familiar.)

  29. unnamed feeling Says:

    seems like you’re sick of playing oblivion, otherwise you’d update more, I wouldn’t be surprised if you let nondrick die at the next opportunity

  30. Combat wombat Says:

    I’m just saying no one can say anything remotely negative about the hiatus convo without having vadermath bite their heads off and insult them. It’s not like u guys own the comments section just because you comment the most.

  31. I shall anxiously await the update. Don’t leave us hanging for too long! 🙂

  32. Michael Says:

    Guys, is it just me who think that all new commentors are being rude idiots?

  33. vadermath Says:

    If that someone who is offending this place would be a fan and someone who comes around here often, I would let them speak their minds. But if it’s just random people insulting the community I spent months with, I do tend to bite their heads off.

  34. El Mano Says:

    Guys, is it just me who thinks the hiatus crew are all up themselves weirdos?

  35. Combat wombat Says:

    @vadermath-I understand that, ur just standing up for ur mates against ignorant people. But how do u know who the long term fans are and who the gays that mess with these blogs for fun are? I’m just saying u need to b more careful who u have a go at.

  36. Thezombiemessia Says:


    I knew I bookmarked this site for a reason.

    I need my Nondrick fill…

  37. The Green Lantern Says:

    I swear to god guys, if this shit keeps up, I’ll take my goat and go home!

  38. Joeman Says:

    Jesus christ, this happens ever time. Chris updates, and these d-bags jump on the bandwagon. It’s time we lay down some ground rules. WE rule the comments page. YOU do not diss us here. WE are all nondrick fans, NONE of us mess with the site. Even if you’re a fan of Nondrick, WE are bigger fans because WE are the ones who not only check the site everyday, but have commented so much that I like some of the commenters better than I like people I see everyday. YOU do not even suggest that some of us “mess with the blog” because WE are the blog, just as much a Nondrick or Chris. YOU are just visiting, so shut your goddamn mouth, and RESPECT OUR AUTHORITAH!

  39. Michael Says:

    Well said, Joeman! So, we who ARE this blog, we are;
    Joeman, Me, vadermath, Washcloth(?), Max(?), The Green Lantern, Putzy von Putzingburg III, Aspgren(?) and KingFrozen. Sorry if I missed someone out, just tell me!
    OBEY OUR RULES, OR YOU WILL BE ERADICATED! Oh, and send cookies too! We like them.

    • Midget52 Says:

      please add me. I don’t want to think i’m wasting my time.

      • The Green Lantern Says:

        You are one of the fore-runners of Hiatus! I can’t believe you aren’t #1! Midget 52(and subsequently all of his other personalities) rocks!

  40. Joeman Says:

    what about addicted?

  41. vadermath Says:

    Good to see you here, Joeman! You might wanna know that we exchanged emails and MSN just in case one of us disappears (like Max and Washcloth). It would be cool for you to do the same…

  42. Michael Says:


    • Mike Says:

      Asperger’s syndrome is terrible.

    • Jaded Empath Says:

      Oh, I don’t know, maybe because I LIKE CHRIS AND HIS ‘NONDRICK’ PROJECT?!?

      And not some self-important douchebags who think because they add meaningless IRRELEVANT comments to a specific-purpose blog that they in some mystical way ‘own’ that blog, logic to the contrary.

      Tell, me O Mighty and Omnipotent Michael™, if you lot ‘own’ this blog, then show me a receipt for the server fees and whatnot.

      Yeah, that’s right numbnuts, you CAN’T because you DON’T OWN THIS BLOG. *CHRIS* owns the blog, and to be honest, he tolerates you (for some reason I cannot fathom, maybe misplaced guilt – which he shouldn’t feel ANY for, if he doesn’t wanna update, so be it)

      So guess the fuck what you stupid piece of underdeveloped DNA, I DON’T LIKE YOU, I don’t like you and your ‘friends’ garbage spamming up a blog that I *DO* LIKE, and I sure as all that is holy and infernal give one HALF of a shit about your asinine ‘rules’.

      Go on, ‘eradicate’ me, since I’m disrespecting you vapid, useless wastes of air, and that apparently contravenes one of your so-called ‘rules’.

      I’m waiting, shitstain.

  43. C.M.O.T dibbler Says:

    im new to this site and im not gunna lie, u guys are being portryed as real pricks (not saying u r, i havent even read previous comment sectionhs), what did u write in the previous comment boxes to get everyone to hate u so much. ( i would search through but they r reli long)

    • Michael Says:

      WE are the pricks? No, you are. We have made a small community here for us *real* fans, what’s wrong with that? NOTHING, that’s what. And you’re the ones being pricks, insulting us! Well, Dibbler, maybe you’re not a prick. Just a half prick, calling us pricks without facts. And to answer your question, we didn’t to anything to ‘make’ people hate us. It’s just that when you come and insult us, we get angry, naturally.
      So please do not insult our community and do not be a fucktard. Thanks, on behalf of the whole Hiatus Crew.

      • C.M.O.T dibbler Says:

        please dont b a cock and READ my question before u start slagging me off, as i already explained i was just trying to understand why every one was so pissed off with u, judging by michaels rather shitty and unwelcoming response to a new member i would hazard a guesse that its becasue u are a bunch of stuck up “fuck tards”.

      • Midget52 Says:

        I agree with the Dibbler on this one. Try keep a clear head, Michael. We don’t want the new posters forming a posse and lynching us.

      • Joey Says:

        You are a fucking asshole. He said that you’re “being portrayed as pricks”. And you are. Just ’cause you and your friends check the site every four seconds and comment ten times an hour, it doesn’t mean you’re the only “real fans”.

  44. C.M.O.T dibbler Says:

    just so its clear i am just curious coz im a new member, not having a go at any of u people (question is directed at the hiatus people) Wanna get my facts straight.

  45. C.M.O.T dibbler Says:

    BTW congratulations, that has to have been the least friendly introduction to an internet community i have ever received. If you are the “”real”” fans of this site then screw this blog.

  46. vadermath Says:

    Well, since you were polite (I think), I will answer your question. We have been on these comments for months now, talking, having fun, and waiting for Chris to update. Then, every now and then, a bunch of people come along and call us retarded, or idiots, for belonging to this small community. And then, we bite their heads off. Simple as that.

    • Jaded Empath Says:

      Nice job closing the barn door; vandermath – if you’d *actually* read dibbler’s comments, you’d realized you already drove him away, and your ‘calm reply’ is a waste of effort he’ll never hear.

      But you lot DON’T listen to what we say, you just assume we’re “insulting” you and get rude, violent and hostile.

      Wow, can’t imagine why people get rude AT YOU LOT.

      If you’d actually read what we said, you REALIZE that:

      There’s a word for that: SPAM.

      You’re filling the comment window UNWANTED INFORMATION; you’re making it difficult – if not impossible – for people who want to READ COMMENTS *ABOUT* NONDRICK to *FIND* said comments.

      And let’s not even think about the increased storage and bandwidth fees Chris has to pay because of YOUR SPAM…

      Hang on, I just realized that Livin’ In Oblivion is not merely an independent site using WordPress’ software, but a blog ON WordPress’s OWN SITE.

      So now, disregard my previous “you’re costing Chris money” argument and replace it with this:

      Your reams of blather and babble and irrelevant conversation is FILLING UP CHRIS’ NONDRICK BLOG; there’s a STORAGE LIMIT, geniuses. And every song lyric, every ‘choose-your-own-adventure’ and every tangent you drift on with, you’re pushing this site to the point where THERE WON’T BE ANY *ROOM* for NEW UPDATES.

      If you keep this drivel up, Chris WON’T BE ABLE TO UPDATE, even if he WANTS to.

      Makes me wonder if you really ARE ‘fans of Nondrick’, if you’re taking such efforts to PREVENT ANY CONTINUATION OF HIS NON-ADVENTURE…

  47. Mehrunes Dagon Says:

    Why dont you just admit it already? You’ve lost interest in the game and thus lost interest in writing a blog about it.

    Here’s this for an idea, keep up with nondrick, but whenever you play a new game, “move” him into your new game and play that game as him and blog about it.

    • Midget52 Says:

      That’s actually not a half bad idea. Except there are only really two games i can think of that it will work in: Fallout 3 and Oblivion. Not many other RPGs where neutrality is a viable option.

      Damn, i was serious for a whole paragraph! Gotta say something stupid….. uhhh… PEPSI AND COKE ARE THE SAME!

      • The Green Lantern Says:

        Too bad you can’t create a character in GTAIV.

      • The Green Lantern Says:

        Nondrick buys a new wardrobe! Nondrick goes out to eat! Nondrick hangs out at a strip club!

  48. PK Says:

    Just because you guys have commented a lot on here does not mean you own the place. You guys have been acting like real jerks to everyone who comments on here, saying they’re not “real fans” because hey didint join in on the little vigil on the bitter brew comments. I checked his blog every day, but never posted a comment. Am I not a “true fan”? Am I somehow worth less then you? What gives you that right? This is not a community, this is a blog. If you want to be in a community, take it elsewhere, and stop being jerks to new commentors, just for expressing how happy they are that chris updated and pointing out hat your little group is a bit weird and xenophobic.

  49. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    will all of you just chill out? just ignore the people who insult us, and welcome those who are new! they just hate us because they dont understand our comments, or why we do them.
    I, personally, dont think I am worth more than anyone else here PK, but after being here so long without anyone new, you can understand why some of us are a bit, uh, territorial. That said, dont just generalise all of the people in the Hiatus Crew to be downright assholes. I try to be nice, but when someone shows up who has no idea who we are or knows anything about us, and calls us, say, xenophobes, then its rather hard to keep your cool.

  50. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    that said, I’m not sure that your way of dealing with them is the most productive, Michael, no matter how much they insult us. We should just try to explain it to them, then maybe they wont feel excluded.

  51. Joeman Says:

    Alright, Putzy I shall. The problem that everyone is having is that everyone is confused about who are fans of what. To be a fan of Nondrick is not a hard thing, all you have to do is read all the entires and you are done. To claim to be a bigger nondrick fan than a another person is stupid, because the maximum level of fandom one can experience is limited to the materiel, ego a person who has read Nondrick for a year really is no bigger fan than a person who just read all the entries that day.
    The Hiatus commenters on Living in Oblivion are by no means bigger fans than the people who are content to read the entries, in fact the comments rarely ever have anything to do with Nondrick anymore. One does not have to read or enjoy the comments to experience the full “Nondrick Experience.”
    The Hiatus Group is not really a nondrick fan group, it is really an online get-together of friends who share in common a love for the Living in Oblivion posts. This love is no greater than any other persons’ who have read the blog, rather the difference is that we chose to express that passion by commenting daily on the site.
    The problem that we have here is that we, The Hiatus Group, have come to think as Nondrick as our own. Because we are the only people to still comment, it is easy to assume that we are the only people that still read the blog.
    This problem started when a non hiatus commenter, nancymarie, insulted our

    • Joeman Says:

      routine by stating that our comments were nonsense. Not only is this very insulting to us, who have formed a community around those comments, but the attack was more or less unprovoked. However some other non hiatus commenters agreed with her. We responded by insulting said non hiatus commenters, hurt that people would diss our group when we never did anything to them. However, some other non-hiatus readers read our comments telling said commenters to get off “our site”, and assumed that we considered ourselves to be the only true fans.
      We have NO RIGHT to tell anyone to get off the site. We do not own it. It was made by Chris, for our enjoyment. Non hiatus commenters, however do not have the right to insult us, no matter how they disapprove of our doings. We apologize to anyone who assumed that we believed ourselves to be the only true fans. You are welcome to join our good-natured tomfoolery, if you wish. However to the people, like nancymarie who feel the need to insult us for no reason, I have one thing to say to you:

      Go fuck yourselves.

      • Midget52 Says:

        Woot! Preach on! Feel the power!

      • The Green Lantern Says:

        Props dude.

      • Addicted Says:

        I concur!

      • Jaded Empath Says:

        Point of fact; it WAS made by Chris, but nowhere do I see any sort of statement that “I made this for you” or “…your enjoyment” I’m pretty sure he made it for his own sense of fulfilment, and he’s *probably* finished with it; shame if it is, but c’est la vie – it’s HIS not OURS.

        Also, I have EVERY RIGHT to tell you to SHUT UP with your irrelevant spam and completely unnecessary drivel, and here’s why – it makes it HARDER FOR A GENUINE NONDRICK (yeah, the PURPOSE of the blog, remember that? didn’t think so) FAN TO *FIND*NONDRICK-RELATED*COMMENTS*

        If someone were to start posting links to a ‘cool new toothbrush washer’ sales website, would you be offended? Upset?

        EXACTLY; now you understand how *WE* feel.

        If you really want to keep this ‘community’ of yours going, why not start up a SITE OF ITS OWN; perhaps? “Home of the Bitter Brew Crew”?

        BUT *PLEASE* take it somewhere else where it will NOT interfere with those ‘silly foolish people’ who come to A FRELLING NONDRICK BLOG to absurdly READ COMMENTS *ABOUT* NONDRICK!

        Honestly, you’re lucky Chris is so laissez-faire about this, and about THE STORAGE AND BANDWIDTH FEES *HE* HAS TO PAY FOR YOUR OFF-TOPIC BABBLING; if _I’d_ been doing this whole experiment, you lot would’ve been banned…no, actually I’d have shut the whole site down just after Bitter Brew.

      • G Says:

        jaded our comments don’t make a huge difference on storage… stop being someone who thinks they know something… but they don’t. It was made by chris, and as such you cant tel us to shut the fuck up.

      • Joey Says:

        Thanks for trying to keep the peace Joeman. Empath…. now you’re being a bit of a bitch.

  52. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    that was well spoken, Joeman.

  53. Depressed KingFrozen Says:

    wow… first time EVER that anyone has ever maxed out a reply

    i need a moment for th- OK moments over

  54. KingFrozen - who just realised he shouldnt have had that name Says:


  55. The Green Lantern Says:

    So can we all get along now? Or do we have to put up a wall?

  56. Franky Says:

    U could use your forum for your convos so that the comments section can b used by people who want to talk about nondrick. Seems like a fair suggestion.

  57. vadermath Says:

    Yeah, that’s a cool suggestion, I suppose.
    “Destroys Franky’s limbs with a machine gun”
    Kidding, but there are two problems with your idea. You see, once a new update arrives (even if it’s short like this) many people come, and comment for a few days, a week max, and then they leave. If we would leave it to them, this place would be dead within a month. And after the time I spent here, I wouldn’t like to see it happen. And second of all, no Hiatus member would fucking EVER leave this place. We tried with a forum, and it went on for a while, but that just isn’t it. So we’re back here. And we do talk about Nondrick. Mostly about when there will be an update of him, then much else. Honestly, what else could you say about him? I mean, he is not a person whos character is exactly open for discussion…

  58. Midget52 Says:

    I still go to the forum. Does that make me a sad person?

  59. Addicted Says:

    Okay, so can we all just get along and not have to insult each other?

  60. Michael Says:

    Sorry if I got a bit.. carried away. It’s just that there’s a lot going on for me, both on the internet, school, and ‘life’. OH NO I SAID THE FORBIDDEN WORD! So when you guys start insulting us, my rage took control. Sorry if anyone got their inner feelings hurt, just look at that comment as if I told you to stop insulting us. Thanks!

  61. vadermath Says:

    Oh, I still check out the forum too, but no one posts there anymore. This place is waaaaay more fun.

  62. The Green Lantern Says:

    I stopped posting on the forum when it got assaulted by bots asking if we wanted free ring tones.

    Anyway, I just think that the n00bs(copyright GL) are trying to find they’re place in this wild wild comments section.

    Why should we move our comments? If you don’t like them, don’t read them. It’s just going to be us in a couple days anyway.

    • Jaded Empath Says:


      And I’d LOVE to NOT READ THEM, but I *have* to wade through the REAMS of your IRRELEVANT SPAM in order to see any posts that…oh…I dunno – ACTUALLY HAVE *ANYTHING* TO DO WITH _NONDRICK_

      Would like to have to wade through page after page of advertising just to see a few disjointed comments by your ‘crew’? Oh yeah, you DID over on the Forum, didn’t you? “assaulted by bots” – you said so above, sorry for forgetting…

      …so maybe you should open your mind for a moment and THINK HOW OTHER PEOPLE FEEL?

      (wow the immense irony leaves me awestruck)

      Oh, that’s right, you don’t give a SHIT about people who are *actually*interested*in*Nondrick*; we are supposed to “shut up and go away”.

      GUESS WHAT, FUCKWIT. You’re NOT Chris. I don’t give sweet fanny adams what you THINK you can tell me to do, I ain’t playin’.

      If you’ve got nothing better to do than use Chris’ dime for site fees as your own personal message board, I guess the SAME GOES FOR ME.

      Freedom of speech cuts both ways, numbnuts; either:
      a) stop telling others what they can and cannot say, or b) stop SPAMMING UP CHRIS’ SITE.

      Livin’ in Obvilion for NONDRICK, not irrelevant spam!

  63. vadermath Says:

    Did you see that? I was completely polite when he asked us to move away so that others can come! Chopping off fingers isn’t considered impolite if you know the person, right? Just checking…

  64. vadermath Says:

    @Michael, I took a look at your youtube channel. Fucking lol’d for 5 minutes after seeing the “Hentai Slideshow”…

  65. Michael Says:

    Okay, so here comes the updated list: Joeman, Me, vadermath, Washcloth(?), Max(?), The Green Lantern, Putzy von Putzingburg III, Aspgren(?) Addicted, Midget52 & C:o and KingFrozen. Got you all, did I not?

    • Aspgren Says:

      I don’t really.. uh.. choose sides. I mainly.. wander around aimlessly. Popping in and out here and there..

      As those who know of “Maximus” (updated today) can tell you.

    • Midget52 Says:

      What is it thats going on for you that would cause an angry outburst? Care to share? How does that make you feel?

      Psychoanalysis is great…

      • Lemon Boy Says:

        @aspgren dude i love your blog, glad to hear youve updated will check it out right now.

  66. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    huh. has everyone gone already? that was like, 2 days.
    by everyone I mean the commenters who weren’t in the Crew. you know, ‘normal people’. they make me sick, what with their ‘normalness’ and everything.

  67. Austin Says:

    Wooo awesome!

    I believed and it came true! I eagerly await more Nondrick.

  68. vadermath Says:

    Nah, look at the post above mine, people.

    @Putzy: That’s how it always happens.

  69. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    how much longer should I wait before posting all the remaining parts to my recent TALE? Its finished, I just dont know if everyone else is gone yet.

  70. KingFrozen - who just realised he shouldnt have had that name Says:

    You will have to wait for one blue moon. Dont believe me, google it!

  71. KingFrozen - who just realised he shouldnt have had that name AGAIN! Says:


  72. KingFrozen - who just realised his name was way to long, and is starting to look like those people who use MSN obsessively Says:


    if only i knew what irony meant

  73. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    seriously guys, I have a 46k word document right here, waiting to be posted.

  74. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    fuck it. heres the next part. (There is more after this)

    PART 2

    “3 sheets to the wind, I’ll show you the ropes
    I’m Bitty the pirate I’ll put a hook in your throat!”
    “Yo Bitty check it out, I’m gonna slaughter your crew,
    So gimme yo’ ship,
    Or I’ma do it to you!”
    “Yarr, you killed me mates, they’re a pain in me bum,
    You can take me ship, but I’m keepin’ me rum!”
    So they boarded the ship and cast off, heading into the deep blue sea. A day of sailing later, the guys were exploring the ship when they found a woman with red eyes and purple hair. Smoking pot.
    “M-m-m-my name is MATOYA, an’ I got me some HERB
    If you find my crystal I can hook you uuuuup.
    Is it just me, or are my broomsticks talkin’?
    Crazy backwards words like Christopher Livin’ston.
    Let me take anotha’ toke and help you find ma shit
    Cos if you don’t you won’t be getting’ no HERB, legit?”
    “SHIT, break out the cheez whiz
    We gonna have a party
    We’ll find that fuckin’ crystal now break out the Bacardi
    You’ve got a sexy voice call me up some time
    We won’t be back with the crystal if you change yo’ mind.”
    So they set out to reclaim the crystal from the evil being CHAOS(sound familiar yet?).
    They conquered the lands of the north, south, east and west, and even the lands in the south-south-west(!) before they finally happened upon the crumbling fortress that CHAOS was using as his crib. Inside, Chaos peeked out the window and saw them, and began to sing himself.
    “Those fools are on their way they’ll rue the day they came my way
    I’m CHAOS! …….in the flesh!
    The fiends compare to fleas compared to me its GREAT to be pure
    CHAOS! ………..I laid Erdrick to rest!
    And one by one you’ll die by my hand
    Oh, look what I’ve become….
    This fantasy is far from final
    The worst is yet to come…….”

    END PART 2

  75. vadermath Says:

    “cheez whiz”? I lol’d…

  76. Midget52 Says:

    When do you get the time to write all this? Does the word “sleep” mean anything to you?

  77. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    I just have much free time. Yeah, go insult my lack of a life. Seriously though, I just find myself with a few spare minutes, so I get cracking on a TALE or something.

  78. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    only a few more comments of praise and I can post the next part! Lovin’ my job!

  79. vadermath Says:


  80. vadermath Says:

    *more praise*

  81. vadermath Says:

    Now get to it.

  82. Michael Says:

    Yeah. Post your amazing TALE. And please include me again! I’m awesome (at least in your TALES).

  83. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    ok folks! here is the next part! (Dont worry Michael, you get the first verse in the last part)

    PART 3

    “Yo’ goin’ down CHAOS you shouldn’t fuck with my crew
    Or my badass boyz and I are gonna show you how we do
    You mother fucker!
    We beat you before and we’ll do it again
    Every time you fuckin’ rise until this fantasy ends
    You better stay on your guard cos when I strike your gonna feel it
    You fuckin’ piece of shit yo’ goin’ down bitch, I MEAN IT!”
    They charge into the fortress, cutting things down as they made their way to the throne room. Of course, the things they cut down were like, lamps n shit, cos there weren’t any monsters in there for some reason. They made it to the chamber and…sigh…you know what happens next.

    “Chaos I got a prob’m witcho muh fuh kin ass
    That’s why I came for the crystal so go back to the past
    Battled many foes on my way to you
    And I won’t think twice about destroying you too”

    “I won’t be so forgiving this time around…..
    I, will put you in the groooouuuuund”

    “Yoouuu can’t stop me now, I’m more powerful than you”
    “Yoouuu puny halfwit, I’ll eat you with my dick!”
    Chaos and Nondrick (with his crew) engage in a thrilling battle. Their swords clash and shit explodes for no reason as they fight. Then Chaos starts to rap some more(no more rapping after this TALE I swear to god!)

    “CHAOS reigns upon you and you question yourself
    You find that nothing but the best is ever good for your health”
    “Bitch you better go home, and cry to yo’ ma’
    Cos I been fuckin’ practicing at takin’ my time”
    “You’re good, but you’re no SEPH-IR-OTH!”
    “Your starting to PISS ME OFF!”
    The wall of the castle explodes outwards from the unimaginable amounts of sweat and testosterone, forcing the two sides to regroup before engaging again.
    “Your defense is weak
    Fought IMPS tougher than you!
    Good knight turned bad knight?
    Good knight for you!
    I got so much HP you can call me TERMINATOR
    Cos these muh thuh fuh kin muscles are buffer than Schwarzenegger’s!
    Take a tip from ma’ crew, bitch
    Its time to bow out!
    After this we’ll have a motherfuckin’ night on the town!”

    END PART 3

  84. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    one more part to go, so pile on the praise!

    • KingFrozen - who just realised his name was way to long, and is starting to look like those people who use MSN obsessively Says:

      he said praise! not references to other great things!


  85. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    *shudder* ohhhhh yeah thats the stuff. Praise is like crack to me.AND I NEED MY FIX.

  86. KingFrozen - who just realised his name was way to long, and is starting to look like those people who use MSN obsessively Says:

    Happy now?

  87. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:


  88. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Alright, you earned it. Michael, you get first verse, as promised.

    PART 4

    Mik steps forward to do his part, casting a spell to turn them all into 2d pixilated characters.
    “Cos it’s a random battle system an’ yo’ ass gun be hurtin’
    And I’ll be bustin’ out ma’ trix like ma’ name was Lance Burton
    8 BIT, muthafuckers and we’re fully equipped,
    With swords and staves and knives and all kindsa magical shit!”
    “This can’t be happening!
    This can’t be true!”
    “Well ima kick you in yo’ motherfuckin’ face, you’re through!
    You done it now, shut cho mouth look what you made me do!”
    Jojo enters the battle for the final verse!
    “I got a thousand voltz o’ lightnin’ runnin through ma’ veins
    3 foot of steel in ma’ hands, and its flavor is PAIN
    You been playin’ with FIR3
    Now yo’ gonna get burned
    You’re in ova yo’ head
    Another lesson to be learned
    I’m gonna run you through
    Yo’ gonna pay fo’ your crimes
    I just cast FAST
    And now yo’ runnin’ outta time!”
    “They call me CHAOS for a reason boy
    Don’t be ridiculous!
    As of late I’ve found that time itself is rather meticulous
    I am IMMORTAL!
    I have inside me blood of kings!
    You and your friends will die here
    And I’ll destroy everything!”
    “We are the GOD WARRIORS bitch, you heard what I said?
    We’re gonna end this paradox you’re only strong in your head!
    You might think your safe in this time-loop,
    But now you’re dead!”
    The three heroes rushed forward, attacking simultaneously, and Chaos exploded, showering them with livers! You see, Wood man was defeated by Nondrick earlier, then was resurrected by the four Fiends he had summoned just before he died! The fiends died to give him back his life, and he absorbed their evil energy to become Chaos! Nonny had met Mikhail after his one-time partner Chris left to kill zombies with an African lady, and they had become partners in ass-kicking! But when an ancient scroll found in Mik’s backyard said they needed an ancient mage called Jojo, Nonny used the power of the Supreme Court to send Mik back, so they could try the whole ‘reincarnate as good guy’ thing! Since Jojo had come back and grown up as a good mage, he discovered another scroll that said that 3 ‘God Warriors’ would come and save the day!

    Thank god that’s over, eh folks? Next time: YOU choose what happens next by voting on pre-conceived plot lines created by me!

    Be sure to tune in when I get around to making a new…


  89. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:


  90. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    and I’m already brainstorming for the next one! Aren’t you guys lucky that you have me?

  91. Midget52 Says:

    You are a bucket of joy in a sinking ship of despair.

    I mean, awesome stories! Bring on the next!

  92. Michael Says:

    Yeah! Give us the options already! Yay! We want more TALES!

  93. usualroutine Says:

    Just pointing out the fact that I absolutely love this blog (I’ve been here since fairly early on, I just haven’t posted very often) and feel that the hiatus crew… may not, exactly, be the sort of thing that attracts new followers of Nondrick. I mean, shouldn’t we readers begin attempting to gather new people to become fans, thus raising Chris’ self-esteem and, thus, posting frequency?

  94. Tharron Says:

    Hail To all of ye fellow hiatus Citizens! wait! Whats tihs! Mighty Tharron has not bin missed! Read every EVERY Frakking (sorry its not good to watch a whole season of battlestar galactica in 1 sitting) comment and posted regularly and you guys dont even NAME me! *falls on floor*

    So hows these pictures of this new Update he! … Ow wait there is no actuall update just another Pre update! 😀 nice!

    Loving the TALES!

  95. The Master Of The Possimpible. Says:

    I, for one, offer some goat stockings to our overlords.

  96. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    its been like, six hours since the last one, but here is the first…


    The arrow flew towards Nondirk, and he had a sudden desire to press both triggers at the same time, causing him to flip involuntarily out of the way! Straight off the edge of the cliff he had been traversing! The man who shot the arrow looked down at Nondirk as he fell, splattering into the rocky floor. He opened his mouth and was about to break into a rap – when a sword totally went through the back of his face. The Lord Of The Rings theme music started, the camera doing grand sweeps of the area around them in a really epic way. Nondrick pulled his sword out(thats what she said?) and whispered: “Never again.” before kicking the man straight off the cliff, going to go mix body parts with Nondricks twin half step brother from Venus. But then, as Nondrick sheathed his sword(thats what she said?), he heard a gun cock behind him.
    “u aint goin’ nowhers lol” said the S1n1573r V01(3 behind him.
    “Trun ound slwly fag lol” Nondrick managed to translate the mans speech to Oblivion….ion, so he turned around and looked into the dark, evil eyes of…

    A) Chuck Norris

    B) Ganondorf

    C) God Himself (AKA Chuck Norris)

    D) A Floating Nutsack

    F) A Goat

    There ya’ go, folks! Make your choice and be sure to make it very clear, or it won’t be counted. I realise that if you all chose a different choice, then theres no way I can decide and I will kill myself from the pressure. DOWNER. Seriously, though, try to work together and agree on one.
    Cant wait to start on what you all choose, so HURRY THE FUCK UP IM TIRED.

    • Joeman Says:

      A or C.
      Let’s see how Nonny deals with a certain Mr. Norris

      • KingFrozen - who just realised his name was way to long, and is starting to look like those people who use MSN obsessively Says:

        Woot! Go Norris!

        Did you know that Chuck Norris doesnt mow his grass? Instead he dares it to grow!


        The sun is powered by Chuck Norris’ roundhouse kicks!

        more lol!

    • Michael Says:

      I vote for D. I like floating nutsacks.

  97. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    hey I got it! Oblivionglish! its the language they speak in tamriel!

  98. Midget52 Says:


    They are very majestic animals.

  99. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    uh guys, make a choice, please. so far I have 1 vote for Chuck norris, 2 Chuck Norris jokes, and a anything but goats comment. just choose, A B C D F
    its really easy!

  100. Addicted Says:

    I choose G!

  101. vadermath Says:

    Yes. G is good. But seriously, F.

  102. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    this might take a while.

  103. Michael Says:

    This sure took a while, so while we are waiting for the new TALE, should we do another X vs Y? Let me start:
    Goats VS Penguins! I vote for goats.

  104. Joeman Says:

    Penguins. Have you ever seen that movie Happy Feet? Man, you do not want to mess with those toe tappin’ death machines.

  105. The Green Lantern Says:

    I’m going to have to agree with Joeman on this one.

    Madagascar proved to me that penguins are karate chopping death machines.

  106. KingFrozen - Norris Fan Says:

    I voted for Norris! did no one see that from my undying adoration?

    And the goat would win! Goat FTW!

    Goats are exactly 7.34 times bigger than penguins

  107. Addicted Says:

    I agree with KingFrozen, Goats rock. Penguins just waddle around in the cold and get eaten by seals.

  108. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    fine, since people voted for nonexistant choices, we will just go with Chuck Norris. TALE coming up soon.

  109. Midget52 Says:

    If you can see Chuck Norris, he can see you.

    If you can’t see him, you may already be dead.

    Also, goats rock! They have little horns. Do penguins have little horns? I think NOT! Goats are the horniest animals around!

    Hang on….

  110. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    alright, you Gree-dee bastards! heres the next bit!

    Nondrick turned around and looked into the eyes of Chuck Norris! Chuck Norris blinked his left eye, and somewhere, a terrorist exploded. Then, Chuck Norris blinked his right eye, and the moon was thrown out of orbit, only to join atmospheres with Earth in a perfect gravity abnormality celestial dance. Now, in some parts of the world, some people could jump up and land on the moon.
    Chuck Norris breathed in slightly, and poverty ended.
    Then Chuck Norris shifted his arm slightly, and Korea declared its unity ina show of friendship.
    Chuck Norris Blinked both eyes at the same time, and california broke off from Earth and formed a soveriegn planet.
    Chuck continued to point his gun at Nondrick, not that he needed it. Nondrick had to do some quick thinking to stay alive. What does he say?

    A) I…want you…..inside me…

    B) All your base are belong to us

    C) lolz i dnt want fight <_< XD fun AMIRITE 😀


    E) I cant let you do that, Falco (?)

    F) /ignore

    G) PIKA-CHUUUUUUU! *emit electric shock from rubbing a ballon on his head*

    H) Show me your moves!

    Well there you go, folks, plenty of choices! And this time, one of the answers is booby trapped! If you pick it, Nondrick gets killed and you have to restart from a previous saved game! But you guys didn’t save your game, did you? Remember to tell me to save the game when you want to!

  111. Michael Says:

    *Hits Escape* *Presses Save Game* *Saves in a new slot*
    Save successfull! I’m gonna vote for B. I like that fad. Great that you voted for the goat! Awesome.

  112. The Green Lantern Says:


    Captain Falcon kicks so much ass.

  113. Joeman Who is Asking Why Can't I Have A Really Long Name Like Putzy Von Putzington The Third Or Sometimes KingFrozen? Well? Why Not? I Want A Really Long Name! Says:

    Oh there it is.

    • Joeman Who is Asking Why Can't I Have A Really Long Name Like Putzy Von Putzington The Third Or Sometimes KingFrozen? Well? Why Not? I Want A Really Long Name! Says:

      Putzy Von PutzingBURG. Duh.

  114. Vadermath Von Stop with The Fucking Annoyingly Long Names Fucking Already! Says:

    Like mine?
    Anyway, I vote for B.

  115. Midget52 Says:


    What, were you expecting me to have a long name? I am secure in my name choice.

    F. Totally ignore him.

  116. The Green Lantern Says:

    I vote H again.

  117. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    I have:
    Two for B
    One for H
    One for F
    Ok! Looks like B it is!
    BWA-BWA-BWAAAAA! You chose the booby trapped answer!

    Nondrick spoke to Chuck.
    “All your base are belong to us!” Chucks eyes narrowed, and Nondrick violently was stabbed through the balls by a giant meat hook! He was left there for days, people laughing at him and his hooked balls as he hung there. Finally, Chuck showed mercy, and left him in a female prison. a ZOMBIE female prison! Nonny felt himself become one of them, a female zombie! Because his balls had leaked out all the testosterone! Oh how humiliating! To die in such a way! You know what the army did with all the female zombies when they killed them? They raped them! You have gotten the worst ending imaginable! Please reload a saved game, and try again!

  118. The Green Lantern Says:

    See what happens guys?

    Captain Falcon could have saved us all!

  119. KingFrozen - Simple name this is not long like Michael or Joeman and will never be as long as that as long as the internet shall live, which funnily enough is forever. I vote for RELOAD or Falcon. And i just realised i didn't hit tab... Says:


    My vote is in the name

  120. Waffles Did you know that long names are very good for your health? Although to fatties they can be a fire hazard, to the other people they improve your lifespan by 50 years Says:

    I check the site every day and those idiots who keep insulting the Hiatus crew are annoying.

    I say we build a castle to keep them out, then continue this CYOA.

  121. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    thats a pretty good idea, waffles!
    now take off your pants.

    Ok, now I have 2 votes for show me your moves!
    Here we go again!(I aint waiting longer that a couple of hours from now on. I need to keep things moving!)so dont forget to vote next time!

    Nondrick turned to Chuck after reloading the game and said:
    “Show me your moves!”
    Chuck angrily busted a roundhouse kick – just as CAPTAIN FALCON zoomed in from somwhere, and Falcon Pawnched Chuck in the face! An explosion of pure awesomonion occured, and the two colossus forces of awesome caused destruction on a galactic scale!
    The bright light burned Nonnys eyes and he only had time to say one thing:

    A) Got milk?

    B) SOMEONE needs to switch to decaf!

    C) Gesundheit!

    D) Th-th-thats all, folks!

    E) Thats what…she…said?

    F) Eyyyyyyyy!

    G) *breaks into a rap*

    Ok, everyone! there you go! as usual, a lot of them are booby trapped, so dont forget to save!

  122. Addicted Says:


  123. KingFrozen - Simple name Says:

    E! GO E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1ONE11!!!1ELEVEN1

    Sorry, im having a bit of a phase of thats what she said jokes…
    for example:-
    Two men are at a construction site.
    1st man: I need your wood
    2nd man: Thats what she said!
    -gives man the plank of wood-
    1st man: You nailed this pretty hard
    2nd man: Thats what she said!
    1st man: Dude, stop, seriously, how old are you?
    2nd man: Thats what she said?…

  124. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    ok, 1 G, and two Es.
    I’ll give you a couple of hours for everyone to vote!

  125. The Green Lantern Says:


    The Fonz is the only person who could add into the awesomeness of Chuck Norris and Captain Falcon.


  126. Waffles Did you know that long names are very good for your health? Although to fatties they can be a fire hazard, to the other people they improve your lifespan by 50 years Says:


  127. Midget52 Says:

    D. Full of stutter-y bacon goodness!



  129. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    well, now I have 2 Gs, 2 Es, 1 F and 1 D(not counting the people who changed their name to vote more than once, like the guy who’s name is GGGGGGGGG. Yeah, just use your real name and vote once, people!) Only a couple of hours left to get some real votes in!

  130. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Addicted, do not vote again. I’m warning you…

  131. Michael Says:

    The dude who is called GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG is Addicted in disguise! Check the small picture! It’s the same!

  132. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    why do you think I just warned him? I realised that as well!

  133. Midget52 Says:

    How devious. I hate people who do that.

  134. Midget34 Says:

    So do I.

  135. Michael Says:

    Yeah, I realised that you had realised that just before I posted the comment, but I decided to post it anyway so that those who haven’t realised it yet now gets the chance to realise it! Phew, loads of ‘realise’ in this comment.

  136. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    SERIOUSLY though, only 1(one) vote per person, not name. And for the love of GOD dont choose G! I’m not a rap machine!

  137. Vadermath Von Stop with The Fucking Annoyingly Long Names Fucking Already! Says:

    Definitely E.

  138. g Says:

    g please?

  139. great people with extrememly long names Says:

    I’d love to see g

  140. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    thats the tie-breaker! here we go….

    Nondrick was blinded by the incredible light, and only had time to say….
    “Thats what…she…said?” His voice dropping in confidence that he’s being funny as he finishs the sentence. The awesome explosion threw him back through six different dimensions and twelve Space-Time Continiums. As usual, Nondrick didn’t stop to debate impossibility, he landed on his fat ass 12 meters from where the explosion happened. He climbed to his feet and viewed the remains of the two awesome people. There were two statues frozen in suspended animation(the stone might have stopped them moving as well) and Nondrick instantly understood that Cpt. Falcon and Chuck Norris had been frozen. Nondrick decided that he didn’t give a shit, so he left in search for something to do, and maybe some cake as well. After days and days of traveling, Nonny found an Inn called ‘Bitch-Ass Inn’. He walked inside and said to the owner:


    B) *Breaks into a rap*

    C) Yo dawgz gonna pop sum fukrz 2nite!

    D) *Racist Joke*

    E) Can I have one of the tables, and a bed?And your wife?

    F) Hello there, my ‘nizzle’ how are things in the ‘ghetto’? Perhaps your ‘dope’ friends and myself could engage in a ‘fly’ activity while having sexual relations with your wife?

    G) Shizz! Jess has consumed the Wentals, and the Roamers are about to be taken by the Terran-Hanstic League, while Theron lies in ruins! The Hydrogues are killing everyone!(Saga of the Seven Suns – its a BOOK, people.)

    H) Whats that, Lassie? Marthas stuck down a well? Old Jimmy Sampsons cat is stuck in a tree? Go on girl, lead the way!

    Ok, cast your votes, people! This time, all but one answer is rigged!

  141. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    oops! sorry people! It took so long to write i missed those last comments!

  142. Michael Says:

    *Saves the game* *Opens the console* *Types tgm* God Mode Enabled.

    Oh, and I vote for E. Or D. I like both of them, not sure which one I’ll go for! 😀

  143. VAC Security Says:

    Yo Putz, ma’ man, we detected some dipshit motherFUCKER hackin’ yo’ game.

  144. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Yeah, I saw him too. I authorise you to use any and all over the top methods to neutralise his ass.

  145. VAC Security Says:

    alright, come out, you little SHIT!

  146. VAC Security Says:

    tick TOCK you son of a bitch! so come out and play!

  147. Michael Says:


  148. VAC Security Says:

    I dont think you understand. I’m Valve, bitch!
    Get down on your knees!

    I’m gonna slit yo’ fuckin’ throat without leavin’ a trace!
    Without warning have a ninja star stuck in your face!
    I’m right here yeah residin’ with this sword in yo’ back
    Only a guard with the skizl would have you bleedin’ like that!
    Motherfucker I’m dagerous, spontaneous
    There aint nobody who could handle this
    I dont give a fuck, man I’m serious
    shit I’m outraged and I’m furious
    My motherfuckin’ skizl will have you pleadin’ in fear
    now let me spell it out for you
    make it perfectly clear.
    Like the wind i’ll knock you over with a blow to yo’ face
    kill the enemies without leavin’ a trace
    Motherfucker i’m full of hatin’
    theres no debatin’
    You KNOW i’m gonna retaliate
    I wont hesitate
    I’ll even creep up while you MASTURBATE.
    My motherfuckin skizl will have you pleadin’ in fear
    here lemme spell it out for you make it perfectly clear.

  149. Michael Says:

    *turns off god mode* There! Happy now? Let’s have some cake!

  150. VAC Security Says:

    Sir, moving on the patroll the perimeter!

  151. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Good work. Let that be a lesson to you all. My guards know how to rap.

  152. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    pass me that cake, michael, i have to feed my servants.

  153. Michael Says:

    Cake? You want it? It’s all your my friend, but only if you’ve got enough rupees! Too many YouTube Poops…

  154. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    how about I write up the next TALE thing with your choice(E)?

    here it is:

    Nondrick walked into the inn and said to the innkeeper:
    “Can I have one of the tables, and a bed? And your wife?”
    The innkeeper reached over the counter and –
    BWAAAA-BWAAAA-BWAAAAAAAAAAAA! You have reached a booby-trapped ending! Heres the death scene!
    – stuck his hand straight into Nonnys brain! Nondricks body went limp, as he was killed instantly! The innkepper nailed Nondrick to the wall and invited a game of darts. A game of darts WITH SPEARS.


    Nondrick groin area was an instant favorite, and his manhood was humiliatingly decimated until it was nothing but a hairy soup. Yeah, you cant un-read this shit. Dont even try. In the end, they got a clown to come in and cut him up, then feed him to some pooches, just to see how loyal a hungry dog really is.
    And here…
    Nondrick got chowed on by the dogs, and the Chinese wouldn’t extrodite one of their own, so Batman had to go to Shanghai.

    Please reload and try again!

  155. Michael Says:

    *Hands over the cake* What about D?

  156. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Nondrick went inside the inn and said to the innkeeper:
    “Shizz! Jess has consumed the Wentals, and the Roamers are about to be taken by the Terran-Hanstic League, while Theron lies in ruins! The Hydrogues are killing everyone!”
    The innkeeper looked surprised, then he smiled.
    “Its great to meet someone else who has read it. How about those Ildrians, eh?”
    “Oh, dont get me started! Remember the secret breeding facility they built on Dobro?”
    “Oh, yeah! poor Nira, man!”
    “I KNOW! I felt SOOOO sorry for her!”
    “How could they just kidnap her?!?”
    “And Jorah is the new Mage-Imperator, but he just found out the truth!”
    “Oh yeah, that ticked me off, i thought he was going to be a good Mage Imperator!”
    “Same here, bro, same here.”
    They both nodded sagely, and Nondrick payed for a room, promising to come back so they could discuss at great lengths the Wentals, and how they could fight the Hydrogues if they are just sentient water with no space ships. At night, he snuck into the innkeepers room and they had pillow fights while saying who they think is hottest.
    “Oh, Jess definately! He is so dreamy!”
    “Oh, you slut! Teehee!”
    “What about you, whore?”
    “Rob Brindle, definately. I love me some Roamer!”
    They giggled and fell asleep in each others arms.
    Nondrick woke up and took a scalding hot shower, in order to scourge away the gayness. Then he walked outside into the rain, checked his phone and saw you rang and he
    sorry, ill get back to the story now.
    Nondrick bought an icecream and was about to eat it, when a man riding a black horse came by and killed it, brutally severing the cone in half. What should Nonny do?





    E) GET Scrubs Season 5 for only $19.99!(While stocks last)

    vote now, everyone, and rest easy that michael wont get to decide again, unless he breaks a tie!

  157. The Green Lantern Says:

    What’s up dawg? GL in this bitch movin’ yo butz.
    Smokin weed, doin’ coke, and bangin’ some slutz.
    My beat will take y’all out of yo rutz.
    And my rapz are way better than that faggot Putz.
    Anyone who fucks with me will see my power.
    Dominatin mothafuckas in the final hour.
    It’s like Vegeta lookin into his scouter.
    OVER 9000!!! shit, say it louder.
    Vadermath, Michael and I rollin three deep.
    With assault rifles, tearin shit up in a jeep.
    If I run out of bullets, shit, ill just take a leak.
    I’ll spray 50 cal’s all over the street.
    Yo rapz are weak, anyone can spit a mean beat,
    but as fo me, I rap, representin D.C. like Fallout 3
    Check my Pip-Boy.
    Goin in a rap battle against me Puts, you know you gonna slip-boy.
    I’m friends with everyone like Myspace Tom.
    And if you don’t believe me, shit, then ask yo mom.

  158. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Green Lantern do NOT say you just challenged me to a rap battle. Take it back, or face the consequences.

  159. Michael Says:

    Seems he challenged you. I’ll just eat my popcorn and enjoy the fight!

  160. The Green Lantern Says:

    Your terms, sir?

  161. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    *cracks knuckles*

    This is my hood bitch
    try an’ get past
    I’m Putzy, and I’m whoopin’ yo ass.
    This is my sancuary location
    go home
    before I tear the flesh straight off your bones.
    I’m TITANIC, but i cant be sunk
    If you think yo’ gettin’ past, you gotta be drunk.
    Get the fuck outta here you fuckin’ punk
    Fuck with someone else
    before I tell yo’ how much your rymes stunk!

    Okay, warm up is over. More rap when less tired.

  162. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    oh, and Green Lantern?
    If you back out now, I’ll give you some of the cake Michael gave me. I dont want to think up more rhymez!

  163. The Green Lantern Says:

    YOU back the fuck out of here dawg, yo shit is weak.
    YOU say your tired? I don’t even need sleep.
    It’s startin to look like I just invaded yo place.
    Like you a tortoise, in a fuckin cheetah race.
    I’m sick of yo lies, Yo rhymes are compromised,
    Putz is gayer than 9 dudes fucking 10 guys.
    You say I stink, but I can’t fuckin stand your odor.
    You lost your last life douchebag, game over.

  164. Michael Says:

    The Green Lantern doesn’t save on his insults… anyway, I vote for E!

  165. The Green Lantern Says:

    *makes really super cool rap pose*

  166. The Green Lantern Says:

    Hurry up Putz, your going to be a bit late.
    Your rap is coming about as quick as the Chris’ next update.


  167. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    what has gotten into you, GL? You used to be cool. nevertheless,

    I dont think so,
    tough guy.
    Step aside,
    or I’ll make your dog die (lol)
    Thanks Lantern
    its not like I got shit to do
    Why not waste all of my energy
    To the windows
    to the wall
    I’m beatin’ you down to the fuckin’ ground
    I got a Mega-Buster for you all 😛
    Putz man will beat your shit
    your hit dont you forget it bitch
    Throw a saw blade into your face
    lets face it you will taste my razor bladez!
    No fair? Your frozen in the air?
    Times on my side no time to spare!
    I’ll stab this knife straight into yo’ face
    put all you bitches in your place.

    Gosh this is fun! However much I am coming around to this idea, I live in Western Australia. ITs 11:40pm and I wanted to read more of this book called Saga of the Seven Suns. I’m sure you heard it somewhere.
    Anyway, I’m off. cant wait to start again in the morning, man! How awesome are we?

  168. Michael Says:

    Let my Awesome-Calculator take a look at it;
    Awesome Scale: 9/10! That’s awesome!
    Just do some more awesomeness and maybe the AweCalc will give you 10/10?

  169. The Green Lantern Says:

    We are pretty awesome, Putzy.

  170. The Green Lantern Says:

    The Green Lantern is deadly on the mic, yo.
    Compared to me, what you got in your rhymes is fuckin micro.
    It’s out of sight, bro.
    Shit, I gotta gotta get out of here and get some lunch.
    Come here, so first I can give your face a Falcon PAWNCH!
    Putz, for real, you better do some better spittin’.
    Say some stuff that you wrote, instead of what someone else has written.
    Really, quotin’ Lil’ Jon a bit won’t lose you any points.
    But stealing his whole chorus won’t bank you any coins.
    So tomorrow when we start again, it doesn’t even matter.
    Because guess who you’re up against, the Green fuckin’ Lantern.

  171. Joeman Says:

    I hate you Addicted.

  172. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    whos ‘Lil Jon’?

  173. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Okay, the rap battle kinda interupted my flow, but in the hours since I posted only one person voted, so we will go with E.

    Nondrick went to the shopping centre and bought Season 5 of Scrubs. Then, he went back to the hotel and watched it on the pissy little 4″ TV in his room. After vomiting many times from laughter, he made himself a cheese sandwich and ate it JUST AS HE REMEMBERED HE WAS ALLERGIC. What happened to Nondrick?
    Did he:

    A) Break out in a sweat

    B) Break out in a rap

    C) Break out of this popsicle stand

    D) Break out of jail

    E) Break out the Bacardi, we gonna have a party

    F) Break his neck

    Guess which one is booby trapped? Its a hard one! But anyway, dont forget to save the game before you vote! cos if you lose this one, you go back! and I have to write it up again! 😥
    You have, not a time limit this time, but I will just wait for a couple of votes before doing more.


  174. Addicted Says:

    I gotta vote for ¨¥. I like that choice the best.

    Seriously, I think he should D. Of course, he isn’t in jail, but breaking out of jail is always cool, with the cops and the prison guards and the jailhouse snitch.

  175. Midget52 Says:

    D. I want to see where he pulls a jail from.

    Also, it’s spelt “GAOL”. Speak Australian, or live somewhere else.

  176. The Green Lantern Says:

    I’ve already seen Nondrick get his crotch annihilated into a “hairy soup”.

    Now a rape scene?

    How lucky can a guy get?

  177. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    well thats an outstanding majority of whatever letter was the one that he breaks out of gaol. Why the hell would you call it ‘gaol’? seriously, thats whacked out. Bitches be trippin. Represent. Seriously, or as serious as these can be, heres the next part:

    Nondrick swallowed his natural allergy, and gathered the boyz for a break out. After tattooing plans on his ass, he taped the locks and hid a minigun under his shirt. Then, at midnight, they made a break for it, mowing down EVERYONE in their way, fellow prisoners, guards, pokemon. Nondrick unleashed a hail of titanium flavored bullets into a Charizard, then mowed down a couple of thousand Squirtles. His best friend Steve got Eletrocuted by a rogue Pikachu who had snapped from the pressure. A jiggly puff pounced onto Gizmos face and began SHITTING IN HIS MOUTH. Grody!
    Nonny managed to secure a vehicle and escape to parts unkown. Its west of texas, take the 302. If you see antartica, you’ve gone too far.
    When they finally were safe and were resting at a motel, a prisoner asked Nondrick where the prison came from. Nondrick replied:
    “I pulled it out

    A) My Pocket

    B) My Ass

    C) My Lunchbox

    D) Your Ass

    E) Your mum

    F) This top hat

    G) Of thin air. I’m a wizard, Harry!

    H) YOU.

    There you go, same rules apply. All except 1 are booby trapped. Dont forget to save!

  178. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    is Crysis good? My new laptop will have the power to play it maximum settings, but Is it actually a good game?

  179. KingFrozen - Simple name Says:


    I vote E, e is popular

    Now im having mum jokes!

    Or not… they take too much time, just like trying to get around your mum to the other side of town. Seriously, two buses and a train is just ridiculous.

  180. Michael Says:

    I liked the Antarctica part. Anyways, D!
    And Putzy, Crysis is.. well, I’ve played it through like 18 times, so I guess it’s good, but now I think it’s meh. I guess you know why? So I say, get it if you like, it’s an okay game, but nothing too fancy about it. Just some dudes running around in Nano-suits firing at Koreans and saving some chick.

  181. The Master Of The Possimpible. Says:

    Save dammit.

    G is obviously the only way to win.

  182. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Ok, I’ll wait till tomorrow to do the next bit, had a shitload of maths to work/research/do/blow up and am pretty tired.(its 10:12pm here in the merry old land of Oz.)
    But I made an AWESOME Crysis rap after watching someone play a bit of the first level on youtube. Should I post it? Cos if I could sing, I would put it on youtube its that good. I’m so proud of it.

    What say you?

  183. The Green Lantern Says:

    You don’t have to sing to rap, dude.

  184. Ace Says:

    Four more days! He is not going to make it.

  185. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Crysis Rap

    You’re parachutin’ down into the clouds,
    Yo’ mates are talkin’ they sound real loud
    The fog clears up, you notice the graphics
    And you’re like, “I gotta get ma’ fix!”

    You land in the water
    Suits scrambled up,
    CLICK-CLACK raise yo’ gun,
    Your enemies are fucked!

    Sneakin’ through the jungle,
    Like a Ninja, bitch
    ‘till the enemies see ya’
    An’ they hit the switch!

    Tearin’ up around ya
    Night an’ day
    The bastards are fallin’
    But who cares, they’re gay!

    Meet up with a homie
    Show ‘im around
    Re-load yo’ guns
    ‘cos you’ll be rockin’ this town!

    Th-th-th-that’s all, f-folks!
    Well, not really. I wrote up another one for when I actually buy crysis.
    I’ll post it later.

  186. Nondrick Says:

    The Green Lantern

  187. KingFrozen Says:

    Dude, how do you come up with these raps?

    Are you a poet,
    But you didn’t even know it?

    AH! I’m so stunned,
    I lost my ability to rhyme

    • KingFrozen Says:

      If nobody posts a lol, i will have to revert into max’s killing babies routine

      • KingFrozen Says:

        I will return in 3 hours, and if there is no lol, each minute a baby will DIE!

        Wait, what am i saying, you guys don’t care about babies! What do we care about… *Thinking*
        For every minute that passes i shall…
        *this is a dramatic pause, so fucking deal with it*
        Post a really bad and lame joke!

  188. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    yo’ beggin’ fo’ attention
    cos yo’ Kingfrozen!

    Sorry, that was terrible. Just needed to post something.


  189. KingFrozen Says:

    Well, i’m a bit late, but i guess thats as close to a lol as i will ever get

  190. Vadermath Von Stop with The Fucking Annoyingly Long Names Fucking Already! Says:

    I imagine the Crysis rap becoming the Crytek theme song in a year or two…

  191. Michael Says:

    It’s been horribly quiet here for the last 2-3 days, so I guess I’ll start another x vs y?
    Oblivion vs Morrowind?
    I go for Morrowind.

  192. Addicted Says:

    I go for Oblivion, simply because when I tried to play Morrowind on my crappy PC it kept glitching all of the time so it was pretty much impossible to play.

  193. KingFrozen Says:


  194. Farty Says:

    My problem with morrowind was that it was too easy. One I learned about the money trick with the little scamp merchant I was rolling in the money and just went to all the master trainers and maxed all mt stats before I barely ever started the main plot. after that there just didn’t seem any more reason to play. That and by that time I had all the best weapons and armor too. It’s no fun if you can get uber powered before the game really begins.

  195. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    dont care which game. both sucked.

  196. Vadermath Von Stop with The Fucking Annoyingly Long Names Fucking Already! Says:

    Morrowind and Oblivion sucked? Are you crazy? They were (and are, I still play both) awesome! Only thing I didn’t like about Oblivion were the dialogue lines, Bethesda didn’t want to write much because of voice acting. Morrowind is my favorite RPG of all time, along with Fallout 3. Would be difficult to decide between Oblivion and Morrowind, since O’s got the graphics, but M’s got the RPG.

  197. Vadermath Says:

    Remembered to change the name…

  198. KingFrozen Says:

    Hey, since this one has been kinda slow
    i got another one!

    Do you prefer when people say this is an x vs y
    Or an a vs b?

  199. Joeman Says:

    avb, cause it sounds like AVP, which is related to Aliens which is my favorite movie.

  200. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    we are SO on the same page joeman

  201. KingFrozen Says:

    Man… A whole day later and this is still slow…

    OK, i got a good one, and i want a lot of discussion on this

    Goku vs Superman!

    • KingFrozen Says:

      I pick Goku, because he is super powerful with his spirit bomb, which is made from the life force of all others, which can therefore DESTROY superman but also because he can be revived with the dragon balls for ever and ever!

  202. Midget52 Says:

    Kingfrozen, you cannot entice a comment through the use of meaningless arguments. You have to INSULT people. That is why I am now going to unleash my SWEARING PERSONALITY.

    Also, superman. Because he is SUPERMAN.

  203. Midget31 Says:

    @vadermath: What kind of name is vadermath? Star Wars is so ninties.

    @Green Lantern: Shed some light on this, marvel freak: Who the hell reads those comics anyway?

    @Putzy: Kinda speaks for itself, really

    @King Frozen: You ar as cold as ice. You are willing to sacrifice your love. BASTARD.

    @Joeman: Try some originality. What, can’t think of anything other than your OWN NAME

    @Midget52: Just because there was already a guy named Midget on XBox Live doesn’t mean you have to use you bloody gamertag everywhere to justify the two numerals at the end. You sad little nerd.

  204. Midget52 Says:

    Now let us never speak of this again.

    • Midget52 Says:

      Also, i apologise for the above comments. They were purely satirical and do not reflect the publishers true opinions of the person or persons in question.

      Disclaimer over.

  205. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    now, i only called myself putzy when i needed to ask dumb questions, but it stuck and it evolved into this.
    swearing is funner than forming proper sentances motherfucker

  206. Vadermath Says:

    You son of a midget whore, how dare you call SW ninties, just because the maker of the franchise decided to destroy it!

  207. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    goddamn so exited CRYSIS in like, six days!!!
    oh, yeah, and my birthday!

  208. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    okay, gonna try a new thing here. sorta role playin’ shit like D&D, except no dice and you can only do the options presented, like before, but with no nondrick.

    You are sitting in a tavern in the city of Trafalgar Square. You are pretty bummed out about not having enough money to stay at a hotel in Mayfair, so you are drinking yourself to happiness. Your Intelligence decreased by 6. A man carrying a giant axe comes up to you and threatens you with generic death threats.
    “I will cut your throat!”
    “Your money or your money! Then your life! Then more money!”
    You are internally startled at the sudden verbal onslaught, and you:

    A) Pretend to drink from your empty bottle to appear nonchalant.

    B) Swing your hand around and smack the man with your bottle.

    C) Shit all over the floor.(Recommended)

    D) Perform Hari-Kiri

    E) Buy another drink and ignore the man

    Alright, choose, folks! As always, you’re pretty likely to die! Haha! Sucks to be you!

  209. Michael Says:

    I’d shit all over the floor.

  210. Vadermath Says:

    A modified B, with a ninja style.

  211. The Green Lantern Says:


    In unrelated news, I just finished Portal for the first time. I know I’m a bit late to the party but I do have to say, I love that game.


  212. Jaded Empath, hereafter known as "Livin' in Obvilion for NONDRICK, not irrelevant spam!" Says:


    This is a BLOG about the ‘non-adventures’ of an Oblivion character named “Nondrick”; imagine that?

    (Never could have guessed by all the SPAM, could you?)

    And NO, I’m not going to leave you VANDALS AND SQUATTERS ALONE: I was confronted with a couple of vapid idiots who out-and-out TOLD me what I was allowed to do.

    I was told to SHUT UP or I’d be “eradicated”.

    Well, guess what; the only person I’d give ANY credence to doesn’t seem to look around here (with the reams of garbage that has NOTHING TO DO WITH HIS BLOG, I can’t imagine why)

    C’mon, little boy, *eradicate* me; I DOUBLE-DIRTY DOG *DARE* you.

    Waiting smugly,
    Livin’ in Obvilion for NONDRICK, not irrelevant spam!

  213. The Green Lantern Says:


  214. The Green Lantern Says:

    If you don’t like it, or us, or girls, there is no reason to click on the comments section. If you were going to leave a comment about Nondrick, go for it! The only reason you came here is to start shit.

    So you wonder why we say things like that? Because of people like you. People who come here and have obviously never heard of non-sequitur humor. Hell, if you hate the comments section so much, why do you go to it?

    Just to start shit.

    No one is making you scroll down this far. You do it because there is nothing else to do. No update. So why don’t you just join us instead? Resistance is futile.

    Unless your just a dick.

    • Addicted Says:

      He’s just a dick.

      I mean, jeez, are our comments burning you with every post? Why do you care? If you don’t like it, just leave. What would you use the comments section for anyway?

    • Actually, YES, you ARE making me scroll down this far – I and anyone who wants to make a sequential comment DOES HAVE to do JUST THAT, because of the ENORMOUS PILE of irrelevant drivel that sits between the top of the page and the comment form, and ANY means are made all the more difficult and time-consuming by this same mountain of off-topic ‘convo’.

      And did it EVER occur to you to wonder WHY I might want to “start shit”?

      Ever wonder why I might lash out a group of people that have squatted in a near-abandoned site and HIJACKED IT from its INTENDED PURPOSE and use it instead for their OWN PERSONAL DISCUSSION?

      Did it EVER occur to you that people – no I’m not brining up Chris, since his absence makes it clear he doesn’t care – OTHER PEOPLE OUTSIDE YOUR LITTLE CLIQUE might be irritated, frustrated and offended by your escapades?

      Apparently not, for in YOUR closed minds, you’re the innocent victims righteously defending yourselves from this ‘unprovoked attack’ by someone who “only came here to start shit”.

      Sorry about that, did I nudge your pink lenses there?

      • The Green Lantern Says:

        *cracks knuckles*

        Alright kid, I’m sick and tired of your self-important, diatribe spouting, caps lock using bullshit. Chris doesn’t need a defender. I’m sure (like you say, if he cared enough to try to stop us) he would say something if this were getting too crazy.

        Have you never read in the bathroom?

        Have you never walked across the street in anything other than a designated crosswalk?

        You think you are actually here doing some vigilante stuff here don’t you?

        We get it. You write (here comes my emulation of you, note the use of capitalized letters:) LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG posts.

        I do apologize for how my colleagues acted to those other people, but really, it was people who hadn’t commented before (that I had seen) and were not leaving comments about LiO. They were just commenting to be dicks, and you can see how that might get a bad response from us.

        Yeah we have a clique, and from your posts it seems you’re a bit jealous.

        I am formally extending an invite to you from the Hiatus Crew. We would love someone of your intelligence and writing ability to join us.

        Think about it.

        You know what they say.

        If you can’t beat us…

      • Joey Says:

        … if Chris doesn’t care then why the fuck are you fighting them? There would be no more Nondrick if it were’nt for them. People would get bored, and stop checking. You don’t post enought to make up for them.

  215. Vadermath Says:

    You fucking son of a bitch, now you made me a tad crossed. We have been waiting and waiting for nondrick for 7 fucking months here, and you come here and call us spammers? You see, once you are on a comments section for more than half of a year, you run out of fucking things to talk about. I’m not going to eradicate you, I’ll just let Joeman bite you in the crotch and then piss all over you.

      • Aye, thank you for the compliment, especially your little meltdown is what provoked me to this: see, when someone with NO AUTHORITY WHATSOEVER decides to have the GALL AND TEMERITY to try to ORDER me to “follow our rules or be eradicated”, I have this little thing in me called *spite* – I just HAVE to do the very thing these supposed ‘order givers’ want me to do.

        Time to reap what you have sown, karma-boy…

      • Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

        Dear god…I think jaded ACTUALLY thinks its being smart!

    • The Green Lantern Says:

      I don’t like the look of this.

      Guys, my guess is that if Chris reads BOTH ends of this arguement, we’re all going to be banned.

      So vadermath, let’s just try to ignore the spammers(did you see the other comments he made higher up? It’s the same thing over and over and over again).

      • Personally, I’d like that – it would actually mean the Comment pages *for*Nondrick’s*non-adventures* would have a greater percentage of posts ACTUALLY ABOUT Nondrick’s non-adventures (aren’t I just such a silly nitwit for wanting such an ILLOGICAL thing???)

        I could really be content with not being able to post comments here if it would mean I didn’t have to scroll through page after page of IRRELEVANT TRIPE just to see what *genuine* Nondrick fans had to say ABOUT NONDRICK.

        But in all honesty, if Chris really gave hoot about ANYTHING said here in this blog’s commentary, he would’ve taken action a LOOOONG time ago.

        Of course, his disinclination to enact ANY sort of moderation here is part of the reason I feel compelled to act…

      • Joey Says:

        Wait…. the person against non-Nondrick “spam” wants Nondrick spam now? That’s like fighting the war on terror by using terrorists from our own country. Then the world becomes FO3-esque.

  216. Addicted Says:

    Okay, look. Jaded, first of all, since you’ve been spurting the same logo and the practically the same comments over and over again, aren’t you contributing to the “spam”?

    Second of all, if Chris seriously hated our comments from Bitter Brew, then why didn’t he just tell us when he made this post if it was costing him extra money or space? If it made him so mad, then he’d say “stop spamming.”

    Third of all, I seriously doubt that Chris even reads these comments.

    Fourth, we aren’t just “spammers”. I’m a serious fan of all of Chris’s work. I’ve read everything on Notmydesk, I’ve memorized some of the Concerned comics, I’ve reread this blog multiple times, and I loved 1fort until it closed. The reason we’re “spamming” is because we’re all friends (kinda) and this is our way of communicating.

    Fifth, even if we never came to the blog, there wouldn’t be comments about Nondrick or anything, as you suggest. Look at the Day Five post. Fifteen comments. Sure, you might say that it was simply because the blog wasn’t popular then, but then look at Day ten and eleven. 26 comments. Hell, even if you look at this post, the comments that have anything Nondrick related only add up to around 20. So sure, you could post more about Nondrick, but it doesn’t matter because no one would reply or actually have a meaningful conversation about Nondrick.

    So, let’s say right now we left (I’m being hypothetical here). In less then three days, no one will ever comment here again ’till the next post, and then in less then four days from that post, that comments section would be barren.

    So you really want to destroy our group for a pointless cause?

    • The Green Lantern Says:

      Huzzah, sir.

    • Well, firstly, yeah. I would have to agree that I’m contributing to exactly the same problem; I doubt any of my comments within the last month or even three months have had ANYTHING to do with “Livin’ in Oblivion”.

      But there’s this little injunction on how to fight fires…

      Secondly – and thirdly, as well – I agree. I’m pretty sure that Chris neither reads nor CARES about the commentary that carries on here on his own (project-specific) blog. But isn’t that worrisome? Is it part of his disinclination to carry on with Nondrick’s ‘non-adventures’? And one would have to wonder WHY…

      Fourthly, not “just ‘spammers'”, so you admit to filling a game blog with comments that have NOTHING TO DO WITH IT? Thank you for owning up to that.

      Also fourthly, yes, you’re a fan, and all your friends are too – you’d HAVE to be otherwise you’d NEVER have posted ANY comment.

      But you know what? So am I, and PK, and CMOT dibbler, and so are MANY more people whom we will NEVER know the names of, because they DON’T comment. You don’t *have* to comment to be an avid reader of Nondrick’s life…although you pretty much have to be a FAN to be a commenter. (this would be so much easier to describe in a Venn diagram…*sigh*)

      ANYWAY, my point is that JUST because one is a fan, does NOT mean that one HAS to post comment after comment, and shrink the page’s scroll bar to a seven-pixel nub. Especially when one’s comments have NOTHING TO DO WITH THE BLOG, the GAME, or the BLOGGER.

      Indeed, one could argue that those who post off-topic comments are *less* fans than others, since they obviously don’t care enough about Nondrick et al. to RESTRICT THEIR COMMENTS to the TOPIC AT HAND; they disrespect the PURPOSE of the commentary…

      And yet another note that creeps out of fourthly: I don’t mind that you and your friends are just that – FRIENDS. Indeed, I applaud you for reaching through an inherently impersonal medium and making bonds with others. Nor do I begrudge you all your creativity; I’m not much of a fan of rap, but Putzy’s rhymes are quite catchy.


      I must ask, is this a compulsion for you? Do you go into the library to play touch football? Do you go to biker bars to sing opera? Do you go to church/temple/etc. to watch DVDs? Do you go to the sports arena/ice rink/stadium to do your taxes?

      Do you begin to understand how all your posts look to OTHER PEOPLE, people who might – Gods forbid – think that the comment page on a BLOG ABOUT OBLIVION should…

      …you know…


      And then fifthly, yes – so? How is that in any way a BAD thing? (oh, and I got curious and there’s 24 comments on this page actually relating to the topic…as of midnight Thursday EDT)

      Do you know how many blogs are out there that NEVER get ANY comments AT ALL? And I don’t mean ones with commentary blocked or turned off, I mean ones that not only have it enabled, but every blogpost made includes an appeal for feedback?

      I think a blog that gets twentyish RELEVANT replies to even a ‘no blogpost today, but I haven’t forgotten you or given up on this; honest!’ is PRETTY SUCCESSFUL. Not in a position to threaten PerezH or Lifehacker or Kotaku or The Consumerist, etc. etc., but still, something with actual regular readers that have the guts to SPEAK BACK to the blogger.

      This leads me to think on a particular interest of mine: narrative prose. Being online, I tend to find and affiliate with communities that encourage each others’ writing hobbies, and share their works with the public. In most of these communities, a recurring anthem can be heard: “If you liked what you read, please reply to the author, since praise is the only payment they get.”

      If that’s the case, what does that make the “Hiatus Crew”? A pack of muggers, or just simply a pack of loiterers that stand in front of the checkout?

      ANYWAYS, why even make this point #5 of yours, Addicted? Do you think that this is some shallow popularity contest with the ONLY means of measuring same being the number of comments on your blog? Why do you consider twenty-odd comments “barren”?

      My point that you either misunderstood or ignored (I’m leaning toward the former, to be honest) is that there ARE comments about Nondrick, but they’re so buried under pages and pages of off-topic chaff, that they might as well be invisible. *IF* Chris were to read the commentary pages looking for encouragement to continue, how do you think he would feel after an average page? (Because that IS the *purpose* of a comment page for a blog – feedback to the author/blogger.)

      And lastly, who said a) that I wanted to DESTROY this group, or b) that this cause is ‘pointless’?

      I’ve been appealing for TOPICALITY; if you’re going to make a comment on the NONDRICK BLOG, maybe – JUST *MAYBE* – you should be making a comment ABOUT the Nondrick blog?

      For more on b) just look back through previous paragraphs.

      Further on a): again, I’m not opposed to the group. It bears repeating that the formation of just a thing is admirable out here on ‘teh wildz intarwebs’. And I don’t object to WHAT THIS GROUP DOES. Again, the raps are pretty interesting, and some of the Tales are quite fascinating, and the prospect of a ‘forum RPG’ style group-written narrative sounds quite promising (I’ve participated in a number over the years – including one right now – and when done right, they’re A WHOLE HOOT FULL OF FUN)

      The only thing I’m taking issue with is WHERE you’re doing what you’re doing. You’re playing ludo in the strip club. You’re assembling IKEA in a mosh pit. You’re playing horseshoes on the stock market floor.

      Regardless of how awesome and funny and entertaining all this stuff is, IT DOESN’T BELONG HERE.

      • Midget52 Says:

        Sorry, that took a while, but i think i get the gist.

        You want to get rid of the awesome and entertaining stuff on this blog? That means the only thing left will be your comments. Who would want to read them?

      • Joey Says:

        “I must ask, is this a compulsion for you? Do you go into the library to play touch football?” Yes, if the only books there, I’ve already re-read several times, and other people are gonna join in. “Do you go to biker bars to sing opera?” Hmm… yes, if there’s nothing else to do, and others are joining in, why the hell not? “Do you go to church/temple/etc. to watch DVDs?” If there are no sermons on that day, and others are too. “Do you go to the sports arena/ice rink/stadium to do your taxes?” Sure, of there are no games on, and you can enjoy the company of your fellow tax do-ers. “Do you post non-Nondrick related posts on a Nondrick related blog?” Yes, if there’s nothing new on it, and I’m enjoying myself by do-ing it with others, and helping to stop the sit never being used again, ’cause there’s nothing to talk about. Peace.

  217. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    i feel like making a rap about the size of jaded empires penis.

  218. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    but seriously guys, dont worry about jaded empire. He’s probably just some little 12 year old having a tantrum ‘cos his mum won’t buy him chocolate milk.

  219. Oh, so wanting discussion in a comments about Nondrick to BE ABOUT NONDRICK is “a pointless cause”? Thank you for validating my beliefs about YOUR ’cause’ here, Addicted. 🙂

    Also, guess what: *I* have been waiting for Nondrick for seven fucking months, too; and guess what? I don’t have this irrational compulsion to clog up someone else’s storage quota with MY off-topic discussion.

    “once you are on a comments section for more than half of a year, you run out of fucking things to talk about. ”

    Yes, and you know what? *SENSIBLE* people SHUT UP at that point and go do other things. If you want to interact with your friends (and I don’t deny you have become friends, nor do I *begrudge* that friendship) you might want to use MEANS DESIGNED FOR THAT PURPOSE.

    I’m just trying to get you all to realize how badly you’re HIJACKING this blog from its intended purpose, and what a BAD impression you’re making on potential Nondrick fans (CMOT dibbler, for example)

    Because if someone were to come along wanting to make a comment on how much they like Nondrick and his ‘non-adventures’, they WOULD have to scroll past all the guff and PERSONAL CONVERSATIONS that are going on, before they could get to the comment form. And if there’s a huge list of comments that have NOTHING to do with Chris, Oblivion, Nondrick, or the like, they may well wonder if their complimentary comment will even be visible amongst all this chaff…

    …if you’re trying to kill off interest in Chris’ ‘non-adventure’ experiment, excellent job.

    • Joey Says:

      “Also, guess what: *I* have been waiting for Nondrick for seven fucking months, too; and guess what? I don’t have this irrational compulsion to clog up someone else’s storage quota with MY off-topic discussion.

      “once you are on a comments section for more than half of a year, you run out of fucking things to talk about. ”

      Yes, and you know what? *SENSIBLE* people SHUT UP at that point and go do other things. If you want to interact with your friends (and I don’t deny you have become friends, nor do I *begrudge* that friendship) you might want to use MEANS DESIGNED FOR THAT PURPOSE.”

      ….if we stopped talking then the site would fucking die. They’re keeping interest. They’re keeping people reading there comments until Chris gets back to writing.

  220. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    boo fucking hoo
    dont like it? I dont care. Nobody does. Just go and masturbate in the dark alone, crying and fantasising of a life thats slightly less depressing than your own.

  221. Nondrick Says:

    im 6 and a murderer

  222. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    hey, that rhymed!

    yo, yo, just go
    masturbate in the dark alone
    cryin’ an’ dreamin’ of life less shit than your own

    No-one cares
    and they never have
    just quiet down
    you stupid spaz.

    yeah, yeah, I’ll cause you pain
    bitch get outside into the rain
    wait rain? i thought it was summer
    i wanted to swim muthufucka!

    that was fun
    I’m gonna stop now
    if you dont know how to rap
    just ask me how!

    • Cute, mostly funny. Not bad.

      But there’s one thing I take REALLY issue with:

      ♫Don’t ever use the ‘b’ word with me, little boy♫
      ♫’Specially if you ever wanna play with your toy♫
      ♫A Putz just one-third is sure what you’ll be♫
      ♫’Cause the other two-thirds will be leaving with me♫

      Honestly, whatever in the (original) name of “Jaded Empath” (thanks for unconsciously making me seem more powerful than I am with “empire”) gave you the impression that I’M A GUY? 🙂

  223. The Green Lantern Says:

    Alright guys. It’s been fun. But really, how much longer do you think we should be doing this? I mean, maybe “irrelevant spam” is right. Maybe all we are doing is discouraging new fans and Chris from having anything to do with this. And with people like Putz and vadermath (love you guys) just being dicks back, it doesn’t help our image. I don’t want to contribute to hosting fees. I don’t even know if I want to contribute to the hostility in here anymore. My commenting is going to start being few and far between because I just don’t want to see something I have followed for so long be destroyed because of me. I may start using the forum a bit more, but even then, it doesn’t feel like this used to. This is starting to sound like a break-up letter, and maybe it is.


    Peace out,

    The Green Lantern.

    P.S. The Hiatus Crew are the most asskickingest, awesome, brutal, badass, and fun people on the internet right now. So if any of you give them any lip, I’ll slice out your liver.

  224. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    fine fine. sorry jaded whatever the hell your name is.
    but green lantern, I thought our relationship had a future! I planned my life around you, and now you leave me with two kids and no house?
    Shame that you are not gunna post wid us much anymore, but just remember that Chris is a reasonable guy. He would warn us to stop with a pissed off comment or post and we would all stammer apologies and swear we would never do it again. Just like always.

  225. Midget52 Says:


    Nondrick is awesome! How cool is he? Remember that one where he had the horse on the boat? and then he got attacked by ghosts?

    That was sweet…

    • Midget52 Says:

      Right, is that enough on topic comments? can we get back to the random crap now?

      Dear Jaded:

      Our comments are an attempt to keep a slowly dying website alive. Surely you have seen or heard of many websites that the people eventually lose interest in. They fade away and get shut down.

      Now, I’m not saying that it will happen here, but our constant posts make that less of a possibility. We are playing the odds, and we will do anything to steer them in our favour.

      Yours sincerely, Midgets 01 – 53

      • Well, now it’s 26 out of 316 that are TOPICAL (soon to be 317 with this); all-in-all, that’s a REALLY piss-poor signal:noise ratio.

        NO, I do NOT want you to ‘get back to random crap’ HERE. You just aren’t paying any attention, are you?

        “attempt to keep a slowly-dying website alive” What? By rendering the feedback page USELESS? To totally cut off any meaningful responses of ACTUAL encouragement from ever being seen by the blogger? To the extent that he will likely NEVER look at the comments EVER AGAIN? To effectively silence anyone (including yourself) who will EVER post praise from ever getting through to him?

        I understand how all this started (remember I’ve been following this blog long before “Hiatus” myself), you originally banded together to ENCOURAGE CHRIS TO POST =MORE=.

        Worked great, hasn’t it?

        Since the spamming up of his comments pages began, Chris has posted far LESS frequently: usually from thirty to NINETY comments for a post UP TO “Hiatus” – and the “sorry I’m not posting more” ones were NOT the fewest replied-to – and it would be at least a couple of posts a month, or more.

        Then, FIVE HUNDRED comments to the Hiatus post, TWELVE HUNDRED to A Bitter Brew and so far THREE HUNDRED to Nondrick Update.

        Two ‘non-posts’, and a single continuation to Nondrick’s “non-adventure”, in seven months.

        Good job.

        You know, there’s a word for constantly doing the same thing and expecting a *DIFFERENT* result…

        In fact, IIRC, at one point, your “crew” THREATENED A CRUDE DENIAL OF SERVICE ATTACK on ALL OF CHRIS’ BLOGS. Way to show your support for someone you like – I’d hate to think what y’all did on MOTHER’S DAY.

        Just realize that what you’re doing is WRONG; it’s a perversion of what this feedback page is FOR. And I don’t put up with people who hijack things and use them for PERSONAL purposes that have NOTHING to do with what they were INTENDED FOR.

        Let me make an analogy for you: This blog is essentially an abandoned house; the light, heat and water are all still on and kept up by the owner, but he hasn’t been by and its doubtful if he will EVER come back.

        You all are a bunch of SQUATTERS; trespassing and unlawful habitation are what you’re doing, even if you don’t INTEND on harming anyone.

        Me? I’m not the homeowner, nor am I someone hired by him. I’m not the cops, either.


        I can’t arrest you, I can’t even enter the home legally myself, but I *can* sure-as-hell knock on the door and shine my flashlight in the windows until you get the point and LEAVE.

        And *again* I neither begrudge you your Nondrick fandom, nor your fun ‘other activites’, but would simply be satisfied if you confined your posts here to Nondrick-related praise/criticism – even to the supposed ‘detriment’ of the comment count – and take your fun-but-irrelevant stuff ELSEWHERE. There’s OOODLES of sites on the Internet that permit and ENCOURAGE general discussion. USE THEM.

        And if your circle of friends can’t survive transitioning to somewhere else – I guess those bonds of friendship aren’t very strong, are they?

    • Oh, YEAH – I totally thought Nondrick was a goner when he went onto that shipwreck!

      …Or how about ‘his way with women?’ Isn’t it just hilarious that the majority of the bandits that attack Nondrick are FEMALE? (Maybe it’s his facial features; they are so repulsed they have to rid him from Tamriel? 😉 )

    • Joey Says:

      Backwards horseys ARE funny…… (hmm maybe we CAN do this?)

  226. Michael Says:

    Okay, guys. I think that maybe we should stop posting COMPLETELY for a while, and then let’s see how the site fares. I get about 30 e-mails a day that tell me of a new comment on here(I’ve subscribed to the comments). So let’s see how many days it takes to reach 30 e-mails from here, shall we? Maybe we’ll stop for a week and see what happens. So I think that everyone should get and post their own e-mail addresses so that we can communicate via the MSN chatting. After a week, we’ll come back and have a look at the site. C’mon guys, give it a try. If you guys don’t agree with me, that’s sad, but at least I’ll stop commenting for a week(if I manage 😉 ). Oh and Jaded! You don’t have to scroll down all the way down. Just press the slider and drag it all the way down. I mentioned this on the Bitter Brew comment section. With this method, it’ll take about 2-3 seconds to get all the way down here. So Jaded, be happy now that you’ve got rid of at least two of us from the Hiatus Crew. Hopefully the rest for a week too.

    • You know what, Michael? The site fares JUST FINE without all the spam; indeed, one could conclude that Chris has lost interest MORE QUICKLY because of the complete ruination of the comment pages for their INTENDED PURPOSE: giving feedback to Chris.

      And sorry, but I have trouble finding the scroll bar when it’s only about THREE PIXELS wide due to hundreds of off-topic comments being on the page, and I SHOULDN’T HAVE SUCH TROUBLE; the method used to scroll down doesn’t matter – ALL of them become more difficult and more time-consuming because of this irrelevant stuff. And don’t just think about my ‘inconvenience’ (heck, I had the patience and determination to CHECK every post here for topicality, didn’t I?)


      “Wow, that was GREAT; I’m gonna tell this guy how much he RAWKS!”
      *begins scrolling*
      “Whoa…this is gonna take like *forever*; nevermind…”

      The fact is, people have really short attention spans; I think I’m a bit of freak in that respect, but I’ll confess that even MY ‘persistence’ in something has gotten shorter as I get older. If you make someone wait “a few seconds” before they can do something on teh intarwebs, they WILL lose interest.

      None of that is the fault of the Hiatus Crew – it’s our human nature, such as it is – but doing something that TRIGGERS that loss of interest IS…

      Vanderman: What gives me the right? The same right that permits you to vandalize someone ELSE’s blog with irrelevant posts that have NOTHING to do WITH THE BLOG, to tell other people who don’t think the same way you do to “shut the hell up”.

      And really, if you think a mere two-day spat and a couple of people deciding to ‘chill out’ for a while is going to “break the Hiatus Crew”, you yourself don’t give it much credit – I certainly have more faith in it than that.

      But again, you are masterfully missing my point: I do NOT want the Hiatus Crew *broken*up*. I do NOT want you to leave LiO altogether, I do NOT even want you to STOP the silly stuff.

      I just want you to do all those fun things *SOMEWHERE*APPROPRIATE*. I want you to CONFINE your comments ON THIS BLOG to thing ABOUT THE BLOG.

      In fact, I think we might have come up with an acceptable compromise: see below!

      Or do you STILL persist in rigid, narrow-minded thinking that anyone who in ANY way criticizes you AT ALL is a diametrically-opposed enemy ONLY seeks your UTTER DESTRUCTION that you MUST resist totally?

      The Master Of The Possimpible: No. I won’t shut up; I’ve put up with this lot doing every stupid thing they can think of EXCEPT compliment Chris (denial of service attack against all of Chris’ blogs, anyone?) for seven months, and I cannot take it any more.

      And as for “CAUSING arguments” I only flew off the handle and let loose with my aggressions IN RESPONSE to profane insults by ‘Crew members’ attacking other posters; I stepped up IN THEIR DEFENSE (because nothing twigs me off faster than a pack of bullies picking on someone with no valid authority behind them).

      Michael and vandermath may have started this argument with their “you’re not a fan, WE’RE the fans, do what WE SAY” and “SHUT UP OR BE ERADICATED”, but believe me, I *WILL* FINISH IT.

      Yeah, BEFORE my patience snapped, there WERE very few arguments – because the ‘Hiatus Crew’ stifled and intimidated anyone who disagreed with what they did. Tyranny much?

      Now, -if- CHRIS happened to be a participant in all this, I wouldn’t have a problem. It’s his blog, and if he wants to turn it into a discussion room, so be it. But it’s become pretty clear that he is NOT, and guess what, folks: it’s NOT YOUR BLOG, it’s HIS. No, it’s no more mine than yours, but that doesn’t make YOUR VANDALISM ANY LESS an insult to EVERYONE. Let me reiterate:


      Also, please, please PLEASE try to comprehend this:

      Hiatus Crew != Nondrick / Livin’ in Oblivion.

      Just because YOU post here DOES NOT MEAN the site is any more ‘alive’ than if you DON’T. And if you stop spamming up its comment pages does NOT mean it will ‘die’. This site was doing JUST fine with maybe 10-30 *topical* comments per post.

      Now? With people posting hundreds of posts that have NOTHING to do with Nondrick, Oblivion or Chris? Nearly stopped completely.

      If someone wanted to think LOGICALLY about these circumstances, they would conclude that the Hiatus Crew had an ADVERSE effect on the ‘health’ of this blog…

      KingFrozen? Yeah, but one can use fire to fight fire, especially when it’s the only tool available…

      Putzy: Sorry you don’t have the patience to read what I have to say, but it’s your loss.

      Tharron: Yeah, you know what? That’s the POINT of ‘shining a flashlight through a window on SQUATTERS ILLEGALLY LIVING IN SOMEONE ELSE’S HOUSE’

      Putzy (again)


      Well, THERE we go!

      Okay, THIS is what I was getting at.

      AGAIN, I do NOT want to see the Hiatus Crew break up. I don’t even want any of them banned from commenting here.

      I’d LIKE to see comment moderation in force on this blog, but that’s up to Chris not me, and it’s clear he’s been losing interest in Nondrick ALREADY; having to try to ‘ride herd’ of a rowdy bunch like this would only sour him on the whole ‘non-adventure’ experiment all the faster…

      But I really, really hope this helps, and allows the Hiatus Crew to thrive and enjoy themselves! Honestly, I wish you all well, and hope to still see you comment here…about *Nondrick* 😉

      (Really, another analogy would be talking during a movie; none of us own the theatre nor the film, but we’ve all ‘paid for a ticket’ – internet service is STILL not yet free, and the equipment to ACCESS all this stuff out here isn’t free either – and when one person’s behaviour disrupts the enjoyment of another AND there’s no ushers around to settle things, people WILL act up given enough aggravation for enough time…)

      Again, best wishes for everyone.

      And finally: GO ‘interested in Nondrick’-part-of-Chris’-brain! 😀

      • Joeman Says:

        I hate you.

      • Jackrabbit Says:

        QFT Joeman. QF fucking T.

        Stupid bitch needs to shut up and stop ruining my enjoyment of this site.

      • She finally shut up! Yayz!

      • Joey Says:

        Stop using smileys… doesn’t make your post any better. I don’t want them to get there own blog to chat about stuff. They met here and they’re gonna stay here, that’s life, fucking deal with it.

      • Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

        I really, really don’t think it’s my loss to not read/care what you say.
        Seriously. I don’t give a shit.

  227. Vadermath Says:

    Green Lantern, with you leaving, this is a sad day. Also, shut the hell up you “irrelevant spam” jerk. What gives you the right to tell anyone what to do. Do you know whose opinion I care about? Chris’. And that of the Hiatus guys. And nobody fucking else’s, especially not yours. I congratulate you, you have managed to break the Hiatus crew in a few posts. With Michael and Lantern leaving, this will be a sad place. Please guys, I urge you not to give up. I am really feeling dumb now, how could this happen? Chris will update someday, and you know what I think? I think he appreciates a few people that are keeping this place going more than a dick who is urging everyone to leave and let it die. But I will not give up, and we shall see who is of tougher build around here. I need you on MSN guys, c’mon.

  228. The Master Of The Possimpible. Says:

    Would everybody please shut the fuck up?

    LIOFNNIS! (Catchy!) Stop causing arguments, if you’re concerned about the quality of comments, please don’t drag them down further by causing arguments.

    Before you came there were very, very few arguments in the comments, but when you showed up, the amount of arguments suddenly rose! What a coincidence!

    Nondri: (Little known fact, regular commenter’s on the subject of Nondrick are actually known as Nondri) RELAX. If he’s that annoying, simply ignore him.

    But since only comments in song get noticed…

    ♪I know a song that’ll get on yer nerves, get on yer nerves, get on yer nerves♪

    ♪I know a song that’ll get on yer nerves, and this is how it goes♪

    ♪I know a song that’ll get on yer nerves, get on yer nerves, get on yer nerves♪

    ♪I know a song that’ll get on yer nerves, and this is how it goes♪

    Repeat, ad infinitum

  229. KingFrozen Says:

    WOOOOO I haven’t heard that song in ages!
    Vadermath, i will miss you!
    AND to mister related comments, all the long ones that are actually noticeable are naught but spam, just as you are trying to fight against. As Michael has said, attempting to remove us only increase our will to stay. We are like a bad stink. Once you have found us, we won’t leave you alone (not the best analogy but the best i could come up with)

  230. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    great wall of text everyone. didnt read a word. still gonna post comments here whenever I feel like it.

  231. Tharron Says:

    Hia guys. Well I havent posted much. Dont care bout the uhm nabour watch or however you call it (we don thave that sort of thing) sure is irritating if someone would shine in my window 24/7 :”P

    to not work on the nerves of uhm..spamer something something. what about that episode where he stole all those plants! owh that was great!

    And to add to the msns.

    Add me!

    I know i havent bin much of the hiatus crew. but i was there from the beginning! till the end.. how did it end? we will one day tell our grand children about a ..neighborhood’s watch cop… it reminds me of mall cop… oh well 😛

  232. Midget52 Says:

    okkay, see you gus in a week.

  233. we finally got our own website!
    links in my name, so if any Crew members aren’t aware, go sign up and join!

  234. The Green Lantern Says:

    ANYONE is invited to join.

    If you prefer IRRELEVANT SPAM, that is. I guess I never realized that people getting together and biding they’re time until the next update pissed people off that badly. No one but us was commenting. IF someone were to come and start talking about Nondrick, we would have been happy to oblige them and join in the Non-love.

    But, once again, no one was commenting. Hence why we were trying to keep this site alive.

    So you may have won this battle, Tits McGee, but you haven’t won the war.

    If you want more of what the comment section has been, come to and sign up. If you want the lonely existence that was this comment section before, have at it.


  235. Vadermath Says:

    Also, fuck you, Irrelevant spam guy. And, yes, I like saying things plain and simple.

  236. Joeman Says:

    Huzzah! Hiatus Exodus!
    Screw you Rameses! I mean Jaded Cynic.

  237. horn Says:

    spam everyone loves spam, and horn

  238. The Master Of The Possimpible. Says:

    Now then,
    Our love of
    Nondrick should make us
    Disagree less and argue less,
    Recently however, I have noticed that
    I, and several other people who frequent the comments more than I,
    Cannot seem to resist typing up a completely unrelated long rant about something.

  239. anyone else notice how that bitch went back to comments posted weeks ago just so she could post another novel-length whine about not talking about nondrick? Even though no-one will ever read them?
    Talk about an ego trip.

  240. Midget52 Says:

    Shut up, Putzy! We got kicked out, remember? We aren’t supposed to be here!

  241. But seriously, she’s one crazy bitch.

  242. Midget52 Says:

    Or he. There was no clarification on that matter.

  243. Jebus Says:

    Hey guys, whats going on in these comments.

  244. Midget52 Says:

    Not much Jebus. The Hiatus crew got kicked out by a high and mighty, hypocritical self-proclaimed vigilante who obviously has nothing better to do than pick on people they wouldn’t have the guts to stand up to in real life, so preys on on the internet.

    So, what’s been happening with you?

    • g Says:

      you said

      “You know what, Michael? The site fares JUST FINE without all the spam; indeed, one could conclude that Chris has lost interest MORE QUICKLY because of the complete ruination of the comment pages for their INTENDED PURPOSE: giving feedback to Chris.

      And sorry, but I have trouble finding the scroll bar when it’s only about THREE PIXELS wide due to hundreds of off-topic comments being on the page, and I SHOULDN’T HAVE SUCH TROUBLE; the method used to scroll down doesn’t matter – ALL of them become more difficult and more time-consuming because of this irrelevant stuff. And don’t just think about my ‘inconvenience’ (heck, I had the patience and determination to CHECK every post here for topicality, didn’t I?)


      “Wow, that was GREAT; I’m gonna tell this guy how much he RAWKS!”
      *begins scrolling*
      “Whoa…this is gonna take like *forever*; nevermind…”

      The fact is, people have really short attention spans; I think I’m a bit of freak in that respect, but I’ll confess that even MY ‘persistence’ in something has gotten shorter as I get older. If you make someone wait “a few seconds” before they can do something on teh intarwebs, they WILL lose interest.

      None of that is the fault of the Hiatus Crew – it’s our human nature, such as it is – but doing something that TRIGGERS that loss of interest IS”

      I got bored after that, no one gives a fuck about your opinion and no one cares about what you say, it’s spam, but does anyone care? no.

      “indeed, one could conclude that Chris has lost interest MORE QUICKLY because of the complete ruination of the comment pages for their INTENDED PURPOSE: giving feedback to Chris.”
      no, don’t assume anything, your not in a postition to assume, what if chris liked it? have even folowig anything he says, he just never has time for it, am not saying he has time to read the comment box or not.

      And sorry, but I have trouble finding the scroll bar when it’s only about THREE PIXELS ”
      Go to specsavers, the scroll bar isn’t 3 pixels long, and your just exaggerating things.

      “the method used to scroll down doesn’t matter – ALL of them become more difficult and more time-consuming because of this irrelevant stuff. And don’t just think about my ‘inconvenience’ (heck, I had the patience and determination to CHECK every post here for topicality, didn’t I?)”

      The method used to scroll down does matter, am not sure about you but i really don’t give a shit about other people’s comments, it’s not inconvenient, don’t you have any pateince in life?, patience is a virtue, without it, your just a lost cub in a forest.
      Your also lame enough to ACCTUALY read 300 odd commemts, and you said you have a short attention span.


      “Wow, that was GREAT; I’m gonna tell this guy how much he RAWKS!”
      *begins scrolling*
      “Whoa…this is gonna take like *forever*; nevermind…”

      No, it’s not going to take forever, it doesn’t even take any time at all, all you have to do is like the scrol bar up and down and your there, really quickly.

      the Hiatus crew intrests me , they are there a good form of entertainment am not going to go on another site. plus if chris ACCTUALLY updates, then they propaply won’t even be haunting the comments

    • g Says:

      you said

      “You know what, Michael? The site fares JUST FINE without all the spam; indeed, one could conclude that Chris has lost interest MORE QUICKLY because of the complete ruination of the comment pages for their INTENDED PURPOSE: giving feedback to Chris.

      And sorry, but I have trouble finding the scroll bar when it’s only about THREE PIXELS wide due to hundreds of off-topic comments being on the page, and I SHOULDN’T HAVE SUCH TROUBLE; the method used to scroll down doesn’t matter – ALL of them become more difficult and more time-consuming because of this irrelevant stuff. And don’t just think about my ‘inconvenience’ (heck, I had the patience and determination to CHECK every post here for topicality, didn’t I?)


      “Wow, that was GREAT; I’m gonna tell this guy how much he RAWKS!”
      *begins scrolling*
      “Whoa…this is gonna take like *forever*; nevermind…”

      The fact is, people have really short attention spans; I think I’m a bit of freak in that respect, but I’ll confess that even MY ‘persistence’ in something has gotten shorter as I get older. If you make someone wait “a few seconds” before they can do something on teh intarwebs, they WILL lose interest.

      None of that is the fault of the Hiatus Crew – it’s our human nature, such as it is – but doing something that TRIGGERS that loss of interest IS”

      I got bored after that, no one gives a shit about your opinion and no one cares about what you say, it’s spam, but does anyone care? no.

      “indeed, one could conclude that Chris has lost interest MORE QUICKLY because of the complete ruination of the comment pages for their INTENDED PURPOSE: giving feedback to Chris.”
      no, don’t assume anything, your not in a postition to assume, what if chris liked it? have even folowig anything he says, he just never has time for it, am not saying he has time to read the comment box or not.

      And sorry, but I have trouble finding the scroll bar when it’s only about THREE PIXELS ”
      Go to specsavers, the scroll bar isn’t 3 pixels long, and your just exaggerating things.

      “the method used to scroll down doesn’t matter – ALL of them become more difficult and more time-consuming because of this irrelevant stuff. And don’t just think about my ‘inconvenience’ (heck, I had the patience and determination to CHECK every post here for topicality, didn’t I?)”

      The method used to scroll down does matter, am not sure about you but i really don’t give a shit about other people’s comments, it’s not inconvenient, don’t you have any pateince in life?, patience is a virtue, without it, your just a lost cub in a forest.
      Your also lame enough to ACCTUALY read 300 odd commemts, and you said you have a short attention span.


      “Wow, that was GREAT; I’m gonna tell this guy how much he RAWKS!”
      *begins scrolling*
      “Whoa…this is gonna take like *forever*; nevermind…”

      No, it’s not going to take forever, it doesn’t even take any time at all, all you have to do is like the scrol bar up and down and your there, really quickly.

      the Hiatus crew intrests me , they are there a good form of entertainment am not going to go on another site. plus if chris ACCTUALLY updates, then they propaply won’t even be haunting the comments

  245. The Master Of The Possimpible. Says:

    G is a pretty cool guy, eh makes good points and doesn’t afraid of anything.

    Now that’s out of the way, is this the delay of the delay, or the delay of the delay of the delay?

    I forgot.

  246. Addicted Says:

    G makes a lot of good points. Yes, I do admit that it might be annoying to have to scroll down to say, “Good job dude this RAWKS” but the thing I don’t get is that this isn’t even a post. It’s a post saying that there isn’t going to be a post. So, yeah, why do you care if we’re spamming this?

    Anyway, it doesn’t matter, because we have our OWN website now to spam. Not as fun, but it shall do us well. Click my name to come join us if you want! Now I shall go.

  247. Prodian Says:

    Do you guys (Hiatus crew) have an IRC channel? If not I’ve made one on quakenet called #NondrickHiatus

  248. Midget52 Says:

    What’s an IRC channel?

  249. XChillaGorillaX Says:

    Its a chat-channel for people with their interests. if you like pancake, you go chatting with pancakers. if you like tf2 you go chatting with heavys and demomen. and if you like waiting until the next hiatus will be announced, you go to #NondrickHiatus .
    (google it :D)

  250. XChillaGorillaX Says:

    I mean irc not #NondrickHiatus 😀

    • G Fights back Says:

      I’m Bored and seen as the Hiatus crew, which were a excellent source of entertainment have disappeared, or rather been shooed away by someone who is such a idiot, that i can’t comprehend how idiotic they acc-tually are, but ill give it a go, IDIOT, so in a peaceful protest i will spam this place.


      COPY AND PASTE IF YOU SHARE are one to share the same goals

  251. Midget52 Says:

    Advice from a gorilla is never wrong!

    (That is a reference to your name, not any aspect of your physical person.)

  252. G Fights back Says:

    I’m Bored and seen as the Hiatus crew, which were a excellent source of entertainment have disappeared, or rather been shooed away by someone who is such a idiot, that i can’t comprehend how idiotic they acc-tually are, but ill give it a go, IDIOT, so in a peaceful protest i will spam this place.



    • G Fights back Says:

      I’m Bored and seen as the Hiatus crew, which were a excellent source of entertainment have disappeared, or rather been shooed away by someone who is such a idiot, that i can’t comprehend how idiotic they acc-tually are, but ill give it a go, IDIOT, so in a peaceful protest i will spam this place.



  253. G Fights back Says:


  254. Addicted Says:

    Look, G, I appreciate the fact you’re trying to help us, but seriously, spamming will just hurt our reputation.

  255. G Fights back Says:

    y not, fighting the only way

  256. G Fights back Says:

    ok ignore my comments……………………………………………………………… until furthur notice, i still say down with people who think hiatus is irrelevant spam

  257. Michael Says:

    My banning is finally over. And Jaded Empath. I’ve got around 35 emails from wordpress in a week. That’s what I usually get in one day. So, this site DOES NOT fair well without us. IT WILL DIE, YOU HEAR ME? So go somewhere else you attention whore, try 4chan – you’re not wanted here! Now GTFO! Also, I regret nothing.

  258. The Green Lantern Says:


    We actually had a pro-hiatus protest there for a second.

    Good on ya, G.

  259. Addicted Says:

    Sorry, I just thought that spamming would give even more reason for the other guys to hate us. I still think we should stick to the Hiatus blog for a little while.

  260. XChillaGorillaX Says:

    better listen to the wise Gorilla in the corner:
    keep on talking about sensless things like “protests against people who only comment updated blogs” … You could learn something from it! like did you know that when you put your wiener into a microwaved banana, it does not feel like a real vagina? 😀

  261. Midget52 Says:

    That is something i never wanted to know.


  262. Vadermath Says:

    Shit, now I can’t sleep. EVER.

  263. XChillaGorillaX Says:

    Gorillas love bananas 😀

  264. The Master Of The Possimpible. Says:

    I think we’re all MISSING THE POINT.

    “a week or so” Well that’s the delay of the delay being missed, so the delay of the delay is delayed.

    Great work lying to your readers there, Christophles.

  265. Jebus Says:

    I love reading this comments, but I’m far to scared to get involved. One of you might break me with your words 😦

  266. Addicted Says:

    Don’t worry, Jebus, we don’t bite. Well, the goat might bite you. But never mind him!

    You can join us at the link in my name

  267. Vadermath Says:

    And then we break you. With our fucking teeth.

  268. Lockyy Says:

    So the whole “a weeks time” thing was a load of bullshit?

  269. Midget52 Says:

    No, one of us waited a week. See if you can guess who!

  270. Vadermath Says:

    Green Lantern did.

  271. Franky Says:

    Fucking hell it took me over 2 minutes to scroll to the bottom of this page on my iPod. I hope jaded comes back, the only time you guys ever say anything worth Reading is when you’re arguing with him.

  272. The Green Lantern Says:

    That’s impressive!

    How long did it take you to scroll to the bottom of A Bitter Brew?

  273. Addicted Says:

    Probably a couple of hours.

  274. The Giant, Straight Edge Blue Flashlight Darth Literacy aka Mike Says:

    BY YOUR HIATUS POWERS COMBINED, I AM The Giant, Straight Edge Blue Flashlight Darth Literacy25 aka Mike

  275. Franky Says:

    Ha yeh I kinda had to stop Reading your comments after u passed the 1000 comment point, I was developing a repetetive strain injury. Sorry bowt coming off as a dick before, endless scrolling gets me angry and frustrated.

  276. Midget52 Says:

    Theres a scroll bar on the side of the screen. Click and drag. Lots more efficient.

    I don’t like when people complain about easily solved problems.

    Please don’t summon the Irrelevant Spam.

  277. Franky Says:

    Nah mate u don’t understand, don’t have a pc Atm so am checking updates via iPod touch, so the scrolling takes a while : )

  278. Vadermath Says:

    There are people who don’t have an ipod either. Should we send the comments in bat-sign form to the sky so they can view it?

    Just kidding, but it seems you shall have to live with it. I had computer problems for the past week, so I had to view the blog via mobile phone. You can’t begin to imagine the pain…

  279. Vadermath Says:

    Nope. Samsung. Fucking Z240. HORROR.

  280. Midget52 Says:

    @vadermath: When did your icon change?

  281. XChillaGorillaX Says:

    friends, do you want to know another wise thing from your friend “the gorilla in the corner”? 😀

  282. Michael Says:

    Of course! Go ahead.

  283. Vadermath Says:

    I am no impostor, I assure you. Ask me any Hiatus Crew security question, you shall see it is me. A few days back, I decided to try the new Windows 7, instead of this crappy Vista. But just to be sure, I set up a dual-boot, so I can keep both OS’. I can’t remember the website and email I put in the comments section the last time, so I put new ones. Naturally, my pic changed.


  284. Michael Says:

    Uh.. hey! It’s still here!
    Anyway, you used to put in FALSE information? If so, the Red Spy is indeed in the base! Ha ha!

  285. G Says:

    Is the Hiatus crew back?

  286. PS Says:

    inb4 update

  287. KingFrozen Says:

    Pretty much, Irrelevant spam has left

  288. Microwavability Says:


  289. Microwavability Says:


  290. Microwavability Says:


  291. Microwavability Says:


  292. Michael Says:

    It doesn’t exist..yet.

  293. Microwavability Says:


  294. Midget52 Says:

    You have just summed up all our feelings.

    Thanks for making all our previous comments irrelevant.

  295. G Says:

    All the previous comments are irrelevant but the ones after that arn’t. Like mine.P.s if the Hiatus crew is back how come so few people posted yesterday????????????????????????????????????????????
    Post it’s beneficial to your health.

    Now to use this comment box “properly” WHERE IS OUR UPDATE??? IT’S BEEN MORE THEN A WEEEK, A MONTH EVEN.

    £$€ The Pound The Doller The Euro


  296. G Says:

    UPDATE!!! ¦(`·´)¦

  297. my icon might change 2 since i have a laptop now 😀
    but i dont have internet yet so dont worry about it yet…

  298. hellcrapdamn Says:

    Well I guess I can put off that suicide for a little longer

  299. Michael Says:

    To please all audiences;
    *relevant* Come on Chris, we want our update! Like, now!
    *irrelevant* Watermelon vs Coconut I go for coconut, they’re awesome.

  300. The Master Of The Possimpible Says:

    Watermelon, they’re tastier, plus they’re bigger. MORE OM NOMS.

  301. Addicted Says:

    Relevant- Will Nondrick drink the potion?

    Irrelevant- Watermelon, I hate coconut

  302. Michael Says:

    *Thinks to myself* Dang, everyone goes against me!
    *uses my super powers as Vice President to change my former statement to Watermelon, even if it says ‘coconut’, that was a typo. Okay?* Of course Watermelons are tastier!

  303. Midget52 Says:

    Coconut. You can do more with it. Coconut ice, those drinks, horse galloping sounds….

  304. G Says:

    I don’t like coconuts so watermelons.

    i wonder if nondrick will drink a coconut

  305. Vadermath Says:

    @G: Update? I am beginning to think we shall not receive it soon…you see, the whole purpose of the Hiatus Crew is (except talking) waiting for an update. We are like the Illuminati, waiting for centuries to take down THE POPE. Just in our case, the POPE is boredom. And if anyone asks, yes, I have been reading Angels and Daemons…

  306. Microwavability Says:

    *insert generic update cry here*

  307. The Green Lantern Says:

    I’ll insert something.

  308. Microwavability Says:

    in chris’s anus

  309. The Green Lantern Says:

    Dude, uncalled for.

    The printer was just low on paper…

  310. The Green Lantern Says:

    And just in case any of you HAVEN’T seen it yet…

    Seriously, I’ve been jamming to this for the past few days.

    He’ll save children, but not the British children.

  311. Aspgren Says:

    Man. I haven’t updated my blog in like 10 days and I feel ashamed… I wonder how Chris feels.

    By the way today is my birthday and I updated it. Something is wrong with this picture.. isn’t it you guys who are supposed to update it FOR me?

  312. KingFrozen Says:

    Lol, probably, Happy Birthday!

  313. Midget52 Says:

    I have no blog. But if i did, I would, just for you!

  314. oh yeah, it was my birthday on the nineteenth.
    forgot to go attention hunting!

  315. Addicted Says:

    My birthday’s soon! Just telling you guys now, so you can buy me all presents and plan a party.

  316. XChillaGorillaX Says:

    eer Addicted is a spy! 😀

  317. Addicted Says:

    Nah, I’m too cool to be a spy.

  318. The Green Lantern Says:

    It’s true.

    One time he showed me his stash of cool.

    I have to go to my happy place now…

  319. Michael Says:

    Birthday? Don’t forget to invite me! And do not offer cake, THE CAKE IS A LIE! Offer pie instead, apple or blue berry pie.

  320. Midget52 Says:

    Or lemon meringue!

  321. The Green Lantern Says:

    What do you guys think about a pinata?

  322. Michael Says:

    Bring a piñata!

  323. G Says:

    Just out of random curiosity, where the hell did irrelevant spam dissappear to? Not that i want him? her? IT here, but it does make you wonder where it’s gone….. also i’ve decided to …..

  324. KingFrozen Says:

    Get a pinata? They really are awesome

  325. The Green Lantern Says:

    The pinata will be in the fat and ugly shape of Irrelevant Spam.

  326. Michael Says:

    Good idea. I can’t wait to smack Jaded Empath.

  327. The Green Lantern Says:

    With a stick!

  328. Michael Says:

    With spikes on!

  329. The Master Of The Possimpible Says:

    Coffee Vs. Hair Straighteners

  330. The Green Lantern Says:


    I don’t know if anyone else is getting as annoyed as I am over these pre E3 game leaks, but they really need to stop.

    What’s the use of E3 if there is nothing left to wow us with?

    Also, the PSP Go looks fucking retarded. Sony, you can only fail me so many times. There had better be a FFVII remake in the near future, or else.

  331. The Green Lantern Says:

    And it had better not go to Micro$oft.

    (Not a fanboy, just wish I could get some use out of my PS3)

  332. Tombstone Says:

    I hope there’s a post on June 1st about how he missed updating in May

  333. Michael Says:

    Coffee. What would I do without it?

  334. Midget52 Says:

    Coffee. I have short hair, so there is really no need to straighten it.

    I may have thought that through too much….

  335. tom Says:

    Its been almost a month! 😦 Please try to find the time to update soon, I want to know if Nondrik will drink the potion!!!

  336. Addicted Says:

    What if I have a pinata, a pie (in the shape of a goat!) and gift bags? Everyone loves gift bags, right?

  337. Michael Says:

    Addicted!! You broke against law 1 paragraph §1;
    ‘Thou shalt always capitalize Goat’! How are we going to punish him?

    • Addicted Says:


      Oh, no wait. It wasn’t the Goat, it was just a goat.

      • Michael Says:

        Well, I guess that is acceptable. However, Goats are the mortal forms of our God *the* Goat, the only version of Him we puny mortals can face without getting pwnt by His Almighty Awesomeness. So, always capitalize all forms of the Holy Word Goat, but for this time, you’ll be fine. Just make sure you remember it the next time. Praise be the Goat!

  338. i hate coffee. Its so bitter and eeughh.
    like tea just tastes like boiled water, no matter what stuff you use.
    and beer tasted like its just fuckin yeast in a bottle. can’t stand dat shit.

  339. KingFrozen Says:

    Im with Putzy on this one

    (Putzy, what was our opinion?)

  340. Midget52 Says:

    Opinions are so biased.

  341. ZomBuster Says:

    I saw the new PC Gamer UK will have an article about this.

    Everyone will read it and then think “mhhh this is cool I’m gonna check it out.”

    and then they come to here and see the last post was in may and think “aww it’s dead, I’m now very sad”

    You don’t want to disappoint all those people do you?

    DO YOU?

  342. G Says:

    Yes, it’s fairly easy acctually

  343. G Says:

    Coffee or hair straightner? duhhhh tea, tea rules.

    Seriously, i’m a guy, i have short hair, i wouldn’t touch a hair straightner even if you paid me to, although if your willing to try, pay me roughly £1,000,000 +. Yes am british it’s in pounds for a reason. I like coffee but tea’s better, so tea rules.

  344. G Says:

    I thought about that too much.

  345. G Says:

    tea rules for a reason

  346. The Master Of The Possimpible Says:

    Donkeys Vs. Microwaves

  347. G Says:

    nancymarie Says:

    June 23, 2008 at 9:25 pm

    My $0.02 about the Imperial City shack: it looks like total shit, but it’s the house most used for my games. IC has it all and storing everything in the shack makes it damn convenient for buying/selling goods when you don’t have a high strength. And think of all the alchemical ingredients nearby!

    Don’t feel too guilty about buying and using a horse. Girls prefer a man with his own ride. 😉
    Jaded Empath Says:

    June 23, 2008 at 11:25 pm

    Okay, my wife (just above) said it quite well; think on it like this: you made A THOUSAND SEPTIMS in ONE DAY, and I’m not sure you emptied out ALL the ingredients in *just* the Market district’s shops (don’t forget Three Brothers Trading…).

    Also, there IS the issue of “No Fast-Travel” – that lovely manor in Anvil is *very* out-of-the-way (wasn’t it three days worth of travel from Anvil to ImpCit?)

    And then the biggest argument for the Waterfront Hovel is the lack of ‘quest accomplishment’ prerequisites; I’m not certain, but I’m pretty sure every other house can only be purchased AFTER one has ‘completed some helpful errands’ for the Count/Countess as well as needing *fame* to qualify; it’s going to be difficult for Nondrick to ‘get his foot in the door’ for any of those houses.

    And finally, I find once you get the wall hangings and other appointments, the shack is quite cozy! 🙂

  348. G Says:

    Shocking news it’s a guy that’s married??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? who da fuck would wanna marry that?

  349. G Says:

    oh and donkeys vs microwaves, damn that’s to hard , i say………………………………………. ermm… er… ok i don’t know but can’t we have a hybrid like a microwave donkey?

  350. Michael Says:

    It might not be a guy. What if they’re lesbians? Feminists? That would explain their behaviour(there are of course exceptions, all feminists are not complete dorks, but all I’ve met/seen are).

  351. The Green Lantern Says:

    I only ever got that house, or any of the ones you get from doing a quest. I was a money horder in that game.

  352. Midget52 Says:

    I don’t think we will get anywhere insulting someone who insulted us. Especially if they aren’t here.

    • The Green Lantern Says:


    • Michael Says:

      Maybe they ARE here, just that they don’t say anything because they’re planning to do what they like to do the most: Take us by surprise and start insulting us. So, if we submit some insults maybe they’ll feel hurt and start to cry and leave us alone? Or maybe that is just feeding the trolls. Either way, I still stand with my opinion. Death to Jaded Empath and NancyMarie! All hail the holy Goat and the Hiatus Crew!

  353. feminists think we guys are huge perverted freaks.
    By the way, jaded, your wife said to me to tell you hello. now shes on her knees about to give me the old HUGGITYHUG! arooooooooo! TAKE IT BITCH!

  354. KingFrozen Says:

    Oh he will.
    He will…
    *manical laugh*

    Sero, Faminists are seriously sexist. Have you noticed that they want women to be greater than men. They actually say that women are better because women don’t put men down.

    That very statement is contradictory!!!!!!!!!!11one11!1!!!1eleven1

  355. G Says:

    hiatus crew are a international organasaition, created to help bring entertainment into this world and fight evil. The evil i am talking about is one person: “irrelevant spam”. Also Chris not updating, it’s evil so we provide entertainment in the meen time. The hiatus crew are ever expanding thei horizans to bring more entertainment to those who are in need of it, the hiatus crew were once just volunteers, but now we need new volunteers, due to constant wars with It that shalt not be named we need new recruits in the name of da
    Goat, We need YOU!.

    Join NOW! if you fulfill this criteria

    If you want to bring entertainment to this world.
    If you hate irrelevant spam ( you absolutly have to have that, if you don’t no entry.)
    If you like lio.
    If you want to bring smiles to many faces internationally.
    If you have over 100 per day spare.
    for full list please ask one of the hiatus crew who have the time.

  356. G Says:

    * If you have over 100 hours spare per day

  357. G Says:

    i’m awesome

  358. Michael Says:

    Awesome, G. JOIN THE HIATUS CREW NOW! Fight the It, serve the Goat.

  359. The Green Lantern Says:

    what the hell is going on?

  360. J0Five Says:

    Been reading the updates forever (or that’s how it seems). Also been [trying to] read all of the entertaining comments too, thought I’d say hello.

    This is probably the first ever blog that I’ve actually read just to read the comments, that says it all really. Keep up the good work!

    P.s. I promise my capslock key won’t ever get stuck. (unlike some poor people)

  361. hey JOFive. I hope your name isn’t some crazy clue and you’re Jaded.
    Because then I would be forced to kill you.
    We’ll be watching…

  362. Midget52 Says:

    Surprisingly, that’s an improvment from when we used to kill, then watch. Not very interesting, but VERY efficient.

  363. Michael Says:

    The silence kills me.

  364. Midget52 Says:

    Death kills me.

  365. Michael Says:

    Kills kill me.

  366. The Master Of The Possimpible Says:

    He…He wasn’t kidding about next April was he?

  367. Midget52 Says:

    The Chris moves in mysterious ways…

  368. KingFrozen Says:

    the Chris? dude, you sound like a Trekkie!

    And heat kills me

  369. Midget52 Says:

    Its a reference to a song, which is a reference a bible passage.

    never, EVER call me a trekkie.

  370. Midget52 Says:

    Also, 500th!

  371. That’s great, Midget!
    Now take off your pants.

  372. Vadermath Says:

    I’m starting to worry about Putzy.

  373. That’s great, Vadermath!
    Now take off your pants.

  374. Vadermath Says:

    Sure. When hell freezes over.

  375. G Says:

    What’s with Putzy sayin “take off your pants” it’s … just odd… or have you been reading to much concerned?

  376. Michael Says:

    I think Putzy suffers from pedophilia.

  377. YAY!
    G understands! It’s a joke from concerned! GAWD, I’m not a pedophile, anymore.

  378. The Master Of The Possimpible Says:

    That’s great Putzy.

    Now take off your pants.

  379. KingFrozen Says:

    Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!

    Putzy… Not anymore?

    And where was the pants gag? I missed it! Linky please.

  380. Midget52 Says:

    I read that webcomic with a fervour unrivalled! How dare you quote a joke unknown to me!

    Linx plz!

  381. Michael Says:

    Thanks a bunch, Putzy!

  382. Midget52 Says:


  383. G Says:

    Cool, i was right, as i am always of course, but i can’t believe no one linked it in putzy’s pedophilia…. sheesh how dare you not read concerned, you should be punished…. by being made to read concerned all of of it in just 1 minutes, then take a test on it, if you can quote every single page, you pass, if you fail you get whipped raw. You’ll have to do this every hour, of every day, of every week, of every month, of every year…. Until i say you can stop…….oh you can have friday saturday and sunday off….

  384. Jeremy Says:

    WHAT!?!?!?! Who didn’t read Concerned? BURN THE INFIDEL!!!!

  385. Midget52 Says:

    WITH FIRE!!!

  386. Nerd with no life Says:


  387. XChillaGorillaX Says:

    lol funny 😀

  388. XChillaGorillaX Says:

    my avatar is kinda.. pink

  389. Michael Says:

    Indeed, it is kinda pink.

  390. Michael Says:

    And mine is… quite white.

  391. Joeman Says:

    oooo, what is mine?

  392. Joeman Says:

    kinda blue.

  393. Vadermath Says:

    Joeman, what’s up with ya lately? Haven’t seen you on the site…

  394. Midget52 Says:

    Unless you’re colour blind. Or just plain blind.

  395. Konfuzed Says:

    Do you people ever get bored?

  396. Vadermath Says:

    Not in the slightest. See, we’re all friends here. And on our website. Why would I ever get bored talking to friends…

  397. Mike Says:

    Internet biffles!

  398. Mike Says:

    Also, it’s gonna be almost a month since Chris updated FPS. I think he’s really dead this time.

  399. dupersude Says:

    For not updating the article? It’s been two months since when the last update was promise. I miss nondrick.

  400. Jackrabbit Says:

    I’ve been avoiding this site like the plague for the last few months thanks to a certain irrelevant spam(er). So, I guess she’s gone now? WOO! Time to actually discuss stuff and not get interrupted by an impossibly annoying whiny bitch!

  401. Vadermath Says:

    He isn’t dead, Mike. He updates Twitter constantly.

  402. KingFrozen Says:

    Yeah, its a shame he’s actually updating anything. It means the bastards who are making him do this really are sadistic, because he has that link to the outside world, but cant tell us, and we suffer from the lack of updates.


  403. Just because I let him twitter doesn’t mean he’s captured and in my basement. Uh…

  404. Midget52 Says:

    I believe you, Putzy.

  405. Midget35 Says:

    We allllllllllll do.

    And we watch. Always.

  406. Midget37 Says:

    Kill. Kill. Kill.

  407. Midget52 Says:

    They’re still ther? Damn.

  408. Midget52 Says:

    They’re still there? Damn.

  409. Midget52 Says:

    Woops, sorry about that.

  410. dupersude Says:

    You must be one lonely man, midget. Assuming of course, that you are a man.

  411. Michael Says:

    He’s a midget with many personalities. Don’t get too close!

  412. Vadermath Says:

    I cannot believe no one has asked this before…are they any female midgets among you, 52?

  413. Michael Says:

    Yeah, that’s kind of interesting.

  414. dupersude Says:

    What I find interesting is that “52” happened to be my first ‘internet number’ back when I was 14…
    I used it following my username for everything. Midgets officially now creep me the fuck out. >.>

  415. RIP Says:

    Safe to assume Nodrick’s adventures are over? Shame. They were funny and pretty original. Considering there hasn’t been a real story update since January, I’m ready to assume the worst. The writer is dead and gone.

  416. dupersude Says:

    He’s not “dead and gone”, per se. Putzy has him locked in his basement, and let’s him on twitter.

  417. Jackrabbit Says:

    But I think it’s a pretty safe bet that he isn’t updating ever again. I guess procrastination finally got the best of him.

  418. Midget52 Says:

    Answering the question about Midgets, I don’t actually know.

    34 keeps track of all the personalities. I’ll refer you to him.

  419. Midget34 Says:

    Of the thirty-three documented personalities, twenty-eight are male, four are female, and one is of unknown gender.

    Also, there are six deifferent langugesspoken, including English. And NOT including that one that speaks only very well known French words. Thdesnot count.

  420. Midget43 Says:

    Sacre Bleu! Baguette es cargo, deja vu?

  421. Midget34 Says:

    Seriously, that doesn’t count!

  422. dupersude Says:

    Ever again?
    We’ll see about that…
    He does value his family, doesn’t he?
    Cause otherwise…
    Yeah probably never again.

    So 34 is a he, and obviously you, 52, are also a he, as you don’t know if there are any females existing… how many are there total?

  423. dupersude Says:

    Woops. When I was writing that your posts weren’t there. Just for the record…

  424. dupersude Says:

    If there are 33 documented personalities, why do ID Numbers reach as high as 52? Were there perhaps more, which died? <.<

  425. No, they are in the basement with Chris.

  426. dupersude Says:

    We eat tonight!

  427. Jackrabbit Says:

    Can I just ask, because I’m far too lazy to check, but is everyone for Chris (assuming he ever updates) actually taking that cure disease potion?

  428. dupersude Says:

    Cue blank look.
    you mean, like a toast or something?
    Otherwise no idea.

  429. Jackrabbit Says:

    The previous update, where Nondrick found that cure disease potion. Are we all for him drinking it

  430. dupersude Says:

    Oh right. Forgot about that.
    Tough question…
    Like Chris said, basically all of Nondrick’s work up until this point has been to CREATE the damn thing. What’s going to happen after he drinks it? Just go back to roaming the countryside for ingredients?
    For some reason, I think that option *might* discourage chris from making anymore updates. Ever.
    Maybe he should just do one last entry and get Nondrick murdered or something, to wrap it up.
    Perhaps a long stroll to dive rock…

  431. Jackrabbit Says:

    I’d hate that, but not as much as waiting for a new update. I guess it’s possible.

  432. dupersude Says:

    Yeah it’d suck to have Nondrick’s adventure end prematurely, or intentionally. But it’s probably better to KNOW there won’t be anymore updates than hanging out on the edge of our seats for 6 months at a time.

  433. Vadermath Says:

    Heh, I’m beginning to like dupersude (obviously derived from superdude) and Jackrabbit…

  434. dupersude Says:

    ^-^ Wooo. Sense of belonging coming on… I AM HOME. 😛
    Heh. Funny story behind that… when I was fourteen and fresh to the interweb, I started on habbo hotel. >->
    My main account got banned and i had to think of an alt name. Coincidentially, my dog had had pup’s a couple days earlier and my best friend was coming over the next day.
    We were sitting there thinking up names for the pups and he decided to call one Super Dude…
    Superdude became the name I attempted to use as an alt.
    But it was taken
    So I donned the name dupersude instead, one word, no caps… And i’ve used it by default since.

  435. i love it.
    I hearby extend an invitation to join the elite ranks in The Hiatus Crew!

  436. dupersude Says:

    Woo! I gladly accept. 😀

  437. Vadermath Says:

    Hey, what the hell is wrong with you, Putzy? When the hell did you get the authority to invite ANYONE to the crew? Sit back, and look how the ELDERS do it.

    Dupersude, I (NOT Putzy!) invite you to join us! Muwahahahahahaha!

    Up yours, Putzingburg!

  438. dupersude Says:

    Welllll I’m already a member. A registered member.
    But sure. Two invites never hurt. In fact it gives me that warm fuzzy feeling, getting two invites.
    The kind you can only get from a pack of Doritos and a bowel liquefied babies. 😀

  439. dupersude Says:

    A bowel OF liquefied babies*, sorry.

  440. G Says:

    Hey! i never got a official invite…. wait, i invited myself………… on another note….. ah shit forgot

  441. Alexander Says:

    I think you’ve more than missed the window.

  442. Jackrabbit Says:

    Hi, over here! Pay needless amounts of attention to me! Anyone? Hello?

  443. This is elementary stuff, people!
    There is the Hiatus Crew, and the Hiatus Religion.
    I’m the Pope, chief Rabbi and a serious ayatola of the religion!
    Michael is the vice president of the religion!
    Come ON, everyone! We sorted this out months ago!

    Vadermath: Fuck you, buddy! I’ll invite who I want!
    G: Heres an invite to make you feel better *invites*

  444. Jackrabbit Says:

    You have a religion now? Do I have to pay money to hear about a space tyrant who nuked earth with sad-bombs untold millennium ago? Because I am SO over that now.

  445. dupersude Says:

    Speaking of religion, I had an interesting conversation about Le Vay Satanism the other day…

  446. Jackrabbit Says:

    I’m not familiar with that one.

  447. dupersude Says:

    Neither was I. Their religion is interesting, in the sense that it’s basically atheism. They don’t worship the “devil” if such a thing exists or any sort of god/demigod. They hail *Satan* which, in hebrew, translates to The Questioner, Objection, etc. They’re more stern believers in science than anything, and so they don’t believe in anything really spiritual or supernatural. They perform rituals for no more than emotional release and symbolism, and have highly philosophical views. It intrigued me to hear some of the things my friend had to say.

  448. are you and jackrabbit the same person dupersude?

  449. dupersude Says:


  450. Jackrabbit Says:

    Hi! *waves*

  451. Jackrabbit Says:

    Actually, change the name of this Satan thing and they might start getting noticed a lot more and certainly more respected.

  452. Midget52 Says:

    In answer to the question WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAy back, (I refuse to use the reply button.) I know how many personalities I have (54, by the way) but I don’t know what each one is. Hence, I document them.

    I believe in googlism.

  453. dupersude Says:

    So why settle at 52

  454. dupersude Says:

    as a dominant persona, i mean.

  455. Vadermath Says:

    What the hell is wrong with our website? I can’t access it all day…

  456. dupersude Says:

    I was on it a little while ago it was working fine.
    Well the main page was anyway.
    I’m trying it now though and it refuses to load.

  457. Jackrabbit Says:

    Actually, I’m having that problem too. I enjoy browsing it too, so it came as a bit of a shock.

  458. dupersude Says:

    oh hey its working now

  459. dupersude Says:

    Uh, wait. No. It seems to be a little temperamental.

  460. superdude Says:

    If I change my name does the little picture change?

  461. dupersude Says:

    Maybe my email?

  462. dupersude Says:


  463. G Says:

    The site’s not working…. oh damn, on another note i happily accept the invite putzy, now im a official member, a little late but cool…. and dupersude of course thats how yo change your picture.. duhh

  464. Did anyone ever notice Santa calls ppl ho's? Says:

    It’s true

  465. dupersude Says:

    I’ve been reading through the shit with Jaded Empath for the last hour or so.
    What a jew. Lolol.
    Anyways I’m off to bed. NIGHT.

  466. LOL Says:

    site works forums fucked

  467. dupersude Says:

    Thought so.

  468. LOL Says:

    you can’t go to bed

  469. G Says:

    If your a member of the hiatus crew you must be able to transverse another dimension go to sleep for 8 hours and com back to this dimension and only 1 seconds has passed. Don’t you know anything about dimension traveling?

  470. G Says:

    p.s putzy let chris out….. please he needs to update… or is he a sort of a slave? is he buyable?

  471. dupersude Says:

    Sleeping for 8 hours/1 second doesn’t give me the same refreshing wake up as a normal 8 hours/8hours sleep does.
    I think I’m *officially* going now.
    I have to resist the comics…

  472. dupersude Says:

    OH BTW.
    Agreed with G.
    How much do you want for him?
    Do you have paypal?

  473. Tom Says:

    I’m looking forward to seeing more entries about Oblivion from Chris. I’ve been hanging around The Elder Stats website trying to find some new characters and custom classes to try, and it’s made me want to read some more from this blog. Hopefully Chris can get back to this blog soon. I know that he’s busy with First Person Shouter, but it would be nice to see some new entries here.

    Maybe Chris should make a forum and have sections for each of his blogs so that his fans can discuss them (or has he tried something like that before)?

  474. Vadermath Says:

    Who’s the LOL guy, BTW?

  475. Michael Says:

    As Vice President of the Hiatus Religion, Blessed by The Goat, I forbid the use of the reply button. It only messes this place up, hard to find what’s new etc, so let’s please stick to the normal commenting. Amen.

  476. G Says:

    G Says:

    June 17, 2009 at 2:45 pm

    The site’s not working…. oh damn, on another note i happily accept the invite putzy, now im a official member, a little late but cool…. and dupersude of course thats how yo change your picture.. duhh
    Did anyone ever notice Santa calls ppl ho’s? Says:

    June 17, 2009 at 2:47 pm

    It’s true

    LOL Says:

    June 17, 2009 at 2:47 pm

    LOL Says:

    June 17, 2009 at 2:48 pm

    LOL Says:

    June 17, 2009 at 2:49 pm

    site works forums fucked

    LOL Says:

    June 17, 2009 at 2:56 pm

    LOL Says:

    June 17, 2009 at 2:56 pm

    you can’t go to bed
    G Says:

    June 17, 2009 at 2:57 pm

    If your a member of the hiatus crew you must be able to transverse another dimension go to sleep for 8 hours and com back to this dimension and only 1 seconds has passed. Don’t you know anything about dimension traveling?
    G Says:

    June 17, 2009 at 3:01 pm

    p.s putzy let chris out….. please he needs to update… or is he a sort of a slave? is he buyable?

    they are all me…. i was just changing email and name this is the result. Explosive randomness.

  477. G Says:

    forum not fucked ‘ne more?

  478. Michael Says:

    The forum was never fucked. It’s just under maintenance, shit people, learn to read.

  479. dupersude Says:

    I failed to see any maintenance message on the home page. And clicking the forum yielded nothing but an error saying the page could not be found.

  480. dupersude Says:

    I think I’m going to teach myself to play the keyboard. What’chu guys think?

  481. dupersude Says:

    Huh… That’s… Odd.
    I posted on Philosiphisationing a couple days back.
    When I was reading the forum, my post popped up as me, dupersude yep everythings fine.
    I go on just now.
    And I’m displayed as anonymous…
    An attempt to log in sez my account doesnt exist.
    And now I can’t make a new one cause that part of the forum is apparently down.

  482. Michael Says:

    Maybe because you need an invite from me. What’s your e-mail address?

  483. dupersude Says:


  484. Michael Says:

    Of course. Why trust them? I’m the one to trust.

  485. Michael Says:

    Aw, shit. Sadly, the site is still under maintenance. Although, it’s me we’re talking about. I’ll make sure you’ll get in ASAP. Damned webs! Hey, trust me. I have cookies!

  486. dupersude Says:

    Indeed… is there some sort of email notification orrr is it like an “unlock account” thing where that email can now be used to register…

  487. dupersude Says:

    Ah i see. No problem. :3

  488. dupersude Says:

    Mmmm I do love those M&M Cookies… All warm and moist and chewy….
    …. Fuck. I’m stopping by there on my way home. I dont care that it’ll set me back about 2 and a half hours. I WANT SOME DAMN COOKIES.

  489. Michael Says:

    I know which cookies you are talking about. They are totally awesome! And yeah, of course I have them! And yeah, I’ll invite ya as soon as I am able to. Don’t worry.

  490. dupersude Says:

    I don’t get it though.
    You putzy and vader are all Mods on the forums…
    Yet they weren’t able to actually invite me?

  491. Michael Says:

    They suck. I don’t. That’s why I can get you in.

  492. dupersude Says:

    But I got in before
    Then was removed </3

  493. dupersude Says:

    Gaiz. just because i love you all so much (despite my short time here)I decided to do some digging in an attempt to bring back Max and Washcloth…
    And… Well…
    I think I may have brought Max back to LiO. Hopefully he’ll get my message and things will unfold from there.


  494. dupersude Says:

    Where is everyone today…
    Actually this is kind of sad
    i’m hanging out on a hardlyeverupdated blog’s comment page for people to talk to.

  495. dupersude Says:

    crew what crew? of course were not gonna be around the hold point of having a hiatus crew is to be on hiatus…

    Yes i like spouting shit, but doesn’t everyone?

    04:34 PM on 06/16/2009 Flag Quote & Reply
    Michael: Teets.
    Posts: 142

    Holy shit.. anon has commented on our site without registering! THIS IS THE END


  496. Jackrabbit Says:

    Can I join this new fangled ‘crew’?

  497. dupersude Says:

    ………… Hi there.

  498. Jackrabbit Says:


  499. Jackrabbit Says:

    Oh, wait, this is a test, right? I know this, I know this…

    I’m gonna go get me a coffee.

  500. dupersude Says:

    I left TAFE shortly after that.
    Am at home now.
    Will be on here alllll night waiting for Michael to work his magic…

  501. I officially invite you, Jackrabbit! But the requirements for entry are:

    – Must have at least 2 (2) recommendations from members of the esteemed Society of Awesome People(SAP)

    – Must be able to rub general stomach area with one hand while simultaneously patting own head

    – Must enjoy my TALES

    Those are the requirements for entry.
    As Chairman of the SAP organization, I hearby give you a recomendation.
    One more recomendation from another SAP member and you will be in!

  502. dupersude Says:

    Is the SAP different to THC??
    Or do I officially have 3 recommendations…

  503. Vadermath Says:

    DAMN YOU, PUTZY! I invite you, Jackrabbit.

  504. Jackrabbit Says:

    Ah, good, thank you. And now, I simply need basic motor skills!

    Can’t… rub… stomach…

  505. Jackrabbit Says:

    Oh yes, and I also need to know how to join. I’m stupid, you see.

  506. Jackrabbit Says:

    Oooooooooooooh. Thats how.

  507. dupersude Says:

    Woahwoahwoahwoah. So… the SAP is responsible for inviting to THC?

  508. Michael Says:

    I’m in the SAP. I invited myself. And I also believe I have the full right to do so as I’ve been around for a shit load of time and have commented like the most. And also, Jackrabbit. Our Crew is not new.. it’s been around for like 8-9 months. By the way… where’s Addicted?

  509. dupersude Says:

    I always thought Chris’ sake was a play on Christ’s sake.

  510. Yeah I assumed you already knew you were in the SAP Michael. Of course your in! You an’ me hav’ been tight fo’ agez! I am, of course, joking. I sent a hitman after you two months ago. I haven’t received confirmation of your location yet, but he says he’s close.

  511. G Says:

    A hitman eh…. can i invite myself into Sap?, to late im in it…..

  512. dupersude Says:

    I love this show ^^

    On Another note.
    Hitman Blood Money was an awesome game (imo of course) that I fell in love with.
    Any mention of a hitman brings me nostalgia… Sighhh.

  513. ... Says:

    making one of those stories should take like 2 hours tops, and most of that time would be spent playing an amazing videogame, ur a lazy cunt

    • Vivi22 Says:

      “making one of those stories should take like 2 hours tops, and most of that time would be spent playing an amazing videogame, ur a lazy cunt”

      And you’re a prick with a sense of entitlement and no sense of when to capitalize or punctuate. Get a life and/or read a book.

  514. Vadermath Says:

    Break it up, bitches!

  515. dupersude Says:

    I’ll give you “break it up” in a minute..

  516. Michael Says:

    Dupersude. Do not use the reply button, PLEASE! Like I said, it just messes the whole comment thing up.

  517. dupersude Says:

    I only used it because the post I was aiming at was wayyyyy up (Jaded’s post)
    The second one (about max’s blog) was a little ways up… So I used it
    Lowest one, yeah you’re right i didn’t need to reply to that. But it didnt really make much of a distance as i was second from bottom anyway…

  518. Michael Says:

    Son… I am disappoint.

  519. dupersude Says:

    difference* not distance.

  520. Michael Says:

    Son… I am moar disappoint.

  521. dupersude Says:

    I am sorry
    Accept this sacrifice as repayment for my sins against the great and almight Goat.

  522. dupersude Says:


  523. Jackrabbit Says:


  524. So then the bitches and the HOES
    Said ‘man we gotta ROLL
    So get on board BRO’
    We got a fuckin’ SHOW!

    Sometimes I rap…for no reason…

  525. Jackrabbit Says:

    Hey, good news from Chris! If you haven’t been following him on twitter (if thats the case WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?) then allow me to present this! Rejoice!

    ” It has been pointed out that I should probably update one of my blogs before the heat death of the universe. I am in agreement.”

    *Before* the heat death of the universe ladies and gentlemen! Things are looking up!

  526. Midget52 Says:

    Wow!So that means there’s a good chance he’ll update before december 2012!

    Unless the Mayans are wrong. But they have never lied to me before.

  527. you can always trust a Mayan.

  528. Vadermath Says:

    Jackrabbit, I doubt he was referring to LIO. He hasn’t updated FPS for a while too, and knowing how much love we get for him, I doubt it…

  529. dupersude Says:

    “The Green Lantern Says:

    May 1, 2009 at 5:40 pm


    At least we know your alive and well, Chris. I was just reading some of your essays from notmydesk and I think those could tide me over for a few more days.

    This probably just saved your life.”

    I lol’d at the “few more days” bit…

  530. yeah, he escaped from my basement. Get a net.

  531. dupersude Says:

    (A van approaches from the distance, stops in front of the comments section. A bunch of suits jump out.)
    “Secure the perimeter! He’s Loose! Get those civillians in quarantine!”

    … What have you DONE PUTZY?!

  532. its not my fault! a rat chewed through the wire that powered the containment field, and the guard was asleep at his desk! The prisoner was also chained though, so I think he had some inside help…I’m looking at the newcomers!

  533. dupersude Says:

    Well! I NEVER!
    ALTHOUGH… It does sound as though someone was talking rather fast just now… AS THOUGH MAKING UP EXCUSES! I’M LOOKING AT YOU PUTZY.

  534. Vadermath Says:

    Putzy, YOU FOOL!

  535. G Says:

    Only a fool would have problems with rats….. i say in we shall trail putzy and dupersude for the possible reason of letting chris escape. We should chain putzy and dupersude with a heavy weight then stick them in some water, if they float, there guilty, we kill him , if they stays under for 5 minutes, we shoulld rescue them, they are obviously innocent.

  536. G Says:

    Did i just post the 700th comment? cool…

  537. Michael Says:

    Have you seen all the rats around here? Its making me crazy! First this guy decides he’s gonna make a million, opens a fancy restaurant: Rats in a Cream Sauce, Rat Flambe, Rat Necrom with Bonemeal Gravy, Deep-Fried Rat, Lemon Rat and Wild Rice, Rat Ragu with Powdered Deer Penis! Of course, when the guards found out, they ran his sorry butt out of town, but they left the rats. Rats!

  538. G Says:

    Rat? where? kill it!!!!
    I’m so awesome…. i’m offcially the most awesomest person in the world, sorry michael who held the title before me, and before him was putzy but he lost it when chris escaped…

  539. G Says:

    Michael was awesome for 8 hours.. 😛

  540. G Says:

    A worker goes into the Cheif’s caravan, he sees the cheif sleeping and wakes him up.
    “Sir, Sir.. wake up, good news sir!”
    “Sir!, we’ve captured it”
    “Good, lets put him back in”
    “arn’t we…. ermm.. gonna kill it?”
    “what, kill Chris? why the fuck would you wanna do that?”
    “Chris is that the rats name? you know, the rat that chewed the cable…..”
    “You mean you don’t have Chris, but instead you bring me some, some RAT????”

  541. G Says:

    ok thats so lame, and so un-awesome… maybe i shold have described it better.

  542. Michael Says:

    What broke my awesome combo? The rat thingy? And what made me awesome in the first place, the I am disappoint thingy? I’M SO AWESOME

  543. G Says:

    All you need to know is that your at the top again.

  544. G Says:

    but don’t worry i’ll beat you… soon..soon

  545. Michael Says:

    Wow.. I’m the most awesome guy ever. Hooray!

  546. Midget52 Says:

    Are you forgetting… LARDMAN?

  547. Look up in the sky
    Is it a bird, a plane?
    Its PUTZY bitch
    I’m bringin’ the pain!

    I got a fan installed in my grill;
    NO LIE
    Gonna blow your ass straight off the map

    So blow me phoney
    your whole acts baloney
    you don’t even pose a threat
    I ain’t frettin’ it homie!

  548. I believe I have regained my awesome status.

  549. dupersude Says:

    Son… I am dissapoint.

  550. Vadermath Says:

    You all, are FOOLS. Only I understand the TRUE power of the DARK SIDE.

  551. Jackrabbit Says:

    It’s rich and creamy.

  552. dupersude Says:

    I’ll rich and creamy you in a minute

  553. Vadermath Says:

    Great. It seems dupersude is gay.

  554. dupersude Says:

    SEEMS it.
    But I assure you it’s all just a joke.
    Oh god.
    You should *hear* some of the shit my cousin and I say to each other…
    It’s hilarious yeah, but kind of creepy sometimes…

  555. dupersude Says:

    OH GOAT*

  556. Michael Says:

    Son.. I am disappoint.

  557. dupersude Says:

    I fuckin’ lol’d.
    Doin’ it right.

  558. Jackrabbit Says:

    Disappoint son. Disappoint.

  559. Midget01 Says:

    Dude… I can feel the negative energy. Chill.

  560. the salesman Says:


  561. Tharron Says:

    I am so dissapoint! Yes The Fibers are insane! Now Run up the hilll!!! QUickly DO IT NOAW!

  562. dupersude Says:

    wrong wrong wrong WRONG DOIN’ IT ALL WRONGGG. ><

  563. Michael Says:

    Guise, you’re doin’ it wrong! Sons… I am disappoint.

  564. Vadermath Says:

    Stop with the disappoint!

  565. dupersude Says:

    Michael says:
    *take care of the Crew
    Michael says:
           Forgiven           says:
    *I will
           Forgiven           says:
    Michael says:
    *the fate of the crew… lies in your hands
    Michael says:
           Forgiven           says:
    *Oh really?
           Forgiven           says:
    *Thats cool i guess…..
    Michael says:
    *oh yeah
           Forgiven           says:
    *……. >:)
           Forgiven           says:
    Michael says:
    *for as long as im gona
           Forgiven           says:
    *Sweet! 😀
    Michael says:
    Michael says:
           Forgiven           says:
    *I’m like
    Michael says:
           Forgiven           says:
    *your heir
           Forgiven           says:
    Michael says:
    **hands over the golden key of Goat*
    Michael says:
    *oh yeah
    Michael says:
    *and im like king
    Michael says:
    *see ya!
           Forgiven           says:
           Forgiven           says:
           Forgiven           says:
    Michael says:
    *buh bai


  566. Um. Ok. I don’t really get what just happened, but I can assume that dupersude is making a grab for Hiatus Crew leadership, so I will shoot him down in flames.
    *shoots flames*

    Seriously though, I think the SAP should be where political shit goes down. And no, before you ask, I’m not saying that as Chairman of SAP I should be in charge. I mean things that concern all of the Crew should be discussed by the High Council. It would sound cooler that way.

  567. dupersude Says:

    Not making a grab for it, Michael left it in my care while he was away. He hasn’t come back yet. 😀

    And now the stress of leadership sets in…

  568. Vadermath Says:


  569. Michael Says:

    Of course not. Only fancy titles 🙂

  570. The hell, a community in a blog entry comment section?

    … Is the internet awesome or what?

  571. dupersude Says:

    I dunno, I’ve never seen a Flamboyant Pencil in real life, so I guess so.

  572. Jackrabbit Says:

    I have. One bit me once.

  573. Midget52 Says:

    I haven’t been able to create any new infantonium since we stopped actively hunting babies.

    I used most of it in the Chris 2.0 . That project failed. Due to a typo in the programming, he is now good at whining. Don’t ask how i could have misspelt ‘writing’. Stupid wireless keyboard.

  574. dupersude Says:

    Jackrabbit – Did it get infected??

    Midget – I’m working on the infantonium. (H)

  575. Jackrabbit Says:

    It did not. I used an eraser on the wound

  576. dupersude Says:

    Then it’s all falling into place…

  577. dupersude Says:

    ohey by the way, I got my hands on a copy of Plants vs Zombies. Awesome! 😀

  578. Michael Says:

    Flamboyant-pencil’s favourite game is Little Big Planet. ‘Nuff said.

  579. Whut. It’s a fun game, god dammit.

  580. G Says:

    So many people so many un-awesome comments, Midget is now the awesomest, putzy is second, amd third, micheal is fourth, ( barely) Dupersude is fifth ( you are so close to taken over fourth) jackrabbit’s sixth and wadermath is seventh…. P.s who ever is the most awesomest, takes over sap.

  581. G Says:

    So many people so many un-awesome comments, Midget is now the awesomest, putzy is second, amd third, micheal is fourth, ( barely) Dupersude is fifth ( you are so close to taken over fourth) jackrabbit’s sixth and wadermath is seventh…. P.s who ever is the most awesomest, takes over sap.fff

  582. Michael Says:

    G, can you please post a ‘criteria’ for being awesome?

  583. dupersude Says:

    I think it’s in order of who gives him the most lulz..

  584. dupersude Says:

    Yo guys. Got a question.
    If you’re eighteen
    Is it possible to take people who are underage into a restricted movie? E.g. Bruno. Is it possible for an 18+ to get an under 18 in?
    Or for an 18+ to get an under 15 into an MA15+ movie etc.

  585. dupersude Says:

    Just realised bruno is MA15. Bad example.
    Strange… Could’ve sworn i read that it was R18 somewhere…

  586. Michael Says:

    Not sure, but it *should* work, considered they aren’t age-nazis. When one of my mates was 12 he went to a 15+ movie with a 13 year old mate of his. I don’t think there’ll be any problems. Just show ’em your tickets AND MAKE A RUN FOR IT!

  587. dupersude Says:

    They are here. You can’t even buy a ticket if you don’t have an ID card. I have a beard (not an uber long one, but still, a beard longer than any 15 year old i’ve ever known) and still get asked for ID to prove I’m over 15…

  588. in answer to G:
    Thats not how SAP leadership works. I made it, I own it. Just like I made the religion.
    Also, out of curiosity, how you you get a copywrite and/or trademark?

  589. Michael Says:

    You go to the patent and register dudes, I think. Then you have to pay loadsa cash and you’ll own it.. I think. Also Putzy, does killing you promote me to Chairman of the SAP and Pope of the Religion?

  590. dupersude Says:

    Seconded lol.

    putzy –
    Copyright/Trademark is usually copypasta’d from disclaimers, but you can type them with alt codes 169, 0169, and 0153 (That’s for Registered, Copyright, and Trademark respectively)

  591. dupersude Says:

    Oh right you meant literally…

  592. Aspgren Says:

    Hi guys.

    Sorry I barely update the blog and don’t join in the conversation 🙂 I neglect you guys worse than I neglect my girlfriend!

    I updated it today anyway. and my birthday party sucked ass, no one showed up.
    … we all went drinking the next weekend though and I bitched about it so much everyone bought me drinks.

    Can you say TEQUILA?

  593. Jackrabbit Says:

    Not after I’ve had a few, I can’t.

  594. dupersude Says:

    Aspgren – how much is that (neglection for girlfriend)? So much you don’t know if she’s still your girlfriend or not? 😀

    • Aspgren Says:

      well she’s actually my EX girlfriend now 🙂

      but i did neglect her back then indeed i did. mainly because she was a bitch 😀 now i’ve caught the eye of a foreign beauty and life is good.

      also i should be at the top of the awesome list because i can attract people of the opposite sex. hah.

  595. Vadermath Says:

    Hold the phone, people. G, by your estimation I am seventh in awesomeness? You do realize you have signed your own death penalty, don’t you? And you signed it with blood coming out of the place your dick once was.

  596. dupersude Says:

    I thought something like that too…

  597. Michael Says:

    G, Vadermath is gonna blow you. And then bite your dick off. That’s what he meant. OOOOH THE BURN!

  598. G Says:

    michael’s has lost 50 awesome points, Vadermath has gained 50 awesome points, Jackrabbit has lost 150 points, Midget and all his personalities, have lost 100 points simply not posting. Putzy you may have made sap but i control who’s awesome and not, through my independent org which i made, i forgot what it was called, look in the forum. so putzy loses 100 points. the high score. Dupersude gains 60 points.

    1. Midget
    2. G
    3. Dupersude
    4. Putzy
    5. Vadermath
    6. Michael
    7. Jackrabbit

  599. G Says:

    ok, forgot that Last comment, The awesome highscore, has been taken away, see forum when i re-create it, through my org, only I can remake the awesome high score, for the moment, your all as awesome as each other.

  600. dupersude Says:

    Equality… not bad, I guess.
    Though I did like the idea of being 3rd most awesome….

  601. dupersude Says:

    oh and some actual figures would be nice. 😀

  602. Michael Says:

    God fucking dammit!

  603. G Says:

    I will have actual figures, you will all start off at 0

  604. will all my previous TALES and reaps count? Cos it might be unfair to everyone else if they did >=)

  605. Also, in answer to (dupersude, I think?)’s question about killing me to become leader of SAP, it would actually be kinda redundant, because if you killed me then you would be permanently expelliarmus’d from the group. The vice chairman, however…

  606. dupersude Says:

    That was Michael’s question I believe, not mine.

  607. Vadermath Says:


  608. Midget52 Says:

    I lost awesome points because I didn’t post? I was busy! BUSY!

    Is that a valid excuse? I have a list. One involves Elmo.


  609. KingFrozen Says:


    I feel left out… I’m not even on the list…

    but im ROYALTY! and i have mental issues like most famous and awesome people!

  610. dupersude Says:

    I think theres more than just one person missing, King..

  611. G Says:


    hence why am going to remake the Awesome list, and hence why we’re all going to sart at 0, because i can’t be asked trawlling through all the comments and giving points, so if we start at 0 andy NEW posts will be awesomed…

  612. G Says:

    any* p.s spelling mistakes will lose you awesome points, oh and the awesome list may take a while, me has some coursework to be doing…

  613. Aspgren Says:

    I once killed a puppy.

    How many points is that?

  614. dupersude Says:

    Then you and I are somewhat in the same boat, Aspgren.
    My ex: “Don’t stay up past 11. Dont eat too much. Dont eat too little. Bitchbitchwhinebitchwhinewhinebitch. You never do anything for yourself. Stop playing video games. Why is the computer more important than me?? DONT LOOK AT PORN IM A JEALOUS WHORE.”
    K the last bit was a little exaggerated. She didnt call herself a jealous whore. But the rest was 100% true.

  615. dupersude Says:

    I said somewhat 😛
    She was an early person.
    And an idiot.
    Believed that staying up late was unhealthy regardless of whether or not you had adequate sleep the following day. But still. She woke me up early (8 am) anyway. EVEN ON THE WEEKENDS!

    • Aspgren Says:

      Still sounds like your mum.

      A quote from my ex: “Don’t listen to what I say, listen to what I mean!”
      Another one: “Hey. would you like to see a strip show?”
      -Idunno, maybe. With you?
      “Yeah we could go together or something I think it’d be exciting ;)”
      -Well sure. I’d love to go.
      “YOU PIG!”

      Setting traps, telling lies and expect me to listen what she “means” when she complained last week I should listen to what she says and not read too much into things.

      So yeah. Whatever. I guess I could have figured her mad ramblings out if I hadn’t neglected her 🙂 hahah. Still. Not the same 😛 not even by a longshot.

  616. dupersude Says:

    The point is.
    They were bitches
    We are rid of them
    And we have others now.

  617. dupersude Says:

    Ohoh, just remembered something.
    We were sitting at a friends house one night, and someone decided to put some porn on.
    About 20 seconds into it, my ex leaned over and grabbed at my crotch to see if i had an erection, which i didn’t (not with her around. o-o). When she realised I didn’t, you know what she said?
    “Good boy.”

  618. dupersude Says:

    Lucky bastard 😛

    • Aspgren Says:

      1. Your ex seemed pretty crazy actually. Some kind of mother complex I think.
      2. Luck has nothing to do with it.

      I’m not into relationships so I just pick up girls. We got this casual friendship/sex thing going on and they all know the rules. Though if I’m to be honest there are 2 girls who are all about sex.
      The others are more about drinking/hanging out/traveling with instances of petting and sex.

  619. dupersude Says:

    Yeah when we broke up she started making up all this shit about me, telling people we were still dating 3 weeks after we had broken up, that i was sending her abusive emails and stalking her and being obsessive.. Thanks to her, I now have some enemies who’s identities remain a mystery to me. She was pretty crazy. I don’t know how we lasted nine months, how I could be so blind. But it happened and its over now. Thank Goat. 🙂

  620. dupersude Says:


  621. Midget52 Says:

    No, it’s “where the BLOODY hell are you?”. Get it right.

  622. dupersude Says:

    indeed? Is that a line from something? :S

  623. australian ad campaign gone wrong. it had some sexy aussie girl walking around our beaches and stuff then say ‘where the bloody hell are you’ to the rest of the world.

  624. dupersude Says:

    I dont get it :S

  625. dupersude Says:

    by that i mean i’ve never seen the ad and fail to see the point of it. Lol.

  626. Aspgren Says:

    Who cares about the origin.

    Everyone uses it now and it’s charming.

  627. Vadermath Says:

    In other news, I won’t be here for the next 10 days. I’m off to Greece for a vacation. See ya guys in a week and a half…

  628. Aspgren Says:

    but it’s so greasy there …

  629. Midget52 Says:

    All those in favour of feeding Aspgren to a tiger for saying that joke out loud?

  630. dupersude Says:

    Goodnight sweet prince. 😦

  631. Jackrabbit Says:

    I never really new him. I only recently got into his music. All I feel is apathy, but not because he was a bad person. RIP regardless, MJ. I never knew you and will never have the pleasure.

    So, moving on.

  632. dupersude Says:

    His face and music has been plastered all over the radio/tv today. That chick from charlies angels hasnt got nearly as much attention… I find it lulzy.

  633. KingFrozen Says:

    I know, she was heaps hotter. Don’t sexy people make the news when they die?

  634. dupersude Says:

    Michael was sexy. Didn’t you see his nose job? Damn, that was hot…

  635. so what your saying is, we should kill Michael?

  636. OHHHHH that michael! I meant the michael in our group.

  637. dupersude Says:

    Same thing, right? 😉 😛

  638. Aspgren Says:

    Wait. One of the angels died?

  639. dupersude Says:

    The first one, blonde chick from the first series ever about 40 years. Whatshername Lara Faucet or something?

  640. dupersude Says:

    errr. Farah Fawcet**

  641. Aspgren Says:

    I never watched the old charlie’s angels … but she was beautiful back then no doubt.

    Thing is she lived on that beauty. While Michael was mentally damaged (and not a pedophile he was just so childish himself that people got uncomfortable) and turned into some kind of plastic monster later on…

    Well Michael could still sing. If he sang to you and did his thing the women would faint and the guys would rock. This is why he’s the king. Because he’s the best.

    Farah on the other hand …

  642. Midget52 Says:

    Haven’t you learned anything from the past? Famous people don’t die! They just go into hiding/change identity/get abducted by aliens. Like Elvis!

  643. The Green Lantern Says:

    Bet you didn’t guess that Miley Cyrus is actually Tupac.

    *sounds of nerdy heads exploding*

  644. Michael Says:

    And I bet you didn’t know I’m actually Elvis! Err… nevermind!

  645. Aspgren Says:

    Nice try but it’s quite clear that your name is Michael… JACKSON!

  646. The Green Lantern Says:

    I knew it!

    These last few months you have been staring at my son an awful lot, Michael JACKSON.

    And for this, you must die.


  647. Aspgren Says:

    The green lantern has a son?

    Wow I never thought I’d say it but I haven’t read enough comic books …

  648. Michael Says:

    Whoa! Don’t jump to any conclusions here!

  649. The Green Lantern Says:

    I jump to whatever I goddamn well please, Michael.

  650. I jump to platforms in the Water Temple!

  651. dupersude Says:

    I jump to lulz at putzy’s post.

  652. Midget52 Says:

    I jump to gain altitude!

  653. dupersude Says:

    I jump to slam dunk!

  654. Aspgren Says:

    You fool! That will INCREASE fall damage!

  655. dupersude Says:

    Excellent… It’s allllll falling into place…

  656. Aspgren Says:

    So do we have a midget who jumps and a dude who grabs him in midair and slamdunks him for maximum fall damage?

    That’s what I get out of this exchange anyway.

  657. dupersude Says:

    in the middle of the water temple, putzy jumps from platform to platform avoiding the boss (a tactic i never bothered with. corners ftw) whilst midget jumps above him and i jump to slam dunk midget for maximum fall damage. I jump to liking this story.

  658. Michael Says:

    I jump to conclude that I’ve started a new jump fad.

  659. dupersude Says:

    I jump to agreement with you!

  660. Aspgren Says:

    Puh-lease! Jumping is SO june 26th.

    It’s like I’m talking to my grandparents over here.

  661. The Green Lantern Says:

    It’s like I’m talking to my grandkids over there.

  662. Aspgren Says:

    Sweet jesus .. the green lantern has GRANDKIDS too??

  663. dupersude Says:

    It’s like I’m talking to my COUSINS over here…
    I jump to family reunions! ;D

  664. Michael Says:

    I’m jumping on top of your Heavy, BONK!

  665. The Green Lantern Says:

    Michael, get off of my Heavy.

    You don’t belong there.

  666. I jump to my post being 4075! At least I think so, I read every single comment on this page before posting.

  667. Hey, my post says it’s 6:08… OBJECTION!!! It’s 1: 09 where I am.

  668. Microwavability Says:

    chris died

  669. Microwavability Says:

    some fucking goblins jumped him

  670. Microwavability Says:

    beat him to a pulp

  671. Microwavability Says:

    and stole his loose silverware

  672. Michael Says:

    How sad… 😦


  674. dupersude Says:

    *clicks chris’ corpse*
    *Slices chris’ corpse to pieces*
    *clicks the remnants of chris’ corpse*
    Annnnnnnnnd a brand new shiny chris stands before me…
    Rinse repeat. >:)

  675. Aspgren Says:

    but there is no resurrect function in oblivion …

    … personally i got really disappointed in that game because i searched far and wide and did horrible quests for gruesome demons. I wanted in on the resurrection and necromancy.
    Oh yes I didn’t want to cheat though so I tried to figure it out through the game. I read the books, I searched the shops. I snuck around in the basements … all my efforts were for naught though.
    Not only is the “black soul gem” you need a friggin quest item. You also cannot use it.

    I was sad. So I returned to my home and beat up the adoring fan a few times.

    … oh wait. You can resurrect through the console. Crap. Forgot that one.

  676. Midget52 Says:

    Console? PC gamers are so lucky…

  677. Aspgren Says:

    Console gamers don’t have a console?

    Methinks you’ve been ripped off somehow.

  678. dupersude Says:

    Thats what the “`” represented. it’s the key you press to open the console in the PC version of oblivion.

  679. Can you make npcs do stuff through the console besides ressurecting them? Then we could make chris update this blog. I’M A BIT TIRED OF WAITING altough reading the comments section makes the wait more entertaining.

  680. Michael Says:

    You can do anything with the console.


    ` make npc “Chris” update LIO

    • Aspgren Says:

      Sadly, some random guy … you need to press § to open the console and then move your mouse cursor over the npc and click. When he is selected you type “resurrect” or “drop pants” or “turn into Charles Manson” …

      … so you can’t force him to update until you find him and click on him with your cursor. 😦

  682. Michael Says:

    Not true, Aspgren.
    You can also open the console -> prid(pick reference ID) xxxxx, where the x’s are his reference ID. But for that, you WILL need to find his ID, which you can find in the Construction Set. This will give the same result as clicking on him. Only that now he’ll be targeted instantly, and you don’t have to go look for him 😀 Then you just enter: ‘Update LIO, for Goat’s sake!’

  683. Jackrabbit Says:


    Okay, better now.

  684. … that scared me. Well actually those thoughts went through my head when I posted that comment.

  685. Hey the console worked! There’s a new twitter post on FPS!

  686. dupersude Says:

    But no new post on LIO… WHYYYY GOAT WHY.

  687. Hareichisan Says:

    WHYYYYYYYY!?!?!?! Please post sooooon!!!!

  688. Tharron Says:

    Awh sweet! He jus tmade a new comment!! something bout LIO continuing on youtube Watch for yourselve!!

  689. dupersude Says:


  690. Tharron Says:

    No its not what are you talking bout!!! FOol the GOat shall Roll over they! and devour thou soul! For telling such lies!

  691. Kingfrozen Says:

    AAAAAHHH! dammit. I didn’t see the warning, and aaahhh.

    2 words Tharron: Fuck and You

  692. Aspgren Says:

    That was three words.

  693. dupersude Says:

    I believe his first word was “Fuck” and his second word was “you”.

  694. Aspgren Says:

    That was his intention yes. He should however have written “fuck you” or “fuck” and “you” … but he wrote “fuck and you” and that sounds like a guide for scared virgins.


  695. dupersude Says:

    I seen your point butyeah
    This is the internet, remember? 😛

  696. Aspgren Says:

    Yes I know.
    And the internet is good for two things: porn and screwing around. 😀

  697. dupersude Says:

    Thus, The Hiatus Crew is born!

  698. My cousin died from watching a rickroll. True story. =(

  699. Andrew Says:

    Do you remember me, Chris? Yes you do, don’t lie to me.
    You remember me, how I loved Not My Desk and visited it several times a week from late-2000 onwards.

    But then you stopped writing, didn’t you Chris? With no fucking warning to your humble fans. Sure maybe you posted something on the forums, but the posters there mostly argued about language syntax and spelling. So I was left there, floating in the ether.

    Then, by chance, I happen upon Livin’ In Oblivion.
    It’s good, Chris – really good.

    So come on, Chris…give us another update. I read your old NMD posts about how you used to abuse yourself in storage rooms while temping. Surely I deserve this in compensation???

  700. I don’t think chris ever reads these. Sorry.

  701. Aspgren Says:

    You should be sorry.

    It’s your boring entries that keep him away.

  702. KingFrozen Says:

    i like andrew. hes almost one of us… but he has a life, especially since this is his first post

  703. dupersude Says:

    My ex’s brother’s name was Andrew…
    And hey! I have a life! ..Mostly…

  704. Freako Says:

    Anyone else notice that the blog’s title could also be interpreted as “Livingston in Oblivion”? No reason the apostrophe can’t omit five letters instead of one (e.g. “5 o’ clock” instead of “5 of the clock”).

    Wonder if it’s just a coincidence…

  705. dupersude Says:

    I thought that issue had already been revised earlier on in this section, or in one of the previous ones?

  706. Andrew Says:

    Thanks for the compliment, KingFrozen, but if I’m spending my spare time reading up a blog on a fantasy RPG, I can only loosely be described as having a life.

  707. dupersude Says:

    …….. I like you…

  708. Aspgren Says:

    No life? I got an idea.
    Go on a hiking trip guys. I feel it’s a great way to get to know people, to get in touch with nature and just feel great. It’s good exercise!

    Climbing a mountain I haven’t tried. Not even a small one, you guys try climbing brokeback mountain and tell me if it was hard or easy. worth it or rubbish.

  709. dupersude Says:

    It’s not so much that I don’t have a life, I have a life. It’s just that I set high priorities for what i define as a “friend”, and in doing so i have a lot of “acquaintances”.
    Before the semester break (which I am now on) I was studying at TAFE (for you non-australians, tafe is kind of like… College. But not college. Less classy and you dont get all those fancy degrees, just certificates and such), which was 3 days a week. Every thursday after tafe I’d go into town for latenight shopping (thursday is the one day a week all the stores are open til nine, which happens to be the time of the week all of my “friends” or “acquaintances” hang out) So I would have one day a week in which to meet with people, socialise, etc. and then the rest of the week/weekend was mostly spent online. Unless my girlfriend happened to find a way for us to meet up, usually by going to the movies, and that only came once every week or two.
    Oh and today I managed to sneak over her house! SCOREE!
    But yeah, besides that, and besides the five day holiday I’ll be taking this friday – next wednesday, my life is spent online. So generally, no life.

  710. dupersude Says:

    Oh and I forgot to factor in 4 – 10 hours of work a week. Not to mention my job sucks.

  711. Aspgren Says:

    Dude, dude, dude.

    Brackets man. Sentence structure. Dudeee … I don’t care man. Really. didn’t even read it.

    Read what I said again. It was just a gay joke.

  712. dupersude Says:

    Fuck sentence structure. This is the internet, not high school.
    You were joking about hiking?
    I like hiking… Walking and landscapes and that sort of stuff.
    I take photos you see.

  713. dupersude Says:

    Sorry Aspgren, let me rephrase that.
    “I take photos, you see.”
    I didn’t put a comma in there the first time. 😉

  714. It’s summer vacation, I don’t have a life at the moment.

  715. Michael Says:

    It’s my life. I don’t have a life at the moment.

  716. Andrew Says:

    “Seriously, I’m working on it, and it should be here in week or so. It’s pretty obvious you have no reason to believe me, since I’m always saying stuff like this and never delivering. But it’s coming, and it’ll be here soon. If it’s not here soon, you’ll see it eventually. If, eventually, you don’t see it, it’ll be here someday.”

    Geez. It’s like you work for Valve or something.

  717. Michael Says:

    THAT’S IT! How couldn’t we have thought of it sooner?! It was obvious! He’s become a game dev and now he won’t have time for Nonny anymore… it’s sad, but that must be it! I’m a genius! So smart…

  718. G Says:

    Signs of the end of the world.
    1. Michael is a genius.
    2. Chris updates.
    3. Irrelevant spam spamming.

    Lets see if the above comment is true then it seems through my logic were going to see a update.. that is of course.. if the above comment is true.

  719. G Says:

    and of course this is MICHAEL were talking about….

  720. There is no such thing as “irrelevant” spam. Spam is posting comments with links to porn sites and such. Wait, I think I just contradicted myself, damn!

  721. dupersude Says:

    Irrelevant Spam was a bitch that came on here arguing with the hiatus crew, not long before i joined in i believe. Originally named Jaded Empath, but she changed her name to “Livin’ in Oblivion for Nondrick, NOT irrelevant spam!” So we all call her/him/it irrelevant spam. Pretty sure it was a woman though, who else could keep nagging like that?

  722. KingFrozen Says:


    also, she filled in that many more spaces than we ever could. Nice going, she really was a fucking hypocrite. Can we not dwell on this, coz i get really angry. Then i get upset. Then i get sulky. You wont like me when im sulky.

  723. dupersude Says:

    “Hey look! It’s the incredible sulk!”
    “Don’t pick on me… I get angsty when you pick on me… You won’t like me when I’m angsty…”

  724. Yeah, I know, I read like, every single comment on this page before posting. In other news, 96 comments to go until 1000!

  725. Jackrabbit Says:

    Guess who? Dat’s right, I’s back motha fucka.

  726. Michael Says:

    Dat’s right, I’s back motha fucka is back!

  727. Fear micheal, he shall always have last post.

  728. Please forgive me! It was an accident! Don’t send them after me again!

  729. Michael Says:

    I hate when people do that spelling mistake. Like, are they really that stupid? My name is fucking Michael, not MichEAl. No offense to the random guy, just that once i spelled out my name to a foolish girl who was supposed to write our names down. This is about how our conversation was:

    ‘What is your name?’
    ‘Uhm… how do you spell it?’
    ‘*Sigh* M-I-C-H-A-E-L. Michael.’
    *I look at her paper to see what she writes down*;


  730. Michael Says:

    Are they really that stupid? I’ve always thought telling people their IQ was below zero was a joke, but now I wonder…

  731. I am not the smartest guy around, often stuff I’m looking for is right in front of me and I don’t see it.

  732. Michael Says:

    That happens to me at times too. However, misspelling a name that was just ‘read’ out loud? Letter by letter? How can one fuck that up? And also this happens VERY often.. I guess ‘Michael’ is a too complex name for the average Swede. Ah, the biggest difficulty with my name is the pronunciation you see. In Sweden(where I happen to live), the most common spelling of Michael is Mikael. With a ‘K’ instead of ‘CH'(it looks ugly with a K, lol). So when they(majority of shit-heads) see ‘Michael’ spellt with a ‘C’ and an ‘H’, they immediately think ‘Michelle’. Rage and lulz ensue.
    Rage, because I’m angry at them being so fucktarded, and lulz because they ARE so fucktarded.

  733. I’m not swedish, if that’s what you’re implying, but I can see why you’re angry, and I apoligise for being a fucktard.

  734. Michael Says:

    No, no. I’m just telling you that. And yes, it is very upsetting.

  735. I know how you feel, people call me kylee all the the time, yet my name is obviously kyle.

  736. Michael Says:

    Oh yeah. You don’t pronunce the ‘E’, right?

  737. Michael Says:

    That’s how awesome I am.

  738. Are you saying your silent L is better than mine?

  739. Michael Says:

    Actually, it’s my ‘A’ that is silent! FFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU another one!

  740. That’s strange, how do you pronounce your name?

  741. Michael Says:

    Try pronuncing Michael Jackson. It’s pronunced the same way(when speaking English, that is).

  742. So it’s mike-ul. My brain is confused by my logic(of which I have none).

  743. Michael Says:

    Oh yes. Or, mike-el, both will work. In Swedish it’s pronounced in a strange way.

  744. Ah! Mike-el, that’s the pronounciation that I thought sounded like it had an a sound in it. My brain is no longer confused!

  745. Michael Says:

    Pronounciation is confusing at times, son.

  746. 65 comments until 1000!

  747. Michael Says:

    I’m gonna be 1000th!

  748. Do I sense a challenge?

  749. Michael Says:


  750. gravity cat is not amused.

  751. Michael Says:

    IMMA FIRIN’ MAH LAZOR!!!! BAAAAH! You’re dead.

  752. Aspgren Says:

    I thought I was missing out on something, which is why I signed up so I get an email everytime something happens. Great idea I thought … but what is this?

    Is this what I got 30+ emails for?

    “I hate it when people spell my name wrong! .. oh shit typo.”
    “Yeah I understand, I hate that too. oh fuck typo!”
    “whine whine whine”

    Who cares about names, man? and like… lables? you’re not your nameee maaan it’s like. your naaame should try to be yooou you knooow? it’s like. your naaame is working FOR you. think about that man? that’s the truth maaan .. sheeeit ..

  753. Rematch time! But this time, my power level… IT”S OVER 9000!!!!!

  754. Michael Says:

    Did I mention that in this form my power level is over A MILLION?

  755. Michael Says:

    Whine, whine, whine… and more whine!

  756. aspgren: if you throw sauseges(or however you spell it), I shall throw NUTS!

  757. Michael: Whining? Lets hear you say that after this! HADOKEN!

  758. Michael Says:


  759. Some random guy used lightning!

  760. Michael Says:

    Michael used Flamethrower! It’s Super-Effective!

  761. SRG used hi-potion!

  762. Michael Says:

    Michael used Earthquake!

  763. SRG used Slash! It’s super-effective! SRG gains xp from super attack!

  764. Michael Says:

    Michael used Horn Drill! It’s a one hit KO!

    Some random guy fainted!

    Michael gained over 9000 experience points!

  765. SRG took a phoenix down! He’s revived! Wha- SRG is evolving! It’s… Goat! Stats:

  766. Michael Says:

    I repeat my last move. Also, items are not allowed in VS battles! Cheater!

  767. I’m not a cheater, I used a gameshark, there’s a big difference.

  768. Michael Says:



  770. Michael Says:

    I summon the Goat, and the Goat uses Headbutt!
    It’s divine power kills you! And your Gameshark exploded! WHAHA I and Goat won!


  772. …Well, I’m off to play video games.

  773. Michael Says:


  774. I’m back, hey what’s that- OH GOD! I”M ALLERGIC TO CHOCOLATE!(not really)

  775. Ah. This is true. That’s better than sparta and madness.

  776. 25 more comments ’till 1000!

  777. KingFrozen Says:

    wow… no life, but im glad i can help you two loser achieve your 1000th comment. maybe i should just spam this place to i get the achievement?

  778. KingFrozen Says:

    spam to reach 9000! i mean 1000

  779. KingFrozen Says:

    woooooooooooooooooooooooo SPAM IS FUN

  780. KingFrozen Says:

    Never gonna spam u up

  781. KingFrozen Says:

    never gonna let you spam

  782. KingFrozen Says:

    never gonna run around and spam you

  783. KingFrozen Says:

    never gonna make you spam

  784. KingFrozen Says:

    never gonna spam goodbye

  785. KingFrozen Says:

    never gonna spam a lie to hurt you

  786. KingFrozen Says:

    10, now 15 to go

  787. KingFrozen Says:

    14 after this

  788. KingFrozen Says:

    13 after this

  789. KingFrozen Says:

    12 TO GO

  790. KingFrozen Says:

    11 MORE

  791. KingFrozen Says:

    New years countdown!


  792. KingFrozen Says:


  793. KingFrozen Says:


  794. KingFrozen Says:


  795. KingFrozen Says:

    six six six

  796. KingFrozen Says:

    ha ha ha (is korean or something for 555)

  797. KingFrozen Says:


  798. KingFrozen Says:


  799. KingFrozen Says:

    2 to go

  800. KingFrozen Says:

    The one after this is post 1000!

    I lied, it is now up for grabs! Anyone wanna fight to the death?
    You feeling lucky? Punk?
    *pulls out revolver*

  801. t Says:

    Its July already, you promised an update in April!

  802. Michael Says:

    Lol, it’s past 1000 already. KingFrozen, your counting sucks!

    Also, I hate you. You spammed up the site just so that you could win. Fucker.

  803. KingFrozen Says:

    I’m proud of what i contribute.

  804. Aspgren Says:

    39 new emails in my inbox today …

    You fuckers are going to get it.


  806. Michael Says:

    The same shit happened to me.. I know what it feels like, I know what it feels like…

  807. Microwavability Says:


  808. Microwavability Says:

    fan service

  809. Microwavability Says:


  810. Michael Says:

    has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

  811. Microwavability Says:


  812. KingFrozen Says:

    I think he meant to say “[actual translation]”. Man you guys are stupid, and yes Michael, i have 😛

    [Achievement unlocked: Spam Overlord]

  813. I’ll just pretend to understand so I look smart.

  814. Aspgren Says:

    I wonder if this is how 4chan started.

  815. 4chan was started by people smarter than me, so probably not.

  816. Jackrabbit Says:

    4chan was started by one man. Venturing into 4chan is like venturing into the bowls of your worst nightmare. Flesh covers the walls, blood runs in rivulets and terrible, insane people berate you and make accusations about your sexual preferences. You run, but it’ll always come back, around one in the morning, when you wake up sweating, sobbing. You cannot, you can never, ever, unsee.

    So yeah, 4chan’s alright, I guess.

  817. KingFrozen Says:

    Um… its like Looking into the BOWLS of your worst nightmares? You did mean bowels right?

    And 4chan is ok, but … um… what game did I just lose?

  818. Aspgren Says:

    KingFrozen don’t pretend you know what 4chan is.

    If you don’t know what the game is it’s pretty obvious that you don’t.

    Also some of our worst nightmares have bowls.

    I for one am afraid of chili.

  819. Jackrabbit Says:

    It’s a bowl. There are two girls kneeling by the bowl. It is bigger than a cup, but still full. Nightmare.

  820. Michael Says:

    4chan is a nice place. I’m happy moot created it.

  821. Jackrabbit Says:

    My Goat. They’ve gotten to him too.

  822. Michael Says:

    HAHAHHAHA. Jackrabbit. Look at your little image. It’s a fucking swastika! HAHAH

  823. The Green Lantern Says:

    So what’s everyone’s take on the new Max Payne?

    I, for one, think that the new setting is pretty cool.

    Max kinda looks stupid though.

  824. Jackrabbit Says:

    Oh Goat. They’ve gotten to me! I must have Strangelove syndrome! Must… not… Nazi… salute…

    Anyway, I’m male. If there’s really good explosions, gunfights and sex in the Max Payne movie, I’m happy. A good plot and believable characters would be nice too but you can’t have everything.

  825. Aspgren Says:

    Max Payne? I am completely indifferant.

    … if we were talking Mad Max however? I’d squeal like a beatles fan or possibly a wounded pig!

  826. The Green Lantern Says:

    So what’s everyone’s take on the new Mad Max?

    I, for one, think that the new setting is pretty cool.

    Max kinda looks stupid though.

  827. Michael Says:

    Max Payne is a good game. Max Payne 2 is also a good game. Max Payne 3 will probably be a good game, too.

    Max kinda looks stupid though.

  828. FutureCam Says:

    Ve vant update!
    We want update!
    They want update!
    I want update!

  829. Michael Says:

    Won’t happen today, son!

  830. Aspgren Says:

    Alright. That’s it.

    I’ve had it. I loved living in oblivion and I loved concerned. I love first person shouter and I loved notmydesk … but Chris, seriously, you’re just sitting on your hands.

    You’re not worth this wait. It’s not enough. Screw you and the horse you rode in on!

  831. Michael Says:

    Uh… felt good man?

  832. Aspgren Says:

    No. It feels horrible.

    In all honesty Christ is not that spectacular to have people drooling over him like this. If he’d update tomorrow I wouldn’t even read it.

    This is it. I’m through.

  833. Michael Says:

    See ya Aspgren. ‘Twas nice to know you.


  834. Aspgren Says:

    I see no harm in continuing to post in this “thread” but know that it’s not for his sake I stick around.

    I’m sticking around to follow you guys and your shenanigans for a bit.

  835. Michael Says:

    Join our site. You’ll like it.

    ..I hope.

  836. Aspgren Says:

    What site? the one linked in your name?

    … that does seem better. Yes. I will join it. I will not post here as much anymore because Chris does not deserve the hits.

  837. Michael Says:

    Yeah. Link’s in my name. And good thing to hear you’ll join!

  838. Jackrabbit Says:

    Willkommen! And I totally agree. Chris, you are being such a prick about this it is not funny. I will continue to read but not even telling us that you’ve given up is just a massive kick in the balls.

    Man will I be embarrassed if he’s actually dead.

  839. Jackrabbit Says:

    Although he hasn’t posted on twitter either in a few days. I can accept something may have come up but 7 months and almost no word? Come the fuck on.

  840. Anon Says:

    1fort was the first blog I checked regularly and I loved LIB and followed FPS regularly as well.

    Now I still check it every few days for an update but it’s been so long since he’s bothered to post anything I think I’ll find a new blog.


  841. Jackrabbit Says:

    LiO! LiO! I am dissapoint son.

  842. G Says:

    Chris is sitting on his lorals…. …. i find the word lorals funny… nt tellin why though..

  843. G Says:

    where is update? where??? i demand update

  844. G Says:

    Did i ever say am a robot..?

  845. G Says:

    What suck is i have to have windows vista robot edition installed on me, i keep crashing…

  846. randomman289 Says:

    So does anyone else find it interesting that our blogmaster has completely disappeared? No comments on this in 2 months, firstpersonshouter in a month and some, or even twitter in a week.

  847. Jackrabbit Says:

    Excuse me? No comments? We comment every day, thank you. As for updates, there hasn’t been one in almost a year over here. So yes, we find it extremely strange. Join the club. We actually have one.

  848. Jackrabbit Says:

    Well, half a year.

  849. Midget52 Says:

    Hi. Sorry I haven’t been around lately. Big music thing going on.

    My Goat, you got to one thousand while I was gone? I only went away for three days! Can you give me a summary of what has been happening? In point form. With an intermission. And explosions. And a romanic subplot.

  850. Anon Says:

    I think chris has writers block or something. I remember on twitter a few weeks back he said “he can’t write good lately”

    Is he still doing the demoman articles for that other website every week?

  851. Jackrabbit Says:

    Probably, but I don’t think so. I don’t recall seeing anything new there.

  852. KingFrozen - Dissapointed Says:

    Damn… once again, i believe that chris has died. Or it was putzy not letting him use the computer again.

    I hate putzy.

  853. Aspgren Says:

    Chris is such a pussy about his writing … “can’t write good lately” is what he says but the truth is he can do it. He is just extremely self conscious about his work.

    I remember what he wrote about “concerned.” He wrote that there are parts he hates, there are things he wish he’d changed, things he almost can’t bare to look at.
    I can accept that people are self conscious about their shit when they’ve never actually shown it to a large number of people or have gotten confirmation but my Goat man. Has he not recieved enough encouragement?
    Has he not fans?

    He has let his issues get in between the fans and him, thus he neglects the fans. I do not call myself one anymore.

  854. Jackrabbit Says:

    I do. I just wish he’d say SOMETHING. Anything. Like ‘I’m abandoning the blog guys, sorry, I don’t wish to have this hanging over my head. And sorry for ignoring the problem for the last 6 months.’
    I would accept that, many people here would.

  855. KingFrozen - More Dissapointed Than Before Says:

    I agree, just a little bit of closure. I’ve actually stopped reading the stuff he writes and have totally forgotten what was happening in nondrick, something about Nonny having rabies?

    • Joey Says:

      Helljiont and Witsomethingorother. His personal quest was to cure it. He made a cure disease potion and was debating taking it, he left us on a fucking cliffhanger.

  856. Jackrabbit Says:

    He was bitten by a dog, is infested with disease, I don’t know. Has someone sent him an email? We should do that. Not to chastise him but to ask him to either shut down the blog with an explanation or at least explain what kept him from updating so long.

  857. G Says:


    I would not, or will not accept LIO gone…. espcially not finished…. on a cliff hanger…. he should at least kill nonny off first…..

  858. Pwnzerfaust Says:

    I heard Chris died of heart failure a couple of weeks ago.

  859. Aspgren Says:

    That’s obviously not true, but if it was … what does that mean for Nonny? Surely the premise state that the blog ends when Nondrick dies.
    Not when Chris dies.

    Therefore someone has to inherit the blog and the quest. I nominate myself, of course, to carry this burden seeing how I’m the only one present with relevant experience.

  860. He is, actually, he writes a great fallout 3 blog.

  861. No, Chris is still alive, I recaptured him before he managed to post more blog entries, god forbid, and he is safely behind the energy field again. There are a couple of improvements to the security system as well, like the high-energy lasers that could dismember him, and the automatic bulkhead crash doors that come down if the alarm is raised (there is a manual activation lever in case of power failing).
    Speaking of power, since his last breakout was caused by rats chewing through wires, the new wires are coated in a gold-lithium alloy, designed for space satellites.
    There are also seventy generators scattered around above and below ground to insure that we will always have power.
    A team of jacked up SAS marines have been hired, 830 fully armed, battle hardened men protecting every entrance, from the main entry to the air ducts.
    Armed with the powerful new MetalStorm heavy assault rifles, nothing is getting past these soldiers.

  862. Except sam fisher and solid snake working as a team. Chris should be free in 1-2 days.

  863. Jackrabbit Says:

    Unless either one decides to shoot him for shits and giggles. Almost every single ‘rescue’ mission I’ve ever had on both of those games ended like this, thanks to save/load. Chris doesn’t have that luxury. He may be as good as dead.

  864. Well they’re not being controlled by you, they’re being controlled by the best gamers in the world.

  865. Aspgren Says:

    Speaking of death … click my name.

    • Sorry to hear about maximus, what now?

      • Aspgren Says:

        Dunno. I suppose I could whip up a new blog and reincarnate him in another game .. like Morrowind as some people suggested, but idunno.

        I dragged my feet so much in updating that thing, I wrote every entry and took the screenshots beforehand (most of them anyway) while I was playing. In the end I thought many points weak and lacking in humor.

        It turned out ok, I’ll leave the blog up. I just don’t know what to replace it with, maybe work more. I’ll let you guys know.

      • Maybe you could revive him saying it was a wasteland doctor who saved you?

      • Aspgren Says:

        No, that is cheating and also implies that there is humanity and decency in the wasteland.

        Maximus is dead. The blog is over.

        Those were the rules. To be honest I think Nonny has met with the same horrible fate but Chris cannot find it in himself to actually announce that the blog ended with so many loose ends.
        So he’s putting it off.

      • Damn. Allright.(DEEP SIGH.)

  866. Michael Says:

    I suggest we raid all his other websites! If that doesn’t get his attention, nothing will.

  867. A Says:

    Omg! his twitter is gone, that means he really is dead!

  868. Michael Says:

    Uh, wait! I think I’ve found it. Which means… YOU’RE A LIAR!

  869. randomman289 Says:

    Sorry about my mispost earlier, I should’ve said no new updates. Twitter is not gone, but has gone silent for over a week, which seems to be a really bad sign. Maybe a game dev is holding him captive and making him write new game dialogue. Or perhaps he managed to find a copy of Polybius and is completely insane.

  870. Uh, hello? I just said I have recaptured him. And so what if I’m making him write games!

  871. Jackrabbit Says:

    If you don’t let him out Putzy, I’m sending Fisher over there to euthanize him.

  872. KingFrozen Says:

    Can i help? If we get Alex Mercer and tell him its putzy’s fault, he will go nuts. Nothing can stop Alex. Even a nuke! He would just absorb the bacteria on the bomb.

  873. Putzy is officially dead if Mercer becomes involved. And now, I finally get my own fancy title…

    Vadermath, The Headmaster of The Hiatus Academy.

  874. Hah! Alex is all the way over in america! he cant glide that long, and his swimming technique would be useless as it got really deep! as for fisher, he’s too busy delaying his next game! You can’t do anything! hahahaha!

  875. dupersude Says:

    Alex can fly helicopters, and could consume someone with the knowledge to fly a jet before hijacking one. Hell, all he’d have to do is stroll into the airport disguised as security… Walk into the pilots lounge… bam.
    You’re pretty much screwed if you get on Alex’s bad side.

    In other news, I’m back from my five day holiday. 😀 HI EVERYONE.

  876. You were gone?
    Nah I’m kidding. Welcome back to this dirt-hole.

  877. dupersude Says:

    At least it’s a cozy dirt-hole. Much like Megaton, without the chance of going pop anytime soon…
    … Unless Jaded comes back.

  878. KingFrozen Says:

    Or if i say POP!! WOOOOO!


  879. dupersude Says:

    Alex is not chuck norris reborn.
    First of all Alex wasn’t born.
    And second of all he hasn’t consumed Chuck. Yet…

  880. Michael Says:


    *puts on my Troll Face*

  881. Joey Says:

    Even though no-one will read this….it’s Nonny over, it’s Nonny over, it’s Nonny over yet!

  882. Gutter Says:

    Awww, I read the whole thing from day one in the last 24 hours. I even went out and bought the game for my PS3, even though I already have 2 copies of it for PC (I forgot that I had bought it… dumb) just because of his writeup.

    I want mooorrreee!

  883. Jackrabbit Says:

    You won’t be getting more, trust me. Welcome to the jungle, anyway.

  884. KingFrozen Says:

    Jungle? its more of a desert

  885. Altair Says:

    So is this whole thing pretty much over? Is nondrick done?

  886. Midget52 Says:

    I only need hope to sustain me. And organic compounds. But mostly hope.

    In other news, how was the holiday, dupersude?

  887. dupersude Says:

    Mmmmmmmmm… Organic Compounds…

    Also in other news, the holiday wasn’t too bad I guess.
    I felt a little… Depressed. For various reasons. Mostly because I was a thousand km’s from the person who means the most to me, but also because I was alone in a room full of people who knew each other as, well, family. Because they were family. It was okay. Not too great though..

  888. g Says:

    thousand miles from your 15 year old girl friend??? and how old are you again??? 70.. 85?

  889. Chris’ twitter just said he had an idea! This may mean update!

  890. Jackrabbit Says:


  891. Aspgren Says:

    Who the hell is this “Joey” character and why the hell is he commenting on MONTHS old posts?

    SHUT UP Joey!

    • Aspgren Says:

      I’m sick and tired of these emails coming in every minute. Until Joey stops posting I’ve turned off the notification.
      Don’t talk shit about me while my back’s turned, guys!

      • Joey Says:

        Well…that’s fair I guess…I’ll stop replying…*grumble*

      • Joey Says:

        I suppose that’s fair… I’ll stop replying now. *grumble, grumble*

        In other news: Praise be Goat.

  892. G Says:

    Everday talk shit about aspgren, his back is turned… lol j/k

  893. Joey Says:

    So….am I gonna get an invite to The Hiatus Crew so I can serve under the (un-?)holy Goat?

  894. KingFrozen Says:

    Sure, but ask Vadermath, he is our… um…

    headmaster of our academy? What fucking academy is this?

  895. You need three invites from Crew members to get it. I’m not giving you one because I havn’t seen you post much, but someone else might.

  896. Jackrabbit Says:

    It was two for me to get in.

  897. Joey Says:

    I’m confused. I thought it was two invites? And I’ve already been told of for commenting to much. What kind of a world do we live in? Why are the walls burping? This is madness.

  898. Jackrabbit Says:

    Hell, welcome to Living in Oblivion. Anyway, I invite you.

  899. dupersude Says:

    Not commenting too much, commenting on months old posts. Hitting “reply” on a post like 12903834238 miles up the page will cause us crew members to recieve a notification, but then we CANT FIND THE GOD DAMN REPLY.
    What aspgren is saying is, keep it current mofo.

    What the fuck does your name mean anyway, Aspgren? Reminds me of Aspirin…

    • Aspgren Says:

      Got a problem with my name, dupersude?

      It’s my family name. I seek to bring it glory and riches through my conquests, thus I use it.

  900. dupersude Says:

    Never said I had a problem with it O.o Just wondered what it meant.
    So it’s your surname then?

  901. G Says:

    i hereby invite… what’s the guy’s name again….. ? oh yeah joey into the hiatus crew.. i think we should have a trail period when invinting someone new.. to see who is worthy and who is not..

  902. Jackrabbit Says:

    Huh. I don’t actually receive email notifications. I can just scroll down. MY POWER IS MYSTIC AND AWESOME.

  903. dupersude Says:

    Email notifications warn us of when another member of the crew posts so we can reply even sooner with more efficiency!
    That, and some are too lazy to refresh the page every five seconds to check for new comments.
    I am among those “some”.

  904. Joey Says:

    So… I have 2 invites and a possible trial period? What am I an internet dating site? By Goat.

  905. This is not an internet dating site, itsASITEWHERETHINGSEXPLODEINYOURMIND!

  906. Hm. K. Check my reply up there.

  907. Joey Says:

    I’m WAY ahead of you.

  908. Ah, you already did. I can haz chzbrgr?

  909. Joey Says:

    No. No you can’t. Bwuhahahahaha!

  910. Oh. Ok. Time for my new anti-material sniper rifle to be tested.

  911. HOLY SHIT! How did you do that!?

  912. Joey Says:


  913. To secure an invite you need to know how to spell.

  914. Joey Says:

    Or at least it would if I had spelt “guarantee” right….

  915. Don’t worry… beee happy…cause every little thing, is gonna be allrigh-hi-ight.

  916. Joey Says:


  917. Joey Says:

    Yes…. Indeed.

  918. I have to ask you a very important question…


  920. Joey Says:

    YES! In other news, that should keep us going for a bit longer.

  921. Joey Says:



  923. Joey Says:

    Notmydesk did. A long time ago…..

  924. So chris had plans for nondrick before Frohman?

  925. Joey Says:

    No, it was Nonnys first visit to the Imperial City. 20 July 2008.

  926. ? Thought notmydesk was over once concerned started.

  927. Joey Says:

    It’s by notmydesk the channel: as in cannel on youtube.

  928. Joey Says:

    I’m not even gonna correct that spelling mistake.

  929. I see.Sadako Sasaki.

  930. Joey Says:

    The technical term is “typo”.

  931. No, I’m just saying, Sadako Sasaki.

  932. Joey Says:

    I know. I like correcting myself.


  934. Joey Says:


  935. Why am I a muthafucka?

  936. Joey Says:

    I was referencing JackRabbit.

  937. Right “HE’S BACK MUTHAFUCKA!”

  938. Joey Says:

    Yes. Indeed. Correctumundo. That’s a word which should only be said once.

  939. Joey Says:

    Only be said once per person that is. But don’t waste it.

  940. Ok. Ishall obey this rule fiercley… I’m not even going to bother fixing that.

  941. Joey Says:

    You better not.

  942. Or what? You will battle me to the death epically?

  943. Joey Says:

    No. But I will be upset.

  944. I shall not upset thee o mighty upsetter.

  945. Joey Says:

    That’s more like it.

  946. Now what? I’ve run out of annoying topics.

  947. Sorry, I was on

  948. Hell no… I’m better than some people I know at least.

  949. I’m not on machinima, I’m on wookiepedia.

  950. “Is that real?”

  951. Enough, I’m going to go eat breakfast, I’ve been so busy typing I haven’t been able too. See ya.

  952. I’m back but I don’t know for how long, my sister is using the computer too.

  953. dupersude Says:

    Joey. Stop using the FUCKING REPLY BUTTON. It messes shit up.

  954. dupersude Says:


  955. Jackrabbit Says:

    Wow, lotsa posts here.

  956. dupersude Says:

    All from Joey and SRG…

  957. Jackrabbit Says:

    Eh, I can’t complain. It’s not like we contribute much either.

  958. dupersude Says:

    Lies! I contribute regularly. All the above comments took place in a matter of hours though.

  959. KingFrozen Says:

    fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck… so many replies…

    New conversation: Are laptops better than pcs?

  960. Jackrabbit Says:

    If you want to carry them everywhere, then fuck yes.

  961. dupersude Says:

    Depends on what your criteria for better or worse is.
    PC’s have more power and are more easily customised/upgraded. As well as cheaper.
    But laptops are compact and can be taken away from a house, onto a bus or train or something… And if you have one of those satellite-usb-doohickey things you can sit on the internet for the duration of a 12 hour bus trip… <_<

  962. Joey Says:

    Ok. I’ll never reply again.

  963. dupersude Says:

    Don’t act like you’ve been severely beaten with a stick Joey. No-one told you to never post again. Just not to use the god damn reply button because it fucks up the order of everything. Other hiatus members have posted about this before myself, Vadermath, I believe, was among them.

    Wait- Unless by “reply” you mean you’ll never use the “reply” function again, then please, by all means, go ahead.

  964. Joey Says:

    Huh? OH! You thought I was saying that I’d never comment again! No. I just ment that I wont use the reply button again. I only recently read through all the comments on this page, and before then I just assumed it had been abandoned.

    In other news, Bolivion? Ahahahahahaha!

  965. dupersude Says:

    Good… Goooood…
    We may make a man out of you yet…

    The same way I made a man out of your mother last night. >: )

  966. Joey Says:

    That makes no sense. I think we’re going to get along.

  967. Aspgren Says:

    I hate you guys. (L)

  968. Joey Says:

    Especially me?

  969. How much am I hated? If its anything like I get at school I must be the most hated person on the comments section. That was a big sentence.

  970. Congratulations! You are the 345th person to hate me! (yeah I keep count)

  971. And I just got 1337th post again!

  972. Ok I’m going away now, might come back later today.

  973. Joey Says:

    *pokes Aspgren* Am I first now?

  974. Aspgren Says:

    This is below me. Good day gentlemen!

  975. Joey Says:

    Hmm….. I’ll take that as a “Yes”.

  976. Jackrabbit Says:

    Nice day today.

  977. Joey Says:

    Yes, ’tis.

  978. Michael Says:

    Joey. You son of a bitch. You’ve replied at least over 9000 times. Motherfucker! I’ve been away for 4 days, and what the fuck! 266 new emails? What the fuck… You son of a bitch! Never use that button again! OR ELSE I’LL TAUNT YOU A SECOND TIME!

  979. Michael Says:

    Stop it right now, will ya?!

  980. Joey Says:

    Ok, I was just kiddin’ with’ya. Or was I?

  981. Stop. Really. He has… “people”. They WILL kill you.

  982. In other news, we have officially surrpased bitter brew in number of comments. I blame joey. No JK, I blame me too.

  983. Aspgren Says:

    Oh hey the excessive emails stopped flooding me.. that’s great. Oh what’s this?

    12 more emails? I wonder what they’re .. oh what do you know. They consist entirely of “i got too many emails! fuck you!” and that’s just grand.

    I hate you guys more than I hate rape.

  984. So they’re your comments?

    • Aspgren Says:

      … yes.

      See that’s why people don’t like you.

      • Aspgren Says:

        I feel like a regular grinch. One could never imagine I just got a great blowjob, could you?

        It might be because I’m listening to “regular scrooge” from the “christmas time in essex” flash (available on something awful’s flashtub) which is a lovely and catchy tune that goes a little something like…

        “Get this shit out of my faaace.
        Take of your hat you’re a disgrace!
        What’s wrong with you? Christmas is balls!
        All this red and green poluting the halls…
        Oh III don’t like this daaay I’m in a horrible way and I just want to say that it isn’t okay the feeling inside me isn’t gaaay!”


        “Cuz santa’s a creep! and kind of a bum!
        This FUCKING HOLIDAY only leaves me numb!
        Jesus of Nazareth! Don’t leave me hanging with false promises and hope, I’m at the end of my rope!”

        “Fuck this day in the very worst wa-ay! (fuck this day! fuck this day!) fuck this daaaAAAAAY YEAH!”

        nanana-nana nana baddabadampadam-BAM!

  985. KingFrozen - More Dissapointed Than Before Says:

    I’ve read that before…

    Stop stealing stuff Aspgren.

    And why cant we use the reply button? And very few people didnt react to my laptop question…


  986. … Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything, he’s starting to turn into irreleveant spam 2.0… Wait, what if I.S. killed aspgren and is using his computer? That would explain a lot.

  987. Jackrabbit Says:

    I hate to say it, but it really would. Y’all need ta calm down, y’hear?

  988. dupersude Says:

    You hate me, Aspgren?
    What did I ever do to you..
    Oh, except for the whole “Smearing faecal matter all over your car’s windscreen”…

  989. Joey Says:

    I’m an innocent bystander. Emphasis on the “innocent”.

  990. dupersude Says:

    Hardly innocent, and HARDLY a bystander. You’ve posted more than all the veterans and semi-new-comers combined.
    Sentanced to capital punishment.
    Goodnight Sweet Prince.

  991. Joey Says:

    Or….I could just tell you about my new site, which I’m sure you’d all love (if it goes well) before it’s properly advertised. Either that or I’m gonna have to send the Mythic Dawn after Chris so that, whilst escaping from them, he frees me. And you all know what would happen to Chris then. Yeah.

  992. dupersude Says:

    I said
    Goodnight.. Sweet… Prince…
    //menacing tone rising…

  993. Joey Says:

    It’s not gonna be that easy. I’m just to good.

  994. dupersude Says:

    Not good enough.

  995. Joey Says:

    We’ll see.

  996. dupersude Says:

    … Goodnight sweet prince.

  997. Joey Says:

    Say it all you want. You can’t stop me. I’m a force of nature.

  998. Jackrabbit Says:

    Oh, we can stop you. We just aren’t. Yet.

  999. Joey Says:

    Ok. But do you want to? Conundrum.

  1000. KingFrozen - More Dissapointed Than Before Says:

    He’s a force of nature. Birds fly. Sun shines. grass grows, and brother, he hurts people!

  1001. Joey Says:

    Finally. Some-one with a little common sense.

  1002. G Says:

    Why must you even want to possibly want to have follow up comments sent to you by email… that’s just fucking stupid… we all know people spam….

  1003. Joey Says:

    “want to possibly want”? I’m scared.

  1004. Jackrabbit Says:

    Eh, it doesn’t bother me. It’s not like we’re actually discussing Nondrick anymore, if only because every single interesting topic has been exhausted. If Joey wants to post a torrent of comments, that’s all well and good but using the reply button is really annoying. Either way, I’m getting a bit of a haughty vibe from you. If I invited you, I retract my offer. Continue spamming if you wish, we have our own little site if things get irritating here.

  1005. Joey Says:

    I know. I joined it. I don’t wish to spam. I’m a big fan of Nondrick. I just want something to do until we get the slightest smidgen of news about him.

  1006. Jackrabbit Says:

    Well, that’s a fine goal! Hugs for all!

  1007. Joey Says:

    Is that sarcasm?

  1008. dupersude Says:

    If you did join it it won’t last long. You’re going to get automatically hit with the banhammer soon enough, like i once did when i was young and naive…

  1009. Joey Says:

    No… I am nice person.

  1010. Michael Says:

    I say bring forth the Banhammer!

  1011. dupersude Says:


  1012. Joey Says:


  1013. Joey Says:

    Oh shizzle gizengar.

  1014. dupersude Says:

    Suck it up kid.
    The 3 year olds coating my bedroom walls did.
    Or was it the walls that sucked up the 3 year olds…
    Either way.

  1015. Michael Says:

    Banish this foul creature from the face of Hiatus! By the holy power of the even holier Goat, I request access
    to your divine bash! Huzzah!

  1016. dupersude Says:

    Jesus christ no wonder the section has so many replies… What are you repeatedly clicking the refresh button?

  1017. Michael Says:

    Let it be said, fellow Hiatusers, ‘Huzzah!’ Let us all say Huzzah together to summon the Holy Goat!

  1018. Joey Says:

    … what?

  1019. dupersude Says:


  1020. Joey Says:

    *takes anti-huzzah tablets*

  1021. G Says:

    Joey i offered you a invite.. i take it back…. If you want you caan blame your ISP.

  1022. G Says:

    how many idiots does it take to…. expand

  1023. Michael Says:

    The 1400th post is mine!

  1024. dupersude Says:

    How does blaming his ISP make any sense..?

  1025. Michael Says:

    dupersude, nothing makes sense at this place! Also, Huzzah!

  1026. dupersude Says:

    Aha! Touche!
    Heh, touche has the word “touch” in it..

  1027. dupersude Says:

    By the way, michael, WHY THE FUCK AREN’T YOU ON MSN?!

  1028. Michael Says:

    I am. I’m so awesome only extremely awesome people can see that I’m online.

  1029. Joey Says:

    Yes, because that makes sense.

  1030. dupersude Says:

    What do you mean you changed your picture to match mine :S

  1031. Joey Says:

    72 The Mike Conspiracy
    That’s right Mike, or shall I say, Michael. We’re watching you, we’ve been watching you since the day you were born, changing you to suit our needs. Remember that time when you were very sick, that was actually your body rejecting the implant. It’s between the two front balls of your right foot go ahead, squeeze it. Hear that crunch? Don’t worry that implant finished it’s job long ago. Do you remember the first time you got into a fight? We drugged you, doped you up a little. The outcome was almost inevitable. The speeding ticket and that girl who dumped you when things seemed so good were results of our sublime coercion too. They’re more closely realated than you can ever imagine. The blood of children will be on your hands soon enough and you can’t stop it. The only consolation that we can offer is that it was never really your fault. You’re just a puppet on some very long strings. By the way, you might want to stay away from salt for a while.

  1032. G Says:

    Joey did anyone ever tell you that… your not human?

  1033. Joey Says:

    I accept that as a reasonable possibility.

  1034. G Says:

    Your not even a animal or bacteria or anything like that, your not even a alien, your my genetic expierement….. one of many, your Number 9831, part of the expierement was to send you to live with humans..

  1035. Joey Says:

    ….so that’s why I have 9831 tattoed on the inside of my eyelid.

  1036. dupersude Says:


    This couple had taken people captive and drugged them into zombies, literally. The people had no idea what they were doing and slaved on a sugar plantation for this couple for months i believe, months or years.
    The flaw was that if the zombies ingested salt, it would cause a chemical reaction in their blood and snap them out of it.
    One day the wife decided to take some peanut brittle or some shit out to her hard working zombies, a nice sweet for some odd fucking reason. I mean, what person in their right mind would feed their slaves a treat?! who cares about them! they’re zombies!
    Stupid bitch didn’t realise there was salt in the nuts or some shit
    And all the people woke up wondering why the fuck they were there and what happened.
    True story
    tl;dr: Salt makes zombies normal again.

  1037. dupersude Says:

    But… G…

  1038. Joey Says:

    Yes. Unless they’re the re-dead kind.

  1039. Joey Says:

    I’m just that good. I’m an unstoppable force of nature.

  1040. dupersude Says:

    Redeads are from Zelda and are not hyphenated.

  1041. Joey Says:

    Yes…redeads…..the evil little things that attempt to hump you.

  1042. G Says:

    joey remember your first girl friend?

  1043. G Says:

    she was 9832

  1044. Joey Says:

    Where is she? Tell me G-man.

  1045. G Says:

    oh i know where she is… i got tracking devices on all 160,090,040 of you, you don’t need to know where she is.

  1046. G Says:

    btw got any gf’s now are, are you married?

  1047. Joey Says:

    *takes a step closer* You will tell me.

  1048. G Says:

    joey, joey, jowy, you can’t hurt me, your brainwashed to not be able to hurt me,

  1049. Joey Says:

    *swings fist and stops an inch away from Gs face* You son of a bitch.

  1050. dupersude Says:

    Son… I am dissapoint

  1051. G Says:

    even if you could, that was just my hologram… am actually not even on this planet….. not even in this solar system, not even in this galaxy… am in andromeda….

  1052. Joey Says:

    I will hunt you down, and find a way to stop you. I will find her. You have been warned.

  1053. dupersude Says:

    Andromeda? Oh yeah I’ve been there a couple times. Hey, G, you been to that restraunt down the road from 34th street? My brother works there.

  1054. G Says:

    yes i have, isn’t that the place where they serve roast human? and roast ringles. For those that don’t now ringles are a small little highly deelicious “alien” found on planet furgle

  1055. Joey Says:

    Good. Now I have a starting point.

  1056. G Says:

    why do you want to know where your gf is anyways?

  1057. Joey Says:

    (Y’know it’s like one of those big heroic quest thingys. You’re obviously evil, and I’m the good guy, who’s trying to kill you and get the girl.)

  1058. G Says:

    But am the good guy….. i even got a a medal for being the most goodest person throughout the universe.

  1059. dupersude Says:

    Yeah yeah! That’s the joint! Great view of the solar lake from the front balcony. He’s hauling in billions of Yoohd’s from that business.
    For those who don’t know the yoohd is now the official universal currency.
    And 76 percent of statistics are made up on the spot.

  1060. Joey Says:

    Precisely. The “good guy” is the good puplic figure, but really they’re evil.

  1061. Joey Says:


  1062. Michael Says:

    Wait… you should all know that Joey doesn’t have a girlfriend. Never had, and never will.

    Sons… I am disappoint.

    On a side note, Huzzah!

  1063. Joey Says:

    You’re just upset that I revealed the conspiracy to you.

  1064. I have a space ship. It’s called the ebon hawk, I found it crashed in the swamp, but repairs are done. You can have it, and solid snake(for protection) joey.

  1065. Joey Says:

    I can haz Solid Snake? I don’t wanna have a haert attack…..

  1066. Joey Says:


  1067. Take him. You deserve it.

  1068. Take care of the ship and keep me posted if anything happens. I’ll be somewhere else.

  1069. Joey Says:

    Join me. We must Unite the people and lead the Alliance Rebellion against the Dark Lord, G-man.

  1070. Michael Says:

    Rebellion? Does my super sensitive senses sense war? HIATUSERS! TONIGHT WE DINE IN HIATUS!


  1071. Joey Says:

    Wait…. whos side are you on?

  1072. We have a new ally.

  1073. Michael Says:

    I’m not on your side, Joey. *Stabs you*

  1074. Michael Says:

    Almost forgot, HUZZAH!

  1075. Time to test the anti material sniper rifle. *Puts micheal’s head in sights*

  1076. Michael Says:

    I’m a God! How could you kill a God?!

    Also, I’m made of radiation. You can’t kill me.

  1077. woops. You’re leaking- GAK! whumpf!

  1078. Jackrabbit Says:

    And now for something, completely different.

  1079. KingFrozen - No longer dissapointed Says:

    How are we all?…

    … (Pauses for answer)

    I’m fine, thanks. Its always the fuck about you isn’t it.

  1080. dupersude Says:

    SRG: Ally? Michael is one of the oldest of the Hiatus Crew. Dare you imply otherwise?!
    And joey.. You can run, but you cannot hide.
    We are anonymous.
    Anonymous is legion.
    We do not forgive.
    We do not forget.

  1081. dupersude Says:

    I am not anonymous as a whole. Nobody is.
    I am a part of Anonymous. The fact that I have a name means nothing, millions of the other members of Anonymous also have nicknames on many sites. Only newfags use “anon” or “anonymous” as a username.

    • Aspgren Says:

      I am very familiar with anonymous thank you very much. As an oldfag myself I must say that I strongly disagree with what you say.

      I hold nothing but contempt for you right now since you bring this “legion” stuff outside of the boards.
      I wouldn’t recommend it. In fact I’m not even continuing this discussion.

      Good day.

  1082. dupersude Says:

    Indeed. Oldfag you say? Should have seen it coming.
    You can be a prick sometimes… 😉

    • Aspgren Says:

      Fun story: being an all around nice and gentle guy gives you nothing.

      Being a prick magically gets you stuff. Admiration, sex and money. Weird isn’t it?
      Besides it’s fun.

  1083. dupersude Says:

    All good things in moderation I say.
    I’m mostly a nice-guy. Not afraid to cry. Screw the stereotype.
    And bam, I have a girlfriend. I have enough friends, and no conflicts in life. So your logic is kind of flawed.

    But I do agree it can be fun…

    • Aspgren Says:

      Personal experience = logic? It works for me man. I’m not being a total jackass to everyone I meet of course that won’t get you anywhere.

      But being a prick and a jackass some of the time, like about 40%? not that I keep track I just act like I feel like, when I feel like it.

      Guess it also depends on what you wanna get out of life and your circumstances and whatnot, really though. Honestly straight from the heart bro, I used to be the nr.1 nice guy, I got friends who were such nice guys it was ridiculous. We all got screwed over big time.

      Now one’s a football hooligan, one’s a tattoo freak and I’m a prick. We get more out of life now than ever before.

      Guess Australia and Sweden are two pretty different places huh? Not only in climate that is… speaking of flawed logic. You mentioned something about an incredibly mean girl you dated, did you change since then? If you didn’t then you can’t really attribute your current (and perhaps temporary) happiness to you being a nice guy. Just sayin’

      … why must good things come in moderation though? After a bangin’ steak I want an equally bangin’ dessert!

    • Aspgren Says:

      also do forgive if i’m all over the place.

      I’m always like that. I’m still the nicest guy many people run into around here, yet I’m an incredible prick with such dark secrets you wouldn’t imagine.

      I’m a true gemini.

  1084. dupersude Says:

    First/second paragraphs, that’s what i meant. Being a dick all/most of the time won’t work. You build up bad connections with lots of people, then theres a chain reaction… etc.

    I guess I used to be somewhat like that a few years back. I sat around not really trying to get into the game with wiminz, just listened to them. I got a lot of close hot woman friends like that but the problem was they only ever saw me as a “brother” kind of figure. Nothing was ever going to happen with any of them. So like i said, moderation.

    I haven’t “changed” exactly. She changed me when we dated. Not so much personality-wise but more habitually. Couldn’t play xbox, couldn’t stay up past this time, couldn’t sleep in past this time, couldn’t talk to these people, couldn’t watch porn. Any porn. /wrist.
    Obviously when we broke up I went back to doing every single fucking one of those things.
    But aside from that, no change.

    That’s cool, but you can’t have a huge “bangin'” steak followed by a “bangin'” desert *every* night. Especially if your breakfast and lunch are going to be just the same every day. That’d be a poor diet. 😛

    Forgiven, indeed. By “all over the place” do you mean the whole jumping-from-prick-to-nice-guy thing?
    Yeah, Everybody has their own dark secrets. Lol.

    My mothers a gemini.

    • Aspgren Says:

      oh hey i’m using the reply button. up yours guys!

      No. I do not apologize for the way I behave in any way, I merely meant if it was hard to follow my train of thought. I tend to be quite descriptive but my descriptions aren’t always conclusive. Thus I think it will confuse people.

      It rarely does, I ask regardless.

      You know what I mean with a bangin’ steak followed by a bangin’ dessert. I don’t mean to have a feast everyday, that would be foolish and remove the whole point of a feast.

      No what I meant is simply this. I quote an unknown swede in saying “Life is too short to eat a bad cheese.” and that means I ain’t going to eat any food I don’t like.
      I don’t care if it’s rude, I don’t care if you insist. If it tastes like shit, I’m not eating it. If someone rubs me the wrong way, screw them.
      If a deal doesn’t suit me. Any deal. Fuck it.

      I’m a nice guy. I sing babies to their sleep, I donate blood and if you drop your wallet you’ll get it from me first. You in trouble? Call my number. (this isn’t an offer. i hate you guys, my number is reserved for my friends)

      I don’t get pushed around though. There are no free lunches in my restaurant unless I feel like it. In fact I might not give your wallet back at all, I just might keep it if I feel like it.

      That’s where the difference is being made son. Nice guys get pushed around, pricks don’t. So sometimes it works out for nice guys, they find a good life. Trouble is they’re still nice guys, like you.

      Truth be told if you’re a nice guy you don’t see anything wrong with say … clipping your girlfriends toenails.
      A thing like that is horrible though. Unless you’re a trained pediatricist and you know your way around her toes better than she does – there is no reason in the world she couldn’t do it herself.

      “It’d be so sweet.” she might say but it’s really about dominance. Like she wants to feel pampered. She wants you to help her feel special. So that means it’s more about her than about you. She pushes you around and you don’t even know it, then she gets bored since you’re such a push-over and break up.

      I know that’s a generalisation and relationships are far more complicated than that (giving, recieving, etc) but it’s still true.
      Nice guys get used, abused and ultimately finish last. So don’t be a really nice guy.

      Also I don’t have any stereotypes about nice guys crying, tough guys not crying … etc. If the hardest biker you’d ever meet finds out his mother has passed away will he cry? Yeah.
      It’s not about macho attitude, it’s not about image, it’s not about stereotypes or anything like that.

      It’s about dominance and power. Things it’s “not nice” to hold over others.

      (by the way “macho” originally means a man who is dependable and can provide for his family sorta. the expression has undergone a serious metamorphosis)

      • Aspgren Says:

        TL;DR: Nice guys gets pushed around. I suspect you will be once again.

        Pricks don’t get pushed around. Atleast I hope so cuz I’m one.

      • Joey Says:

        Jesus was a nice guy. Look what happened to him. I think God has mental issues.

  1085. G Says:

    Some Random guy i knew you would help joey, i knew from the day i saw you, i knew from you helpful anti-good activities, i also knew because your Joey’s twin brother (don’t tell joey) He was 9828, the oldest of you all… So including some random guy and joey there are another 2, you were quadruplets…. you would have been genetically identical, but i changed you around…

  1086. dupersude Says:

    Oh god here we go. That’s my cue to leave, Goodnight!

  1087. G Says:

    “Everybody has their own dark secrets”

    Prove it, get everybody in th world, make them swallow a truth pill and ask if they have A) dark secrets. B) any secret.

    There has to be someone who hasn’t got A and maybe even B.

  1088. G Says:

    that’s my cue to bring you back.

  1089. Joey Says:

    So…. this is how the Federation falls. You will go down G. Also, Micheal, G made us. We’re stronger than puny knives or radiation. We’re stronger than gods. Goat help you. Goat help you all.

  1090. Joey Says:

    Some-one’s gonna get pissed about all these comments………..

  1091. I’m… Still alive… barely. Radiation hurts but it didn’t kill me.

  1092. Joey Says:

    *helps srg up and gives him some radaway* It’s ok. G’ll be over in a few more comments at this rate. He’s unraveling the story WAY to quickly.

  1093. Also: I was gonna be the one to reveal that joey and I were actually twins dammit! You evil G! *coff coff coff!*

  1094. Joey Says:

    See, told you you were evil G.

  1095. Joey Says:

    Also: technically quadruplets.

  1096. G Says:

    Yes, i do seem to be revealing the story too quickly….. so.. Some Random Guy how was the radiation dose? did you like it? you survived that’s because, you are like Wolverine from x-men, you can heal really fast, and never age, but you don’t have claws the senses and the general coolness that Wolverine has.

    Do you two remember when you were 1? when you 2 along with the other 2 were on a plane…..

  1097. G Says:

    “Micheal, G made us. We’re stronger than puny knives or radiation. We’re stronger than gods. Goat help you. Goat help you all.”

    Your not stonger then gods, stong of course, but am not going to reveal your strength then you, but Michael just as strong.

  1098. G Says:

    Ahhh the spaceship in the swamp a bit outdated, don’t either of you remember that as well? tch pitiful.

  1099. G Says:

    must resist updating story, must resist, ahhh where is everybodY????

  1100. Michael Says:

    Will you please Shut the hell up? I’m getting spammed with e-mails! Gonna unsubscribe now..

  1101. G Says:

    yay, A organic.

  1102. Fear Says:

    Hi, this is a intresting blog, loving the comments, got bored most of the time, but i read most of them.

  1103. Fear Says:

    Could someone tell me more about this “hiatus Crew”?

  1104. G Says:

    hmmm, hi.

  1105. G Says:

    you need to have 3 invites to join

  1106. G Says:

    i don’t want anything, what gave you that impression, punch? sure go for it.

  1107. G Says:

    cya later … due to unforseen circumstances you’ll have to punch me laater.

  1108. Aspgren Says:

    gonna have to put an I.O.U on that one. if you’re ever in sweden ask for aspgren and i’ll punch you.

    everyone’s happy. i’m beating it now though (pun intended) i’m gonna play some videogames

  1109. Jackrabbit Says:

    Well, Fear, the Hiatus Crew is composed of those who have made the almost forgotten blog of LiO their own, commenting when no one else will in a misguided and probably foolish attempt to keep this blog alive. I’m proud to be one of them. If you want to join, post here regularly and then maybe we’ll let you in if we like you. I guess. I don’t know how it works.

    I like Popsicles….

  1110. Joey Says:

    Why doesn’t any-one here like me?

  1111. Michael Says:

    Because you fail at life.

  1112. Joey Says:

    Close but no cigar.

  1113. Jackrabbit Says:

    I actually have no idea. OHWAIT. I do have a smidgen. It’s because the rest of the crew get pissed off at people using the reply button, and replying to month old posts. Other than that, I don’t think they hate you. I don’t.

  1114. Joey Says:

    Yes, but until I’d read up to this point I didn’t even know you guys existed. I said I was sorry. (Didn’t I?). And I’ll stop replying. I actually said, and I quote “I’ll never reply again”.

  1115. dupersude Says:

    Yeah then theres also the rate at which you were replying and how lulzy those posts were. Which was not lulzy at all.

  1116. Joey Says:

    Meh. No lulz is better than no lulz at all.

  1117. dupersude Says:

    Yeah you achieved the latter

  1118. Joey Says:

    Damn….. hmm. I canhaz cakez for good effortz?

  1119. dupersude Says:

    Son… I am disapoint.

  1120. Joey Says:

    *Dissapoint. Son, I am dissapoint.

  1121. Jackrabbit Says:

    I think it doesn’t matter how it’s spelled as long as disappointment is the outcome.

  1122. dupersude Says:

    First of all, spellcheck will disagree.
    Second of all, WordPress won’t let me post that because apparently it’s a “duplicate post”.

  1123. Joey Says:


  1124. G Says:

    hmmm, hi

  1125. Joey Says:


  1126. G Says:

    oh i forgot to tell you…. Fear is one of my pet expierements…..

  1127. Joey Says:

    Ah. Or is he you? You graet unraveler of stories.

  1128. I feel a lot better actually. After I stopped glowing and read the current post, I stabbed myself with a kitchen knife 12 times. In the heart. I stopped breathing for 10 seconds but I healed. Anyway, I read a zombie book last night, the walking dead, was good. Anyone here know it?

  1129. Joey Says:


    Also, why’d you stab yourself? You hate me that much?

  1130. G said I’m like wolverine, I was just testing that.

  1131. Joey Says:

    Ah. Read the book to me.

  1132. I can’t. Because A)It’s frickin huge. B)It’s a graphic novel. Get the hardcover edition.

  1133. Joey Says:

    No. YOU.

  1134. I allready have! What took so-… I uh, gotta take a shit. sorry.

  1135. Joey Says:

    Took your time.

  1136. Back. So how are we going to locate G?

  1137. Joey Says:

    Your cousins resteraunt?

  1138. Yeah, It’s a front for a top secret squad of badass commandoes’ base. They can help.

  1139. Joey Says:

    Seriously? I was just gonna say, ’cause he eats there, but that’ll work too I suppose.

  1140. Oh… Yeah. My cousin is an ultra hacker, he could trace G by his posts.

  1141. G Says:

    Yes, your cousin could, but he would just find a adress in England which has my clone writing these messages.

  1142. Joey Says:

    Can’t we just wait for him to come in. Then follow him.

  1143. Joey Says:

    If the robot eats the food, you get no nourisment.

  1144. Shh, we’re being watched. I have to go.

  1145. G Says:

    you can’t follow me…

  1146. Joey Says:

    Yes. It’s the only way to further the plot.

  1147. G Says:

    ok, but you will have to lose me, then you’ll have to go around a wild goose chase, with lots of action and maybe some chicks, though i don’t think you’ll be getting the hot babes

  1148. Found him! He’s in the atari nebula! Watch out for quantum zombies on your way there. You’ll see what I mean when you enter hyperspace.

  1149. Aw crap there are black ops soldiers outside, I need to leave NOW. I’ll keep you posted if I have time.

  1150. Joey Says:

    *leaps into the space-ship and flies* Ah, shit! Quantum Zombies!

    On another note: SRG is with me ’cause we all know “The good guy gets the girl”.

    Hides in the resteraunt, waiting for G too show.

  1151. Michael Says:

    This is the cancer that is killing LiO.

  1152. Joey Says:

    Just be glad it’s not as bad as the cancer tha killed my uncle.

  1153. I do believe joey called me a woman. As micheal once said, ” FFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU”

  1154. Shit they’re tracing me by my posts. gtg.

  1155. Joey Says:

    SRG….. I was saying that you’re on my side bacause YOU WANT TO GET THE GIRL. OMFG.

  1156. Joey Says:


    In other news, why the fuck aren’t comments showing up?

  1157. Michael Says:

    Because you once again fail at life.

  1158. Joey Says:

    There we go. Tnanks MichEAl.

  1159. Joey Says:

    I’m so dead.

  1160. Aspgren Says:

    it was more fun to neglect the fuck out of you guys and post my own blog, than to hang out.

    maybe maximus is due for a reincarnation

  1161. KingFrozen Says:

    Sooo… Many…. Posts….

    Seriosly… cant you do this over a few days? Or MSN?

    Like, you have no life. I’m sorry. I bet half of you play WoW.

  1162. Jackrabbit Says:

    Don’t break the rules! Maximus is as dead as a thing that is dead and will remain so. As for the flurry of posts, I agree, what do you all sit here refreshing the site every few seconds?

    • Aspgren Says:

      yes he is dead. i wont play any more fallout 3, i’m sick of it

      theres a difference between reincarnation and ressurection

      also. reply button hooo!

  1163. dupersude Says:

    This is why SRG and Joey are not in the crew. And probably never will be.
    I agree with michael. That shit is the cancer that’s killing LiO.

  1164. Jackrabbit Says:

    NOOO! Don’t say crap like that, it makes me feel like I’m on /b/. And besides, LiO is dead anyway. We’re just beating it with a stick.

  1165. dupersude Says:

    LiO isn’t dead! It’s a vivid and thriving community!

  1166. Joey Says:

    A) WoW is something I’d never touch B) I do other stuff. But I recently have nothing better to do than stay on the comp all day. Sad, I know.

  1167. Jackrabbit Says:

    LiO is a dead dodo and we are the termites. Unless termites don’t eat dead dodos. But that would be stupid, what termite would turn it’s feelers up at a dodo? And yes. That is sad

  1168. Joey Says:

    But dodos are extinct. Are you saying that there will never be another attempt at something like this?

  1169. Jackrabbit Says:

    No. LiO is as dead as an extinct animal that is dead.

  1170. Joey Says:

    As much as hate it, I have to agree. I just wish that he’d at least say some-where, that he’d given up on it. Here’s an idea. One of you lot with the computer version get the mods that he got, and make a character EXACTLY like Nondrick, and continue the story.

  1171. Jackrabbit Says:

    What? Are you kidding? Do you even know what you’ve suggested? Go sit in a corner and thank Goat that’s all that’ll happen. Until the crew sees that.

  1172. Joey Says:

    It was a JOKE.

  1173. Jackrabbit Says:

    Didn’t translate well via the interweb buddy. I’m off now, I’ve got better things to do.

  1174. Joey Says:

    Ok, fair enough. I can think of no worse things to do than to sit here chatting to me.

  1175. I would do that. But, I have it on 360 and would feel stupid buying it for pc as well 😛

  1176. Joey Says:

    I have it on Xbox too. I tried attempting something like this on the 360 version, and I just can’t stick at it. If I had those mods though? THEN I’d be able to stick at it.

  1177. dupersude Says:

    I have the PC version, but I don’t have a great computer. Truth is it would look like shit. Or lag a lot. I know it wouldnt matter for those reading the blog, but, i HATE lag.
    Not to mention, chris walked everywhere. Never ran. Unless from danger. And I could never do that, it’d be hell.

  1178. dupersude Says:

    Let me rephrase that, I have the PC AND xbox 360 versions.

  1179. Joey Says:

    Precisley. Imagine what he went through. THAT’S why he stopped.

  1180. dupersude Says:

    That may be why he stopped, it’s almost certainly why he slowed down posting.
    He might have stopped though because he reached his huge drop off, he made the potion. He wasn’t sure whether or not to drink it, because on the one hand, drinking it would mean success! But on the other, it was everything he had strived for, and he’d broken some of his rules to get it. Not to mention if he DID use the potion, it would mean going back to pointless alchemy. He probably forgot the whole point of the Non-adventure in the first place, or lost interest in it, i.e to prove that you could survive as an npc in oblivion.
    Chances are he lost sight of that, and looked at what was to come as senseless grinding. And what would happen once he reached 100 alchemy? Would he continue to roam the country side and search for ingredients in order to make potions to sell? To what end?

    Yeah, I’m not going to try and do a Chris-Imitation.
    Not only could I not put up with the lack of running etc. I don’t have Chris’ humour. I don’t think any of us do. He’s just too magical.

  1181. dupersude Says:


  1182. Aspgren Says:

    hm. a thought struck me.

    The Dodo bird is extinct, right? But is it dead?

    I mean there’s not a single dead body left. Some skeletal remains perhaps but there’s no flesh. No corpse. No one who knows what the hell they sounded like.

    It’s kinda like it isn’t DEAD it has passed on into nothingness … into oblivion.
    I mean we can’t really. Y’know. It’s just gone. When someone’s dead there’s still a body, is there perhaps a more clever way of describing what I mean? life>death>oblivion kinda but I don’t have the words.

    ALSO Joey? That kind of thinking “we’re not magical enough, all hail the emperor” is precisely what will make me a god one day. I doubt that Chris didn’t see a point in the whole alchemy thing though, see what he has done is to travel from town to town and try to be a gentle alchemy dude.
    It’s not about the ingredients or portions it’s about him encountering every single easter egg or silly thingamajigg in the game and staring at it like a fish – before rapidly disappearing out of sight.

    Chris has played this game like a soccer mom plays peggle, you and I both know that the incident with the pirates was not an accident. At best we can pretend he 100% roleplayed it but I’d like to think he’s following some kind of script. or he’s really good at roleplaying.

    I’ve forgotten basically everything about morrowind so that’s why it’d be fun to give Maximus a reincarnation. All I remember really is:
    >Vivec is so fucking big. So fucking, fucking big and I hate it I hate it I hate it.
    >You die very easily so the blog will probably consist of:
    1. Jokes about Jub.
    2. Here I am! The island of morrowind!
    3. CLIFFRACER! AAAGH A- *gurgle*

    the end

    Dodo bird = extinct. Extinction > Death?
    Joey can begin worshipping me now.
    Nondrick has some gas left.
    Morrowind sucks kinda but I like it anyway.

  1183. Joey Says:

    Uh, that was dupersude, not me, who said that we’re not magical enough.

  1184. Aspgren Says:


    you can still worship me if you want, though.

    no there wont be cookies

  1185. Joey Says:

    Hmmm. No cookies. That’s a toughy. What about cocoa and awesome hot sauce?

  1186. Aspgren Says:

    no i’m a cheap bastard and you will worship me like i am.

    uncompromising and cruel. bow before my iron fist and take it like a shy schoolgirl! my worshippers get NOTHING

  1187. Joey Says:

    Hmmm. I’ll have to stick with alternating between Goat and Sheogorath. Thanks for the offer though.

  1188. dupersude Says:

    What i meant was the way he makes jokes is magical. Not literally “magical”, i dont believe in mana and all that bullshit. He’s just funny.
    You have funny original people on the internet, and then you have those that copy said funny original people and attempt to make similar blogs in the hope of forming their own lulz in their own name….
    totally not looking at anyone here.

    • Aspgren Says:

      Do i -really- have to explain that I of course didn’t mean magical that way?

      You’re officially a retard.

      Also my idea was totally original 😦 it wasnt about a gimmick in a game it was simply put, me blogging about my first time trying out a game.
      It’s actually something that bugs me. People who record let’s plays and such often know the stages and stuff beforehand. I wish I had recorded one when I played condemned: criminal origins.

      I shat so many bricks that no doubt it would have been hilarious to listen to me narrating and going AGAGH! when shit goes down.

  1189. dupersude Says:

    Also joey, you aren’t getting a choice.
    Get on your knees.

  1190. Joey Says:

    Dupersude……that sounded…..wrong.

  1191. Michael Says:

    It’s just you Joey, who thinks of BJ’s when he’s actually talking about prayers. Also, I hope dupersude meant that you have to worship The Holy Goat Of Holy Divinity. Who would worship Aspgren anyway?

  1192. Joey Says:

    Exactly. I said, an I quote, “I’ll have to stick with alternating between Goat and Sheogorath. Thanks for the offer though.” You see? I’m the good guy here. And it DID sound wrong though.

  1193. I am afraid I must agree with it sounding wrong, and what’s with all this shit about me and joey eh?

  1194. dupersude Says:

    It was supposed to sound wrong.
    It’s only gay if you give the blowjob.
    Joey is now my bitch.

  1195. Hahaha Suck it, Joey!
    Now choose what way to take this and post your comment.

  1196. Jackrabbit Says:

    No prizes for guessing how he’s going to take it.

  1197. Joey Says:

    Hmmm…. I guess I’m gonna have to say “no”.

  1198. Jackrabbit Says:

    Huh, I thought he’d make a joke about anal sex.

  1199. Aspgren Says:

    I once made out with a dude.

    It was fun. I was surprised that he had such a strong tongue, way better than making out with girls.

    I would never have sex with him though. My experimentation stopped there, it’s my limit.

    I’m saying this because I got some homophobic vibes from you guys and therefore the story will bother you. So I shared. hah.

    • G Says:


  1200. Joey Says:

    Meh. Your life, your gayness.

  1201. dupersude Says:

    Did you really make out with a guy, or was that fabricated to creep those guys out ?

  1202. Aspgren Says:

    Anyone wanna get in on this? Michael I’m looking at you.

  1203. Joey Says:

    At least you’re not looking at me.

  1204. dupersude Says:

    I know a guy that made out with a guy once, except, he thought the guy was a woman.
    Seriously, they woke up next to each other after a drunken party-night, my friend lay there feeling the other guys boobs. Yeah, the other guy was fat enough to have boobs which could compare to a D-Cup. And then he reaches over and starts making up, THEN decides to open his eyes… Lol.

  1205. dupersude Says:

    No lies, all true. He couldn’t believe what he did himself. I lol’d

  1206. dupersude Says:

    I have an ominous feeling that some crew members’ email inboxes are going to be very full in the morning…

    In other news, I’m off to bed. Night.

  1207. Joey Says:

    *releases the bear from Condemned 2* Mwuhahahahahaha!

  1208. Aspgren Says:

    … joey that had nothing to do with anything.

    Gosh I actually didn’t hate your guts for a second. Fuck you. I hate you. I’m also off.

  1209. Joey Says:

    Ok. Seeya.

  1210. My god. I honestly almost threw up.

  1211. Joey Says:

    Yes…..”LORO” indeed.

  1212. Tharrong the King Says:

    You guys…SUCK! And im out all the great people are leaving so am I Thanks for spreading the Cancer Joey and rest we hate you…

    All Hail the king! (me)

  1213. Joey Says:

    ……Th(arr)ong… LAWL. I’m not a cancer. I’m a bored Nondrick enthusiast.

  1214. G Says:

    tharrong you can’t leave, sorry joey but your now outcasted away………… and you don’t even know what loro means… lol

  1215. Joey Says:

    So. I can comment ALL I want. You can’t block me. You forgot. You don’t own the site.

  1216. Tharrong the King Says:

    But why cant i? G… So many people has left Green lanter (while i understand he had to go make a movie! ) and all the rest look who has bin posting for the last few weeks and youll notice only joey you dupersude and thats bout it! no midgets (not even 1 of them) or any show of the others! I am retreating to the forums in hope its still alive!

  1217. Joey Says:

    I’m on the forum too. If you want to make an enemy of me then do so. But you’ll become extinct that way. Unless you practice inbreeding.

  1218. G Says:

    Green lantern’s left? how dare he, yes i think that’s a good idea retreat to the forums, and get new players in this, funny people who arn’ annoying princks in the anal.

  1219. Aspgren Says:

    In the forums you have no power Joey, you’ll get banned for being annoying.

    I’m retreating there too, posting in this comment box is like beating a dead horse. Fun at first but later… meh.
    It’d be cool if we could keep a serious conversation but spam such as “win!” and whatnot just … *sigh* screw you. Bye.

  1220. Joey Says:

    I don’t want you guys to hate me. But if you want to hate me then what can I do?

  1221. G Says:

    Also LORO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1222. Aspgren Says:

    Ease up on the spam, try to be relevant and funny. This isn’t a chatroom, it’s a comment box.

    See you in the forums maybe. Bye. For real.

  1223. Joey Says:

    Yes. Indeed.

  1224. Joey Says:

    For realz.

  1225. G Says:

    yes ease up on the spam…. hmmm… anyhu loro means…

  1226. Joey Says:

    So… does this mean we can get along?

  1227. G Says:

    no, it doesn’t we don’t represent the rest of the hiatus crew, they have various opinions and views and they may disagree or agree with what we say.

  1228. Joey Says:

    No, I mean can WE get along? Me and you?

  1229. G Says:

    i don’t know, i’m a sheep i follow what the popular people do.

  1230. Joey Says:

    Hmm. Don’t sheep get eaten a lot?

  1231. G Says:

    sheep are friends with goats… we don’t get eaten, the goat told US to get eaten.

  1232. Joey Says:

    Oh. Now it all makes sense. Goat is a cruel and merciless God.

  1233. G Says:

    dont dare offend goat. he’s a friend

  1234. Joey Says:

    What? That wasn’t an insult. I like the way he runs his establishment.

  1235. Plinar Says:

    Well guys, I have to admit this page is starting to melt my brains. I’ve been trying to get through this for the past few hours, and I’m not even a third of the way in! I’m still in May! I’m currently in conference with my team of sherpas the best way to continue the climb.

    Seriously, what was up with Jaded Empath? Seemed to me like Cobra Commander, RANDOMLY capitalisng WORDS like something OUT of a Star Wars TEXT crawl.

    I’ll post some more when we recieve more oxygen containers from a resupply helicopter, and have made camp before nightfall at least another hundred feet up the posts.

  1236. Methinks we may have another ally.

  1237. Joey Says:

    Mayhap, mayhap.

  1238. Joey Says:

    That’s how we roll.

  1239. Plinar Says:

    Woah, why is my avatar not shaped like a psychedelic rug?

  1240. Because The holy force of goat has deemed you to be it’s proxy in the coming war.

  1241. Plinar Says:

    @some random guy: Aye, my disposal is at your services. Strike that, reverse it.

  1242. Plinar Says:

    Who, pray tell, is the enemy in the coming war? The evil forces of Jaded and NancyMarie seem defeated…

  1243. The hiatus crew mistakenly thinks us to be a cancer, and have pledged war. They must be defeated. Plus G stole joey’s girlfriend.

    • Joey Says:

      He stole her memories. Like she’d choose him over me. Meh. Also, I think they only hate me. You can free yourself now, if you wish.


  1245. Joey Says:


  1246. lemon boy Says:

    wooowwww, its so weird coming back here after months away, the hiatus crew that i quarreled with so long ago have crumbled and disappeared. joey seems to have replaced vadermath as king of the comments section and everything is knew 😦 this must be how it feels to be old

  1247. Plinar Says:

    Woah woah woah, “quarrelled with”? Is this the Second Coming? The Return of It-About-Which-We-Don’t-Like-Talking-‘Bout?

    • lemon boy Says:

      i was never jaded empire 🙂 i was before his time, i admire his work, though his arguments always seemed a little long winded whilst i preferred multiple names and confusing thee hiatus crew. plus i never really wanted rid of them, i enjoyed arguing and confusing them 🙂

  1248. Joey Says:

    NO. Me king? I know lots who’d disagree. The Hiatus crew have there own site. It’s in Putzys name.

  1249. Joey Says:

    I’m lost.

  1250. lemon boy Says:

    plus @aspergen, if you still read this, sorry to see the adventures of maximus come to an end, i was one of your longest commenting readers and miss him and his bald patch.

  1251. Joey Says:

    He JUST stopped reading. Kinda.

  1252. lemon boy Says:

    hahaha, yeh i went under a few names and we had some fun times pissing each other off over a couple of comment sections 🙂 no this isnt a second coming i was just shocked at how the social hierarchy had changed.

    @ joey- your name was just the one that seemed to come up the most 🙂

  1253. Joey Says:

    I have a lot of time on my hands recently. High-five. The Hiatus Crew believe me to be a cancer.

  1254. Joey Says:

    Do I have an ally in you?

  1255. lemon boy Says:

    ahh, yes i was once considered to be a blite on “their” comment section once too

  1256. lemon boy Says:

    i dont intend to start arguig with them agin im afraid, i just remembered this blog after a few months without checking it. kinda hoped there would be an update 🙂 haha, though if you wanna see my handy work i went under the names lemon boy killa chinchilla, gumpzilla, the lab coat, cmot dibbler, combat wombat, nancy marie random hippo, franky, el mano, and pretty much anyone who was pissing the hiatus creww off in the previous posts. it was pretty much all me using different names

  1257. lemon boy Says:

    my days are over sir, its like zorro, i pass the mask onto you, though you seem to be doing a pretty good job already 🙂

  1258. Joey Says:

    You’re CMOT and Wombat, and nancy marie? WAIT. Nancy marie was Jadeds “wife”.

    • lemon boy Says:

      lol, well i was the original nancy, i only used the name once coz i didnt like the picture i used with iti havent read alot of this comment section so i dunno much of whats been said 🙂

  1259. Joey Says:

    Hmm. Your comments not turning up. But still, he said you were his wife.

  1260. Joey Says:

    Damn you! You shall pay for this!

  1261. Jackrabbit Says:

    Wait, lemon, you think that:

    a) The Hiatus Crew is dead
    b) Joey rules the comments section

    How the hell did you arrive at that hypothesis? Firstly, the Hiatus Crew is still going strong. Secondly, Joey posts every five minutes or so, because he apparently sits there, refreshing the screen every few second. Posting the most does not mean you rule the comments. You need a well organized group with their own whack job religion to do that. If you still don’t get it, you need US.

    Also, you had multiple profiles, trying to confuse us? That’d have been a good idea if half your profiles weren’t agreeing with the other half. That just makes it sad because all you could find to agree with you was you.

    • lemon boy Says:

      dude, i dont even remember you but wtf! you werent even there and i was just having fun. Its not like im doing it anymore

  1262. Jackrabbit Says:

    Also, this coffee is delicious. Make of that what you will.

  1263. Joey Says:

    Coffe? I’d like a cup of tea. Maybe cocao.

  1264. Jackrabbit Says:

    Nah. Coffee all the way. Also, to clear this all up, I don’t hate you at all.

  1265. Joey Says:

    Ok, your taste buds. Also, clearing it up? Ok, I know I’m not “king of the comments section”, and I don’t really want to be. I just want peace in Lio, by any means necessary.

  1266. Joey Says:

    I’m going to get a cup of tea….

    On another note: I don’t usually sit at the computer all day, but recently I have nothing, y’hear me NOTHING better to do. No things. To do. Better than this. I don’t refresh the page, either. I get E-mails.

  1267. Joey Says:

    Damnit. No milk.

  1268. Jackrabbit Says:

    Dontcha hate that?

  1269. Joey Says:

    Oh, but of course.

  1270. hey some guy calling himself jaded is apologizing to us on thc. dont know if its fo reelz, though.

  1271. Joey Says: I think it’s Lemon, messin’ with’ya. Check out the site. It rawkz.

  1272. Jackrabbit Says:

    It’s not Jaded, it’s Lemon, who explicitly stated he was not Jaded.

    • lemon boy Says:

      fuck off im not doing anything, i left a few apologies to some of the old hiatus crew that i used to taunt but i left them under the name “lemon boy” i already said im not this jaded bloke.

  1273. Anyone want to go for 2000 comments? I think it’s possible.

  1274. Jackrabbit Says:

    Only if we reach it legitimatly, without double posting.

  1275. Joey Says:

    Of course it’s possible.

  1276. XChillaGorillaX Says:

    ok Hiatus Crew!
    This is the ultimate Hiatus-Storygame!
    everybody wries a small part of the same story. let me Begin.

    A long Time ago, when there were only 3 different midgets on the whole world, some random guy said…

  1277. We only have 4 computers! Someone must die, let’s draw straws!

  1278. dupersude Says:

    One day, one single fucking day, twenty four hours, and i have not twenty, not thirty, but ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY EIGHT NEW EMAILS FROM THIS SITE.
    HOW MANY do you think were from joey?
    Because people get fucking SICK of 140 NEW FUCKING EMAILS EVERY DAY and they take their name off the mailing list, thereby not replying, ever again.
    I too now follow in the footsteps of Aspgren and Michael, and I hereby remove my name from the mailing list and retreat to the forums.
    Good day to any remaining crew members, and to the rest, *flips bird*.

  1279. Jackrabbit Says:

    Huh. Y’know, you could just not set it to receive emails. I do. It’s not hard.

  1280. Michael Says:

    Well recently I replied to a post. Why? Because I don’t give a loving fuck anymore. You know why? Because of a certain Joey spamming this page up with worthless comments containing only one or two words, and both of them just sucks. Like who would care about you not having any milk? Milk in tea/coffee or anything for that matter sucks anyway. So, that’s it. I’m leaving. Come on Goat, let’s go.

    TL;DR I will never come back(however I will come back for Nondrick Updates, but not for Joey’s cancer spam), but I might log on to THC a bit now and then. Also, if anyone of you get in touch with Lantern, please tell him to leave a message at my profile. Thanks, and bye.

  1281. Michael Says:

    However… if I get in touch with Lantern, and get what I want from him I might come back. Or just to flame Joey. But other than that, you’ll probably not see me here anymore.

  1282. Joey Says:

    Alright, if you’re that upset, I wont post as much. I’ll only post twice a day, at the most.

  1283. Jackrabbit Says:

    Holy fuck Joey. You’ve alienated the Hiatus Crew. I didn’t think anyone could do that. It’s just you and me here, and it falls to us to keep this website alive.

    HA! Kidding. Fuck this site. I don’t know why I stay here, I really don’t. Chris isn’t going to update within any reasonable time period and I have to admit that I don’t care anymore. I’ll just take my shit and go, thank you. And I leave you with these pearls of wisdom.

    Chris should, by now, have either confirmed that he was going to continue or that he was shutting down the site. He has not, but is still very much active. This is what we, ‘the people of the internet’, call a dick move. Joey, if you don’t want to just sit here talking to yourself and guy or whatever the fuck his name is, tell Chris. Get an answer from him. I can’t be fucked. Screw him. I’m not throwing him a bone, but I wouldn’t be against you doing it. Okay… condom, small glowstick, Prussian cat/dog hybrid… That’s my stuff. Later.

  1284. …Holy… Shit… We just killed the hiatus crew… I liked them…. DAAAAAAMMMMMMIIIIIIT!

  1285. Joey Says:

    Did I just do that? Fuck…….

  1286. No one’s posting… irrelevant spam won. It’s all my fault… Goodbye.

  1287. Altair Says:

    Chris come on at least give us one update telling us what you plan on doing…

  1288. Joey Says:

    No. No-one else is leaving! You get back here now! Irrelevant spam will never win! We shall stand, and maybe we will fall. They may have won the battle, but WE will win the war!

    On another note: Altair, he’s not going to. Sooner you accept that the better. We all have. Join us, have a chat. I will not be the killer of LiO.

  1289. Jackrabbit Says:

    One last post before this entire site fades into the mists of time…

    a) Jaded is a fucktard. This has been established.
    b) Having said I don’t hate you, Joey, I feel the need to reiterate. Having gone through and read some of your comments, I can honestly say I don’t like you and you are a dick and an attention seeker at that. I don’t hate you though. That’s an enormous word that must be reserved for important things.
    c) It actually wasn’t you that drove me from this site. I just can’t be bother sticking around any longer. But yeah, you and some random guy did get rid of the rest of the crew. Not that anyone will care. But I’m fine with that, I think.
    d) I, uh, I forgot my toothbrush.
    e) I feel less and less respect for Chris. If there is not, within a year, an update either finishing this blog or explaining why he left it for so long and continuing, then fuck him. I’ll read his stuff, because he is an extremely good writer, and funny, but I’ll have no respect for the man. And now, I bid you good day, forever (until the next update)

    Ah. My wambulance has arrived.

  1290. KingFrozen - The Confused Says:

    Well… i’m gonna just give up on following the comments. I’m sad that Jackrabbit is leaving but i have very little idea as to why.

    I am now instead going to simply post random facts at random intervals (so whenever i remember to or can be bothered).

    For example, did you know that, in non Irrelevant spam comments, the name of our hero, Nondrick, appears less then 100 times. There are 2000 posts and we have all but forgotten our beloved Nonny.

  1291. Joseph Says:

    I miss reading the good ol’ non-adventures 😥

  1292. Joey Says:

    I am ashamed. This isn’t what I wanted.

  1293. Plinar Says:

    *spends several days reading the entire comments section*

    Urge to kill rising…

    But, seriously, is that it? I finally get to the end of this beast only to find it dead? It’s like watching the heat-death of the universe…

    …which I have. Believe me, it ain’t too special.

  1294. Turnip Says:

    So wait, is it really dead?

  1295. Plinar Says:

    That’s how it’s looking, Mr Turnip sir.

  1296. Joey Says:

    No…. it… it can’t be…. Not whilst we still live, it’s not.

  1297. Well if those hypocrits won’t man up, we should. The new hiatus crew, begins now.

  1298. Joey Says:

    Hmm. They have a site. They’ll probably copyright us.

  1299. Joey Says:

    Who needs them. We don’t need a crew. We can just be ourselves.

  1300. True. but every group needs a snazzy name. Any ideas?

  1301. Joey Says:

    I don’t know. Who exactly is our “crew”.?

  1302. Well, us, I think plinar, maybe turnip and that other guy?

  1303. Yeah, I’m not sure. Could we have some confirmation from everyone?

  1304. Joey Says:

    By “that other guy” do you mean Lemon? Plinar’s said he’s with us. I’d like Lemon to be with us, but I doubt it. And as forTurnip? Well, I hearby invite you to our little group. Are you willing to accept?

  1305. I’d like to have lemon too (not like that,goat.) but I meant joseph.

  1306. Joey Says:

    Ah. I like this boy. We share a name.

  1307. Thing is, I’ve only seen him post once.

  1308. Joey Says:


  1309. KingFrozen Says:

    What about me?
    Am I not special enough to be in both groups?

  1310. You’re cool. Never dissed us or anything, I invite you to our little group.

  1311. G Says:

    Going with the flow is different then going against the flow, the flow’s direction can be decided by a few people and the masses will follow.

  1312. Plinar Says:

    So, do I get a place or a trial period?

    • Joey Says:

      You, as you’re not a previous member of the Hiatus crew (no offense, it’s just that us and them don’t seem to be on the best of terms) and you pledged allegiance to us then you’re one of us.

  1313. What the bloody hell is going on here? I’m gone for a few days and all this shit pops up? I need a sit-rep, people.

  1314. Alright, I read back a few comments, and as far as I know, Joey has got 2 or 3 other people and declared themselves a sovereign group. What I don’t get is why.
    What has made you do this? The Hiatus Crew is the group around here, creating another will just cause friction and unnecessary conflict. If you people just want to complain and argue, don’t kill these comments with it.

  1315. Or, if you are going to insist, make your own site and go diss us there. Don’t attack LiOs comments.

  1316. Um, you said joey formed the group, that was me. And the hiatus crew were the ones attacking us.

  1317. KingFrozen Says:

    WOO. WW3! I call being Switzerland, that way, i can just sit by and watch all you lesser groups fail.

  1318. Jackrabbit Says:

    Aw man, Putzy, you made a hypocrite out of me! I thought we’d all left! Well, I’ve resolved to be less serious, the drama’s getting to me. If you want to insult me, drag me into an uninteresting debate or discuss tea with me, all you’ll get is one word and a smiley. I’m here for fun and I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let you take away from me. I’m falling back on my origional plan, to ignore those I don’t like. And KingFrozen, if you want to do another “china wants their wall back”, don’t bother. It’s not that much writing, read it, you lazy shit.

    Waffles :).


  1319. W-Waffles? Pants…medication..take…off…relapse

  1320. Joey Says:

    This is the way the world ends. With waffles®.

  1321. I like pancakes. But cold waffle sandwiches are good.

  1322. Plinar Says:

    In the beginning, there were waffles, tea, and the Holy Goat. Amen.

  1323. Erthor Says:

    I hope we get to Skingrad soon!

  1324. Tea you say? Always hated coffee and tea. *Gak!* forgivemegoatI’msorry GaSp! Thank you.

  1325. Joey Says:

    Tea = Awesome squared.

  1326. Michael Says:

    Do a barrel roll!

  1327. Jackrabbit Says:

    How do I do a barrel roll? Oooooooooooooooh.

  1328. KingFrozen Says:


  1329. Hareichisan Says:

    It’s beginning to seem like next April isn’t so far-fetched…

  1330. Jackrabbit Says:

    April 2012! Hahaha. Hello, Hareichisan. Welcome to the comments section. Things are hilarious here.

  1331. G Says:

    If, Person A likes person B, and Person B likes Person C and Person D likes person A, who does Person E like?

  1332. Jackrabbit Says:

    Me, if she’s hot and I’m lucky.

  1333. Joey Says:

    E likes D.

  1334. E likes B obviously.

  1335. Turnip Says:

    I now will hold a memorial service for this site,
    We are gathered here today to-
    Ah screw it I’m to lazy to type it all.

  1336. purplealligatorsoup Says:

    E likes B

  1337. E likes someone not mentioned. its a trick question!…maybe…

  1338. Plinar Says:

    E likes F, F likes G…
    …M likes N, N likes O…
    …X likes Y, Y likes Z.
    Z likes A, A likes B, B likes-

  1339. Joey Says:

    It’s not a paradox. It’s an endless loop.

  1340. Michael Says:

    Pime Taradox!

  1341. ? Well okay multiply that by 1,carry the 1, divide by 38… AGH! MY. HEAD. WILL. EXPLO- Boom! And now for something completely different. Anyone watch I survived a Japanese game show?

  1342. KingFrozen Says:


    should i?

  1343. Joey Says:

    No. U. On a side note, welcome to the foundation of ®awr incoperations limited.

  1344. Joey Says:


  1345. What the effin hell is going on here? Would someone care to explain who these guys are?

  1346. Also, what’s this “New Hiatus Crew” crap? There’s only one. And that’s how it stays. If you gentlemen wish to rebel, than this must be settled in some kind of contest.

    • Joey Says:

      There is no “New Hiatus Crew”. The Hiatus Crew misdiagnosed me, along with others, as some kind of cancer, and attacked. Anything I did was in self defense. They then appeared to leave, leaving only a few of the original group members behind.

    • Joey Says:

      I am not as new as the others. As for SRG, I don’t know how long he’s been here. Plinar’s relatively new, and he wished to aid me, in my defense from your Crews attacks. I actually came, wanting to JOIN the Crew.

  1347. Really? You seem relatively okay, why weren’t you admitted?

    • Joey Says:

      Well, I was given invites, then, for some reason, they were taken back, and your Crew said things which cannot be taken back. I believe it’s ’cause I comment so much. I recently have little else to do than surf the net, play on my 360, and watch tv. Sad, I know. But, because of the e-mails they were receiving for new messages, instead of unsubscribing, they just declared me some kind of spam cancer.

  1348. I’m sure a peaceful resolution to this can be found. I’ll have a word with Lantern and Michael about this…btw, which members of the crew did you talk to?

    • Joey Says:

      Well, Lantern and Aspgren are gone, and Michael declared himself gone, yet still posts. Originally there was: Aspgren (who had the main problem with my replying to old comments, which I have since stopped), G (who invited me, but later took it back, and became strongly opposed to me), King Frozen (who sat back, awaiting your arrival “Sure, but ask Vadermath, he is our… um……headmaster of our academy? What fucking academy is this?”), Putzy (who didn’t invite me, and later left.), Jackrabbit (who seemed to be an advocate, but not outspoken against the Crew), Dupersude (whom I saw only fleetingly.) and Michael (who apparently hates me).

      Long story short; without you, this place went to hell.

      • Joey Says:

        Also there has been:

        SRG, literally, some random guy, who showed up, and teamed up with me. Came up with the idea for a “New Hiatus Crew” after the old members left.

        Plinar, only just showed up, was met by me and SRG and instantly joined our cause. A good kid.

        Lemon boy, one of your old adversaries, he came in many forms, but only meant to mock you. He came here to apologize and make peace. Definately not an enemy to you, or me. Just trying to make his peace here.

      • Plinar Says:

        Yay! I’m “good”! And… a… kid. Well, one out of two ain’t bad!

  1349. This is definitely interesting. I’ll look into this as soon as I Michael or Lantern are available. Jackrabbit and Dupersude are crewmembers, and pretty cool ones, IMO.

    Anyway, while I was gone, has someone named Max or Washcloth been here?

  1350. Well fuck. At least we know Max is alive, judging by his blog. Damn, I miss them. Also Joeman. Of the original, small crew, only I and Lantern are left. Still, you may become a member yet…

  1351. I did. He didn’t respond, but I think he isn’t reading the comments section. I’ll send him an email, if there’s one on the blog. I’m going out now, and I’ll talk to you in a few hours, if you’re here then.

  1352. KingFrozen Says:

    Halo? Here? Its like my two favourite loves are coming together… (L)

  1353. Jackrabbit Says:

    I miss them too. On the bright side, 65 more comments to go!

  1354. Jackrabbit Says:

    Oh, and I no longer hold any disdain for anyone in this place save jaded. We must all come together as one big family. Like if they Brady Bunch had flamethrowers. I would have watched *that*.

  1355. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Well now I dont know who to hate.
    You guys make it so confusing.

  1356. Joey Says:

    Hate no one. We are all at peace. I just hope Michael can understand that, as he seems to hate me the most.

  1357. I’m still not even not sure what even happened here, or who hates whom. Still, I Michael really chose the fucking time not to be on MSN.

  1358. Jackrabbit Says:

    Brotherly love! *hug*

  1359. G Says:

    So, what the current trend? confused on who to hate… ok…

    Also Putzy you answered my trick question right…. and no jackrabbit.. no hugs…..

  1360. Joey Says:

    The trend is uniting under Vadermath. Also, Jackrabbit, I agree with G. No hugs.

  1361. G Says:

    I Propose, that we that Hiatus Crew should erm… do somet, i forgot… hmm….

    Or yeah.. where was i..

    I Propose that we the hiatus crew, bring everyone from hiatus crew that can be brought back to lio and we discuss this, thingy ma bob with the other side, and sort out this misunderstanding, I also propose we keep a cool head, anyone who uses excessive profanity or just starts to try and argue with the other side will be excluded, so we can either reach a understanding… or Loro

    • Plinar Says:

      I didn’t realise it was that serious. Sure there were cancer references, but it was only Tharrong who actually used it in an offensive way. ‘Sides, he was in the process of announcing his retreat to the forums. Then Aspgren came along with “I’m retreating there too, posting in this comment box is like beating a dead horse”. With all the old guard like Michael, Putzy and G not posting for a while, we kinda assumed we were on our own here. Not to seem tattle-tale-y, I’m just clarifying the position. Well, my position at least.

  1362. G Says:

    well i wasn’t posting because i found it a hassle to load up lio read joey’s comments and respond….

  1363. G Says:

    although i should have at least read joey’s comments first am totally confused on what happened and i’m to lazy to go back and check.

  1364. G Says:

    it’s not serious i just gave the illusion that it was.

  1365. Joey Says:

    eh, eh ,eh….

    • Plinar Says:

      Is that a good “eh, eh ,eh…”, a bad “eh, eh ,eh…”, a neutral “eh, eh ,eh…”, or a Little Britain “eh, eh ,eh…”?

  1366. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    I am so goddamned confused.

    • Plinar Says:

      Join the club. We’ve got T-shirts. And mugs. They have “I am so goddamned confused” written on them. It’s a regular jamboree out here.

  1367. the salesman Says:

    so anyone know what the comment total is at?

  1368. Jackrabbit Says:

    Who else wants a hug? I WILL HUG YOU.

  1369. G Says:

    bah fakes… there everywhere…

  1370. Noobs Says:


  1371. Noobs Says:

    Rabbits taste good roasted..

  1372. Noobs Says:

    i’m so awesome

  1373. Noobs r us Says:

    Noobs are awesome

  1374. Turnip Says:

    Wait, JackRabbit, you mean this thing is coming back…

  1375. Noobs r us Says:

    gytred – behind every great noob, is s noob women, who cybers but isn’t really a women.

  1376. Ghosted Says:

    what thing???

  1377. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Right. Well, this couldn’t possibly get any worse.
    Cue something worse.

  1378. G Says:

    OMG!!! the world is being attacked by ailens….

  1379. Kay Says:

    HOMYEFFINGOD. Do you guis have nothing better to do that to comment about two thousand times?! HOOOMG. I hope this persuades him to update!!

  1380. WTF!? I’m gone for 2 days and these guys show up?! Oh, and peace to hiatus crew.

    • Joey Says:

      Noobs, Noobs r us, Ghosted and Kay, are the only new people. I think they’re the same person in a guise. Possibly Lemon. Now that Vadermath is back, us and The Hiatus Crew can live together in peace.

  1381. Turnip Says:


    • Joey Says:

      Because that’s how we roll. We’re on Hiatus. I think he may actually do that whole “next April” thing, just for shits and giggles.

  1382. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    thats a lot of new people. most are the same person i reckon though.

  1383. KingFrozen 52 Says:

    What are you talking about?

  1384. KingFrozen 17 Says:

    Seriously, are we all new here or just some of us being unoriginal?

  1385. KingFrozen 32 Says:

    This is worse than when that Midget person had conversations with himself in an attempt to be funny.

  1386. KingFrozen 41 Says:

    I agree. Can someone please provide us with a new gag?

  1387. Jackrabbit Says:

    Also, THERE ARE AVATARS YOU RETARDS. We know who is who. I’m JackNazi, I guess. But whatever.

  1388. Jackrabbit Says:

    Oh, oh, oh.

    # Think it’s time to admit I just don’t enjoy adventure games any more.

    about 6 hours ago

    We’ll need a bit more than that Chris.

  1389. KingFrozen Says:

    I totaly agree.

    But he has been hinting it a while now.

    You all saw the Kill Switch post he made right? He is ever so subtle. Then the adventure game thing.

    Why doesn’t he just say it out right?

  1390. KingFrozen 52 Says:

    Because he is ascared of what we will do.

    • Joey Says:

      FEAR ME! RAWR!!!! I’m losing respect for him, but he did say

      “But it’s coming, and it’ll be here soon. If it’s not here soon, you’ll see it eventually. If, eventually, you don’t see it, it’ll be here someday.”

      So, what do we do? We wait until someday comes.

  1391. Jackrabbit Says:

    Still, I’m pretty pissed off about the whole deal. Worst thing is, he can’t even say ‘nobody told you to wait around’ because he DID.

    • Joey Says:

      Yeh. It’s annoying, and I think that’s why he won’t come back. He told us to wait, and now he knows that we’ve waited to long. We need to contact him somehow. Seriously, I love Nondrick, and I at least want to know what the fuck happenes! You hear me Chris? You aren’t just fucking forgetting us! You fucking killed Frohman, and now you just give up?!? Be a fucking man!

  1392. Jackrabbit Says:

    Eh, I don’t mind Frohman’s death at all. That was an awesome comic.

    • Joey Says:

      No, but still, i’d rather he lived.

      • dupersude Says:

        Who says he’s dead? The purple vorts appeared. It’s open ended. For when he decides to pick up with ep1/ep2/maybe ep3, if he decides to pick up with them at all. It’s not like he had anywhere to go with Concerned after the end of the HL2 story.

  1393. Michael Says:


  1394. Joey Says:

    Hello Michael. We have much to discuss.

  1395. KingFrozen Says:

    Not really. But on contacting him, we found his steam id over at fps. Go into the comments for the motor game thing with tornadoes, etc.

    Maybe we all try to add him with our names from this?

  1396. KingFrozen Says:


  1397. To be honest Joey, I’ve pretty much lost hope on contacting Chris. No one, and I mean no one, has tried harder than me and Michael, and we still had no success.

    • Joey Says:

      I agree. He had massive potential, but he just became a bit of a dick. Vadermath, can I ask you something? How come Michael hated me? Do you have any idea why? I mean, it seemed like it was more than my excessive posting, something almost personal.

  1398. Smash Says:

    Holy mother of Jesus….

    Nearly 2000 comments? Soon they will be OVER 9000

  1399. KingFrozen Says:

    Stop being unoriginal with your memes. We invented goat ffs.

  1400. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    So how bout that nondrick?
    He sure has a fish face!

    Sorry folks, I like doing that everynow and then to ward off Jadeds spirit.
    But it isnt dead.
    Certainly not crucified in my basement or anything.

    • Joey Says:

      Of course not…. hey, why don’t we talk about good ol’ Nonny? Remember the good times, speculate about what might’ve happened to him next, y’know that kinda stuff.

  1401. KingFrozen Says:

    He wont take the potion. Simple as that. Or he will, and that will be the end of it. Yay, great story, the hero wins again. I’m writing something now in which the hero cant win. Simple as that.

  1402. G Says:

    Simplez… Meerkats rule…

  1403. Smash Says:

    Have you guys given up on an Nondrick update yet?

    • Joey Says:

      I think it’ll be here next April, as promised.

      • Plinar Says:

        Problem is, WHAT will be here next April? Probably another get-out saying something like “Don’t worry, its coming” or some other assorted BS.

      • Joey Says:

        If he thinks that’ll work on us then he deserves to be spammed, everywhere. We WILL get the message out.

  1404. G Says:

    there is only one way to captue chris’s attention. and you can find some of them in the hiatus post

  1405. G Says:

    Take over the world, then make/ force chris to make new posts, if he doesn’t make them good enough/ funny enough he has to watch a child die, but he does get 2 hours “Fresh air time” he has to make at least 2 a week, and if nondrick dies, he has to amke it again.

  1406. MF Says:

    Mf is sooooo hot

  1407. Dragon Says:

    Dragons rule…

  1408. Joey Says:

    Who are these people?

  1409. Joey Says:

    Nevermind, they’re helping us reach 2000 comments.

  1410. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    how can you tell how many – oh I see.

  1411. Smash Says:

    How about we hack his website?

    Or we could all start eating babys again.

  1412. KingFrozen Says:


    I’d like mine with a light salting and some crackling. None of that skinned shit in the microwave

  1413. dupersude Says:

    This place went to hell.

  1414. dupersude Says:

    Which avatar is better…

  1415. Jackrabbit Says:

    58 comments, I guess. I’ve sort of lost impetus.

  1416. Joey Says:

    First one Dupersude. Also, I’m strictly vegitarian. There’s 1942 comments. We must get to OVER 9000! Ok?

  1417. G Says:

    Chris mentioned a new blog that he’s started and abandondeed, he’s hinting at the death of lio again……

  1418. Michael Says:

    Vegetarian? wat

  1419. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Careful you guys! You know we cant use multi-syllabic words and compound sentances around Michael! He gets confused!

  1420. Joey Says:

    Oh, hello guys.

  1421. Sorry for not updating much, I had surgury in my armpit and I’m getting a new computer. If my avatar changes it’s me, or the avatar changer guy who likes messing with us.

  1422. KingFrozen Says:

    so… are we really dead?

    And SRG, ig u die, can i have ur consoles?

  1423. Michael Says:

    No. They’ll be mine!

  1424. Jackrabbit Says:

    I sense disruption. The dark side, I sense in you. Have a cookie.

  1425. Joey Says:

    But you get no milk. Milk is white, and thus stays on the light side.

    • Plinar Says:

      Ah, milk. Hail the liquid that comes from THE HOLY GOAT! REPENT, YOU FOOLS!


  1426. Strange… I feel.. peace. The end is nigh.

  1427. some random guy Says:

    i feel at peace, check out the new picture it’s me

  1428. Michael Says:

    When you feel at peace you’re actually walking right into my trap.

  1429. Plinar Says:

    My hands aren’t shaking. Battle is nigh.

  1430. Michael Says:

    You guys talking about me?

  1431. Joey Says:

    We shall stand. And we shall WIN!

  1432. Michael Says:

    You gotta do the cooking by the book.

  1433. Jackrabbit Says:

    Otherwise the waffles will come out wrong. AND WE DON’T WANT THAT, DO WE?

    Hang on, I wanna try something.


    This probably won’t work.

  1434. Wrestler Says:

    Maybe he wasn’t joking about the next year thing
    It could have been a very well thought out plan to get over a thousand comments on one post
    Chris could very well be going for a world record

  1435. Jackrabbit Says:

    We are aware of this. You are most certainly not the first to point that out.

  1436. Michael Says:

    At the time when Chris has updated it’s more likely if the comments are over 9000.

  1437. Smash Says:

    Damn crazy. Imagine all the time you guys have wasted commenting on this site, and how long it would take Chris to write a small LIO entry.


  1438. Michael Says:

    ^^ That.

  1439. Joey Says:

    ^^ All that stuff, unless it’s mine.

  1440. Jackrabbit Says:

    ^^ Tacos, presumably.

  1441. KingFrozen Says:

    ^^ y have all the past posts started with “^^”?

  1442. Jackrabbit Says:


  1443. Michael Says:


  1444. Smash Says:


  1445. Jackrabbit Says:

    ^^ MAKE US.

    wow, 8 comments to go. Exciting.

  1446. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    ^^ I’m contributing!

  1447. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Six left!!

  1448. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:


  1449. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    The moral issue presents itself, whether to spam comments and snatch the glory for myself, or leave it to somebody else? ^^

  1450. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Still undecided, but running out of time!

  1451. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Dos! Oh my god Its happening!

  1452. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    I shall post no more, leaving the glory to the next person…

  1453. commenter2000 Says:

    I win

  1454. Jackrabbit Says:

    You fucker. Still, 2001.

  1455. Jackrabbit Says:

    Oh! You’re not Putzy. Or are you? Still, you deserve it. I salute you!

  1456. Joey Says:

    Wait for it….

  1457. Joey Says:

    Wait for it………

  1458. Joey Says:


  1459. Joey Says:

    Keep waiting!

  1460. Joey Says:

    Not long now!

  1461. Joey Says:

    Not long to go now!

  1462. Joey Says:

    That was 2009, there’s a hint!

  1463. Jackrabbit Says:

    Okay, what the fuck are you doing? We’re not going to spam until we reach 3000. We shall scale the wall via topical discussions! How ’bout them fish?

  1464. Smash Says:

    I have no doubt you guys will reach 3000 too.

    Before Chris comes along and deletes them all again 😡

    We burn his house if he does that again (or doesn’t update till 5000 comments).

  1465. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    No i wasn’t the commenter 2000. Someone else was. I said veeeeeery clearly that I wuz leevin it two teh nxt ppl

  1466. Jackrabbit Says:


  1467. KingFrozen Says:

    I think it would be ironic if it were made out of iron.

    l less than three you guys

  1468. Joey Says:

    Wee free men.

  1469. Jackrabbit Says:

    Is a good book. Who likes Pratchett then? What? All of you? I’m not surprised.

  1470. G Says:

    What do you get if you cross a idiot and a shoe?

  1471. DAMN. I have missed this this place. I discovered the godfather (game) for ps3. Oh, and I just got bio shock. See you next week! JK… maybe.

  1472. Michael Says:


  1473. G Says:

    i’ve just noticed somet, chris’s new fps post is called arrested development and there’s a lio post called an arresteed development….


    what do you get if you amalgamate all the idiots in the world?

  1474. Michael Says:

    All idiots in the world will be amalgamated. Easy peasy.

  1475. Joey Says:

    You get us. Also, there’s a show called Arrested Development, too. Probably where the little thief got the name.

  1476. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    I wud just like to point out that im kool.

  1477. Putzy, you just got burned. As in, the depths of hell burned.

  1478. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    I wasn’t leaving it open for discussion. I was stating a fact. Ask your mum, she knows the truth of it.

  1479. G Says:

    I would just like to point out the following events.

    – Putzy base cool 55 points.
    – Putzy states he’s cool increse coolness by 5 points.
    – Vadermath base cool 60 points.
    – Vadermath Burns putzy increase in 200 cool points.
    – Putzy gets burned coolness drops 55 points.
    – Vadermath gets burned by Putzy cool drops harshly by 300 cool points now has – 40 cool points.
    – Putzy’s Epix Burns Vadermath, Cool points 10,000(off the charts -max i 1000) oh uh, Putzy explodes (too cool) and evolves into Super cool Putzy (final form) Max cool level :999999999
    Putzy’s cool points: 999999999

  1480. As a matter of fact, I did ask my mother about it. She told me she remembers Putzy well. She said that she never met a man with a smaller penis.

  1481. Smash Says:

    wait wut

    Where did Chris hint the end of LIO?

  1482. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    he did what?

  1483. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Also, Vadermath she was thinking of you, moron. I was the guy who tapped her spinal cord.

  1484. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Hell yeah.

  1485. KingFrozen Says:

    putz? u ok? i ain’t seen u in aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages

  1486. Jackrabbit Says:

    Urgh. Putzy, you send shivers down my spine. Big-ass shivers.

  1487. Jackrabbit Says:


  1488. Too late. He’s already making plans on penetrating your anus.

  1489. Joey Says:

    Putz is ganna rape the Blue Nazi. Blue rhymes with Jew. Blue Nazi Jew.

  1490. Jackrabbit Says:


  1491. I hate racists. Bioshock is addicting. These 2 statements are unrelated.

  1492. Jackrabbit Says:

    Wow, just got to xen in Half Life. I’d forgotten how much fun that game was, damn.

  1493. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    It’s time we had ourselves a good old fashioned FAG DRAG!

  1494. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    *banjo hillbilly music*

  1495. Jackrabbit Says:


    Dueling banjos!

  1496. G Says:

    wha- wha- wha-?? now am just fucking confused..

  1497. Jackrabbit Says:

    Ever watched Deliverance? Me neither, but the dueling banjo’s scene man, you should at least know about that.

    • Plinar Says:

      I thought you were referring to the banjo duel in Curse of Monkey Island. Damn, that game was awesome.

      “I choose the banjo!”
      “I accept.”
      “Y-you do?!”

  1498. Joey Says:

    V for Vendetta. AWsome.

  1499. G Says:

    that ain’t me

  1500. G Says:

    just noticed we have 2069 comments.. 2069!!! 2 0 69 comments….well 2070 after this..

  1501. Joey Says:

    20072, no 20073 now.

  1502. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    This is the 5457 comment. Please make a note of it.

  1503. Jackrabbit Says:

    Putzy seems… wacky. We must put him through a juicer, post-haste!

  1504. KingFrozen Says:

    meh, i prefer stuff to be squeezed

  1505. Joey Says:


  1506. Bwahahahaha, I see Joey is fitting in nicely.

    • Joey Says:

      I am? I mean, yeh, I am. I propose that we elect Vader to the position of High Chancellor of The Council. Then we shall elect The Council.

    • Plinar Says:

      J- Hang on, I just noticed what your name means. What the hell is “Vadermath” about? Are you going to… suffocate me with calculus? I mean, what the hell?

  1507. Joseph Says:

    So….. should I forever give up the hope that this blog is going to be updated?

  1508. some random guy 2.0 Says:

    Hi. I got my computer.

  1509. some random guy 2.0 Says:

    Woah! My icon’s the same!

    • Joey Says:

      A. It’s Whoa. B. It’s set on whatever your E-mail adress is. C. How come you and Joseph get the cool avatars?

  1510. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Why do you think I’m wacky? I’m not wacky!

  1511. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Next person to call me wacky has to take off their pants and come into the back room with me.

  1512. some random guy 2.0 Says:

    … Are you female?

  1513. KingFrozen Says:

    He’s wacky.

    emphasis on the HE.

    idk what he does. cant be worse than being trapped in a room with me and all my friends (sarcasm). My imagination sux… like, seriosly.

    is it bad that i have dream where im in a car, with a chick on top, but i cant see her face from any angle. I NEED TO KNOW WHO THE FUCK IM … well, u get the idea 😦

  1514. Jackrabbit Says:

    No. Do not elaborate. Please.

  1515. G Says:

    hmm, interesting…. it seams so many things have happened and will happen, such as someone calling putzy wacky and having to go into the back oom, but wouldn’t a delayed train be better?

  1516. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Kingfrozen, you have to come with me now…
    *both go into back room*
    *kingfrozen screams are heard*

  1517. Alexander Says:

    Looks like we could be looking at that 364 day mark

  1518. G Says:

    uhoh, sorry guys but i’ve just been infected with spamarus, i’ll pass out of my system soon, but i tmakes me spam and i can’t do nothing about it. So sorry.

  1519. G Says:

    uhoh, sorry guys but i’ve just been infected with spamarus, i’ll pass out of my system soon, but i tmakes me spam and i can’t do nothing about it. So sorry.ssss

  1520. G Says:

    Ahh forget it, lio’s anti spam is irratating…….. i cba, ill spam somet easier…

  1521. Long names are good for you, but for fatties, it's bad Says:



    xxx xxxx xxxx xxx
    xx xx xx xx
    x xx xx x
    x xx x

  1523. Michael Says:


  1524. KingFrozen - I already did the long name gag a long time ago, even waaaay before you even thought about it. I mean, seriously, it was something about how people who use MSN over obsessively tend to just keep adding shit to their names and forget to delet Says:

    Apparently i says:
    xxx xxxx xxxx xxx
    xx xx xx xx
    x xx xx x
    x xx x

    i dont say xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xxx xxxx xxxx xxx
    xx xx xx xx
    x xx xx x
    x xx x

    i really dont.

  1525. Michael Says:

    wuts dat?

  1526. G Says:

    A new scientific study proves that I G am the most awesome person in the world and they have also proven that it’s aboslutly imposssible to be as awesome as me, unless you clone me, but even the clone won’t be as awesome or unless you take over my body ( like how captain ginyu toke over goku) but you won’t reach my full awesomeness potentioal ( also like how captain ginyu toke over goku and couldn’t reach full potential)

    Hmm why did dbz come into my head just now… i remember watching it… ….

  1527. some random guy 2.0 Says:

    Yeah.. hi.

  1528. KingFrozen Says:

    Hi. sorry for ignoring you. It really is always about you isnt it? Like i said before, soooo much shit happens to everyone and people only care about themselves. Sad isnt it?

  1529. some random guy 2.0 Says:

    Sorry, I’m not really reading new comments, my new mouse doesn’t have a wheel, sucks for scrolling this page. What’s wrong?

  1530. G Says:

    only one thing… LORO!!!

  1531. G Says:

    but that’s not what’s wrong, and i have no idea who you were talking to are who the person your talking to was talking about … LORO!!!

  1532. G Says:

    wow i posted almost 12 hours after you did…

  1533. ClubbedBySeals Says:

    Hiatus Cr-

    I lol’d. More spam to Chris’ e-mail about this update

  1534. some random guy 2.0 Says:

    I has new mouse. Gots weel. Ican haz chzbrgr?

  1535. Jackrabbit Says:

    Wow. This place is boring now. I guess I’ll go walkabout for a while.

  1536. KingFrozen Says:

    Fine, leave me here. Just walk away and leave me here with THEM. HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME HERE WITH THEM?! I THOUGHT YOU LOVED US!

    To all those still here, how are we all? I trust you had a pleasant day.

  1537. some random guy 2.0 Says:

    Not really. Had to go shopping.

  1538. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    And I, I created a monster!

  1539. KingFrozen Says:

    Midget did that already. You not original. you’re just stupid.

    On a slightly weird note, i have been bitching about stuff all day, but have been feeling much happier. Is that normal? Also, when i’m tired, i kinda get on a high. I may have been dropped as a baby… and i dont feel that way about my mother.

    The bitching = happiness thing and the tired is all true. The rest is bullshit. Comments?

  1540. G Says:

    Modget was cool, Midget was awesome….

    hmmm i wonder what would happen if I had different personalities….

  1541. G55 Says:

    12 years ago on a night just like this THEY came for me, the ailens, now i know most people in thia town and you also, don’t believe me, but thay came, they toke me up to their spaceship and did some weird expierements… i know why, they wanna take us over, you watch, it be like independence day…

  1542. G78 Says:

    ahh shut up about your fucking “ailen abduction” your a piece of crap you shithead, ailens don’t exist!!! duhhh

  1543. G1337 Says:

    Lol, mega lolz rofl

  1544. G Says:

    SHUT THE FUCK UP ALL OF YOU! YOu don’t exist… dammit who gave you the right to speak…!!!

  1545. some random guy 2.0 Says:

    Ummm, you did.

  1546. G Says:

    ahh, some random guy, i’ve been observing you and your potential, and i’ve seen your increase in awesome to 2.0, but my research has concluded that you are, awesome wise, trash compared to me.

  1547. G11 Says:

    p.s that was me i just forgot to put 11 there.. that wasn’t “G” or “original G” or as we call him “G00” , he’ll scold me for insulting him.. dammit.. i’ll have to go into the corner, i heard he can even send me over to different people

  1548. G Says:

    Damn you, you pile of shit, i’ll send you to putzy… and he will do some bad things to you in the corner..

  1549. Joey Says:

    Yo, biatches, I’m back. Quit with the other people, it was Midgets thing, you damn dirty thief. Also, where’d everyone go? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?

  1550. some random guy 2.0 Says:

    … Did you hear… What he… Said about me?…I… AM AWESOME!

  1551. Blauengel Says:

    I just heard of this new blog some guy is making, at
    it seems he’s trying to take the realism of npc’ing a step further, n is using a hell ova lot more mods

    • G Says:

      no one cares, i don’t like it, it’s crap…. the quality of the oictures are crap and so is the quality of the writing ( although it’s likely that he’s going to improve..)

      • Blauengel Says:

        Funny, I didn’t realize the whole world revolved around you, G, and that the interests of all the people commenting here were dependant on your own. Who gives a damn if this guy’s blogging skills are shitty and his picture resolution is crap, he’s actually trying to make a tribute to Chris, so yes, maybe hopefully this guy will get better, but I think Chris would be happy to know that he was an inspiration. It’s not like BobbytheBum’s out to steal fans anyways, LiveJournal requires people to sign in to comment, so of course he ain’t gonna build a fan base anywehere near as big as Chris’.
        I myself don’t have the patience to wait 6 months or wateva for another release from Chris, so im not gonna be back. Fair thee well

  1552. KingFrozen Says:

    wow.. he wasnt exacltly original.

    neither am i, so i am instead linking to a video instead of stealing it:

  1553. Heard of it too Says:

    Wasn’t like this dude who owns this blog was the first to do it either, i remember from the moment it came out there were ppl who claimed to have tried doin the exact same thing as Nondrick.
    Could put it this way: it’s like fantasy books. They all use the same material or change some names around, n the author tries to make it interesting in its own way, so im gonna give this “Bobby the Bum” a chance. besides, he gets pretty funny after a while

  1554. G Says:

    where is everyone??? last..

  1555. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    SO not last. I’m here, I just gots nutthin ta sayz.

  1556. G Says:

    Hey is the old hiatus forum called misadventure forum???

  1557. Michael Says:

    That’s right. Now do a barrel roll!

  1558. Plinar Says:

    Oh dear. “Error. Journal has been deleted. If you are bobbythebum, you have a period of 30 days to decide to undelete your journal.”

    Shame. (sarcasm)

  1559. TANKMEN Says:


  1560. some random guy 2.0 Says:

    You fail at failing.

  1561. G Says:

    Yo ppl whats happening?

  1562. some random guy 2.0 Says:

    I beat madworld. All I can say is: Holy. Shit.

  1563. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Not a clue what de fook madworld is.

  1564. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    However, I play Ogame now =D
    Takes bluddy ages to get anywhere, but addicting!

  1565. G Says:

    Hi am super combine frohman.

  1566. Michael Says:

    No. Because No.

  1567. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:


  1568. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    its not a real site. I just got bored and wondered what spambot work was like.

  1569. KingFrozen Says:

    Spam bot? that is soooo bad its not funny.

    les sofa man is the best super hero ever and you decided to take this piss. People like you should go drown in a hole made from an extract of the vomit you caused by posting shit like this.

    In other news, i still less than three you putz ❤

  1570. KingFrozen Says:

    I apologise for everything i just said. Except the love bit, i really do love you.

    LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooove me back!!!

  1571. Joey Says:

    Damn. MSN. BROKEN. NO. Emails. How the fook do I keep you guys under control now? Putzy, go back to being cultuered, King, express your gay love elswhere, Michael, good job, but post more, G, keep doin’ what you’re doin’, SRG 2.0 speed it up, Joey, stfu nood, everyone else, get back here and get posting WE FOOKING WILL REACH OVER 9000! IF I HAVE TO DO IT ALONE THEN I WILL! CHRIS SHALL SEE THE NEW ERA, OF: GENESIS!

    • Joey Says:

      *cultured *noob

      Sue me. Don’t. If you do I’ll unleash the awesomeness I’ve been storing inside over the past coupla days.

      • Joey Says:

        Now do what you do best, and whine at Chris. Also, I think we’re due another Nondrick Related Comment, or NARC. The A makes it look cooler.

  1572. Michael Says:

    I hacked your msn. Using that spambot site.

  1573. some random guy 2.0 Says:


  1574. Michael Says:

    What do you mean ‘about’? I err, did fix it!

    • Joey Says:

      No, you see, it’s your name. MichAEl, not MichEAl, your way old ranting about it helped me remember my Secret Question’s Secret Answer for changing my password.

  1575. G Says:

    Midget was cool, what happened to him? Bing him back!!!

    on another note, i wonder what would happen if chris ACTUALLY updated and kill nondrick off, what would you all do? hang around in the comment section? what if chris ended the comments? what then hang around in the forum? what if it got invaded by super noobs/spammers/idiots ? make a new one? what if…..

    I could go on for hours…. making stupid what if’s…. but i’ll just leave the ultimate one..

    What if Putzy turned out to be gay?!?!?!?!?!?

    Oh and king frozen, who are you again? i can’t remember you, where you one of the “originals”? p.s. you remind me of zoidberg from futrama.

    • Joey Says:

      *bring This isn’t a t.v show, he wasn’t fired.

      *I *Chris *killed *Nondrick *Hang *What *Chris *What *Make *What

      I’d keep doing what I do.

      Please, we’ve known about Putzy’s SEVERAL ‘little indescretion’s’ since he took Frozen into the back room.
      “Kingfrozen, you have to come with me now…
      *both go into back room*
      *kingfrozen screams are heard*”

      I believe you were their, you said: “should have done it in a delayed train…..”

      *KingFrozen *I *
      P.S: *You *Zoidberg *Futurama.

      He’s ALWAYS been here.

      Now, onto me. This sucks.

  1576. G Says:

    Oh and Pick up that can.

  1577. Michael Says:


  1578. Joey Says:

    I am gay lol

  1579. Michael Says:

    Oh lawd.

  1580. G Says:

    So what’s happening?

  1581. Michael Says:


  1582. Michael Says:

    Fucking Cloners

  1583. Joey Says:

    G, you must’ve done this. We all know I have a green avatar, like this one.

  1584. Michael Says:


    I didn’t write any of that. The first one, had a green avatar and you all know I have a boring white one who no one can see. So, this post is an obvious spy,

    Michael Says:

    August 23, 2009 at 1:34 pm


    However, the second one;

    Michael Says:

    August 23, 2009 at 1:37 pm

    Fucking Cloners

    Had my normal picture! WTF, that means the spy knows my e-mail! OMGAOMG. Which means this spy is a spying infiltrating spy of spyness. Bring forth the Pyros, it’s time for some spy checking!

  1585. some random guy 2.0 Says:

    … bye…

  1586. G Says:

    Joey wtf are you on? my avatar looks like yours in color and in image(kinda) it looked nothing liked michael clon no1. How come no one’s picking up i got cloned to , luckily he doesn’t know my email, and eve if he did…. it’s not my real email…

  1587. G Says:

    2 things wrong with your little theory. Thay may be more but i can’t be arsed finding them.

    1) Well firstly i don’t even know or have mchael’s email.
    2) Why would i want to clone michael in the first place???????? what would i get from it???? satisfaction? pleasure? michael’s cool.

  1588. G Says:

    ok, that’s just so stupid my cat could come up with somet better, and that’s saying somet because i dont have a cat.

  1589. G Says:

    your just stupid

  1590. G Says:

    baka zaru

  1591. G Says:

    am not talking about yoour cat am talking about you.

  1592. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    A, misunderstandings.
    I will help you two sort out your differences.
    *Takes both into back room*
    *G and Joey screams are heard*

  1593. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Now wasn’t that fun guys?

  1594. G & Joey Says:

    Yes. We love you Daddy.

  1595. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Aww they are so adorable!
    *Takes both into back room*
    *G &Joey screams are heard*

  1596. some random guy 2.0 Says:

    … Tommorow is school… Dammit.

  1597. Joey Says:

    “We’ve got a new status report on Joey!” “Really? What’s it say?” “Was mentally scarred, now has lost all types of mental power whatsoever.” “Oh…. ok, then.”

  1598. Michael Says:

    Red Spy is in base! Again!

  1599. Joey Says:

    Ok. Now you can talk.

  1600. G Says:

    Am i mentally scarred… yes…. i had rub loti… erghhhhhhh……………..

    *Rocks back and forth in corner of the room ( like gollum who says my precious all the time )*

  1601. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    *Takes G and Joey into back room*
    *G and Joey screams are heard*

    • G Says:

      Luckily i invented a new device which enables me to change things about.

      *G doesn’t scream*
      *G Isn’t taken into the back room*

      btw why not a train…. i left joey there so you could at least have some fun…

  1602. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    *Breaks Gs device*
    *Takes G back to room*
    *Stops Joey from escaping*
    *G and Joeys screams are heard*
    *Train goes past at a train station half a mile away*

    • Joey Says:

      *would die, but then Putzy would just keep on going.* Putzy! He abandoned me, so, I’m willing to make a clone of me, for you, and you can keep the original G! *clones himself, the destroys the machine* There ya go, have ‘im. *dissapears, never to be seen again*

  1603. Joey Says:

    *reappears* I forgot my laundry. *takes laundry, nukes it, and dissapears*

  1604. Michael Says:

    Is he gone now? Like forever?

    Cheese! For everyone! No more will I ever have to put up with that laundry in my backyard!

  1605. G Says:

    a clone eh…. *clones self* leaves clone with putzy… .s the clone is very obediant. so have fun putzy. * also makes a anti- putzy backroom device and makes it indestructable* there… all done.. cheese.!

  1606. Michael Says:

    I feel so special.

    *makes over 9000 clones of Myself, and then orders them to get me some soda. And cheese. And Bonk! Atomic Punch. And Sandvich. And… etc etc

  1607. Michael Says:

    Oh crap.

  1608. some random guy 2.0 Says:

    Shit. On a stick of some kind.

  1609. G Says:

    Hi Sargent 2.0 …. what happened to 1.0… he was better.. bring him backk.. now!

  1610. ClubbedBySeals3000 Says:

    You’re all obsolete.

    That way, everyone’s a winner.

    Or a loser, 😀

  1611. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    *Takes the indestructable anti-back room device and throws into a black hole*
    *Takes everyone into back room with the help of now brainwashed Michael clones*
    *Everyones screams are heard*
    Just accept the room, people.
    You can’t make a way out of it.

  1612. Pennywise the Dancing Clown Says:

    We all float down here!

  1613. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    No! Not Pennywise! I hate clowns! Begone!

  1614. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    And how did you get the same symbol as me?!?

  1615. Pennywise the Dancing Clown Says:

    Maybe because…

    I’m you!

  1616. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:


  1617. Narrator Says:

    The plot thickens!

  1618. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Oh shut up you!
    I havn’t narrated for ages, I bet no one even remembers you!

  1619. Joey Says:

    Joey thouroghly enjoyed that play, what with the monocle and all, and would pay for another. He also remembers the Narrator, and thinks that clowns are fucking creepy.

  1620. Turnip Says:

    It’s over. I’m sorry.

    • Joey Says:

      Joey would like to note, that whilst humans usually eat Turnips, this Turnip is sucking on him, not because he’s not human, but because the Turnip’s gay.

  1621. Michael Says:

    I’m not afraid of the backroom. I first raped Putzy, then he tried to rape me. And that scream you heard was just my battle cry. That’s why everyone’s scream was heard.

  1622. Michael Says:

    I just wanted to say that my MSN hates me. Must be MSN’s strike week.

    So, when I try to login I can’t, as I have to install a newer version. However, when I try and install it, it won’t work cause it ain’t compatible with Windows XP x64. FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU

    (I did google it.)

    • Joey Says:

      Joey would like to say, that it is MSN’s revenge for Michael’s name helping fix his problem. He would also like to quote Vadermath on the ‘Turnip’ discusson: Go fuck ducks. There WILL be Nondrick.

  1623. Michael Says:

    Just patched the setup. Now it’s working. EAT THAT JOEY

    • Joey Says:

      Joey will gladly eat that, as he is GLaD that his saviour is GLaD, and thus, that tastes as sweet as The Cake.

  1624. Michael Says:

    caek is a lie

  1625. G Says:

    It seams joeey is ehibiting thid person tendencies. He speaks in third person, this is a interesting phenomenon occuring, very people exhibt this behaviour and this will give me a excellent opportunity to observe joey throughout his daily life and if he cooperates i could take samples and put scanning devices in him, and reguarly check his brain and other stuff. My hypothesis is that due to the strain of being in the Putzy’s backroom made Joey exhibit third person behaviour, one way i’ll have to go about checking this is to take a fistfull of his hairs and makes a genetic identical clone who went through the same expierences as the real joey did then stick him in the backroom with putzy. I may need more clones to see at what point Joey changed and how and why.

  1626. Joey Says:

    Joey would like to note, that he’s not talking in third person, and G’s insane. Also, I agree with you G, the poor bastard probably has mental trauma, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  1627. Michael Says:


  1628. some random guy Says:


  1629. Joey Says:


  1630. G Says:

    Note: Joey seams to briefly exit third person mode when xtremely confused. Which according to his iq levels should be most of the time.

  1631. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    I’ll give ten Joey clones to the person who knows where the clown is from!
    Hell, I’ll even throw in a Michael clone!
    But before you answer…
    *takes everyone into the back room*
    *rapes everyones real versions repeatedly*
    *all their screams are heard*
    Ahhhhh…..That was fun.

  1632. KingFrozen Says:

    zOMG! SPAM. anyway, i havent been on it like, 2 weeks and probably wont for another since my internet is now capped…


    meh, at least i have chicken

  1633. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    I hate chicken.

  1634. Francis Says:

    No, I hate chicken.

  1635. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:


  1636. Joey Says:

    Joey would like me to make this face: o_o

  1637. Michael Says:

    oh snap

  1638. G Says:

    G notes that Joey has made o_o this facce and in hopes of understanding him i shall now make that face o_o

  1639. Joey Says:

    Joey would like to reply with this face: O~O Also, where have all the interesting people gone, he asks.

  1640. Michael Says:

    I’m interesting. And I’m here.

  1641. Joey Says:

    Joey would, like to note that he is here too.

  1642. G Says:

    Note: Joey makes the face O~O, he also asks where the interesting people have gone, i would like to add a note on that saying the putzy,michael, vadermath (side note he hasn’t been on in a while..) and me are still here but wonders what happened to green lantern, midget ( i would like to make a side note on the side note in saying he was the coolest of them all) addicted, jackrabbit and dupersude. i’ve also noted the Joey considers himself cool, interresting, which i find contradictory.

  1643. Joey Says:

    Joey would like to note that he never said he was ‘cool’ or ‘interesting’.

  1644. Jefferson Says:

    Has anyone else read the latest Living In Oblivion update? It’s very funny, I like it a lot.

  1645. Michael Says:

    IT’S A REAL UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!



    …hah! Feel trolled.

  1646. G Says:

    Note: Joey said he was here after Michael said here was here and he’s interesting, this kinda signifies that Joey is trying to say he is also interesting, although on second observation you could just be saying that your here as in reguarly postng. Joey also seams to leave third person mode the moment something is ludricous or he is angry at someone he calls evil… maybe he’s confused or the combination of all of those.

    I would also like to note the good and evil are just people’s perception of things, that what one person does that’s against what the masses believe to be “good” doesn’t necssasarily make that person “Evil” I would like to note that this paragrph makes no sense as i am still trying to think it in my head, but ill be back with it in full, so you dont really have to read this paragraph.

  1647. Michael Says:

    Note to self: Never listen to G. Never.
    It will make your teeth itch.

    -End of note to self-

  1648. Joey Says:

    Joey would like.. *sigh* Do I HAVE to? *sigh* UGH. Joey would like me to sing the itchy teeth song. #Itchy itchy itchy teeth, itchy teeth, itchy teeth, itch itchy itchy teeth, itchy all day long!# *grumble*

  1649. some random guy Says:

    I eat pizza!

  1650. G Says:

    G notes that Joey sang the itchy teeth song.

    I am now conducting expierements on some random guy, mainly due to the fact that he is really random.

  1651. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    I love you guys.
    *kills G*

  1652. Michael Says:

    I love you guys.
    *makes love with Putzy*


  1653. Joey Says:

    *buys Michael and Putzy a wedding present*

    Aww. How cute.

  1654. Michael Says:


  1655. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    *meets a giant fish*
    *fucks its brains out*

  1656. Michael Says:


  1657. dupersude Says:

    Sup guyz.
    Yaoi still hangs here i see

  1658. Joey Says:

    I believe that Dupersude is a trick, a clone. Also, I killed that annoying sumbitch last night. Raped him to Death. Joey’s back, bitch. MICHAEL WAS CHEATED ON? OMFG. *DRAMA!*

  1659. Michael Says:

    Joey, I think dupersude referred to you as Yaoi. You know what Yoai is, right?

  1660. some random guy Says:

    2 guys in bed.

  1661. Joey Says:

    Yes. Two RANDOM GUYS. … I’m dragging you into this one, bitch.

  1662. KingFrozen Says:

    Midget52 hasn’t been seen in a while coz he cought cancer off of someone who shall not be named

    *curses Putzy*

    anyway, turns out, my internet are no longer capped due to some shit my dad did with the modem. Also, i am interesting… kinda…

    Also, this feels like a bad episode of neighbors

  1663. G Says:

    dupersude is awesome, he’s like a superdude, but is acctauly a dupersude… but he isn’t that awesome.

  1664. some random guy Says:


  1665. Michael Says:

    no u

  1666. some random guy Says:

    … T_T

  1667. Joey Says:


  1668. Michael Says:

    Okay, JAMES!

  1669. Joey Says:

    *glares at Michael* You gotta do it like TTTTTTTHHHHIIIIISSSSS, JJJJAAAAMMMMEEEESSSS.

  1670. Pavel Says:

    Ye gods, guys, you’re still posting? The site’s dead.

  1671. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    And we are hitting it, making it jerk as if it is still alive!

  1672. Joey Says:

    It’s a nice thing to do in our spare time. We also like to fantasize that if/when Chris posts we’ll receive a special commendation.

  1673. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Or at least a mention, like, a vague reference to vultures, maybe?

  1674. Joey Says:

    I’m confused, am I part of The Hiatus Crew? Because if not I want a special mention. And if not, remember: there a few here, and many loyal to me. I mean NOTHING by that.

  1675. Michael Says:

    I think you declared yourself as ruler of the second crew, as you did this I think that you’re the master of that crew, and not the original.

    • Joey Says:

      Actually, SRG named me leader. He is my Second In Command. At first I was surprised tha you accept my position, but then I realized: You don’t think highly of our Crew. We STILL need a name.

  1676. Michael Says:

    Well, as it’s not The Hiatus Crew you’re leading, I don’t see a problem with you leading it.

  1677. G Says:

    why don’t we all just hold hands and join one crew…?

  1678. Joey Says:

    Because, G, that’d be boring. Anyhow, serious suggestions for a name?

  1679. Michael Says:

    The Yaoi Crew. LOL

  1680. Joey Says:

    Meh. If not for the literal translation, that’d sound cool. The Meh Crew. … Nah.

  1681. Michael Says:

    I’m bored. Entertain me.

  1682. G Says:

    The some Random guy group..?

  1683. Joey Says:

    *begins singing LET MEEEE, ENTERTAIN YOU!*

  1684. Michael Says:

    Yes, do go ahead.

  1685. Joey Says:

    *has nothing left* Wait! *pulls a rabbit from his hat. without taking the hat off.*

  1686. Michael Says:

    Oh snap.

  1687. Joey Says:

    Damn straight, bruthah. We be homies now.

  1688. Joey Says:

    You’re Michael Martine. Like Martin, son of the Emporer.

  1689. Joey Says:

    Fuck me, Emperor.

  1690. Michael Says:

    It’s Emperor. eowalhdagsfdasldaslfhy!

  1691. Michael Says:


    I never update the page before posting.

  1692. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Wow, you two are totally gonna have sex soon.
    On less boring-as-shit topics, there is a new Order Of the Stick out today! Rejoice! Rejoice!

  1693. M Says:

    Since I cannot possibly look through 2k+ comments, can someone please tell me if there’s a chance of this blog being updated or if it’s dead? Thank you

  1694. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Its dead as a doornail thats been shot.

  1695. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:


  1696. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Thats right.
    You can all start talking again now, the shock should have worn off by now.

  1697. M Says:

    Lol thanks Putzy. I assume he didn’t drink the cure disease potion and died. I feel better now.

  1698. Joey Says:

    M. He had HELLJOINT. It decreases Speed and Agility. Is it odd that I know that without having to look? Also another OotS fan? YAY! Also me and Michael aren’t going to have sex until we get married, isn’t that right honey.

  1699. Michael Says:

    Wait, what?

  1700. G Says:

    Michael proposed to Joey, When’s the wedding joey? who’s planning? i heard it was on friday.

  1701. Michael Says:

    When did I propose to Joey?

  1702. G Says:

    you did i taped it, you asked me to, don’t you remember , or were you to drunk?

  1703. Michael Says:


    I want to see that tape.

  1704. G Says:

    tape, tape, … *here*

    yep you can even see your little speech about joey is the one who you love, blah blah…

  1705. Michael Says:

    No u.

  1706. Michael Says:

    You that.

  1707. G Says:

    me what? what is that?

  1708. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Dear god. I think its too late for ‘waiting to be married’! I saw them behind the barn! It was disgusting! And small!

  1709. Konfuzed Says:

    How is the weather?

  1710. Plinar Says:

    *Superman Returns Theme plays*

  1711. Michael Says:

    Putzy. I am disappoint.

  1712. G Says:

    Mcahel what is done is done, putzy eww how could you watch, that, i mean between michael and joey, ewww.

  1713. Michael Says:

    Fuck you. Seriously, fuck you guys.

  1714. Joey Says:

    I’d like to note: Mikey is the ‘small’ one. *produces a tape for G* You married me too! Don’t you remember honey?

  1715. usualroutine Says:

    Did you guys really go from discussing Nondrick’s adventures to worshiping a Goat to talking about gay sex? Wow. Just… wow.

    • Joey Says:

      Eh. It’s the Usual Routine. and that’s The Goat to you, young man. *grins saucily* Alright, enough Newbie scaring for now.

  1716. some random guy Says:

    I think People started leaving when I posted my first crappy comment. It’s… Depressindgfgjnjgsfnj

  1717. The Green Lantern Says:

    Where’s my love?

  1718. some random guy Says:


  1719. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Wooot GL is back in da hizzouse!

  1720. Joey Says:

    hmm. Maybe t’s him. Maybe it’s not. Alll the same, here’s your love, sexy!

  1721. Plinar Says:

    Oh, okay then. I can take a hint.
    *walks away into the sunset*

  1722. KingFrozen Says:

    OH MY GOD!

    You people sicken me. I leave for one day and you make 50 comments.

    We should at least be in the 70’s!

    And also… we need less cocks, more bewbs.

  1723. G Says:

    No Joey, NO. babes, HOT babes only.

  1724. G Says:

    Oh and Green lantern, wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo your back, now only midget and addicted left ( please inform me i’ve missed anyone out)

  1725. Joey Says:

    Maybe I AM a Hot Babe.

  1726. G Says:

    Noob iis now a word in a dictionary, cooooooool woot, p.s we should invent a word and make enough internet users/ teenagers to use them then it will be a word ( hopefully)

  1727. G Says:

    Joey who moved m cheese? wait it was me, anyhu, no, your not a hot babe.

  1728. The Green Lantern Says:

    What do you think about “stoobie”?

    And yes, it really is me.

    Would I lie?

  1729. Michael Says:

    No, you wouldn’t.

  1730. The Green Lantern Says:

    MICHAEL!!!! My brother in arms!

  1731. G Says:

    Or would you,

  1732. G Says:

    Green lantern!!!

  1733. Michael Says:

    Indeed! Brothers in arms! And Joey, say good bye to your Hiatus Crew position :3

  1734. G Says:

    what pos…. oh.. you and joey… oh i get it….

  1735. The Green Lantern Says:


  1736. G Says:

    it’s true there even married, ok maybe i should stop with this.

  1737. The Green Lantern Says:

    That’s probably a good idea.

    Anyway, anyone else as excited about Diablo 3 as I am?

  1738. The Green Lantern Says:

    That’s probably true.

  1739. G Says:

    There’s probably a lot of statements with That’s probably true in them.

  1740. The Green Lantern Says:

    G stands for gay.

    That’s probably true.

  1741. G Says:

    G stamds for G man

  1742. G Says:

    Green lantern’s statement is not true btw

  1743. G Says:


    “Sign up” to join the Awesome highscores.

    1# N/a
    2# N/a
    3# N/a
    4# N/a
    5# N/a
    6# N/a
    7# N/a
    8# N/a
    9# N/a
    10# N/a
    11# N/a
    12# N/a
    13# N/a
    14# N/a
    15# N/a
    16# N/a
    17# N/a
    18# N/a
    19# N/a
    20# N/a

  1744. G Says:

    Of course am not included in my own list so i register as ‹‹×››

  1745. The Green Lantern Says:


  1746. Joey Says:

    *signs* I get to be No.1, right honey?

  1747. The Green Lantern Says:

    Shut up.

    • Joey Says:

      Oh, come on now.

      • The Green Lantern Says:


        I remember you weren’t this bad back in the day. You were actually kinda funny. But this gag isn’t. Hasn’t been, nor will it be funny.

        Tits or GTFO.

      • Joey Says:

        I was actually planning on: being extremely scary/wierding people out. Ah well. Back in the day? Did we meet before. As for that last bit… You can’t make me do things I don’t wanna. The nice lady told me that.

  1748. G Says:

    ok staright off, for signing you get a complementary +100 awesome points.

    >So Green lantern has gained 100 ap’s
    >Joey gains 100 ap’s
    > joey loses 100 ap’s for calling me hoey, ok that’s just gay
    >Green lantern gains 50 ap’s for telling joey to shu up, a comment that deserves to be there.
    >Green lantern gains another 50 ap’s
    >Joey quits that annoying “honey Gag” and gains 100 ap’s

    High Score

    1# Green lantern: 200 ap’s
    2# Joey: 100 ap’s

    On a side note: Joey you have stopped havn’t you? if you havn’t i’ll have to deduct 200 ap’s.

  1749. Joey Says:

    I promise I’ll stop. Also, why did he get a random AP’s? Just for being able to control me? ‘Cause he’s the only person who can do that.

  1750. G Says:

    >Joey gains 25 ap’s fo saying he will stop

    Curent board:

    1# Green Lantern 200 ap’s
    2# Joey 125 ap’s

  1751. Joey Says:

    Hmm… I promise never to pretend to be gay again, and if I become gay, I won’t come onto you. How’s’at?

  1752. G Says:

    ok, don’t push your luck on getting any more points…

  1753. The Green Lantern Says:

    You may continue to call me sexy though.

    Cuz it’s true.

  1754. G Says:

    Ok, green lantern… hmm does a lie affect your ap? i’ll leave lying for later.

  1755. G Says:

    Joey excessive sucking up will lose you points, so far you’ve sucked up to green lantern twice, anymore then 5 you will start to lose points.

  1756. Joey Says:

    I’m not sucking up to him, I’m being a Private. We can get a whole Army together, you to… Sergeant? G.

  1757. G Says:

    Green Lantern has a private army eh… hmmm. interesting…

  1758. Michael Says:

    No you.

    • Joey Says:

      Um. Okay. You’re a General. So’s Lantern. He’s now a Field General. Made up? Maybe. Ah well, our Army, our Rules.

  1759. The Green Lantern Says:

    JOEY, now that you’ve quit sexually harassing half of the crew, what are you going to do next?

  1760. G Says:

    >Green Lantern “aquires a slave” + 150 aps.

    Side note: Some on people sign up and do some awesome stuff, we can’t have green lantern ruling the hoa ( Hall of Awesome) have some competition.

  1761. Michael Says:

    Great. And when you’re done, get me something to drink.

  1762. Joey Says:

    *finishes his job, and awaits orders*

  1763. Joey Says:

    *goes and gets Michael a beer*

  1764. The Green Lantern Says:

    At ease, soldier.

  1765. Michael Says:

    While you’re at it, polish my spear.

  1766. G Says:

    Michael wanna sign up?

  1767. Michael Says:

    I don’t have to sign up to win. That’s how awesome I am.

  1768. The Green Lantern Says:

    These “awesome points” are like Xbox achievements…


  1769. G Says:

    your not awesome, sign up now!

  1770. Michael Says:

    G just lost over 9000 AP’s for telling me I’m not awesome.

  1771. The Green Lantern Says:

    OVER 9000????

  1772. G Says:

    Yu don’t effect the awesome points, you can’t make me lose my awesome points, there infinite.

  1773. Joey Says:

    General Lantern gains 9000 AP for making that reference. Michael gains 20, and 200, 20 for making his own counter, 200 for the Oblivion book reference.

  1774. G Says:

    You lot have just spoilt the awesome board, how dare you michael

  1775. Michael Says:

    I’m better than you are G. Face it already. Now make me a sandwich. With cheese. And salami.

  1776. The Green Lantern Says:

    What the hell did I do, G?

  1777. G Says:

    Green lantern you did nothing Joey and michael don’t spoil the awesome thingy ma bob

  1778. Joey Says:

    Also, Michael. The Lusty Argonian Maid, Volume… Four? Or Act Four, maybe.

  1779. G Says:

    oh yes.

    1# Green Lantern: 350
    2# Joey: 125

    Current scores.

  1780. G Says:

    i never heard or care for the book

  1781. some random guy Says:

    Everyone get the fuck down and polish my boots!

  1782. some random guy Says:

    Ye~ss. =3

  1783. some random guy Says:

    JK. What the fuck? “You are posting too fast, slow down.”

  1784. some random guy Says:


  1785. some random guy Says:

  1786. some random guy Says:

    Where do you live…. just for time zone purposes.

  1787. some random guy Says:

    Oh. G’night. It’s 6:42.

  1788. Michael Says:


  1789. G Says:

    right now it’s 15:40 gmt Greenwich Mean time, live in Engalnd

  1790. Michael Says:

    Engalnd? Never heard of that country before. Reminds me of England though.

  1791. G Says:

    any other british ppl?

  1792. Joey Says:

    England, Cornwall… Your mum’s house.

  1793. Joey Says:

    To Chris,

    This is your Blog: 😀

    This is your Blog on Hiatus: D:

    From, Joey.

  1794. G Says:

    To joey your gay you suck dick all day.

    Cornwall??? do you speak cornish? Also all Cornish people are bastards. I don’t know why, but they are.

    • Joey Says:

      A. Fucck you. B. Yes, Cornwall. C. No. D. Fuck you. D. SERIOUSLY, FUCK YOU.

    • The Green Lantern Says:

      We’re not unreasonable, I mean noones gonna eat your eyes.
      We’re at in impasse here, maybe we should compromise.
      When you open up the doors, We’ll all come inside and eat your braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaains.

  1795. The Green Lantern Says:

    Heya Tom, It’s Bob, from the office down the hall…
    It’s good to see you buddy, how’ve you been?
    Things have been ok for me, except that I’m a zombie now
    I really wish you’d let us in…

    I think I speak for all of us when I say I understand
    Why you folks might hesitate to submit to our demands
    But Tom that’s what I do, and I plan on eating you slowly…

    • Joey Says:

      Hey Bob, nice to see you again.
      I’ve been good, thanks you?
      Ah, really, that sucks pal.
      You know I can’t do that.

      Oh, you do, do you?
      Well, yeh, we value our lives, pretty simple.
      Oh, Bob, do you have’ta?

  1796. G Says:

    Slowly? well ok.

  1797. The Green Lantern Says:

    Shit, I fucked that up. Twice. Damn you Chris. For never updating this, and not including a delete function.

  1798. G Says:

    When i said earlier that “Joey’s gay he sucks dick all day” let me rephrase that Joey the necrophiliac is gay, he sucks dick all day.

  1799. The Green Lantern Says:

    I’d believe it.

  1800. The Green Lantern Says:

    Joey the deadcocksucker.


  1801. The Green Lantern Says:


    I thought those were common knowledge by now.

  1802. Joey Says:

    T_T My backround’s actually a pic that my girlfriend did of us kissing.

  1803. G Says:

    You have girlfriend?!?!?!?!? Shock horrer!!
    I thought you were gay, oh i get it, you the one wearing the pants in that relationship and you refer to your boyfriend as you girlfriend. i feal sorry for your boyfriend whats wrong with him?

  1804. G Says:

    wrong as in why the hell did they choose you

  1805. G Says:

    it is… you cornish pasty

  1806. G Says:

    i don’t it’s just that you leave to man “openings” and i don’t have a “problem” i just like to whats that word irratate you alot. its just i take things way to far sometimes….

  1807. G Says:

    No Green lantern, NO!

  1808. Michael Says:

    Oh you.

  1809. The Green Lantern Says:


  1810. G Says:

    oh you ight back at you poo

  1811. G Says:

    am not your son…. or am i?

  1812. Joey Says:

    I am dissapoint.

  1813. Michael Says:

    No. You’re not. I’m disappoint.

  1814. Michael Says:

    Now get me a sammich.

  1815. Michael Says:

    G’s intestines.

  1816. Joey Says:

    … Nevermind.

  1817. The Green Lantern Says:

    Where the hell is Vadermath?

  1818. G Says:

    noo, not my intestines, thats the good part of my body, and so’s my brain before you ask green lantern.

  1819. G Says:

    No, nearly all parts of my body are good ( espcially including my balls)

  1820. Michael Says:

    He had an ex?

  1821. Michael Says:

    You’ll find yourself in Gladiator school rather quickly with rotten behaviour like that!

  1822. Michael Says:

    Rape time.

  1823. some random guy Says:

    I hav agirlfriend too. She’s chinese, DON”T SAY RACISM AGAINST CHINESE PEOPLE you can diss government.

  1824. some random guy Says:


  1825. G Says:

    Michael isn’t raping putzy deprtment????

    if you gonna do some raping at least do it on a trin.

    and don’t even think about raping me, i’ll, i’ll mis-spell your name ??? idk, but ill do somet.

  1826. G Says:

    srg is she fit? sorry i have to ask that question.

  1827. G Says:

    Just realisedd that i havn’t recoreded gl’s and joey’s ap’s for the day, i cba, but any comment after this is ranked, also ag you auto joined against your will and so are you michael.

  1828. Joey Says:

    I withdraw my previous signing up. You’re not worthy of rating us.

  1829. Michael Says:

    Lol. G fails.

  1830. G Says:

    you cornish bastard

  1831. Michael Says:

    I’m going to gut you like a cornish game hen.

  1832. Michael Says:

    Depends. Probably G though. As of now.

  1833. The Green Lantern Says:

    Joey Says:

    July 9, 2009 at 5:39 pm
    (This was to Michael by the way.)
    You are a fucking asshole. He said that you’re “being portrayed as pricks”. And you are. Just ’cause you and your friends check the site every four seconds and comment ten times an hour, it doesn’t mean you’re the only “real fans”.

    I bet you feel like a fucktard now.

    • Joey Says:

      No. I wasn’t saying doing that was BAD. I was saying it doesn’t make you Nondricks only real fans. Anyway, I admit, I AM a sad person with no life.

  1834. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Nailed his ass to the wall,GL.

  1835. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    To the fuckin’ WALL.

  1836. The Green Lantern Says:


  1837. The Green Lantern Says:

    This shit is fucking priceless. I found Nancymarie’s blog.

    • The Green Lantern Says:

      And apparently her and Jaded are MARRIED!!!

      I expect a full on spam attack. Rally the troops.

      • Joey Says:

        A. I fucking new that, I read EVERY post here. B. I fucking told you Jaded was a man, you silly billy. Why don’t you listen to me?

  1838. The Green Lantern Says:

    “I can’t remember when I last posted about my weight. We did a weigh-in yesterday. Me: 295# Empath: 230#”

  1839. Michael Says:

    LOL Lantern! And thanks for the praise. For me, ‘Grammar nazi’ is a compliment.

  1840. Michael Says:

    I posted a comment on her blog. Let the battle begin!

  1841. G Says:

    Revenge spam time, i told you it was married.

  1842. Joey Says:

    I’ve commented too. Let the games begin.

  1843. Joey Says:

    WAIT. Don’t SPAM, no, do actual conversing. But talk about things that will annoy her. Let her know that it’s Jaded’s fault, and that they need to get a divorce.

  1844. Michael Says:

    I think it’s time that I tell you guys my big secret.
    I’m Jaded.

  1845. G Says:

    Not spamming, we play a game called psycological warfare.

  1846. G Says:

    lol, calm down joe its only a comercial

  1847. Michael Says:

    I think it’s time that I tell you guys my even bigger secret. I’m not Jaded. KABOOMOMGAOMGWTFLOLWUTBBQ

  1848. some random guy Says:

    Jadaed and her are MARRIED!? Wow. I take back that comment I posted on her blog.

  1849. some random guy Says:

    *Jaded- irrelevant spam

  1850. Joey Says:

    Will someone help me get my message across to her? Her comments thing wont let me comment.

  1851. G Says:

    whats your comment?

  1852. Joey Says:

    There’s no new comments on her Blog, G. Don’t lie to me.

  1853. s Says:

    well i said it dammit

  1854. G Says:

    Welli said that Joey asked for a convo, she obviously deleted my comments.

  1855. G Says:

    Tried again.

  1856. G Says:

    when i post my comments arnt apearing now, i dont think this will work

  1857. Michael Says:

    Just wanted you guys to know that I have reported our dear friend Nancymarie to WordPress.

  1858. Michael Says:

    With an e-mail to their report abuse section.

  1859. The Green Lantern Says:

    That was a total “RETREEEEAT!” moment. But we shall have our revenge.

  1860. The Green Lantern Says:


    Google livinginoblivion.

    We’re #5.

    Out of all the combos you can get out of the words living, in, and oblivion…

    We’re #5.

    Let’s aim for #1, gentlemen.


    Has anyone heard from him? I used to call.

  1861. The Green Lantern Says:


    I used The call.

  1862. Joey Says:

    No. We leave her Blog be.

  1863. Michael Says:

    There’s no way she can arrest us for commenting on her blog. I have proxies and shits and loads of alternative e-mail addresses so her little filter won’t stop me if I don’t wish to be stopped.

    • Joey Says:

      Well I’m stopping, you be a spammer but I hope the rest of us are better than that.

      • The Green Lantern Says:

        It’s probably for the best, Michael.

        We made a valiant stand, thanks to your brain and my creepy, high off not sleeping stalker instincts.

        I feel like we got our point across, that we’re STILL not broken.

        Just a bit disorganized.

      • Joey Says:

        Oh, but we are. We’ve fallen apart. Well, not we. YOU.

  1864. The Green Lantern Says:

    That too.

  1865. Michael Says:

    Well, I do not wish to spam her but to discuss things with her if that would be necessary.

  1866. G Says:

    hmm, thats true…. wait… oops.

  1867. Michael Says:

    Are you afraid of her calling the police or something?

  1868. Michael Says:

    Joey; there is no law against talking to people over the internet. Nor is there a law against swearing on the internet. There is no law against commenting on a blog, either. You have nothing to fear.

    She’s the one who has something to fear,
    1. I reported her to WordPress
    2. She posted our IP’s and our e-mail addresses. Which enables US to contact ‘the local authorities’.

  1869. Michael Says:

    With ‘US’, I did not mean the United States, but us.

  1870. G Says:

    I’m sure i posted a comment on here, what happened to it, damn my comments keep disapearing.

  1871. Michael Says:

    Hot damn.

  1872. The Green Lantern Says:

    Looks like the heat came down on her.

    IP’s are gone.

  1873. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Do you guys really have to comment thirty thousand times an hour? I have to find my last post somewhere above everytime I come to the site! Although, seeing the activity here does give me orgasms, so continue.
    Ohhhhhh yeahaahahahahaaaeeeehhh

  1874. Michael Says:

    She better take my e-mail address down.

  1875. G Says:

    i dont care if she keeps my email there, it’s fake

  1876. Joey Says:

    She better take the E-mail down I just got spammed for the first time since I ever got my E-mail account. Read this: You’re invited to: HELLO,
    By your host: Mary Kipkalya

    Date: Saturday September 5, 2009
    Time: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm (GMT +00:00)
    Street: Dearest ,I am writing this mail to you with tears and sorrow from my heart.With due respect trust and humanity, i appeal to you to exercise a little patience and read through my letter i feel quite safe dealing with you in this important business having gone through your remarkable profile, honestly i am writing this email to you with pains, tears and sorrow from my heart, i will really like to have a good relationship with you and i have a special reason why i decided to contact you, i decided to contact you due to the urgency of my situation,My name is Miss. Mary Kipkalya Kones, 23yrs old female and I held from Kenya in West Africa. My father was the former Kenyan road Minister. He and Assistant Minister of Home Affairs Lorna Laboso had been on board the Cessna 210, which was headed to Kericho and crashed in a remote area called Kajong’a, in western Kenya. The plane crashed on the Tuesday 10th, June,2008. You can read more about the crash t hrough the below site:http:// edition.cnn. com/2008/ WORLD/africa/ 06/10/kenya. crash/index. html After the burial of my father, my stepmother and uncle conspired and sold my father’s property to an italian Expertrate which the shared the money among themselves and live nothing for me. One faithful morning, I opened my father’s briefcase and found out the documents which he have deposited huge amount of money in one bank in Burkina Faso with my name as the next of kin. I travelled to Burkina Faso to withdraw the money for a better life so that I can take care of myself and start a new life, on my arrival, the Bank Director whom I met in person told me that my father’s instuction to the bank is that the money would only be release to me when I am married or present a trustee who will help me and invest the money overseas. I am in search of an honest and reliable person who will help me and stand as my trustee so that I will present him to the Bank for transfer of the mo ney to20his bank account overseas. I have chosen to contact y ou after my prayers and I believe that you will not betray my trust. But rather take me as your own sister. Though you may wonder why I am so soon revealing myself to you without knowing you, well I will say that my mind convinc ed me that you may be the true person to help me. Moreso, I will like to disclose much to you if you can help me to relocate to your country because my stepmother have threaten to assinate me. The amount is( $5.8 USD )Million United State Dollars, and I have confirmed from the bank in Burkina Faso on my arrival, You will also help me to place the money in a more profitable business venture in your Country. However, you will help by recommending a nice University in your country so that I can complete my studies. It is my intention to compensate you with 20% of the total money for your services and the balance shall be my capital in your establishment. As soon as I receive your positive respo nse showing your interest I will put things into action immediately. In the light of the above, I shall appreciate an urgent message indicating your ability and willingness to handle this transaction sincerely. Awaiting your urgent and positive response. Please do keep this only to your self for now untill the bank will transfer the fund. I beg you not to disclose it till i come over because I am affraid of my weaked stepmother who has threatened to kill me and have the money alone ,I thank God Today=2 0that am out from my country (KENYA) but now In (Burkina Faso) where my father deposited these money with my name as the next of Kin.I have the documents for the claims. Yours Sincerely Mary Kipkalya Kones

    You see? I’m not getting spammed, because I posted a comment on her Blog.

  1877. G Says:

    i think she’s been banned from wordpress.

  1878. Joey Says:

    Probably not.

  1879. Notus Says:

    I sure do miss Nondrick.

  1880. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    PUTZY. Is great? AT BEING! Awesome. Enemy man. UP. Left? AHEAD. WHAT!

  1881. KingFrozen Says:

    OH MY GOD! SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow down

    this is going on for way to long.

    Seriously, like… Notus comes along, and we ignore him. We should embrace him into our crew for caring for this long.


    Wanna go back to the old days? when we had good old Jaded? Anybody miss him/her/it/them?

  1882. KingFrozen Says:

    Also… i read that noob article that said noob and … woot? weren’t in the dictionary.

    How come “D’oh” can be in the dictionary but 1337z0r cant?

  1883. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    because who fucking uses leetzor in real life?

  1884. KingFrozen Says:


  1885. Joey Says:

    I say: 1 3 3 7. Or Leet.

  1886. Michael Says:

    Got my first spam mail today. Thank you, Nancymarie.

  1887. G Says:

    i WoNdeR wHaT HeR eMaIl Is.

  1888. Michael Says:

    Hey guys. Our e-mails are going to be taken down! Victory is ours! Huzzah!

  1889. Concerned Says:

    Concerned: Half of the Life and (apparant) Death of Nondrick P. Cairk’tir

  1890. KingFrozen Says:

    wait… what emails?

  1891. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Im not sure. I don’t keep track of the storyline much. I just post comments where I rape people.
    *takes G into back room*
    *Gs screams are heard*

  1892. KingFrozen Says:

    i got the weirdest sense of deja vu then

  1893. KingFrozen Says:

    i got the weirdest sense of deja vu then.

  1894. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    I got the weirdest sense of screwing you mother then.

  1895. Michael Says:


  1896. G Says:

    I got the weirdest sense that putzy has a small dick.

  1897. Michael Says:

    That’s not very weird.

  1898. Michael Says:

    Sure. Write about me and make a hell lot of references to me.

  1899. Michael Says:

    Great. Now.. uh, move along.

  1900. Michael Says:

    I had sexy time with my mother in-law.

  1901. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    I can haz cheezburgr wile fuking ur mumma?

  1902. KingFrozen Says:

    Whats with the mother fucking fucking mother jokes?

    U got an oedipus complex or summin? Dunno what it is?


  1903. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Nah, I’m just super bored. Which is the opposite of what your mum was feeling when I was fucking her, incidently.

  1904. Joey Says:

    Michael: Serious? Putzy: Getting old. King: Everyone’s doing it, just say yes!

  1905. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    The Putz does not ‘get old’…he gets paid.
    Because I can.

  1906. Michael Says:

    Dun.. dun.. dyyy
    I might be away this weekend, not sure yet though.

  1907. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    *rapes michael*

  1908. Michael Says:

    Makes Putzy’s comment undone.

  1909. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    *disables all Michaels abilities and powers then rapes him again, really really hard then makes it so it can never be stopped, rewinded, undone or deleted*

  1910. Michael Says:

    Takes them back.

  1911. Michael Says:


    • Joey Says:

      Fair enough. Blog up in some days maybe possibly, complete with references. In the meantime just re-read Nondrick. Comma’s suck.

  1912. Michael Says:

    Great, Joey.

    • youjustlostit Says:

      Was that actual appraise? Also, sucky new acoount. YOU CAN’T HAVE CAPITALS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!

      • youjustlostit Says:

        And yes, my name is not only a reference to mine and all of ours sanity, but also a reference to The Game. ALSO: SUPER SAIYAN SPACES?

  1913. Michael Says:

    I do know of The Game, youjustlostit(Joey?).
    Also, egg.

    • youjustlostit Says:

      Yes, Micheal it’s me, joey, check my avatar. Also, you introduced me to The Game. You’re like the mentor you never wanted to be.

  1914. G Says:

    … wth? ok so let me try and understnad whats happening, putzy’s being doing it with moms( that joke is getting OLD now) joey’s making a blog, king frozen is… err… idk./…. Micahel is same as always…..

  1915. youjustlostit Says:

    What the fuck? I messed up Micaels name, messed up my name, gave Michael a semi-compliment/assertation of any kind of importance, and then called him my ‘mentor’. … wth? Indeed.

    It IS getting OLD, SEE Putzy. I’m making a CRAP Blog. A being the operative word. Not…

    King is doing stuff. NOT PEOPLE, AND NOT DOING IN THAT WAY. Michael… I dunno, I think he’s becoming more accepting of anyone at all ever on the internet.

  1916. youjustlostit Says:

    “I messed up Micaels name”

    WHAT THE FUCK? Why can’t we write his name properly. what have you done, Michael?

  1917. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    If your mum sex jokes were getting old, why am I fucking yours now?

  1918. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    I’m starting to hate me too.

  1919. KingFrozen Says:

    You should. your like hitler. Even he hated himself enough to kill himself.

    FUN FACT: Hitler had sexual relationships with 3 women, all of which committed suicide.

    And i am doing something. Does being awesome count?

  1920. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Only if you’re awesome, which, incidently, you’re not.

  1921. The Green Lantern Says:

    I’m awesome.

  1922. Michael Says:

    Newfags can’t Triforce

    ▲ ▲

  1923. Michael Says:

    Lol. Oh and by ‘ Michael… I dunno, I think he’s becoming more accepting of anyone at all ever on the internet.’ do you mean I’m accepting you?

  1924. youjustlostit Says:

    Not necessarily accepting me. Just aboding with me. How do you make the triangles?

  1925. youjustlostit Says:

    Abiding with me, That’s the word I was looking for. Abiding. Also, mah Blog will have it’s first post, (complete with references) on the 11, probably.

  1926. youjustlostit Says:

    11th. On the 11th. Damnit.

  1927. Michael Says:

    Make it about WTC. And me.

  1928. youjustlostit Says:

    WTC? School just started, gimme a break and explain it. Please?

  1929. G Says:


    the Pyramid scheme.

  1930. G Says:

    what??? it came out well when i was typing it.



  1931. G Says:

    it seams that it doesnt work, sigh

  1932. youjustlostit Says:

    How do you do it, G? Tell your friend.

  1933. Michael Says:

    Joey; WTC= World Trade Center= OMGAOMG BAWWWW 9/11 2001
    omgaomg talibans

    • youjustlostit Says:

      Oh, yeeeeh. BAWWWW? Do you mean BAWWWWMB? Omgaomg? Why the a? Oh my God and oh my God?

      Anyhow, it’ll be more interesting than that. NOT. It’s: A Journal of an Aylied Ruins Hunter. Sue me.

  1934. youjustlostit Says:

    Oh, and before I forget: Talibanny fanny.

  1935. The Green Lantern Says:


    God help me.

  1936. some random guy Says:

    School fucking sucks. Sorry for not posting and nancymarie posted about getting a meesage about blog abuse. Bah.

  1937. some random guy Says:

    Oh, and started playing fallout 3. =3

  1938. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    You know, trying to play through Crysis using nothing but your fists = bloody hard

  1939. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Gawd sum1 post sumfin

  1940. The Green Lantern Says:

    Happy September 11th!!!

  1941. G Says:

    Post something? ok then


    there. Happy now?

  1942. Michael Says:

    whoalollol. I posted something! And Joey, Bawww=crying.

  1943. Michael Says:

    Normally I’d call you a newfag, but I didn’t feel like it. kthnxbailol

  1944. Michael Says:


  1945. remember 9/11 Says:

    People say that the war in iraq to end, that it’s evil. But I remember what happened 8 years ago, and I remember what we’re fighting for. The protesters would see the terrorists kill us all, so that’s why I say to you this day: remember 9/11.

  1946. some random guy Says:


  1947. some random guy Says:

    *war in iraq SHOULD end, typo

  1948. Joey (FUCK THIS LAPTOP) Says:


  1949. Michael Says:

    It appears thou art not pleased with your portable computer device. Haveth I the right thinking in the mind that belongs to me?

    • Joey (FUCK THIS LAPTOP) Says:

      I don’t hate it as much as the computer I WAS on. I couldn’t comment, so I read the Hiatus post. So THAT’S who Max and Washcloth are. And THAT’S why Vadermath and The Green Lantern are so important.

  1950. Michael Says:

    You bet. But I’m more important. I have Varla Stones!

  1951. Michael Says:

    You press(and keep it pressed) alt, and then you just press some numbers on the numpad, and expirement. Or maybe you could find something if you google’d it. Good luck have fun, boy.

  1952. Michael Says:

    ¯/◘☻♦♠☻L works well for me.

  1953. Michael Says:

    You are most welcome, student.

  1954. G Says:

    altcodes… ™

    what’s your blog joey?

    also if your on the laptop you have to press the fn(function) key as well as th alt

  1955. Michael Says:

    YAY. You can’t provide me, the great Varla Stone hunter with a link?

  1956. youjustlostit Says: <— THERE. Complete with references.

  1957. Michael Says:

    Great. Can’t wait to see what you wrote about me.

    • youjustlostit Says:

      Nothing in particular about certain people, other than Max and Washcloth. I may not be a member of the Hiatus Crew, but I’m like the equivelant of an old family friend.

  1958. Michael (from The Hiatus Crew, BOO) Says:

    Then start spamming it up with references to me!

  1959. G Says:


    What do yo mean my comment is awaiting moderation?

  1960. Michael Says:

    lol, namechange.

  1961. Michael Says:

    In other news, No Sex For Ben. It’s a song. And I’m listening to it right now.

  1962. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Fnuckin’ TATER.

  1963. Jackrabbit Says:

    My God. I’m embarrassed ever to have been associated with this place, much less this ‘crew’. I’m out. See you later, or whenever.

  1964. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Well, it sure has deteriated.
    But thats due to madness from lack of Nonny.
    Which is why I said “Fnuckin’ TATER” just a moment ago.

  1965. youjustlostit Says:

    We’re pathetic. But I have a Blog, which makes me BETTER THAN ALL OF YOU! MWUHAHAHAHAHA!Also, I’m not part of The Hiatus Crew. Your numbers have dwindled, and you have all but disbanded.

  1966. G Says:


    what happened to vadermath? should we add him to the mia list as well?

  1967. Michael Says:

    >>>what happened to vadermath? should we add him to the mia list as well?


    • youjustlostit Says:

      New post Michael, you commented just after I put it up. Max is more of a deserter. He has his own Blog, but ignores all attempts at contact.

  1968. some random guy Says:

    BRAR KDKKKLK J JBMBML B!!!!!1111 Hi. blog needs pictures, pretend they’re journal drawings.

  1969. some random guy Says:

    Oh. 360. I’m savin up for one.

  1970. The Green Lantern Says:

    Yeah, this place does suck anymore.

    No wonder Vadermath gave up.

    Goodbye people.

  1971. Vadermath Says:

    Yes, I did give up. No one (save Michael) of the old guard comes around here, or the website, making cool jokes and smalltalk. But Lantern, I hope I at least hear from you on MSN sometimes…

  1972. Michael Says:

    WHEEHAA. I’m the new leader, thank you, Joey. For your faith in me, I mean.

  1973. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    I still talk to Midget and dupersude on msn. This is getting old. I might post everynow and then, but probably not.

  1974. youjustlostit Says:

    You gotta have faith! Eh, your the only one of the old Crew still around, and you’ve got a kickass avatar. It was always going to happen someday.

  1975. G Says:

    so basically it just michael ( leader) Me lef tof the hiatus crew. joey and srg post here, and putzy is a maybe… is that it???

  1976. Michael Says:

    >>>so basically it just michael ( leader) Me lef tof the hiatus crew. joey and srg post here, and putzy is a maybe… is that it???


  1977. kibble Says:

    damn 2000 comments – hooo

  1978. G Says:

    No way joey, no just no.

    Who’s kibble?

    • youjustlostit Says:

      Calm down g, I don’t expect YOu to learn how to spell, that’d be a damn near miracle.

      Yesterday I had nothing to do other than read all of the comments on the Hiatus post. THAT’S who Kibble is.

  1979. youjustlostit Says:

    Correction: *G. USE CAPITALS. Who else here loves Crunchy Nut Cornflakes?

  1980. youjustlostit Says:

    Gawd, sounds like another Kellogs crunchy nut.

  1981. some random guy Says:

    So I’m thinkin of makin one of those TAle things, not now though, I got homework.(fuckin school)

  1982. Michael Says:

    But the novel is Vadermath.

    • youjustlostit Says:

      Yes, but he left us too. It is now a required part of becoming Putzy, and eventually Vader, when the new Putzy comes or the old Vader leaves.

  1983. G Says:

    well i think we should fill the roles of the mia’s.

  1984. G Says:

    oops i forgot to add tharoon to the Mia list


    Green Lantern
    Putsy (Should he be here?)
    Kibble (important?)

    Wow that’s a big list.
    That’s 13 people, and there were some “Background” people who occasionally posted when the hiatus crew were in it’s hayday…

    If only we can simultaneously bring everyone back, but that won’t ever happen. EVER.

  1985. G Says:

    oops i forgot to add tharoon to the Mia list


    Green Lantern
    Putsy (Should he be here?)
    Kibble (important?)

    Wow that’s a big list.
    That’s 13 people, and there were some “Background” people who occasionally posted when the hiatus crew were in it’s hayday…

    If only we can simultaneously bring everyone back, but that won’t happen.

    Maybe i should leave?

  1986. G Says:

    Ah, fuck i keep fogetting about King Frozen.

  1987. some random guy Says:

    First, aspgren is a dick who writes blogs well, so he doesn’t count.

  1988. Justin Says:

    I can’t wait till April 2010. >_>

  1989. youjustlostit Says:


  1990. Christopholes Says:

    Your mother.

  1991. KingFrozen Says:

    Ooh Em gee…

    get a life…

    i havent been here coz u guys have fallen apart. Cant we all move on and..


  1992. G Says:

    I agree with you king frozen, i’m off.

  1993. Michael Says:

    Fuck. I had a feeling it would end like this. But no,no, I will NOT leave this ship, err comment section, I repeat; I will NOT leave this comment section! Huzzah!

  1994. youjustlostit Says:

    Christopholes too. Also, stop impersonating me. For Goat’s sake!

  1995. youjustlostit Says:

    No wai.

  1996. dupersude Says:

    Did someone say loli?

  1997. dupersude Says:

    Oh and also
    Everybody reading this post
    GJust became aware that they are breathing manually.
    They are also blAinking manually
    AnMd if they go back and read all of my supposed capital letter typo’s in orEder, from the first one to now, they will realise something…

  1998. youjustlostit Says:

    I already did. I KNEW something was fishy.

  1999. Tharron Says:


    So i see we just continue on this endless long post… hwo is everybody doing? any fun pantsy (He he pantsy) jokes going on? did i miss something? and no im not reading back up! so someone give me a short nuthsel version of all that happened when LiO broke up (ish)

    • youjustlostit Says:

      I made peace, Vader and Green Lantern came back, then deserted, Michael and me got dupersude back, G left, Kibble and Christopholes re-appeared (may be clones) an now I’m trying to get all of you guys back.

  2000. some random guy Says:

    … Epic death of LIO.

  2001. Michael Says:

    All I say is, go and be crusified!

  2002. Michael Says:

    OP fails to deliver.

  2003. some random guy Says:

    IDK myyyy BFF JILL?

  2004. Tharron Says:

    Nobody fucking hailed me! you guys suck my nutzorgs!

    *takes Youjustlostit to the back…room of the train!*
    *hears very harsh iron clashing noices in backroom*

  2005. dupersude Says:

    youjustlostit- I only JUST NOW took it in that your name refers to the game. JUST NOW. Fuck you man. Fuck you.

  2006. youjustlostit Says:

    *has no capital Y because the fucking thing wont let you.* Quote: youjustlostit Says:

    September 9, 2009 at 8:24 pm
    And yes, my name is not only a reference to mine and all of ours sanity, but also a reference to The Game. ALSO: SUPER SAIYAN SPACES?

  2007. dupersude Says:

    I didnt see that quote. I was too busy avoiding prison. Hah! Haha!

    But seriously. Was that last thursday? Cause if so the first line is true.

  2008. dupersude Says:

    Why. What’d you do?

  2009. KingFrozen Says:

    MY GOD!

    how many time must i lose the game?

    and… prison?

    seriously, how hard is it to cover up a crime?

  2010. some random guy Says:


  2011. G Says:

    Oh that’s just fucking great, the day i leave tharron comes back and duprsude, for fuck sake.

    Does this mean HC is still alive? ish?

    I hate english ( not the language the lesson – i’m fucking shit at it something you all have probably picked up by now)

    • youjustlostit Says:

      Not by chance. I hunted them down. We wouldn’t have dupersude if not for Michael. Also, it’s about 10% of people. And 56% of statistics are made up one the spot.

  2012. umwhat Says:

    This is the comment section of a neglected blog, not a chatroom or a club.
    Go find something better to do with your time, or at least just talk about Nondrick.

  2013. Tharron Says:

    Omg it seems like LiO is forming back we even have an euhm Spammer something something that chick tha thated our guts! 😛 Back! 😀 Niccce! *plays with his…KINGLY STAF! yesss!*

  2014. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Put the fucking ‘staff’ away for gods sake!

  2015. dupersude Says:

    KingFrozen – You cant exactly “cover up a crime” when it’s your girlfriends father threatening to call the police and have you arrested for… euhm… stuff… Because shes a year under the legal age of consent for said stuff. So yeah.

    Putzy – Thats what she said, isn’t it? There, there… *pats you on the back*

  2016. Midget52 Says:

    Hey, just dropped by to say h- what in the name of all that is holy is going on here?

    Right, um….

    You could use a sheet to cover up the crime?

  2017. dupersude Says:

    we were, but her mother got rid of the sheet when she seen we were hiding under it.

  2018. KingFrozen Says:

    Yo putz, check this shit out:

    Im doin your mom. Yes yours!
    I first saw her in the Wal-Mart pickin out your drawers.
    Big Dolly Parton hair like an 80s prom queen
    But her ass was lookin good all up in those mom-jeans.
    I approached her in the checkout line, and said yo baby wassup?
    She had two gallons of milk, and I was starin at her jugs.
    Five minutes later she agreed to get with me
    So we went and rocked the minivan like Giggity. Giggity. Giggity.
    I was ridin your mom like she was Mario Kart.

  2019. Michael Says:

    Midget, hey are you back? Will you stay?

  2020. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Hey Kingfrozen, thats pretty good, but make the rhymes more obvious next time. Still, not a bad effort.

  2021. dupersude Says:

    oh and kingfrozen – The last line… Killed it. I’m sorry but it did. Completely. It was out of context, and it didnt even come close to rhyming with anything.
    sorry.. but, Truth.

  2022. youjustlostit Says:

    I’ve done two impossibles. I disbanded you guys, and now I brought you back. The difficult I can do, the impossible will take a little while.

    • G Says:

      Yes Joey, you did acheive one impossible in there, and that was to Disband us, but i don’t see how you “re-united” us, so i say you did not acheive to bring us back together.

  2023. Michael Says:

    The Game. trollface.jpg

  2024. G Says:

    is Midget back? does that meen we would be able to convince gl and vadermath to be back as well? is anyone making contact with the other…. i should really give you guys my email./…

  2025. G Says:

    Looking bak at the comments, i think aspgren is a dick

  2026. G Says:

    Ok so you went to know my email add? it’s

    B is the first letter of my second name, loro is a word, which no one here knows/ should not know the meaning of.

  2027. youjustlostit Says:

    YOU LEFT US. Aspgren was… I’m saying nothing.

  2028. G Says:

    ain’t ya gonna ad me?

  2029. youjustlostit Says:


  2030. G Says:

    I like appearing offline, it gives me the appearance that am offline… duhhh

  2031. G Says:

    i appoint myself Vice hiater of the hiatus crew.

  2032. dupersude Says:

    My spidey senses tell me theres been a lot of replying going on in this here comment section…

  2033. dupersude Says:

    … And.. other.. stragglers… I guess… >_>

    Actually i hid several one-word posts in amongst the chaos that is this comment section, in random places all over. A cookie to you if you can find them.

  2034. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    I couldn’t find what the hell you were on about USING ctrl f

  2035. G Says:

    dupersude Says:

    September 17, 2009 at 12:01 am

    dupersude Says:

    September 17, 2009 at 12:08 am

    dupersude Says:

    September 17, 2009 at 12:00 am

    dupersude Says:

    September 17, 2009 at 12:13 am


    Found all 4

  2036. youjustlostit Says:

    That is why G is a failure.

  2037. G Says:

    thats why joey’s gay

  2038. youjustlostit Says:

    Lern 2 spul

  2039. Suckonmy Says:

    Learn to suck on my left testicle.

  2040. Suckonmy Says:

    Welcome to my left testicle.

  2041. Suckonmy Says:

    Welcome to my fresh testicle, my fresh left testicle.

  2042. G Says:

    Woah, who’s this “suck on my” guy?

  2043. KingFrozen Says:

    i stole the rap from somewhere, thats why it uber-failed-saurus.

    It is also obviously G.

  2044. KingFrozen 52 Says:

    Seriously, how dumb do you think we are?

    And who missed me?

  2045. KingFrozen - Who misses the long name gags from ages and ages past that people thought weren't funny but were done anyway just to prove a point to Vadermath who it appears in with us forevermore only is spirit. Says:

    Anyone else feel the same?

  2046. KingFrozen Says:




    OVER 9000!




  2047. Midget52 Says:

    And so this website is complete.

  2048. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Another cool, laid back one liner from the one, the only, the MIDGET!

  2049. dupersude Says:


  2050. dupersude Says:

    oh and G, there was six. 😀

  2051. dupersude Says:

    Oh… wait…
    Er… ignore that ragepost.
    Facepalm ><

  2052. G Says:

    What do you mean there was 6???

  2053. youjustlostit Says:

    I live. So do you. What a coincedence.

  2054. G Says:

    You live so do i. but i rather live, without you living.

  2055. youjustlostit Says:

    Translation: You live, so do I. But I’d rather live without you dead. Translation: Go die.

  2056. G Says:

    Tanslation: I’m awesome

  2057. youjustlostit Says:

    TRANSLATION. WITH A R. Like trannie, the girls you date.

  2058. G Says:

    You date whores.

  2059. G Says:

    Correction: You date male whores

  2060. G Says:

    You now all have 11+ new emails in your inbox. Muhahahaha. I’m Awesome. What’s happened to Michael??? i havn’t seen him in a while

  2061. youjustlostit Says:


  2062. youjustlostit Says:


  2063. G Says:

    Say waht, i can’t speak french

  2064. Dom Says:

    Hi, i read your blog, it’s awesome, keep it up.

  2065. some random guy Says:

    Hi. I have swine flu(?).

  2066. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Your ass has swine flu

  2067. KingFrozen Says:

    thats what she said?

  2068. KingFrozen Says:

    Whats up with…

  2069. KingFrozen Says:

    all of you ignoring…

  2070. KingFrozen Says:

    my long name post…

  2071. KingFrozen Says:

    and speaking in this incredibly impractical manner with like, 5 words per post

    dammit… im starting to sound like…

    well… you know who im talkin about

  2072. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:


  2073. Midget52 Says:

    So apparently I’m the one-liner guy now.

    Anyone else’s comment box lag when they type?

  2074. Midget52 Says:

    That is the only reason I can only type one liners.

  2075. G - Well King Frozen wanted us not to ignore his long name post so i decided to get a long name. So what should i put on here? i don't know, i just really don't know, ok i've got something, Ahem, Did you know that santa likes ho's? Says:

    Midget, no, my comment box doesn’t lag, srg has got swine flu? stay away!

  2076. G - Well King Frozen wanted us not to ignore his long name post so i decided to get a long name. So what should i put on here? i don't know, i just really don't know, ok i've got something, Ahem, Did you know that santa likes ho's? Says:

    oh and putz, your mum?

  2077. some random guy Says:


  2078. G - long names, are awesome. Use a long name now! I command you, i DEMAND you to. Did you know fat pople are fat? Did you know babies grow healthy if they hav a long name? Did you know putsy's gay he bums all day? Did you know that people are afraid of th Says:


  2079. youjustlostit Says:


  2080. G Says:

    hark who’s talking

  2081. youjustlostit Says:

    I can do anything, but try to have at least five or more words to a comment, unless the comment calls for less.

  2082. dupersude Says:

    G. What the fuck. That is all.

  2083. youjustlostit Says:

    No mention of me? Aww. I’m hurt. Really I am.

  2084. some random guy Says:


  2085. Washcloth Says:

    Welly well well well now! 2,500- somthing comments? a record for sure

  2086. Michael Says:

    W-W-W-Wa-Washcloth?! OMGAOMGWTFBBQ

  2087. Michael Says:

    Holy shit, Washcloth. It. Is. You! HUZZAH!

  2088. dupersude Says:

    OH SWEET GOAT. You! I searched endlessly for you on other blogs and sites. For you AND max, actually. Because Michael and the rest of the old timers in the crew wanted you back.
    I had no luck with you, got ahold of max’s blog but he hasnt responded to any of our comments despite the fact he does update…

  2089. KingFrozen Says:


    its um… an honour to meet you sir

  2090. G Says:

    Holy shit it’s washcloth!


    It’s er – a honour to meet you sir.

  2091. youjustlostit Says:

    Hey Washcloth. From what I’ve seen on the Hiatus post you were funny. you’re grammar and spelling was worse too. Which begs the question, is it really you? And, the other question, did my Blog have anything to do with this? Probably not.

  2092. Michael Says:

    Let’s hurl some babies off of a bridge, just for the kicks of it.

  2093. Michael Says:

    Yes, it was.

  2094. G Says:

    Oh and SRG you ~astard you gave me swine flu, or some sort of flu… well i’m sick dammit and i’m blaming you!

  2095. youjustlostit Says:

    I LIED. There might be an Update on my Blog today, but I need to relax and kill this headache first, so I’m off for a bath. Sorry guys.

  2096. G Says:

    Joey, i’ve got a question, are you ever going on a hiatus?

  2097. Michael Says:

    He already is.

  2098. youjustlostit Says:

    I am not. There will be a post today or tommorow because I screwed up on my deadline. I’m sorry but I couldn’t do anything under those conditions. Sorry guys.

  2099. dupersude Says:

    what are you bloggin’?

  2100. dupersude Says:

    PS Joey, go back to Bitter Brew or the Hiatus blog page. Ctrl F for washcloth, and compare the little picture. Same picture. Same washcloth.

  2101. Michael Says:

    dupersude- That’s how I found out.

  2102. youjustlostit Says:

    Hmm. I’m still suspicious, but if you say so. Hello, Wash. Can I call you Wash? Like Agent Washington in RvB. Also, mah Blog is:

  2103. youjustlostit Says:

    That reminds me: RvB!

  2104. some random guy Says:


  2105. youjustlostit Says:

    What have I done? I am ashamed. Michael. Be dissapoint. In yourself. And G. And The Hiatus Crew.

  2106. dupersude Says:

    Michael – Figured as much, seeing as you made two posts. First one was in excitement, second was after you confirmed it was washcloth… Who seems to have disappeared again.

    Joey – Fuck you man, i ain’t done nothing for nobody to be dissapoint for.

  2107. KingFrozen Says:

    wow… wash left us again?


    im only reading the last post, so u guys gotta keep all the information in each post so i dont get lost

  2108. dupersude Says:

    I tried to do so, but my post was discarded after i tried to copy pasta the last 2,986 comments.

  2109. youjustlostit Says:

    Bad King. Read everything. Like the rest of us sad people. Also, dupersude, yes. FUCK ME.

  2110. some random guy Says:


  2111. some random guy Says:


  2112. KingFrozen Says:


  2113. KingFrozen Says:


    i know we were weird… but… c’mon guys(/girls delete as applicable)!

    • Jackrabbit Says:

      I have returned for a short time (one post)!


      You turned on me! How could you? You deserved that bull rush tackle hug, and don’t forget it.

  2114. dupersude Says:

    I don’t get the beastiality reference.

  2115. G Says:

    you know what dupersude? i do’t either.

  2116. G Says:

    Welcome back Jackrabbit, you can’t resist staying, you know you want to.

  2117. dupersude Says:

    That’s what she said

  2118. dupersude Says:

    annnnnnnnnnd 3000 get!

  2119. G Says:

    Damn, Dupersude how dare you!

  2120. Michael Says:

    You son of a bitch, dupersude. I wanted that get! Oh,
    it seems You just lost The Game.

  2121. G Says:

    now we have to wait until we get till comment 4000

  2122. Michael Says:

    True dat.

  2123. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Hell hath no fury like a helgenburger scorned.

  2124. Joey Says:

    3000? Neat. I’m getting 9001. JackRabbit, stay. Who betrayed what? Beastiality isn’t fun. Leet world IS funny… So.

  2125. Michael Says:

    Joey, you better update that blog before my window ninjas pay you a visit.

  2126. G Says:

    Yeah joey before his nijas pay a visit. uh wait, they already have.

  2127. Joey Says:

    How’s my favourite group of social outcasts? I’m attempting to change the world, hell, you might see me on the news! Probably not, but still. Also: Blog… I know, I know. If not this week, then I’ll make a Hiatus post. I have my next day written up, but for a paragraph or so.

  2128. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Sure, call us social outcasts when you are on msn 24/7

  2129. dupersude Says:

    Hey guys! Wanna know the perfect murder weapon?? Do ya?!


    Get ready for this:

    Distilled water, frozen, fashioned into a blade.
    You cut the fuckers open and what not.
    Now as you should well know, distilled water has *no* impurities, making the weapon impossible to trace, but even then… What weapon?! It melts to nothing!

  2130. Michael Says:

    Shit, dupersude. That could fucking work, as long as no one sees you. *disguises to the red spah*

  2131. dupersude Says:

    Of course as long as no-one sees you. Who the fuck would comit murder with an ice blade and let somebody see them? The idea of the ice is to make it seem as though there was no murder weapon. The police come, find a body covered in lacerations, no evidence as to how they got there. All they can tell is they’re slices because of the way the skin is split and bruising techniques, etc. etc.
    If somebody seen you with a long sharp piece of ice in your hand shoving it into somebody’s jugular, they tell the police, the police catch on immediately. They suddenly have a way to identify a string of murders with similar fashion (ice blades, no evidence etc.) and know what to look for in a suspects house (distilling equipment).

  2132. dupersude Says:

    o and tl;dr, dont let anybody see you no matter what murder you do or its all fucked whether you use the ice blade or not.

  2133. G Says:

    Intresting, however the ice blade would melt and leave a puddle of water, and with a string of murders with a puddle of water, then people would kinda realise that the weapon being used is ice. Also as you stab them some ice is likely to melt and bits of there clothes will be wet, espcially the area around the wounds.

  2134. C Says:

    What the fuck.

  2135. Michael Says:

    What the having sex.

  2136. G Says:

    What the sexual intercourse

  2137. G Says:

    What the engaging in sexual intercourse.

  2138. G Says:

    What the engaging in sexual intercourse.*

  2139. G Says:

    damn! The last one is the one i wanted to have ignore the 2 comments above that.

  2140. G Says:

    Found Jaded Empath’s blog i cba looking at it. Apparantly he rants there, i wonder if he ranted about the hiatus crew there….

  2141. Joey Says:


  2142. G Says:

    Here I Go Again, On My Own…

    Is His Blog….

    P.s. i am considering making a blog… any ideas about what i should make it about?

  2143. KingFrozen Says:

    just so we’re clear, beastiality is the physical attraction to ANIMALS as opposed to humans


    bloga are like interwebs diaries. Make it about yourself.

    or like this guy

  2144. dupersude Says:

    Thats why you take the damn blade with you, G. Or stash it in the sink. When it melts, it goes down the drain.

    King, i find it ironic that humans are animals and yet…. Yeah. Lol.

  2145. dupersude Says:

    Hey guys. Found this on Nancymaries blog:

    Empath cut a hunk out of his thumb on the meat slicer at work yesterday. He called me at 3p to tell me he was at an ER waiting for someone to see him. He came home at 6.30p with a sock bandage on his thumb and a bloody arm from the tetanus shot. He had permission to return to work, but I said he wasn’t going to because what can he do with one hand? He can’t grip anything to dish salads or cut anything because he’s got to be careful of his thumb. He called his boss and said he wouldn’t be in. This morning, he gets dressed and tells me he’s going in anyway. I hug and kiss him goodbye.

    In my head though, the conversation went like this:

    Empath: I know I said your opinion matters to me, but I’m going to do what I want because you’re a stupid cunt.

    Me: Yeah, I’m a stupid cunt and it’s really my fault you got hurt. BTW, hope you rip your thumb open again.

    I lol’d.

  2146. Michael Says:

    Me too.

  2147. Joey Says:

    😛 Lol.

  2148. dupersude Says:

    9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)

    Solve it 🙂

  2149. dupersude Says:

    That is to say, solve for “i”

  2150. dupersude Says:

    9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)

    9x-7i > 9x-21u

    -7i > -21u

    i < 3u

    In english, bottom line is saying I ❤ YOU GUYS

  2151. G Says:

    Well i think you an ok person yourself.

  2152. Michael Says:

    You are so tiny, it is funny to me.

  2153. G Says:

    Your so Tall, it is funny to me.

  2154. randomblogrants Says:

    Lol, i made a blog, it’s shit.

  2155. randomblogrants Says:

    oh btw it’s me G

  2156. some random guy Says:


  2157. G Says:

    WOW, your LATE!

  2158. G Says:

    No visit my blog and visit it.

  2159. Michael Says:

    I’m gonna get the 9001 get. I have to. If not, I will nuke the world.

  2160. Joey Says:

    Fuck guys. Fuck.

  2161. Midget52 Says:

    Nukes are so 1945. Go with the solarmite. Or Infantonium!

  2162. Joey Says:

    Or phallum.

  2163. KingFrozen Says:

    The blog is quite boring atm.

    maybe coz ur writing it idk…

    And solarmite? that is sooo 1990’s. Go with a fucking BFG. They dont even exist yet!

  2164. Michael Says:

    BFG is sooo 2145! I say we do infantonium.

  2165. KingFrozen Says:

    ok fair enough.

    coz its our own invention? or coz u wanna murder helpless babies for old time sake?

  2166. Joey Says:


  2167. some random guy Says:


  2168. Michael Says:

    But then again, infantonium is SO 2008.

  2169. randomblogrants Says:

    LOL, update.

  2170. youjustlostit Says:


  2171. youjustlostit Says:


  2172. randomblogrants Says:

    1 – 31= ☺☻♥♦♣♠•◘○◙♂♀♪♫☼►◄↕‼¶§▬↨↑↓→←∟↔▲▼
    32 – 126= have been omitted because they can be done without alt.
    127+= I cba going furthur.

  2173. dupersude Says:

    who’s random blog rants blog is that?

  2174. dupersude Says:

    Nevermind. Found out it was G’s. You rascally rascal, you.

  2175. dupersude Says:


    From where G left it at 127 through to 200.

  2176. dupersude Says:

    Newfags cant triforce

    ▲ ▲

  2177. dupersude Says:

    also also, trollface.jpg

  2178. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    ╔╩╦╠══╬¤ðÐÒÊËÈıÍÎÏ▬┘ì█¦▄¦Ì▀ÓßÔÒõÕµþÞÚÛÙýݯ´­±‗¾§¶§÷¸d¨­­­±‗¾¶§÷¸°¨·¹³²■ ☺☻♥Z

    Thats 200-250, with a couple of mistakes.

  2179. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:


  2180. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    ▲ ▲

  2181. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    I see.

  2182. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:


    More even.

  2183. Michael Says:

    What’s the code for triforce again? I forgot.

  2184. the salesman Says:

     ▲ ▲

  2185. G Says:

    Mine is even better… should be..

    ▲ ▲

  2186. G Says:

    ▲ ▲


    ▲ = 30
    ▼ = 31

  2187. G Says:

    ▲ ▲


  2188. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    It is never completely even though.

  2189. dupersude Says:

    No! YOU’RE never completely even though!

  2190. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Your mums never completely even though!

  2191. dupersude Says:

    No! YOUR mums never completely even though!

  2192. Michael Says:

    No MY mums never completely even though! Err…. wat?

  2193. KingFrozen Says:

    thats right, your mums never completely even. Shes kinda lopsided, like a retarded cousin

  2194. Joey Says:

    WOO BITCHES! Alright, I was away, and you probably reckoned I did a Livincston, but NO. I lost the manuscript. And I’ve also been busy promoting my friends awesome up and coming site, FV. Here’s a link for all y’all:

  2195. G Says:

    Google Wave?

  2196. Joey Says:


  2197. some random guy Says:

    So, my Birthday’s in a month. =)… I’ve decided that since all of my time has been spent recently doing other things, I’ll only comment when I feel like it. Fare thee well my friends, Truly we had good times.

  2198. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Man, a lot of peeps here have made blogs. Now they think they are more important or something? :S

  2199. Michael Says:

    ▲ ▲

  2200. lawlz Says:

    you people are crazy.

  2201. Joey Says:

    Aspgren made first Blg. Aspgren’s blog shut down, some time around my arrival he leaves. I take up the mantle of aspiring blogger, and G copies me. Please hit the link? I’m just doing my job. Also, YES I’M A NEWFAG.

  2202. G Says:

    I be copying no one, the idea was in my head already for a few weeks…. i was lulling it over, but you went and made a blog so i decided to make one…

  2203. Joey Says:


  2204. G Says:

    No i shall not Touch that link as long as i live. Mainly because you went me to.

  2205. some random guy Says:


  2206. some random guy Says:


  2207. some random guy Says:


  2208. some random guy Says:


  2209. some random guy Says:


  2210. some random guy Says:


  2211. some random guy Says:


  2212. some random guy Says:


  2213. some random guy Says:

  2214. some random guy Says:

    Thas mah Brother eating skittles.

  2215. some random guy Says:

    Pickin his nosee… 3000!

  2216. dupersude Says:

    SRG WHAT THE FUCK. I thought you said you were ONLY going to post when you “felt like it”. And then theres this shitstorm of oneword posts?
    And the youtube video… What the fuck…

  2217. Joey Says:

    FAILSTORM YOU MEAN! Seriously, try the link, it’s a site by a pal of mine, don’t let predjudice stop you at least checking it out.

  2218. G Says:

    Hey We COULd check it out… but should we? No i cba.

  2219. Joey Says:

    Why won’t you just look at it G? You might like it.

  2220. Michael Says:

    I checked it out, but it confused me and my brain melted. End of story.

  2221. KingFrozen Says:

    epic… storm…?



    im gonna go over there now. Away from… you…


  2222. some random guy Says:

    Heh. K, I just felt like posting. My brother made that with his friends, I thought it was okay.

  2223. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Putzy rox my jox. True story.

  2224. Joey Says:

    LiO really is dying. I never thought I’d say this but I don’t know if i want to keep posting. And don’t say I haven’t been here long enough, I was here since before 2000 comments. I think.

  2225. G Says:

    Joey, why should we click a link if we don’t know what the link is? Where will it take us, what is the site about, i seams if we go on the site itself, you wouldn’t know, mainly because of what Michael said.

    I am

  2226. KingFrozen Says:

    Hey guys, LiO may be dying, but im still alive to be bitching

    in the link

  2227. G Says:

    If LIO dies, i’m also still alive…. ish….

  2228. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    LiO can’t die. It’s immortal. Our posts here have made it alive for aaaaaages and if we stop, it will still be alive from the sheer number of posts here.

  2229. KingFrozen Says:

    yeah… but lifes funny like that in’t it? You think you can give life to something just by talking to it, but it doesn’t happen like that does it?

    Gardners find that out the hard way

  2230. Joey Says:

    Death is obligatory. Who will post when we’re all gone?

  2231. G Says:

    I’d laugh if Chris i secretly readng and enjoying this…

  2232. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    As if.

  2233. dupersude Says:

    If he is, then Damn him.

  2234. dupersude Says:

    Aheh heh hem-

    The game.
    That is all.

  2235. G Says:

    One should get a Gravatar.

  2236. randomblogrants Says:

    Ikea is Swedish.

  2237. Joey Says:

    I will say again: The Link Is To A Friends Site Which I Am Advertising.

  2238. Michael Says:

    Yes. It is indeed.

  2239. Michael Says:

    No, IKEA is Swedish.

  2240. dupersude Says:

    No! IKEA is Swedish!

  2241. G von GBurg Says:

    No! Ikea is Sweedish!

  2242. Michael Says:

    No way, IKEA is Swedish!

  2243. Joey Says:

    It’s obviously weedish.

  2244. dupersude Says:

    No! It’s obviously Swedish!

  2245. Michael Says:

    You gotta be kidding me, it’s obviously Swedish!

  2246. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    No way, it’s obviously repetitive!

  2247. Jack the Ripper Says:

    I think he was serious about that next April thing.

  2248. dupersude Says:

    No! I think he was serious about the next April thing!

  2249. Michael Says:

    What are you talking about? I think he was serious about the next April thing!

  2250. G Says:

    What are you talking about? I think he wasn’t serious about the nest april.

    Also LORO!

  2251. Michael Says:

    You like LORO huh.

  2252. KingFrozen Says:

    Um… im confuzzled?

    Oh, next time u guys are in an arguement, try out this line. Just say it, and spurt out “I WAS FROZEN TODAY!”

    Just try it out.

    You: How can you say you know what im going through?!
    Them: How can you say that im a bitch?!

    *them backs away slowly….*

  2253. Joey Says:

    You don’t know Jack?

  2254. KingFrozen Says:

    Who is jack? Is he that tall guy i knew in england? Also, im just gonna assume you guys aren’t reading my blog for the simple reason that you haven’t spammed the comments yet.

  2255. Michael Says:

    I’m reading it. It’s actually quite good.

  2256. G Says:

    it wont let me comment unless i sign in on something, but i cba so forget commenting.

  2257. Joey Says:

    Sorry King, won’t let me comment, even if I sign in. Is your brother really an addict?

  2258. G Says:

    It was my birthday yesterday….

    well is he?

  2259. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    No, he’s a male whore, as in he whores himself to males. Wait, are we talking about Joeys dad here?

  2260. dupersude Says:

    Putzy – Not anymore. We’re now talking about my friend who’s 18th i went to last night…
    *snicker snicker*

  2261. G Says:

    Putz, why are you commenting on old comments….?

  2262. dupersude Says:

    Hey guys i need help and you’re all oblivion fans. Mostly.
    Who here knows where to find a strong poison of paralysis?
    The strongest custom poison of paralysis available, even with all four master pieces of alchemy equipment and level 100 with four ingredients that all have a paralysis effect, is equivelant to a built-in weak poison of paralysis. It only lasts three seconds.
    The Strong Poison of Paralysis lasts seven seconds…
    I’ve searched all over the internets but can’t find where to get them, anywhere. SO HALP ME.

  2263. Michael Says:

    It’s in the levelled list, but if that’s not an option for you, do Boethia’s Shrine quest. Chosen number two and three will always have one, but kill them quickly, as they might use it before you manage to kill them.



  2264. dupersude Says:

    I should be in bed right now.
    I’m mid-thirties so I’m pretty sure it should be in my levelled loot.
    Boethia’s shrine eh?
    I think i just fell in love with you a little more, my Swede friend.
    They won’t see me.

  2265. Michael Says:

    I just realised a little mistake. It’s supposed to be chosen number two and nine, not two and three.

  2266. Michael Says:

    That fucked up black dot is supposed to be a heart.

  2267. dupersude Says:

    Odd, i didn’t get one from Chosen 2. I think I only got one from Chosen 7… Might have been 9 but i’m pretty sure it wasn’t that close to the end.

    And I see a heart.
    ♥ ♥
    Newfags cant heartforce

  2268. KingFrozen Says:

    who said my bros an addict?

    and who are these chose ones? are they like faceless ones?

  2269. dupersude Says:

    What? Who said anything about anyone being an addict…

    And chosen ones are the guys you kill in Boethias Shrine quest. They’re not faceless, they’re just other NPC Champions chosen by Boethia to kick the shit out of you.

  2270. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    As if they could. Seriously, NPCs seem to have a big idea of themselves if they think they can beat a PC.

  2271. dupersude Says:

    It depends what difficulty youre playing on and how you level your character.
    If you make a whole bunch of shit skills major skills, like Restoration and Speech craft and Sneak. Skills that wont increase strength or endurance. And then you spam-train in those skills, levelling every chance possible, you dont raise any useful attributes come level, ANY npc will kick the fuck out of you. Oh, and if thats not enough you can up the difficulty to max.

  2272. Michael Says:

    …or just name your character Nondrick P. Cairk’tir.

  2273. Joey Says:


  2274. Joey Says:


  2275. KingFrozen Says:


    and your right, i did call him a junkie, it was an explosive example

  2276. dupersude Says:

    Michael – TRUTH.
    Joey – The fuck?
    KingFrozen- Still confused as a fuck here…

  2277. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    Yeah I’m confused as well. Only difference between us is you’re confused SEXUALLY.

  2278. Gutzy Von Gutzingburg Says:

    Ok am confused on what the hell you lot are talking about…but i’ll just go with the flow. Also Putz, i ain’t sexually confused.

  2279. Michael Says:

    Alright homies, let’s get drunk!

  2280. kibble Says:

    seriously – the return of kibble. if only for now. if this keeps up, im gonna have to keep coming back to check the pulse of nondrick for years until he finally does die.

  2281. Putzy Von Putzingburg Says:

    My family have been at war with the Gutzingburgs for generations! Have at thee!

  2282. dupersude Says:


  2283. Brosef Says:

    Bro! when’s the new Nondrick blog comin out??? Don’t tell me you’ve given up on Oblivion already…even though its already a fairly aged game.

  2284. dupersude Says:

    If we’re lucky, ever.
    Otherwise, Don’t count on it. Go back and look at how frequently he posted these updates. This update is from may.

  2285. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    I’ve started thinking of it as may last year.
    FUN FACT: Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third was born in May.
    TRIVIA: He also just realised ‘The Third’ hasn’t been part of his name for quite a while.

  2286. dupersude Says:

    Since July 24, Putzy.

  2287. Gutzy Von Gutzingburg Says:

    Us Gutzingburgs are ten times better then you putzinburgs.

  2288. Gutzy Von Gutzingburg The Ninth Says:



  2289. Michael Says:

    The sky outside is purple, I’ve never seen it in this colour before. Is this bad?

  2290. Gutzy Von Gutzingburg The Ninth Says:

    The sky is always purple, it isn’t blue as most people think it is. But we see blue due to the limitations of our eyes not being able to see the shorter wavelengths of the light spectrum, in other words, violet. We can just barely see it.
    I don’t know why your seeing purple, maybe your eyes can detect the shorter wavelengths

  2291. Gutzy Von Gutzingburg The Ninth Says:

    Good and Evil is just a perception. Rather like how you percieve the sky to be “blue” when it’s acctually violet.

  2292. Michael Says:

    I guess I’m awesome.

  2293. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    I guess you’re boresome.

  2294. dupersude Says:

    Purple? Seriously? That’s odd. I’m gonna google that shit.

  2295. Evey Says:

    Who are you?

  2296. V Says:

    Who? “Who” is but the form following the function of “what” and what I am, is a man in a mask..

  2297. Evey Says:

    Well I can see that.

  2298. V Says:

    Well of course you can. I was not questioning your powers of observation but merely remarking upon the paradox of asking a masked man who he is.

  2299. Evey Says:

    Oh… Right…

  2300. Evey Says:

    However! On this most auspicious of nights, allow me, in lieu of the more commonplace sobriquet to suggest the character of this dramatist persona…

  2301. dupersude Says:

    I messed up.

  2302. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Who are these guys?

  2303. dupersude Says:

    Watch V for Vendetta. They were me trying to re-enact a scene but i fucked up.

  2304. dupersude Says:

    The last quote was meant to be by V.
    And then he’d follow it up with:
    Voila! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate.. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity is a vestige of the Vox Populi, now vacant, now vanished… However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin, van guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition!
    (He proceeds to carve a “V” into a nearby sign.)
    … The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.
    Verily this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it’s my very good honour to meet you and you may call me V.

    Evey would hesitate before asking “Are you like… A crazy person…?”
    And V replies with “I’m quite sure they will say so.”

  2305. Michael Says:

    Like you always do. Joke.

  2306. dupersude Says:

    That’s… What… She said…?

  2307. Mutzy von Mutzingburg the Seventh Says:

    Everyone knows that the Mutzinburg family is better than the Putzingburg and Gutzingburg families! Huzzah! Have at thee, thou foul stinky pinky pigs!

  2308. Gutzy Von Gutzingburg the Ninth Says:

    I went to school today, and guess what? I found out that a teacher that used to teach at my school and acctually taught our class. Was caught with 3000 indecent pictures on his computer.


  2309. Gutzy Von Gutzingburg the Ninth Says:

    Of Kids………..


  2310. some random guy Says:

    |_|…. hitman blood money is fun, bought it on the weekend

  2311. dupersude Says:

    SRG. Wait til you get to the heaven/hell level
    Unless you’ve already been there…

  2312. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    A teacher at my school was a petifool as well!

  2313. dupersude Says:

    That’s hot. I fap to this.

  2314. Pedro Bear Says:

    Did I hear someone say CP?

  2315. Gutzy Von Gutzingburg The Ninth Says:

    Vote to kill peados…
    Acctually this wasn’t the fist time my school churned out a peado, there was another one as well…. he didn’t teach me… but he’s a peado alright…
    i’ve noticed with the peados you can always tell that they are gay. next time i spot a gay teacher… he’s probably a peado.

  2316. some random guy Says:


  2317. dupersude Says:

    What if the pedo molests little girls, rather than boys?
    Then you’re fucked aren’t you.

  2318. Joey Says:

    WHY HALLO THAR. AM TEH WIN YOU GUYS. And actually, you’re quite literally NOT fucked, actually. Le sigh, you silly fool. Actually.

  2319. Michael Says:


  2320. some random guy Says:


  2321. Joey Says:

    You missed teh beep beep beep.

  2322. G Says:

    I acctually, go to a all boy’s school… so the peado probably is gay.

  2323. Joey Says:

    That’s right. I went there mah peaps.

  2324. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    You sure talk differently on msn then you do here.

    FUN FACT: Putzy talks to Dupersude and Joey the most on msn.

    TRIVIA: Putzy knows Dupersudes life story and Joeys most recent life plot points.

  2325. dupersude Says:

    Putzy: Who does? Me or Joey? :S
    Also; INDEED YOU DO. But there are still some fine details which i left out from that. Some irrelevant details, but still details. Like that when i was eight i got a drum kit and began drum lessons which carried on until we moved when i was nine. Stopped going to lessons because the teacher was too far away, kept playing drums though. Then my step father took my drum kit with him, etc. etc. The bastard.

  2326. G Says:

    Fun Fact: Why am i never on msn? oh i remeber because there is a fuckload of school work i have to do. ( if im on msn i somehow never end up doing anything… well i do, do something, such as talking to people… but i dont do any work)

  2327. Michael Says:

    I never work. I just sit back, relax and enjoy watching my computer screen.

  2328. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Why the fuck would you’re step father take a kids drumkit?!?

  2329. dupersude Says:

    Because my mother tried to divorce him/have a restraining order put against him after he repeatedly beat her/us etc.
    We were hiding away at my auntys house for weeks at a time. End of grade five my mum finally ended it, but he took some stuff like the drum kit, the TV from my room (because my mother claimed the lounge room tv) and the home entertainment system.

  2330. Joey Says:

    This is my happy place. I have to talk different. Don’t you understand? I’m not me.

  2331. G Says:

    @ Michael, watching your computer screen eh? watcha watching… porn?….. gay porn

    @ Putzy who knows, people can be weird.

    @ Dupersude your step father stole your drum kit…. were you any good?

    @ Joey your just weird end of.. and why would you have this place as your happy place…
    Oh your happy pkace isn’t here….. it’s my loro….

  2332. dupersude Says:

    I was ten so skills were limited, but yeah i was pretty good. Drums arent hard, theyre actually pretty easy. The challenge is having enough stamina to keep waving your arms around, and how fast you can roll or double-kick, or even triple-kick.

  2333. KingFrozen Says:

    i… have…. missed…. so ….. muuuuuch……

    anyway, im gonna retreat into my life. i got banned from wow for 72 hours… during this time, someone hacked my account and decided to strip me of my clothes so that now my character is running around in his undies…

  2334. dupersude Says:

    So somebody played your banned account…?

  2335. KingFrozen Says:

    no… they got me banned for doing illegal shit…


  2336. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Sucks to be you.

  2337. dupersude Says:

    Ohh so somebody hacked you, broke the rules, THEN you got banned.. In your post you said “during this time” like, while you were banned…
    Yeah that sucks. At least its only temporary. I suggest a password change. And a scan for keyloggers too.

  2338. Joey Says:

    Here I can do what I want with no fear of social embarressment. Here’s a suggestion: Quit WoW? Costs WAY less money than the other ones. Quadrickle kick. YEH.

  2339. Michael Says:

    I have to agree with Joey on that one.

  2340. some random guy Says:

    blog progress

  2341. dupersude Says:

    Agree with him on what one? About not worrying about social embarrassment or the WoW cheaper thing?

  2342. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Chris is going to blow up the internet.

  2343. Mike Says:


  2344. dupersude Says:

    WHAT DID HE SAY?!?!?

  2345. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    “If people don’t stop bugging me about my Nondrick blog I’m going to BLOW UP THE INTERNET or WORK ON MY NONDRICK BLOG”

    thus, chris is going to blow up the internet.

  2346. Vadermath Says:

    Whazza up, people? Just wanted to give ya the heads up on the mentioning of Nondrick, but I see Putzy beat me to it. Heh, we might actually get an update this year…

  2347. Joey Says:

    HOLY FUCKING NUTSACKS! Anyway, ‘working’ isn’t the same as ‘updating’ IS IT NOW?

  2348. G Says:

    HOLY tit, Chris is gonna update??!?!?!

  2349. Mike Says:

    At this point, Maddox updates more frequently than Chris, which is, quite frankly, an honor.

  2350. Michael Says:

    Oh shit. Good bye, Internets!

  2351. G Says:

    I take back my earlier comment of how Chris will update, he never will.

    On another note, i would like to say i am last, as well lets face it the internets is going to blow up, might as well be last.

  2352. Vahilior Says:

    Yeah, so like, hurry it up and stuff

  2353. G Says:

    I am last. LAST i say.

  2354. some random guy Says:

    Ill never give UP!

  2355. Mike Says:

    Someone on the internet hasn’t heard of fucking Maddox? For real?

  2356. Mike Says:

    Also, “whom” is used incorrectly in that context.

  2357. Michael Says:

    Joey just got owned.

  2358. dupersude Says:

    Quote on shows that maddox’s mother didnt know about his site for the LONGEST time
    when she found it, she called him and went rank.
    funny shit.

  2359. G Says:

    Did anyone tell you i am last… and that all of you like loro.

  2360. G Says:

    Oh i’ve just realized that you lot don’t really know what loro means… well i’ll tell ya, ’tis means cake.

    You all like loro right? espcilly when it’s in your mouth?

  2361. some random guy Says:


  2362. Michael Says:

    I dislike the cream though.

  2363. Vadermath Says:

    At this point, I truly hope that “loro” means dick.

  2364. dupersude Says:

    I would like some CAKE yes.
    But not loro.
    No thanks.

  2365. Michael Says:

    ”Loro” does indeed mean dick, Vadermath. And hai.

  2366. G Says:

    Yep loro means dick.

  2367. Vadermath Says:


    And hai.

  2368. KingFrozen Says:



    yeah… they hacked me

    and stole my stuff…

    and NOW ITS BACK!

  2369. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    I’m gonna break this gently to you.

  2370. Michael Says:

    /me gives Putzy von Putzingburg The Third a shit.
    I just gave a shit.

  2371. G Says:

    King frozen you have no life
    “KingFrozen Says:

    July 15, 2009 at 7:40 am

    Sooo… Many…. Posts….

    Seriosly… cant you do this over a few days? Or MSN?

    Like, you have no life. I’m sorry. I bet half of you play WoW.”

    You just don’t

  2372. dupersude Says:

    Hey yeah i never noticed that.
    Kingfrozen: I bet half of you play WoW.

    *Continues to have a QQ about how his account was banned before celebrating that its back again…*

  2373. randomblogrants Says:

    no one posting? why not? oh and hai Vadermath, here to stay?

  2374. Vadermath Says:

    Heh, I see that G’s added himself a whole bunch of letters. As for staying, I’m really not sure, but I certainly miss chatting with some of you folks. I may, or I may not. In may. As Chris would put it.

  2375. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    I may, or may not, shoot Chris then myself.

  2376. dupersude Says:

    Heh, imagine if chris updated
    And we had NO idea because we never visit the front page, just come straight to this blog to comment. And we just didnt notice the new link at the top of this page.
    And it goes on for months and we’re like CHRIS UPDATE YOUR BLOG OR WE’LL KILL YOUR FAMILY.
    So he does.
    Again and again.
    But we don’t know
    And then we find out
    And it’s finished
    And has been finished for years.
    … now I’m scaring me.

  2377. Indianapolis Jones Says:

    If its not too much of an adventure you should throw Nondrick into Shivering isles. Would be interesting haha.

  2378. Joey Says:

    ‘S’up Fucktards? That’s right. I’m back.

  2379. G Says:

    The stupid one has made a return.

  2380. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    He was gone?

  2381. dupersude Says:

    Apparently. And should have fucking stayed there.

  2382. Steve Says:

    I came to look at some humor blog thing a friend linked to me, and stayed to stare in awe at the ramblings of a bunch of shut-in tweens who really have nowhere else to go for human interaction (albeit tight-knit like any good group of severe faggots) but the comments section of a dead blog! Thanks guys, it’s gonna really pass the time, looking at you queers jack eachother off!

  2383. Steve Says:

    Nah seriously though guys, go back to your Twilight discussion chatrooms and Harry Potter roleplays, kind of an odd choice of setting, a wordpress blog.

  2384. Steve Says:

    My previous comment might be a little out of place, you guys may be queer hardcore fans but you’re certainly no queer hardcore fans of Twilight or HP! No, your attention is completely diverted to Chris Livingston! Instead of healthily admiring his work, you’re one of those groups of people who ruin it for everyone else like good little faggots do, right?

  2385. Steve Says:

    Seeya, gonna go do something worthwhile!

  2386. Raj Says:


  2387. dupersude Says:

    Oh.. He’s gone.. Well that was odd.

  2388. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Yeah, we haven’t had someone flip out over trivial nonsense for ages.

  2389. dupersude Says:

    And without any provocation too.

  2390. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Ah well, lets just ignore it. His mum probably didn’t get him chocolate milk. He’ll calm down when he has his nap. Aaaaand thats my insulting done.

    • Steve Says:

      Haha you silly little queer, you call that an insult? You’re a husk, an uncrecognisable shell, something it would be laughable to refer to as a human being – you say my mum didn’t get me my chocolate milk? Well I’m sitting here with my shit fucking tasty chocolate milk right now. Maybe when you were younger you would’ve turned out better if daddy didn’t leave, huh? Is that it? Is it a Norman Bates complex that keeps you tied to your mother? Or is it just the fact that you’re a big ol’ faggot? giggly wiggly

  2391. G Says:

    He’s just whining because someone hacked his Wow acount.

  2392. dupersude Says:



    • Steve Says:

      AHAHAHAH, actually spitting my fucking delicious chawklut milk all over the screen because you’re such a queer little faggot. V for Vendetta costume? Hey, at least the mask will conceal your pus-spewing, acne ridden face when you go to protest Scientology.

  2393. Midget52 Says:

    It is actually a common misconception that Vendetta is spelt with a V. Everyone always forgets the silent M. Like just now. DAMMIT!

  2394. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Isn’t that a drink at a bar?

  2395. Criminal scum Says:

    The Game.

  2396. dupersude Says:

    Maybe at a gay bar.

  2397. dupersude Says:

    Also, 3,300 GET! *trollface.jpg*

  2398. dupersude Says:

    STOP RIGHT THERE, CRIMINAL SCUM. Nobody breaks the law on my watch! Pay the court fine, or serve your sentence! Your stolen goods are now forfeit!

  2399. G Says:

    Have you ever wondered why the G-Man is so intrested in Gordon Freeman? I believe i have found the answer, Gordom Freeman is the Chuck Norris’s son. They tried to recruit Chuck Norris but he said no* So the went for his son.

    It also explains why Gordon Freeman can easily pick up a gun and know how to use it.

    * note: when it says chuck norris said no, what really happened was that chuck norris roundhouse kicked whoever was recruiting him at the time.

  2400. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Isn’t that the symbol for Yen?

  2401. G Says:

    Really Putzy? i never knew that… your deuction powers are great, you would make an ideal detective, heck you could even be the next Sherlock holmes, you have to brains i mean i never deduced that that was a yen, but you did, only thing you need to become sherlock homes is the cocaine addiction.

  2402. Michael Says:

    Hai. I bet you did not miss me.

  2403. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    G, remove the dildo from your ass before replying. It’s giving you an attidude.

  2404. dupersude Says:

    Michael – you wrong, bro.
    Putzy – Agreed. Whats up with you G?
    … Oh shit you just tricked me into being a fucking gangster.

  2405. G Says:

    Nothing is wrong with me, why the hell would i have a dildo up my arse…

    Although i think Steve has a dildo up his arse, either that or it’s his time of month again.

  2406. Michael Says:

    You would have a dildo up your ass because you are G, Gay.


  2407. some random guy Says:


  2408. dupersude Says:

    I don’t get how that came about… Halloween was founded as a celebration to honour the dead.
    Why did people start dressing up in random costumes and going door to door threatening to prank people unless they gave them candy?

  2409. Midget52 Says:

    Do you want the truth or a funny alternative that I made up on the spot?

  2410. Midget52 (Truth) Says:

    Thank Goat for Wikipedia.

    The practice of dressing up in costumes and begging door to door for treats on holidays dates back to the Middle Ages and includes Christmas wassailing. Trick-or-treating resembles the late medieval practice of souling, when poor folk would go door to door on Hallowmas (November 1), receiving food in return for prayers for the dead on All Souls Day (November 2). It originated in Ireland and Britain,[3] although similar practices for the souls of the dead were found as far south as Italy.[5] Shakespeare mentions the practice in his comedy The Two Gentlemen of Verona (1593), when Speed accuses his master of “puling [whimpering or whining] like a beggar at Hallowmas.”[6] The custom of wearing costumes and masks at Halloween goes back to Celtic traditions of attempting to copy the evil spirits or placate them, in Scotland for instance where the dead were impersonated by young men with masked, veiled or blackened faces, dressed in white.[7][8]

    However, there is no evidence that souling was ever practiced in North America, where trick-or-treating may have developed independent of any Irish or British antecedent. Ruth Edna Kelley, in her 1919 history of the holiday, The Book of Hallowe’en, makes no mention of ritual begging in the chapter “Hallowe’en in America.”[9] Kelley lived in Lynn, Massachusetts, a town with about 4,500 Irish immigrants, 1,900 English immigrants, and 700 Scottish immigrants in 1920.[10] The thousands of Halloween postcards produced between the turn of the 20th century and the 1920s commonly show children but do not depict trick-or-treating.[11] The editor of a collection of over 3,000 vintage Halloween postcards writes,

    There are cards which mention the custom [of trick-or-treating] or show children in costumes at the doors, but as far as we can tell they were printed later than the 1920s and more than likely even the 1930s. Tricksters of various sorts are shown on the early postcards, but not the means of appeasing them.[12]

    Thus, although a quarter million Scots-Irish immigrated to America between 1717 and 1770, the Irish Potato Famine brought more than a million immigrants to North America in 1845–1849,[13] and British and Irish immigration to America peaked in the 1880s,[14] ritualized begging on Halloween was virtually unknown in America until generations later.

    At the time of substantial Irish and Scottish immigration to North America in the late 19th century, Halloween had a strong tradition of “guising” – children in Ireland and Scotland disguised in costumes going from door to door requesting food or coins.[4]

    The earliest known reference to ritual begging on Halloween in English speaking North America occurs in 1911, when a newspaper in Kingston, Ontario reported that it was normal for the smaller children to go street “guising” (see below) on Halloween between 6 and 7 p.m., visiting shops and neighbors to be rewarded with nuts and candies for their rhymes and songs..[15] Another isolated reference to ritual begging on Halloween appears, place unknown, in 1915, with a third reference in Chicago in 1920.[16]

  2411. Midget52 (Alternative) Says:

    The history of trick or treating dates back to the Great Candy Shortage of 1876. Children, who were hired due to their cute demeanour, were sent to peoples houses in order to ‘aquire’ as much candy as possible. This aquisition often involved the intimidating of the relatively stupid populace through the use of costumes. The children were payed on a commission, which, due to inflation, has increased to near 100%. I personally feel sorry for the 0.1% of kids who have to give up all the lollies due to the commission collection.

  2412. dupersude Says:

    The alternative story sounds much more believeable. I think I’ll go with that.

    Seriously though, thats why i love wikipedia. So much interesting shit like that, the crusaders, Shroud of Turin, etc. etc.

  2413. Vadermath Says:

    Yo, the Midget(s) is/are here?! Fucking awesome.

  2414. Michael Says:


  2415. Joey Says:

    I read all of that. I want to apologise. Damn this slow comment box.

  2416. Michael Says:


  2417. G Says:

    I would just like to say Michael, your stupid.

  2418. KingFrozen Says:

    U guys miss me?

    Yes i’m a hypocrite, but i wasn’t when i made that first comment about you guys playing wow.


    i made it so that you guys can comment and spam the shit out of my almost-dead-clinging-to-life-by-a-single-thread (no pun intended but it’s still pretty funny) blog.

    Its not somuch funny anymore, just me talking about stuff…

    i just realised im becoming one of those ’round-eye’ people who wants to be a ‘square-eye’ person. LAME

  2419. dupersude Says:

    Kingfrozen – No… Not really. sorry. 😛

  2420. Midget52 Says:

    We can pretend we did, if it will make you feel any better

  2421. dupersude Says:

    You may be able to, Midget(s).
    But I can’t.
    I’m allergic to pretending.

  2422. ShweeBish Says:

    I rarely ever post anything anywhere, and this is the first and only blog I ever read. I accidently stumbled onto Nondrick a couple weeks ago. Just gotta say, its been a blast! Your funny man, I love it.
    Favorite part: “Ive seen your moves, kid. The way you walked right up and took those flowers? Your good. Your REAL good. With my help, you can be the best”
    Laughed myself into tears. Anyway, just had to let you know your following is growing. I enjoyed the work you put into this.

    I know what happened tho: Nondrick finally drank one of his own potions, and died of poison. Turns out, he wasn’t that great of an alchemist. All those potions he created and sold, Cyrodiilic history records a black plague wiping out 1/3 the people. Some 14 years later, some aspiring alchemist finds a fish-faced skeleton to gather bonemeal from. some 800 years after that, scientists discover the missing link: a skull that proves once and for all humans evolved from sea creatures

  2423. dupersude Says:

    You. I like your style. And your ending. I lol’d IRL.

  2424. dupersude Says:

    Also, QUAD GET. HAH!

  2425. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    The following isn’t growing. We are all thats left. Everyone else gathered up their dignity and pride and left, and we smeared our dignity and pride all over the floor.

  2426. dupersude Says:

    I assumed he meant that the following had grown by one with the addition of himself.
    Assuming he is a he.

  2427. Michael Says:

    Assuming he is a he that he is a he, I welcome him because I think he’s a he because he sounds like a he would sound if he was a he, not that I’ve heard him or anything, it’s just a feeling I have that he’s a he.

  2428. dupersude Says:

    Shut the fuck up and lose the game.

  2429. Michael Says:


    also, why do you always steal my sweet GETs?

  2430. G Says:

    Smiling is one of the most important things in the art of Deception.

  2431. G Says:

    Your penis is as big as the hypotenuse of a right angled triangle which has the adjacent 2.5 inchs and the opposite 2 inchs.

  2432. dupersude Says:

    G… You’re doing it wrong.
    Adjacent and Opposite are terms used only when you’re trying to find an ANGLE in a triangle. Not the length of the hypotenuse. You simply say A and B.

    My dick isn’t an inch long either, just fyi.

    Try the hypotenuse of a right angled…. wait why are we talking about this?

  2433. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Beacause you both enjoy talking about dicks.

  2434. dupersude Says:

    I was referring to the maths.

  2435. Michael Says:

    So, dupersude, your dick is really less than an inch? I was just kidding when I told you that. But, whoa.

  2436. G Says:

    I Was talking about the hypotenuse of a right angled triangle,


    Your dick is really less then an inch??

    there once was a french queen, the peasants were starving and out of bread, she said “let them eat cake” (in french) the french revolution started because of that, she didn’t realise the cake was a lie.

    • Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

      Gonna stick a warning here for any n3wb5 who think irregardless is a spelling mistake. It’s a Concerned reference.

  2437. Michael Says:

    Now I’ll tell you the real story of how World War One started. There was this dude, at that café you don’t know of yet. Yeah, and suddenly this old man asks him if he can buy him a cake. The dude, who was poor, says ‘No way, gtfo it be my monies’. Turns out, the old man was really the king dressed up. So he then drops his disguise and says because of the dudes rotten behaviour he will be locked up in prison. And the dude really being the friend of another king, calls the king and wants a war to start about it. When the dude then comes home, he tells his mom what had happened at the café, and of the coming war. And this is about the time his mom got scared and said ‘You’re movin’ with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air’

    I begged and pleaded with her day after day
    But she packed my suite case and send me on my way
    She gave me a kiss and then she gave me my ticket.
    I put my walkman on and said, ‘I might as well kick it’.

    First class, yo this is bad
    Drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass.
    Is this what the people of Bel-Air Living like?
    Hmmmmm this might be alright.

    But wait I hear there’re prissy, wine all that
    Is Bel-Air the type of place they send this cool cat?
    I don’t think sow
    I’ll see when I get there
    I hope they’re prepared for the prince of Bel-Air

    Well, the plane landed and when I came out
    There was a dude who looked like a cop standing there with my name out
    I ain’t trying to get arrested
    I just got here
    I sprang with the quickness like lightening, disappeared

    I whistled for a cab and when it came near
    The license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror
    If anything I can say this cab is rare
    But I thought ‘Now forget it’ – ‘Yo homes to Bel Air’

    I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8
    And I yelled to the cabbie ‘Yo homes smell ya later’
    I looked at my kingdom
    I was finally there
    To sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel Air

  2438. KingFrozen Says:

    You turned a history class into bel air?!

    Im so proud of you!

  2439. Michael Says:

    Thank you. I’m proud of me too.

  2440. dupersude Says:

    No I mea- ah fuck it. Comments moved too fast.

  2441. Midget52 Says:

    Yes they do. And, I am also one of those “Some”.

  2442. Konfuzed Says:

    How goes the glacier?

  2443. Michael Says:

    Remember remember the fifth of November
    Gunpowder, treason and plot.
    I see no reason why gunpowder, treason
    Should ever be forgot…

  2444. Michael Says:

    ▲ ▲
    ▲ ▲
    ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲

  2445. Michael Says:


  2446. G Says:

    Don’t Breathe on me

  2447. Michael Says:

    G=Felas Sarandas?

  2448. G Says:


    Do’t breathe on me!!!

  2449. Michael Says:

    I wus b&

  2450. KingFrozen Says:


    also, obviousnewfagisobvious

  2451. Noah Says:

    At the rate this is going, I wouldn’t be surprised if the next update was next April.

    C’mon Chris! Fix your computer soon!

  2452. dupersude Says:

    He won’t. He’s soft.

  2453. Michael Says:



  2454. KingFrozen Says:

    Will do micky,

    Also, seriously, why cant he stop purchasing online and just go to a pc shop and pick one up there? Sure, it wont come with the custom blue light on start up but it will get the job done and probably be cheaper than the delivered one.

    I should be hired as his advisor.

    thats how awesome that paragraph was

  2455. Michael Says:

    >Will do micky,

    Also, seriously, why cant he stop purchasing online and just go to a pc shop and pick one up there? Sure, it wont come with the custom blue light on start up but it will get the job done and probably be cheaper than the delivered one.

    I should be hired as his advisor.

    thats how awesome that paragraph was


  2456. Michael Says:

    inb4 10th November

  2457. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:


  2458. Midget52 Says:

    Your underscores beg to differ.

  2459. G Says:


    I woukd just like to point out i am awesome.

  2460. youjustlostit Says:

    So. Business is slow, as usual?

  2461. kibble Says:

    Nondrick! you have created a cage and these animals destroy eachother in the long wait for their master! WHY DO YOU MOCK US WITH THE ANCIENT PROMISE OF MORE?

  2462. G Says:

    Slow is business, what happened to the HC? where are all of them, where is dupersude, where is michael, where is putz. Have you all given up?

  2463. Midget52 Says:

    To fulfill a prophecy far beyond our comprehension…

  2464. G Says:

    oh cool, hey what about me??? bastards left me behind

  2465. dupersude Says:

    Of course we did G.

  2466. youjustlostit Says: Begin the Exodus from here to there my friends.

  2467. dupersude Says:

    Nahhhhhhh seeya Joey.

  2468. G Says:

    Did you know how awesome i am? i can’t even begin to tell you how awesome i am.

  2469. dupersude Says:

    Nobody can begin to tell how awesome G is, because there is no beginning to something that does not exist. ZING!

  2470. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    that was an alright zinger, not great, but I spose it will suffice.

  2471. dupersude Says:

    Like your mother last night Putzy. She was alright. Not great, but I suppose her skill will suffice.

  2472. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    You know, I KNEW someone would say that! I knew it!

  2473. Midget52 Says:

    Yet you did nothing to prevent it. That makes you as bad as them.

  2474. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    I appreciate a good comeback, so I let it go.

  2475. Loki Says:

    You know, I think Nondrick is suffering Duke Nukem Forever syndrome.

  2476. dupersude Says:

    As is the response rate for this place. WHATS HAPPENNING HERE PEOPLE?!

  2477. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Heres an idea:

  2478. dupersude Says:

    I like your style, chuck.

  2479. Midget52 Says:

    I’m assuming that’s a reference to something, so please enlighten me as to what the flying f**k it is.

  2480. dupersude Says:

    Chuck is what the bartender calls that guy on Team America: World Police. His name isn’t actually chuck, its just like calling someone “sonny” or some shit. So not really a reference to anything.

  2481. G Says:

    This place is deader then a dead dog, which is dead. Last. its almost a year since Chris has acctually updated ( i’m not including this as a update) and the comment secion went downhill when joey came. So i would just like to say i am Last.

  2482. dupersude Says:

    Have your wish then, G. You shall be las- wait… Fuck.

  2483. dupersude Says:

    Well… While i’m at it.

  2484. dupersude Says:

    I may as well go for…

  2485. dupersude Says:

    3,400 GET!

  2486. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    wow, a minor milestone.

  2487. dupersude Says:

    Yeah but I’ve got every 100 get since 3k.

  2488. Midget52 Says:

    So that would make… four. Wow. Good for you.

  2489. dupersude Says:

    Five actually. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4.

  2490. youjustlostit Says:

    Neat Duper. *clicks the new link in Duper’s name like a gentleman*

  2491. Midget52 Says:

    Expired link is the phrase you’re looking for. So old, it’s new!

  2492. youjustlostit Says:

    No, it’s only just been put in, after a period of it not being there.

  2493. G Says:

    Hmm? Guess i’ve lost, you win Dupersude… Your tuly last. Last.

    @ Joey, Dupersude didn’t have it fo only a couple of comments, and your saying its not been there for while…

  2494. Michael Says:


  2495. dupersude Says:

    Huh. That’s odd. I never removed it.
    I think it’s because I’m posting from TAFE right now (kind of like tertiary schooling in Australia), and i probably dont have the same settings. /puts it in.

  2496. Midget52 Says:

    Just call it TAFE. Then all the non-aussies can thinks its something really awesome. Like…….

  2497. Michael Says:

    What if a monster??

  2498. the salesman Says:

    so how many days do we have left until next april? he did promise to update by then.

  2499. dupersude Says:

    Like… what.. midget?
    What if a monster what

    Salesman he said the update would be here in a week or so, at the start of may.
    So he kind of promised to have it done a week or two into may…

  2500. Arreh Says:

    Hello gentlemen.

    No, don’t go, I didn’t mean to startle you.

    I only mean to introduce myself.

    You see, I’ve been with nondrick from his very birth. And whilst you have formed your hiatus crew, I’ve been watching, absorbing all of the in jokes, following the building drama and tension as time ticks by. Witnessed the birth of dupersude’s Hiatus Crew forum.

    And yet you know nothing of me, although I am as much a devoted fan as any.

    You know what that makes me?

    An ninja. On the internet. An internet-ninja, if you can imagine such a thing.

    You need time to absorb. Filter this information. I understand. Perhaps I have involuntarily placed a SEP field around this post, purely through its magnitude and importance. Only time will tell.

    Now please – I see how even now you turn away – try to understand. To welcome with open arms. To accept me for who I must be.

    Finally – a reiteration.

    Hello gentlemen.

  2501. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Cool a ninja LOLOLKTHXBAIBBQ

  2502. Arreh Says:

    Actually, I’m not really a ninja. But don’t tell the others.

  2503. dupersude Says:

    Wait- what? MY hiatus crew forum?!
    … Are you sure you’re a ninja?
    And a cookie for the Hitch hiker’s reference

  2504. Arreh Says:

    Of course I’m a ninja – what other being could use such bluffing ability so easily? I see from your reaction you were almost convinced that it was actually your forum.

    This is the magic of the internet ninja, my friend.

    Damnit Putzy, this guy’s onto my not-actually-being-a-ninja-ness. Only the two of us knew about that – I smell a mole (which is harder to smell than a rat, incidentally, as moles have bladder control). And I don’t think it was me.

    I’ll be watching you. And me, as well. Because that’s the last thing I’d suspect, if I was the snitch.

  2505. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    It’s almost certainly your alter-ego. Always is. Can’t trust those guys as far as you can throw ’em.
    And seeing as they are you, you can’t throw them at all, which only emphasises my point about their trustworthyness. Cee i c4n tawk sm4r7 2 but i dun cos dis is funner cos i sound liek a t00l LOLOLROFLMAOSPEDMUFFINCAEKSBBQ

  2506. dupersude Says:

    Woah putz, what’s up with the odd spacing.
    I’m starting to like this Arreh guy… Even though he’s not a ninja.

  2507. Arreh Says:

    No, no – you’re right.

    I’m no ninja. Nor even an internet-ninja, in fact.

    I am, in fact, a CYBER-PIRATE. I washed up upon these desolate shores recently – shores that many moons ago I would visit regularly, but now they are so barren that I barely recognise them. What happened to bounteous providence that once smiled upon this archipelago of humour? Has she left this place for good?

    I would plunder your booty and such, but shipwrecked as I am amongst these worn, stained coral reefs, it would be to no avail. Also, I see little booty.

  2508. dupersude Says:

    Ninja or not, you just won an additional 10 internets. Congratulations. ❤

  2509. Arreh Says:

    Thank you kindly. In this recession I know that’s not something to just be thrown about to any old cyber-pirate, so I appreciate the gesture.

    In fact, as recognition of your generous sponsorship, I would like to pledge my cyber-ship to your cause, and would be honoured if you would allow me the privilege of renaming her “Hiatus of Gold”.

    Would say you, kind sirs?

  2510. dupersude Says:

    Oh damn. I guess you got my “yes” vote, but it’s really a group decision…

  2511. Arreh Says:

    Of course, I meant to address the group as a collective. Or at least what’s left of it.

  2512. dupersude Says:

    Very little, clearly… Though if we can get you accepted perhaps you can help me rebuild this place… Hmm…

  2513. Arreh Says:

    I knew there was purpose in the winds that blew me here. What do you say, Putzy – time to don your metaphorical overalls and grab your hammer of rebuilding+1?

  2514. dupersude Says:

    Construction Level Increased!

  2515. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    My metaphorical overalls are in the wash. Someone peed in them.

  2516. dupersude Says:

    Was it you, putz?

  2517. Arreh Says:

    I detect a distinct lack of enthusiasm from Putz here.

  2518. dupersude Says:

    I sense a disturbance in the force…

  2519. Michael Says:

    I sense I’m back.

    Greetings and salutations, Arreh! Huzzah!

  2520. Arreh Says:

    Afternoon Michael. You were a decent fellow (as I said, I’ve been around a while without posting), and I’m glad to have you on board for the rebuilding of society.

  2521. G Says:

    Ninjas! cool… wait your a pirate.. i officially hate you, but still let you into the hiatus crew. Just for those who want to know i may not post much, i’ve got mock exams.

  2522. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    You sensed right, whoever said I’m lacking enthusiasm. There is no real way to go about doing that, people just post when they want to. And if we try to recruit new members, what would we say?
    “Hey wanna come post on a dead blog with other lunatics who have so many in-jokes that it’s not even remotely understandable?”

  2523. dupersude Says:

    Hell yes Putz, PRAISE BE TO THE GOAT.

  2524. Arreh Says:

    Damnit I was going to make a Goat joke.

    And it’ll all be better when the Update arrives.

  2525. Midget52 Says:

    You shall not take the Goat’s name in vain! Don’t make me get all ecclesiastic on you!

  2526. G Says:

    Putz Putz Putz, we only invite lunatics anyway. It’s surprising how Jaded Empath couldn’ defeat THC whilst Joey unintentionally could.

  2527. Arreh Says:

    Wait – I was invited? Goat, you guys are good at subliminal messaging.

  2528. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Great job so far Arreh, no god/Goat slip ups as of yet.

  2529. Arreh Says:

    I am a professional, after all.

  2530. Michael Says:

    And I’m a raging lunatic. Right? RIGHT?

  2531. Midget52 Says:

    Of course you are, Michael-fish-blubber-ftaang-ftaang-ole-biscuitbarrel-whizzzzzzzzzzzzz.

  2532. Michael-fish-blubber-ftaang-ftaang-ole-biscuitbarrel-whizzzzzzzzzzzzz Says:

    Why thank you, Midget52.

  2533. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Don’t get cocky. We’re ALL lunatics around here.

  2534. Michael-fish-blubber-ftaang-ftaang-ole-biscuitbarrel-whizzzzzzzzzzzzz Says:

    True, true.

  2535. Arreh Says:

    Don’t be silly, I’m not a lunatic.

  2536. some random guy Says:

    So I read the perma death thing. It was beautiful
    I’ve never said that about a game before

  2537. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    May i be the first to say this, but what the flying fuck are you yapping about now make me a sammich.

  2538. Jackrabbit Says:

    Hello guys. Yes, it’s me, making my once every three months rounds again.

    Okay, the only thing that really happened in these three months was you guys ‘going to war’ with Nancymarie.

    The. Fuck. What was that for? I’m aware it was only some of you, but you were never in a war.

    Anyway, this is my last time here as a crew member. I’d like to be discharged, honorably if possible because I presume that includes a farewell party and free booze.

  2539. Joey. Says:

    If you leave you don’t come back. But you do. You all do, every once in a little while. That’s why I’m back. When I first got here I accidentally tore you guys apart, whereas Jaded and Nancy couldn’t do that on purpose.What I’m saying is, you need to face adversity to prosper. Arreh is helping re-build, and I’d be honoured to be annoited as your official enemy, so that I can attempt to drive you away and only make you stronger. I’m willing to sacrifice my standing (little though it is) and look like a dick so that you have a chance of continuing. Goat help me. Goat be with you. Arreh, I look forward to our possible argumants and the jokes that will be contained within them.

    NOW GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE. You know why you keep dissappearing? ‘Cause this place SUCKS. Hell, half of you don’t even like the other half, and the ones you do like you have the MSN of, so why don’t you just un-subscribe, and GO. You’ll forget about this place in no time. The Update is a lie.

  2540. Michael-fish-blubber-ftaang-ftaang-ole-biscuitbarrel-whizzzzzzzzzzzzz Says:

    I can discharge you, in the form of a public execution. Sounds good?

  2541. Arreh Says:

    I too voice my discontent.

    But at YOU Joey.

    Indeed, around here it is YOU that perform the sucking.

    I also hear that your mum partakes in such activities. At night. With ME.

    It may even be so.

    Your move, sir.

    Your move.

  2542. Michael-fish-blubber-ftaang-ftaang-ole-biscuitbarrel-whizzzzzzzzzzzzz Says:

    Just beat Dragon Age: Origins. The hero I am, I sacrificed myself at the ending. It only took 64 hours to complete! Weeeeeeeeeeeee

    What a waste of time, but then again, what more productive could I have done..?

  2543. dupersude Says:

    Nothing. Nothing could be more productive than beating the shit out of a game. Was it good? I’ve heard it’s like Oblivion. Thinking of buying…

  2544. Joey. Says:

    Wow. A gay joke and a mom joke. Don’t hurt yourself there. Still, I must say the way you worded it made me think that things are going to be interesting. So long as you can come up with better shit than that before I drive you away from here for good. Touche.

  2545. dupersude Says:

    … Ergh.
    That is all.

  2546. Joey. Says:

    Hmph. That was easy. You guys are weak. What kind of a leader are you Arreh? Where’s Michael? Wha’s hap’nin’?

  2547. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Oh get over yourself, Joey.

  2548. Arreh Says:

    Joey, your continued existence irritates me. You obviously have no life to speak of, as you cling to this comments sections as a de-boated pirate does to the fat, floaty cook. Indeed, I would not be surprised if this was your only form of regular human contact, apart from the postman and waiter at the Maccy Ds “Drive-Thru”, of course.

    You deride this place, and yet feel the continual need to post, to be known, to put forward your opinion, as if it mattered. You need this place because you need to feel cared about – you just can’t work out how to gain it through charisma and social interaction, so you have to feel like a somebody on this little backwater comments page.

    You are, and always will be, reliant upon internet communities to supply your lust for interaction, Joey.

    You should leave, but we both know it’s beyond you.

    Isn’t it?

  2549. Michael-fish-blubber-ftaang-ftaang-ole-biscuitbarrel-whizzzzzzzzzzzzz Says:

    That sounds like an interesting idea. Anyway, dupersude, I say, go for it! It’s a good game. Fucked two bitches, decided that the second was hotter, broke up with first girl saying ‘Morrigan was better in bed’.
    Feels good man.

  2550. dupersude Says:

    Oh damn. I think I may just go and get it now.
    From what I’d seen/read/heard, I devised that it was fairly linear. But I guess not?

  2551. Arreh Says:

    Linear like a squiggly line.

  2552. dupersude Says:

    A squiggly line that goes on forever?

  2553. Arreh Says:


  2554. Michael-fish-blubber-ftaang-ftaang-ole-biscuitbarrel-whizzzzzzzzzzzzz Says:

    You should get it.
    ‘Twas worth it.

  2555. dupersude Says:

    Sure. When I get some more moneys that’ll be the next game I buy.
    PS Guys. Matt Damon is the new Chuck Norris. Only better.

  2556. Michael-fish-blubber-ftaang-ftaang-ole-biscuitbarrel-whizzzzzzzzzzzzz Says:


  2557. Arreh Says:


  2558. dupersude Says:

    Yeah you heard. You all know that Chuck Norris’ penis drops on the ground when he takes a step and causes tremors and earthquakes, right?
    Well Matt Damon’s penis tears a rift into another dimension and continues on, infinitely.

  2559. Matt Damon Says:


  2560. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Obvious joke is obvious.

  2561. Midget52 Says:

    This statement is false.

    Commence universe implosion.

  2562. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Not really. You are lying, and the statement is true.

    Wait, that doesn’t-]]/ENDUNIVERSE[[

  2563. Michael-text not related. Says:

    Name not related.

  2564. Arreh Says:

    Damnit I want Joey back.

    All said was said for the sake of an argument. Not anything nasty.

    Also – 3,484 GET.

  2565. Michael-text not related. Says:


  2566. Michael-text not related. Says:


  2567. Arreh Says:

    “Ask me about pins.”

  2568. Michael-text not related. Says:

    No, you!

  2569. dupersude Says:

    What are these strawberries doing on my nipples? I need them for the fruit salad.

  2570. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    You are all Kellogs Crunchy Nuts

  2571. dupersude Says:

    What was that Putz?
    What did you say??

  2572. Midget52 Says:

    He’s popped. Now he can’t stop.

    That’s pringles, by the way. Just if anyone missed that.

  2573. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    By pointing out the reference, you lose 10hp

    HP: 40/50
    MP: 70/70
    EXP: 23764/23895

  2574. Michael-text not related. Says:

    What is his level?

  2575. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:


  2576. dupersude Says:

    I wouldn’t have got it. I haven’t seen the pringles ad.

  2577. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Congratulations! Now take off your pants.

  2578. Michael Says:

    dupersude, gorapeacow

  2579. Arreh Says:

    9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)

    Solve the inequality for ‘u’ to find dupersude’s feelings towards you guys on September 26, 2009 at 2:28 pm.

    Or don’t. It really isn’t worth it.

  2580. Joey. Says:

    I’m still here Arreh, I just don’t come back so often as you, as I’m clearly not a measly little loser. You insinuated, nay, stated that I have no life, then prove that you yourself have nothing better to do. You ask why I’m still here? I’m here, because I see it as my duty to you as a human being to force you away from this Blog for good, inhabiting a Hiatus’d Blog is fine, but this Blog is DEAD. It’ll never be updated, not in a month of Sundays. Sooner you realise that the sooner we can all go home and have sundae’s.


    • Arreh Says:

      And yet my devious plan worked, did it not?

      You couldn’t help but reply – you still felt the need to defend yourself against a person who, for all practical purposes, does not exist to you, in a forum that has little physical reality.

      Your comment about warning me away strikes me as rather odd – though you deride this place, it stills holds tight to you, like a fat man’s chubby fingers would to the last doughnut. Or last child, if he were a paedophile, as is so often the case with fat people nowadays.

      And yes, I check back on this place fairly regularly now. But only due to noble intentions on my behalf; I seek to breath the breath of life into this place once more, so when the Update comes – by Goat, it will not find us wanting in enthusiasm or esoteric comments.

      But Joey, I welcome you back. You are ensnared within my trap, and now have no choice but to dance my little comments-section flamenco. It is indeed the Flamenco of Revival, no less, and you’ll tap it out to my tune just like that Albanian did before I shot him.

      But this time it won’t be bullets – it’ll be nasty words that make you go sad.

      Female dog.

  2581. Michael Says:

    If what Joey says is proven true, and Chris never updates, I shall hunt him down and… I’d be locked up in jail if I would’ve continued.

  2582. youjustlostit Says:

    Me or Chris, Michael?

  2583. Michael Says:

    Both, just because you asked. But I was talking about Chris.

  2584. youjustlostit Says:

    Oh, Michael Michael Michael. Check up on our favourite Aylied Ruins Hunter.

  2585. Michael Says:

    Ah, good. I shall read it. AND NOM IT

  2586. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Jeez people flip out a , lot around here.
    Arreh: Joey has a life, I know about it.
    Joey: If you stop bringing up how you supposedly destroyed us, new people wouldn’t attack you.

  2587. MaleAlphaThree Says:

    This is impressive, indeed. What was a simple comment section transformed into an actual chat forum.

    Hallowed is the Nondrick.

  2588. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    I would respond to you, Mr. Three, but there’s fuck all chance of you posting again.

  2589. dupersude Says:

    Guess what

  2590. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    till I collapse i be spillin these raps
    so yall can fap to the sound of my trap
    yapping this stack of crap called a track
    stealing crap from Eminem and callin it phat
    when I’m just a hack haven’t rapped for crap

    though this might count got some originality
    cant get stale like fuckin miss congeniality
    cos I haven’t busted rhymes this enthusiastically
    since the days of the TALES hypodextronimosity

    sorry had to think of a word to make the line rhyme
    thats a huge fuckin’ problem of mine
    gotta make each line fit with the rest of its kind
    titty fuckin christ this is a massive waste of time

    bam, and see, just like that
    the sparks gone, like my fuckin’ cat
    I wanna stop now but I gotta finish the verse
    else it wont make sense and it will cause me to curse

    Fuck! started a new line
    another rhyme to rhyme
    will I ever be sublime?
    not at this time 😦

    Well here we are, welcome to the last verse
    like this songs a funeral and this is the hearse
    I hope whats inside is a fuckin dead smurf
    those little fuckin’ shits make me wanna say FIRST!

  2591. Arreh Says:

    Putzy – Joey and I aren’t actually arguing. At least not in the traditional sense.

    In fact I rather like him, but shhh, he’s my enemy.

    Think of us as willing gladiators. In shark-infested waters.

    We die a little so that this place may live a little (at least that’s my plan, but Joey may have other ideas).

  2592. youjustlostit Says:

    Arreh is right. And in fact I’m most likely to die, as I’m half-sacrificing myself to strengthen the community.
    I was the only one of us who really could do it, as I’m already the closest thing you guys had to an antagonist. On that note, Arreh, I think it’s your move.

  2593. Arreh Says:

    Not so, sir.

    I did in fact reply to Joey, by pressing the reply button, no less. And then tapping out a well-constructed riposte.

    Scroll up and you’ll see it – I’m afraid it got rather swallowed up by the others’ chatter.

    • youjustlostit Says:

      Indeed, you are correct. My mistake.I suppose I must reply.

      You speak of your cause; one of revival? On of faith to the promised Update? But you just don’t see, do you? There IS no Update. And until every last follower of its ways is gone far far away from here. You understand? I will dance your dance my friend, but if you ever think that you’ve won you will not have noticed me change the game that we were playing. Good luck, my adversary. You’re going to need it. I am no Albanian.

  2594. Michael Says:

    That’s interesting, Arreh. YOU USED THE REPLY BUTTON OMGAWTFBBQ gorapeacow

  2595. Midget52 Says:

    Incessant chatter is the best way to distract people. For example, while you have been reading this, my agents have stolen all your possessions, sold them, bought them and placed them back in your house. Just for kicks.

  2596. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Fuck you, youjustlostit.

  2597. Arreh Says:

    Fuck you, Midget52.

    They better not have left fingerprints on my pirate booty.

  2598. G Says:

    Fuck you all, say what? i’m confused at whats happened.


  2599. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Fuck you guys. I churn out a rap while listening to Eminems Till I collapse and actually make it good with only the first line plagiarised and yall give me shit all praise in return. I am thinking of doing some TALES, and this is no way to get them.

  2600. youjustlostit Says:


  2601. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Did someone say something? I thought I heard something.

  2602. dupersude Says:

    Probably hearing your text-to-speech translator saying “TALES TIME NAO.”

  2603. Midget52 Says:

    Probably that incessant ringing. Or is that just me?

  2604. dupersude Says:

    I think that’s you. Maybe you should see a doctor, like, a mind doctor…

    … On the other hand, it could also be those dozens of voices that keep whispering, saying to burn everything.

  2605. Holy Shit Says:

    What the fuck is wrong with you people???? A fucking flame fest in the comments section of a defunct blog? Holy fucking hell. Just wow, holy hell.

  2606. Arreh Says:

    It’s not really a flame fest if we’re all getting on fine, is it now?

    Although obviously we’re sorry to have bothered you. Let us know if there’s anything we can do to make this up to you.

  2607. youjustlostit Says:

    No Shit is Holy, but mine does smel like roses. >.>

    Also, as for what I hear? Looky here now:

  2608. youjustlostit Says:

  2609. Midget52 Says:

    That is possibly the greatest amalgamation of awesome EVER. Portal AND Doctor Who? Excuse me while my head explodes. Also, how did you get the video IN the comment? That is some serious typing.

  2610. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Amalgamation? Careful there, you’ll bust your larynx.

  2611. dupersude Says:

    Hey guys.
    I’m gonna be a dick and bring you all down by telling you my girlfriend and I of eight months and nine days broke up today.
    I am depressed.
    That is all.

  2612. Arreh Says:

    Poor dupersude.

    And you’d almost made it to the eight months and 10 days stage.

  2613. Michael Says:

    God damned dickweed, dupersude! Now you have to tell uncle Michael about it.

  2614. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    You broke up with Laura? Did the rare-contact finally get to you?

  2615. dupersude Says:

    Unc’y mike, i totally would, were it that you were online. But you’re not. So I’ll wait til i see you online.
    What happened to us anyway? We used to be tight. I thought we were tight… 😦

  2616. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Avatar movie had me picking chunks of my ass out of my brain, because the awesomeness blew my ass out the back of my head.

  2617. dupersude Says:

    That awesome? I may have to see it.

  2618. Arreh Says:

    Sounds a bit messy, though.

  2619. dupersude Says:

    That’s what the cleaners are paid for.

  2620. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    They get paid? I thought they lived there.

  2621. well.... Says:

    Do we REALLY have to wait until april?

  2622. dupersude Says:

    They’re paid with free boarding.

    Yes, next april. or never. Take your pick.

  2623. Arreh Says:

    No wonder all those immigrants want to be cleaners.

  2624. dupersude Says:


  2625. well...... Says:

    Fine, Fine, April it is.

  2626. youjustlostit Says:

    A Singer From My School Was On Atlantic FM.

  2627. Arreh Says:

    I was on Atlantic FM once.

  2628. Midget52 Says:

    I have never heard of Atlantic FM, but good for you!

  2629. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    I posted on thc!!! Because we never use it anymoar.

  2630. dupersude Says:

    And the sad thing is you had to come to the comments section of a dead blog to tell members of said forum that A POST WAS ACTUALLY FUCKING MADE.
    I lol’d inside.

  2631. G Says:

    hmmmmm i hate when people promise something and don’t deiver.

  2632. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Save it for the ring, G. Or, well, the other blog.

  2633. dupersude Says:

    Seen Avatar today, and Goat, putz is right… It was messy.

  2634. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:


  2635. Midget52 Says:

    Well, NOW someone is posting. Nice work there.

  2636. dupersude Says:

    Actually Putz is no-one. So no-one really is posting. Or was, until YOU STARTED, MIDGET.
    But i do love you. All of you.

  2637. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Shut up dupersude. Don’t go all gay on me like summer camp.

  2638. Arreh Says:

    Once summer camp went gay on me, too. I broke its arm.

  2639. youjustlostit Says:

    Right, I believe that’s enough posting to be sufficiently annoying. Morning gents.

  2640. dupersude Says:


  2641. youjustlostit Says:


  2642. dupersude Says:


  2643. youjustlostit Says:

    No, but over 3,500.

  2644. youjustlostit Says:

    I am Andrew Ryan and I am here to ask you a question:
    Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?

    No, says the man in Washington; it belongs to the poor.
    No, says the man in the Vatican; it belongs to God.
    No, says the man in Moscow; it belongs to everyone.

    I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something
    different. I chose the impossible. I chose…

    Rapture.— Andrew Ryan

  2645. dupersude Says:

    No. Over nine thousand.

  2646. dupersude Says:

    Also, that quote is from Bioshock. I have yet to play it.

  2647. youjustlostit Says:

    PLAY IT NOW MOTHER FUCKER. Bioshock = Win. So it is said, so it IS.

  2648. dupersude Says:

    Yeah I’ll get around to it. When I get the money, I’ll buy it.

  2649. youjustlostit Says:


  2650. youjustlostit Says:

    Do you know how much money you could save by eating only crackers for a week?

  2651. dupersude Says:

    None, because i dont pay for the food. My mother does.

  2652. youjustlostit Says:

    Precisely. Go tell her to feed herself oly crackers and give you the spare money as a reward. Or, get BIOSHOCK THE AWESOME GAME for Christmas.

  2653. dupersude Says:

    I could totally talk my walking kitchen appliance- er… Girlfriend… into buying it for me 😀

  2654. youjustlostit Says:

    You go do that right know Jimmy, and don’t come back until you’re certain you love her.

  2655. youjustlostit Says:

    No, right now.

  2656. dupersude Says:

    You said right know.

  2657. youjustlostit Says:

    Shaddup and go do it.

  2658. youjustlostit Says:

    Is it done?

  2659. dupersude Says:

    Dude, I totally got the 3600 get and didn’t notice. I’m just that awesome.

  2660. youjustlostit Says:

    You WISH.

  2661. dupersude Says:

    No no, thats what actually happened. if this post is ’07, then your post saying “You WISH” is 06, mine is 05, then 04 and 03 are you, then 02 is me, 01 is you, and the 3600 get is me. Win.

  2662. youjustlostit Says:


  2663. Midget52 Says:

    Accidental wins are better than normal wins. Except when the win results in a loss for someone else. I hate accidental win/losses.

  2664. midget52 Says:


  2665. Midget52 Says:

    oh hes right i do.

  2666. Awesome Says:

    looks more and more like he wont update till april 2010

  2667. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Who the hell are you?

  2668. youjustlostit Says:

    I think… it’s Awesome. Welcome, Awesome.

  2669. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Doubt he will post again.

  2670. youjustlostit Says:

    I know, but be nice.

  2671. dupersude Says:

    Nice like yo’ mamma’s curves were last night.

  2672. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    im off to not read youjustlostits blog post

  2673. dupersude Says:

    I love you all ❤

  2674. youjustlostit Says:

    MERRY CRIMBO. Blog post will have to wait, as my copy of Oblivion is utterly destroyed.

  2675. Arreh Says:

    Happy christmas you joyless bastards.


  2676. dupersude Says:

    Joyless? I got a motherfucking keyboard. I’m full of joy.

  2677. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    And I got munnies.

  2678. dupersude Says:

    Well I got a 1TB External hard drive. AND A NEW PHONE MOTHER FUCKER.

  2679. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    *rapes everyone*

    Whaaaaat? I get bored!

  2680. dupersude Says:

    It’s not rape if you enjoy it!

  2681. Joey. Says:

    It’s not rape if you shout surprise. It’s surprise sex.

  2682. dupersude Says:

    but what if they know youre coming?

  2683. Joey. Says:

    Then you kill them.

  2684. G Says:

    So then it’s necrophillia?

  2685. dupersude Says:

    Which is just as illegal i believe.

  2686. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    As illegal as your MUM.

  2687. dupersude Says:

    Not really, she’s very legal.

  2688. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Not in Utah.

  2689. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:


  2690. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    This is a test.

  2691. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    … And it went PERFECTLY… >:3

  2692. dupersude Says:

    What are (or were) you testing, might i ask?

  2693. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Oh you bastard Joey. You know my email.

  2694. Joey Says:

    I’m a faggot. True story.

  2695. dupersude Says:

    I dont think that worked Putz.

  2696. Joey Says:


  2697. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    There we go.

  2698. dupersude Says:

    LOL. Wow. I should get in on this action.

  2699. Michael Says:


  2700. Joey. Says:

    HEY. It’s not me Putzy. I thought you trusted me more than that?

  2701. Midget52 Says:

    HAPPY NEW YEAR! Wow, a whole year without Nondrick. I feel sad.

  2702. G Says:

    new years eve, midget.. well here it is… then again you live in austrailia right? so then you wait…. happy new ear to you 2 then.

  2703. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    For me, it’s one and a half hours till midnight.

  2704. Arreh Says:

    For me, tis 1 hour 46 minutes.

  2705. Michael Says:

    Happy new year, duddies! Now go make me a sandwich, for I (think I) got the 2010 get! Huzzah!

  2706. G Says:

    Happy new year . 2010.

  2707. Arreh Says:

    G got the 2010 get for any proper people (those in the UK). Happy new year.

  2708. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Happy new year, buncha cruncha muncha internet people.

  2709. Pavel Says:

    Happy No-Nondrick New Year, folks. Last one out, please turn off the lights.

  2710. Michael Says:

    I think i celebrated new years before all of you, being GMT +10. Unless someone here is from new zealand…

  2711. dupersude Says:

    err… woops. :D’ I’ll just back away slowly and inconspicuously now…

  2712. Vadermath Says:

    Hello there boys, and a Happy New Year to all of you! I certainly hope Chris will update the blog this May…

  2713. Mike Says:

    Def looking at May at the earliest. Chris prob left this blog though. 😦

  2714. Blonk Says:

    Not to point out the obvious or anything, but this is a really long-ass comments section. Love the blog, got the RSS, hope he’ll do some more of it. Gotta admit, im tempted to try it myself, see what happens.

  2715. dupersude Says:

    We all are, Blonk. We all are…

  2716. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Pheasant Phucking Pleasant PLucking peasant Phlucking Pheasants.

    SAy that as fast as you can as loud as you can and dont stop for any reason.

  2717. spinn Says:


  2718. dupersude Says:

    Just the usual really.

  2719. Midget52 Says:

    The usual? Then what the hell do I keep coming here for?

  2720. dupersude Says:

    The usual. Of course.

  2721. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Hey, that guys link is scribs! Reckon he is Chris’s friend?

  2722. spinn Says:

    Yeah, I reckon he is. I was just checking some of Chris’s periphery sites and was amazed to find you have a whole message board going on here. 3,600 comments, good Lord.

  2723. G Says:

    Hmm i think it’s because we arn’t willing to accept the fact that this site is dead and chris is never going to update, but we can still hope, we can.

    @vadermath, sup

  2724. Anus Says:

    He is going to write more.

  2725. Ether Says:


  2726. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Listen, Dick (can I call you dick?) we have asked for an update for a long time, sending emails and asking in the comments of fps, so feel free to tear your balls off and eat them before you assume something you know nothing about.

    • Ether Says:

      herp derp sarcasm is so rare and complex on the internets

      Calm down.

      • spinn Says:

        heh man. OTHER — UNCLEAN — HERETIC

        Maybe the larger question is, what are you going to do when he updates? Your whole dominion here will lapse to obscurity.

      • dupersude Says:

        Well, spinn, he’s the writer the blog deserves. But not the one it needs right now… So we’ll hunt him, because he can take it. Because he’s not our hero… He’s a silent guardian. A watchful protector…
        … A Dark Knight.

  2727. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    You are awesome dupersude. That was awesome.

  2728. dupersude Says:

    I do what I can. ❤

  2729. Mike Says:

    “Read my entire Nondrick blog today. I liked it! Kind of surprised no one has asked me to write more of it. At any rate, I am.”

    -Christopher’s Twitter

  2730. dupersude Says:


  2731. Mike Says:

    Uhh…whatever buddy!

  2732. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Yeah he’s lying. He does shit like this occasionally to try to give people hope. Don’t get excited people.

  2733. dupersude Says:

    I thought as much.

  2734. Anus Says:

    He is going to write more…

  2735. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Yes, you keep thinking that Enus. Oh, sorry, I mean anus.

  2736. dupersude Says:

    I’ve heard that line in reverse before in a show or something…

  2737. G Says:

    Hmmm… if he updates then he updates, if he doesn’t then he doesn’t. Well it is snowing, something england hasn’t seen in a while… best winter ever.

  2738. Joey. Says:


  2739. G Says:

    hmm spinn i like the update of your site. did you recieve my question… lol .

    @ joey.. your mouse is broken? get a new one. end of, and whats that got to do with snow?

  2740. PS Says:

    Oh hey, this blog hasn’t been updated.

  2741. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Disregard everything I’ve said, I suck cock.

  2742. dupersude Says:

    I just almost…

  2743. dupersude Says:

    Missed out on…

  2744. dupersude Says:

    The 3700 GET. 🙂 But its cool now.

  2745. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Obsessive compulsive, anyone?

  2746. dupersude Says:

    Hey screw you putz! I’ve had every 100 get since the 3k get now. I’m on a roll.

  2747. Mike Says:

    It seems Putzy has become the local crotchety old man whom life has turned into a world weary cynical husk of who he once was.

  2748. spinn Says:

    Just wait until Piggy’s glasses get broken…then all hells gonna break loose.

  2749. Shatari Says:

    Hmm, looks like there’s just a couple more months till the next update. I can’t wait. ^_^

  2750. lizardizzle Says:

    h-h-holy s*** guys.

    from the twitter!

    “Read my entire Nondrick blog today. I liked it! Kind of surprised no one has asked me to write more of it. At any rate, I am.
    3:05 PM Jan 4th from web”

  2751. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Woah this is crazy! I hadn’t heard about this till now!
    scroll up before you post.

  2752. dupersude Says:

    Wait, so mike was telling the truth? Orrr….

  2753. dupersude Says:

    “After speeding around GTA4 for a week in stolen sports cars, riding Beaker around in Oblivion last night suddenly felt maddeningly slow.
    1 minute ago from web”

  2754. dupersude Says:

    (Plus, it took me about a half-hour to even find where I’d parked Beaker about nine months ago.)
    10 minutes ago from web

    I lol’d

  2755. Mike Says:


  2756. Midget52 Says:

    Repent, Non(drick)-believers! The end-times are upon us! Await the coming of our saviour, and may Goat have mercy on your pitiful mortal souls!

    So, new Nondrick, huh? Wait, that can’t be right. It’s not April.

    • Shatari Says:

      My guess is that he’s making a backlog so that he can update regularly for a few weeks.

      I wonder if he’s got any new or upgraded mods installed.

  2757. Michael Says:

    We gonna have to force him into not updating until April/May, seriously.

  2758. dupersude Says:

    I thought the same thing Midget… He broke his promise ;_;

  2759. dupersude Says:

    Michael… What…? No… We’ve spent too long trying to MAKE him post. Never compromise. Not even in the face of Armageddon. That’s always been the difference between us, Daniel. I mean Michael.

  2760. Jonah Says:

    At this point I’ll feel cheated if he updates before April.

  2761. dupersude Says:

    April is my birthday month. It would be like a present to me.

  2762. Calhoun Says:

    …So, you guys bitch about HOW he doesn’t post, now you complain that he posts.

    That is Stupidity if i ever heard it.

    Chris, post whenever you damn well please. The sooner the better though.

  2763. dupersude Says:

    Calhoun, please, refer to:

    Nondrick Update

    Then gtfo.

  2764. Calhoun Says:


  2765. dupersude Says:


  2766. Michael Says:

    Because soon, you too, will be discarded.

  2767. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    and yes I realise the comments got lock over there.

  2768. Arreh Says:

    He won’t post before April. It has been Written that he shall post in April, and so it shall come to pass.

    Also, I liked your Piggy joke, Spinn, even if none of the others understood.

  2769. dupersude Says:

    Why did they get locked?

  2770. Michael Says:

    I locked them in a cage. I then ate the key.

  2771. Joey. Says:

    You looove me.

  2772. Michael Says:

    Not really.

  2773. Midget52 Says:

    Well, let’s see. We have comedy, drama, action, horror. Finally, we have a romance going. We tick nearly every genre now.

  2774. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Shut up and kiss me, stud!

  2775. Michael Says:

    No, you kiss me!

  2776. Arreh Says:

    Why don’t you both kiss each other – at the SAME TIME!!!11!!one

    I am a valued poster.

  2777. Midget52 Says:

    But then one of them would be in the way! You need to think your plan through more.

  2778. Michael Says:

    I’m sure it’s Putz who’d be in the way.

  2779. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    You would like that, wouldn’t you.

  2780. Joey. Says:

    How brillint you are Arreh. Now put your pants back on.

  2781. kibble Says:

    a fresh year – and fresh tears – i doth weep for nondrick

  2782. Midget52 Says:

    To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
    Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
    To the last syllable of recorded time;
    And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
    The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
    Life’s but a walking shadow

  2783. Plinar Says:

    …-so yeah, I’m just gonna check back on this gay blog. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, you swinging by this way? Do you wanna pick me up? D- Do… Do you wanna pick me up? Do you wanna pick me up? Do you wanna pick me up? Do you wanna pick me up? Yeah, there’s still some fags hanging around the comments. Yeah, all they do is make gay joke-

    Aw, shit.

    *sound of running footsteps*
    *sound of door slamming*
    *sound of car squealing away*

  2784. Narvre Says:

    I qwould gladly tell you all of times my anus has been torn by my boyfriend Dupersude, it happens every so often, but I get over it in about a week. My Rectal Tissue is toughening to the way he abuses it, so it’s getting a lot more resilient to tears too.

    Another interesting note is–

    Wait, which blog is this again?

  2785. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Dude, did you actually get her to post that or are you just messing around?

  2786. Joey. Says:

    I… I want to go home. Arreh is an Englishman.

  2787. dupersude Says:

    Thats a “he” putz, I didn’t post it, and he’s kidding with you. We’re good buddies in real life though. THATS RIGHT. IN FREE-DEE LANDDD.

  2788. dupersude Says:

    Also, Narvre is the one who introduced me to the place back in March/April. So he’s been lurking longer than me.

  2789. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Didnt know you were into the whole ‘anal busting other guys’ scene.

  2790. Arreh Says:

    Joey, I am an Englishman, yes. A mighty Englishman. As opposed to a shitty Englishman.

    I hope you don’t mind. What did you think I was?

    I am also a member of the master race.

    The sole member.

  2791. Midget52 Says:

    What, Doctor Who’s Master race?

  2792. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    I hate the Master guy from doctah hoo. WHY WONT HE DIE

  2793. Arreh Says:

    Do any nations other than us Brits actually watch Docter Who?

    I’m sure they don’t need to, what with the high quality television shown in countries such as America, of course.

  2794. Joey Says:

    *Doctor Who?

  2795. Midget52 Says:

    Australia has Doctor Who, and it is awesome.

  2796. Arreh Says:

    Britain has better Doctor Who.

  2797. Midget52 Says:

    …Yes, because they made a completely different one for Australia, where the Doctor travels through time in a kangaroo’s pouch and says g’day a lot.

    I think my sarcasm valve just broke.

  2798. Arreh Says:


  2799. Vadermath Says:

    Whoa, bitchessss! Whazza up? April is getting closer, and Chris’d do good to keep his fucking promise. Or else?

    We start killing BABIES.

  2800. Michael Says:

    Start? I’m right in the middle of it!

  2801. Vadermath Says:

    Michael my man! You’re still here! And so is Midget(s)!


  2802. Michael Says:

    I’m always here, will always be.

    Kills my knees.

  2803. Midget52 Says:

    But is it really Vadermath? Quick! Say something only Vadermath would know!

  2804. Vadermath Says:

    Me and Michael found Max’s blog while on MSN? Ask me on MSN if you’d like, it’s me alright.

  2805. Michael Says:

    Not too long before April, now.

    I have to keep telling myself that.

  2806. dupersude Says:

    Soon, child… Soon… I do miss nondrick.

  2807. youjustlostit Says:

    Meh. You WOULD.

  2808. Vadermath Says:

    But Michael, we have to be realistic here. What if Chris doesn’t update this April? If the world ends in 2012, we’ll only have two Aprils ’till then.

  2809. dupersude Says:

    ”It has been pointed out that I should probably update one of my blogs before the heat death of the universe. I am in agreement.”

    Remember this? BAM.

  2810. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Chris is a faggot sucking bastard whore.

  2811. Michael Says:

    I wonder what it’s like to be a faggot sucking bastard whore. Not that I want to find out myself, though…

  2812. Vadermath Says:

    “bastard whore”? What the hell is that, a dirty transvestite?

  2813. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    It’s an insult that signifies my complete loss of hope and faith in Christopher Livingston.

  2814. Midget52 Says:

    We need only have faith, though. He is like a god: proof of his existence denies faith, and without faith he is nothing.

    This means that, if we can prove he exists, that he will instantly blink out of existence.

  2815. youjustlostit Says:


  2816. dupersude Says:

    Good thinking, 52!
    Seriously though. I like that.

  2817. Vadermath Says:

    Doesn’t his blogging on FPS kind of prove his existence? If we’re making God parallels here, our relationship with Chris can be described as following;

    God has created us and our planet, yet we’ve only seen glimpses of him for ages. And then, we see him on another planet, happily communicating with its inhabitants, without means of talking to him ourselves.

  2818. Michael Says:

    Well, seeing as Chris is the all-mighty God, of course he owns other planets too. Just that he left this planet. Or something.

  2819. The_Bear_Jew Says:

    please post something Chris! I’ll give you money!

  2820. dupersude Says:

    *Thick american accent*
    “… Bonjourno.”

  2821. Michael Says:


  2822. Vadermath Says:

    YES! So I’m not the only one who considers the movie pure fucking genius.

  2823. Michael Says:

    No. You’re not.

  2824. dupersude Says:

    … Does he look like a bitch?

  2825. Arreh Says:

    I too enjoy this film. I also enjoy badminton (amongst other sports, but badminton is currently the most relevant). Anyone else like badminton? I do. I got a new racket today.

  2826. Vadermath Says:


  2827. Michael Says:



  2828. youjustlostit Says:

    Mhm. Badmington, eh? Never actually played it. More of a tennis person myself. As for fighting sports, kick-boxing, and not-really-a-sport sports, darts. 😀

  2829. Vadermath Says:

    I hate conventional sports games myself. Though, I was into karate for a while, and I keep my condition by a lot of running, and a tad of weightlifting.

  2830. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    And we all are impressed and care.

  2831. Joey. Says:


  2832. Michael Says:

    Schmooples? You named a pet nug Schmooples?

  2833. Midget52 Says:

    I keep in shape by lifting boxes. i also get paid for this. I may have the perfect lifestyle.

  2834. dupersude Says:


    I used to practise martial arts too. Trained for six years… Good times.

  2835. Vadermath Says:

    Yeah. And once Superman hired me to be his replacement for the times when he relaxes with alien hookers, it really all fell into place.

  2836. dupersude Says:

    For my next trick…

  2837. dupersude Says:

    The one… The only…

  2838. dupersude Says:

    … THE 3800 GET!!!

  2839. Arreh Says:

    Ignoring the mildly impressive dedication of dupersude, I shall follow with the sports that I play, as you all seem keen on flashing your e-penises. Inspect mine.

    I’m currently a black belt martial artist of Tae-Kwon-Do, I play rugby, hockey, squash, badminton, table tennis (can you count that?), I run and I lift weights (alongside other gym-type exercises).

    I’m curling in a barbell 30kg, which isn’t too bad, considering I’m 16.

    Also I’m a cyber-ninja-pirate, which you may or may not recall, or care about.

    Does I win some internets off Goat?

  2840. dupersude Says:

    I got a black belt too 😀 Second Dan black belt, in Choi Kwang Do. The place i was at had a lot of legal issues because my instructor broke off from the international institution after some *ahem* disagreements, and so they kind of went bankrupt. Couldn’t afford to buy uniforms or make belts or rent a building for us, so he closed when i was mid sixteen, just after I got my second dan. After that, I took up parkour. Never really practised much though so it more or less just turned into climbing a whole lot of shit. I don’t push weights and i’m not buff but i can lift my own body weight over a ledge fairly easily, and can actually climb back, outward, onto a roof.

  2841. Midget52 Says:

    I can lift stuff too!

  2842. dupersude Says:

    There are 54 of you though, you can lift anything!

  2843. Vadermath Says:

    Hey, he/they robbed a fucking bank in my Hiatus novel, remember?

  2844. Midget52 Says:

    My other personalities have stopped talking to me recently. I think I pissed off 34, and he was the ringleader, really.

  2845. dupersude Says:

    I would remember, only that I never got around to reading it.
    Ah midget, that sucks. I hate when the voices stop whispering…

  2846. Arreh Says:

    I used to have voices in my head, but I updated my anti-virus.

  2847. dupersude Says:

    Sometimes i argue with the voices and they go away for a while… But they always come back.

  2848. Midget52 Says:

    I’m sure they will come back. I’ve never been able to hold a grudge.

  2849. Midget34 Says:

    It’s alright mate, we forgive you.

  2850. Arreh Says:

    If you add 52 and 34 together you get 86. Coincidence? I think not.

  2851. Joey. Says:

    No, but ‘t’is a cowinkidink.

  2852. Midget52 Says:

    I refuse to reply to someone who is obviously impersonating 34. I have enough psyches without you giveing me more.

  2853. Vadermath Says:

    Aww, for a minute there, I thought the midgets were back.

  2854. Joey. Says:

    There’s a drumming noise inside my head
    That starts when you’re around
    I swear that you should hear it
    It makes such an almighty sound

    There’s a drumming noise inside my head
    That throws me to the ground
    I swear that you should hear it
    It makes such an almighty sound

    Louder than sirens
    Louder than bells
    Sweeter than heaven
    And hotter than hell

    I ran to a tower where the church bells chime
    I hoped that they would clear my mind
    They left a ringing in my ear
    But that drum’s still beating loud and clear

    Louder than sirens
    Louder than bells
    Sweeter than heaven
    And hotter than hell

    Louder than sirens
    Louder than bells
    Sweeter than heaven
    And hotter than hell

    Louder than sirens
    Louder than bells
    Sweeter than heaven
    And hotter than hell

    As I move my feet towards your body
    I can hear this beat it fills my head up
    And gets louder and louder
    It fills my head up and gets louder and louder

    I run to the river and dive straight in
    I pray that the water will drown out the din
    But as the water fills my mouth
    It couldn’t wash the echoes out
    But as the water fills my mouth
    It couldn’t wash the echoes out

    I swallow the sound and it swallows me whole
    Till there’s nothing left inside my soul
    As empty as that beating drum
    But the sound has just begun

    As I move my feet towards your body
    I can hear this beat it fills my head up
    And gets louder and louder
    It fills my head up and gets louder and louder

    There’s a drumming noise inside my head
    That starts when you’re around
    I swear that you should hear it
    It makes such an almighty sound

    There’s a drumming noise inside my head
    That starts when you’re around
    I swear that you should hear it
    It makes such an almighty sound

    Louder than sirens
    Louder than bells
    Sweeter than heaven
    And hotter than hell

    Louder than sirens
    Louder than bells
    Sweeter than heaven
    And hotter than hell

    As I move my feet towards your body
    I can hear this beat it fills my head up
    And gets louder and louder
    It fills my head up and gets louder and louder.

  2855. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:


  2856. Michael Says:

    Does this mean that I should post some Lady GaGa lyrics?

  2857. Joey. Says:

    Only if they apply to your life at the moment, Mikey.

  2858. Michael Says:

    Alright. You can’t read my poker face.

  2859. Michael Says:

    It’s true.

  2860. Joey. Says:

    Pray, do tell. It’s been much too long since our last conversation.

  2861. Michael Says:

    It’s been too long since I had a ‘proper’ conversation.
    I hate people, it seems.

  2862. Smash Says:

    Fuck, you guys are STILL HERE? Damn.

    Why dont you guys, ya know, get MSN or something? Bloody hell guys, loading up the comments section almost crashed my fucking browser.

  2863. Joey. Says:

    Nah nah nah nah nah, nah nah, can’t touch this! You’re contributing to it Smash, in fact I wouldn’t have wrote this comment if not for you! HUZZAH WE WIN FUCKER!

  2864. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Also, we DO use msn.

  2865. Joey. Says:


  2866. dupersude Says:

    If loading a webpage crashes your browser, i suggest a new computer. Desperately.

  2867. Joey. Says:


  2868. dupersude Says:

    Not really… but sure, go ahead.

  2869. Joey. Says:

    Coming very soon will be some delightfully funny, gripping and gory podcasts from one of my friends in America! They will be related tpo THIS ‘site:

  2870. dupersude Says:

    I see… And I also see he added you in?


  2872. Michael Says:

    cool story bro

  2873. dupersude Says:

    I have a funny story. So a guy i know made a pigsquealing video on youtube. “Learn To Pigsqueal with BC.” One of his friends, or someone else, took a screenshot of him whilst he had a somewhat hilarious facial expression, wrote “hurr durr” over it, and posted it on 4chan. I lol’d hard.

  2874. Joey. Says:

    Cool story, sis.

  2875. dupersude Says:

    Son… I am dissapoint.

    In other news: I’m typing some additional bullshit in order to post this comment because i cannot post the above on it’s own due to the fact that I have already posted it before and wordpress is seeing my new post as a “duplicate comment”. Piece of ass.

  2876. Michael Says:

    You’re all fags

  2877. Joey. Says:

    :O I am hurt. Deep. And not by you, but because I just got rejected. 😥

  2878. Midget52 Says:

    Actually, statistically, at least ONE of us is gay (Not including my other personalities). So, who is it?

  2879. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:


  2880. dupersude Says:


  2881. Michael Says:

    Actually, statistically, at least ONE of us is full of fail and AIDS. So, who is it?

  2882. Michael Says:

    Not meant to be a double post, but dupersude.

    All are fags. All translates to Joey. 8)HA!


  2883. Michael Says:

    In other news, The Game.

  2884. Midget52 Says:

    Damn you, you bastard! I was going so well!

  2885. dupersude Says:

    I believe Joey is the one full of Fail and Aids. Also, I believe you just became aware that you are manually breathing. And manually blinking. And manually swallowing saliva. ZING!

  2886. G Says:

    Hmmm, don’t despair g is here..

  2887. Michael Says:

    To dip dick in ice water or not dip dick in ice water… wat do

  2888. Arreh Says:

    Dip ice water in dick. It’s obvious.

  2889. Vadermath Says:

    If you were truly my apprentice Michael, you’d know what to do!

    1) Put dick in freezer.

    2) Keep it in there for 24 hours.

    3) Take it out, and dip it into a bowl of water, and thus: putting ice dick in water.

  2890. dupersude Says:

    Alright. You listenin’? This is how it’s done. What YOU gotta do is get yourself a good sized penis mould. Maybe Six, seven inches. Made in germany. You know the germans always make good stuff. Now, go ahead and stick your dick in a blender. That’s right. Easy now, don’t just dive straight in. You gotta work your way up to puree’.
    Now mix that blended dick with some water, maybe some gelatine to keep it all in one piece, and fill your cock mould with it. Allow to set and when it’s done, pull your WATER-DICK from the mould. Reveal some pre-prepared ground ice, and voila!
    Dip water dick in ice!

  2891. Smash Says:

    Fuck guys, do whatever the hell you want. Ill happily contribute, but when are you (or we) gonna get back to flaming the living hell out of Chris for not updating? Have you all given up?

    If you need me, ill be killing babies.

  2892. Michael Says:

    Thanks for all the guidelines! I actually tried them all.

  2893. Vadermath Says:

    Looking at the original post whose comment section we’re using made me laugh a lot.

    [quote]Well, I promised an update in April, and clearly I missed the window. But, I don’t want to break my promise — that’s just not something I do — so it looks like you’ll have to wait until next April. Seeya in 364 days![/quote]

    I bet that even Chris himself didn’t realize how truthful with us he was at the time. I say we wait ’till March to get word out of him, then we go back to nagging him again! The Hiatus Crew shall be revived to its fundamental purpose!


    And to everyone’s who’s reading this:


  2894. Michael Says:

    God damn it, Vadermath!

    But yeah, I’m in!

  2895. Vadermath Says:


    Fuck you, Remedy, fuck you every chance you get.

  2896. dupersude Says:

    FUCK I LOST. But yeah, people have mentioned that before. That we may as well wait for April. Were you absent the last couple months Vader?
    Also, I seen the previews for that last year. When the fuck is it coming out? I want it.

  2897. Joey Says:

    I’ll do it.

  2898. Vadermath Says:

    I was actually absent the last few months, dupersude.


    @Joey: Awesome.

  2899. Smash Says:

    Well fuck Vadermath, count me in, if you guys will have me.

    If not, well, meh. Ill just keep commenting anyway.

    (Just try and stop me bitches)

  2900. Vadermath Says:


  2901. Midget52 Says:

    Yeehaw! The Hiatus crew have a plan! Bring it on, non-believers, bring it ON!

    Wait, a PLAN? That doesn’t sound like us.

  2902. Smash Says:

    Vadermath can you…. Uh….

    Are you my father?

    Ha, wasnt that a good comeback. No, it really wasnt.

    Im fucking tired.

  2903. Vadermath Says:

    @Midget52: Oh come on, we’ve had plenty of plans regarding baby killing and Chris nagging!

    Sure, none of them worked, but that’s part of our charm!

  2904. Michael Says:

    I take it that means this plan won’t work, either.

  2905. Smash Says:

    Oh, are you going to ignore me know?

    Damn, 3 comments and im already hated.

  2906. dupersude Says:

    Who said anything about hating you?

  2907. Vadermath Says:

    @Smash: Hey, you can SMASH and BASH.

    As far as I know, you’re welcome.

  2908. Smash Says:

    Well, thats cool then. Ill be commenting from time to time know, and ill happily participate in your plan to get a new LIO post.

    (By from time to time I mean, like, every single day. Twice.)

  2909. Arreh Says:

    It’s all right, Smash – I’m fairly new here, too. It took a few posts, but eventually the others realised that I’m a higher form of life than they – they’re very welcoming here.

    Also, I noticed you have an allergy to apostrophes. I’m terribly sorry about that: it’s an awful condition.

  2910. Joey Says:

    Ha. I got an awesome from Vader! And Smash reckons this is ‘hated’? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  2911. Vadermath Says:

    *force-chokes Joey*

  2912. Smash Says:

    @Arreh: I have an allergy to apostrophes, spelling, and grammar. Surely you wont discriminate me for that?

    So, what have you guys been up to? I spent the day kidnapping babys, you know, so I have enough when we start nagging Chris again.

  2913. Arreh Says:

    That’s a good start. I’m kidnapping Somali pirates, but your tactic may well prove to be the more effective.


  2915. Arreh Says:

    I call last post.

  2916. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    no way

  2917. dupersude Says:


  2918. G Says:

    I call last post

  2919. Vadermath Says:


  2920. dupersude Says:


  2921. Arreh Says:

    This is the last post. It is here to inform you that the poem “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost is about anal sex.

    “I took the road less travelled by / and that has made all the difference.”


  2922. Michael Says:

    Last! Again!

  2923. Arreh Says:

    If you’re going to be last, at least sign off with something decent.

  2924. Plinar Says:

    And now, ladies and gents,
    The end is near,
    And so we face the final curtain.
    Yes, there were times, I’m sure you knew,
    When Joey bit off more than he could chew,
    But through it all, when there was doubt,
    I sized up and ran away.
    Putz fucked it all and rapped stories tall
    And did it Mike’s way.

    I’ve hated, I’ve laughed and cried,
    I’ve had my fill – my share of losers.
    But now, as Joey sighs,
    I find it all so amusing.
    To think we did all that,
    And may I say, not in a shy way –
    Oh no. It was not me.
    I did it my way.

    For who is Vadermath? What has he got?
    If not himself – Then he has naught.
    To say the things G truly feels
    And not the words of dupersude.
    The record shows we took the blows
    And did it our way.
    Yes, it was our way.

    Goodnight, everyone.


  2926. Eergluk Says:


  2927. Arreh Says:

    Seriously guys, Plinar deserved the last post. Now shush, and go spam the new entry.


  2928. dupersude Says:

    My last is the ultimate. Why, you ask?

  2929. dupersude Says:



  2931. wish we coulda made it to 4000 though.

  2932. dupersude Says:

    Who says we wont?

  2933. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    You coulda just left it at the 3,900 GET. I’m quite happy for this to be spammed up to the 4000 get now.

    You heard me; you have the blessing of the cyber pirate-ninja.

  2934. dupersude Says:

    I CALL DIBS ON 4,000 GET. I’ve had every 100 get since 3,000 AND I’M NOT GOING TO LET ANY OF YOU FUCKERS KILL MY STREAK.

  2935. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:


    I presumed you would claim the 4000 get, and that would be it. It must be it – we must have a neat 4000 comments, and then NO MORE.

  2936. Joey, Chief Antagonist. Says:

    Can BOXXY be the 4000 get?

  2937. dupersude Says:

    I AGREE. Imagine if we hit 4000 and someone posts.
    That would make me angry… You won’t like me when I’m angry…

  2938. Joey, Chief Antagonist. Says:


  2939. dupersude Says:


  2940. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    Dupersude will, in the tradition of things, claim the 4000 get with whatever he wants. If anyone posts past that they will be paying a visit to my department of the Hiatus Republic very shortly.

    We’ll make sure you see things the right way after that.

  2941. dupersude Says:

    Arreh, you are now my new best internets friend. Thank-you for your support and seeing things my way.
    And now…

  2942. Joey, Chief Antagonist. Says:

    We’ll see… >.> Also, dupersude, they’re trying to protect you. Power = Corruption. Absolute Power = Absolute Corruption.

  2943. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    We need your innocent naivety, dupersude. We don’t want to sully you with a position of great power, like mine or Joey’s.

  2944. Joey, Chief Antagonist. Says:


    “And low and behold they shall stand in great power, and the weak shall cry ‘Injustice’, but they shall be dissuaded with promises of the leaders hatred of themselves.”

  2945. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    Shhh. Let him have his sweet sweet soma.

  2946. Joey, Chief Antagonist. Says:

    Guess where that quote came from?

  2947. Joey, Chief Antagonist. Says:

    And now for something completely different.

  2948. Joey, Chief Antagonist. Says:

  2949. Arreh Says:


  2950. Joey, Chief Antagonist. Says:


  2951. Joey, Chief Antagonist. Says:


  2952. dupersude Says:

    Ignoring the warnings of the both of you, I now pronounce myself Head of “Department of the Destruction of Justin Bieber, And Other Such Disney Music Bands”.
    Or just Head of DDJBAOSDMB.
    … I think I need to think the name over.

  2953. Michael Says:

    One thing’s for sure, dupersude, I’ll join that ‘DDJBAOSDMB’ club any day of the week! So let’s say I join it today!

  2954. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    You can’t be head of a department if it’s not in your name.

  2955. I CAN SO. And I am, because my department’s name hasn’t been finalized yet. AH SCREW IT.

    … Yeah that’ll do. that’ll do nicely.

  2956. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    I am Chairman for the Society Of Awesome People and other stuff. I have been since ever.

  2957. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    Oh dupersude. These are the new reforms, you see? You’re getting in early – you’ll get some nice juicy bonuses, a nice office, a life expectancy of at least 55…

    And anyway, Von Putzingburg is a friend of the party. If everyone knew he was chairman, they’d all pester him to get in to our society. Really, we’re just doing anyone a favour – of course he doesn’t need it advertised publically in his name; we all know what he is. At least, all the awesome people do.

    So be happy with the fancy titles you can have, and don’t question things. Questioning things is currently our second biggest killer, right after internet cancer. Learn to duckspeak, and such.

  2958. Michael - Almost Head Minister Thing of the Department of the Destruction of Justin Bieber, And Other Such Disney Music Bands Says:

    One day, you’ll all be trolled. By someone close.

  2959. Joey, Chief Antagonist. Says:


  2960. G Says:

    I see this place is filling nicely to 4000. Just another rule, as i’ve seen Dupersude post, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 i think that we should implent a rule, only one post, until someone posts after you, you can’t cheat and change your name, i has vac security. Surprised that joey never went on new update, it’s ok we’ll leave him here.

  2961. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    And just to stress, absolutely no one is to post past 4000.


  2963. Michael Says:

    dupersude, exactly how would you torture me if I stole the 4000get?

  2964. Joey, Chief Antagonist. Says:

    I have been on the Update. >.> I’m observing. I. Am. THE EYE!

  2965. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    The Ministry of Love has decided that whoever gets the 4000 get is allowed the 4000 get.

  2966. Joey, Chief Antagonist. Says:

    How many to go now?

  2967. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Sounds like Tuesday to me.

  2968. Joey, Chief Antagonist. Says:

    YOUR Joey? Ahem… I am not your property, and cloning me is prohibited by the Rules of Good Antagonists.

  2969. Joey, Chief Antagonist. Says:

    But but but but! There’s a COUGAR in there! :/

  2970. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    Joey, as your current position ranks infinitely higher than dupersude’s, you are quite authorised to not only not get into the cage, but also to declare that dupersude’s only place of residence can be in said cage, cougar and all.

    These are the rules, and all Goat-fearing individuals would do well to abide by them.

  2971. Joey, Chief Antagonist. Says:

    Yeah, but then you, being the Protag’ and all would save him. Suckish. >.> Where did mah minions go?

  2972. Joey’s position does not “outrank” mine. Joey has no position. He wondered in to this place with high hopes and a whole lot of dreams. Instead, he spammed the shit out of the joint and made a whole lot of time consuming posts, replying to a thousand things all over the comment section. At one point he even supported Jaded Empath. He tore us apart. So I made him my bitch.

    Now get in the cage, kid.

  2973. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    If it helps, it’s the same one I kept Chris in for all those months.

  2974. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    I wouldn’t advise taking too much notice of me. My position is mainly to fuck with your minds.

  2975. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Dupersude: Think nothing of it. Ever since I let him out it has been just taking up space in my torture dungeon, space that could be filled by Justin Biebers corpse.

  2976. Joey, Chief Antagonist. Says:

    Dupersude, no offence, but I think Putzy just claimed that he can do your job better than you.

  2977. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Not at all, I was merely commiserating with him over the gayness of Justin Bieber. His corpse WOOULD look nice next to my 9001 inch plasma tv, though.

  2978. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Infinite million!

  2979. Joey, Chief Antagonist. Says:

    My residency in said cage for an indefinitive length of time.

  2980. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    I bid you the maximum amount of money that could exist.
    Infinity x Infinity, Infinity times. Think about it. It just doesn’t get higher than that.

  2981. Joey, Chief Antagonist. Says:

    Please refer to my last comment. Money won’t make you laugh at the poor guy locked in your cage.

  2982. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Money = happiness, you foolish child.

  2983. Joey, Chief Antagonist. Says:

    Me in a cage with Bieber’s corpse = infinite happiness.

  2984. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    You have me there. I tip my hat to you, kind sir, and know that I will butcher, cut up, cook and feed your family to you on a congratulatory dinner.

  2985. Hmmm Looks to me like it’s a tie. So you both get half! Joey will want the end with the penis, I presume.

  2986. Joey Says:

    What. The fuck? He surrendered! >.O

  2987. It’s not about surrendering or you proving anything to him or vice versa. It’s about what I want. I want his infinite times infinite money, and I want you in my cage for ever. Although… I’m going to have you in my cage either way… So you can either be happy with this, or get nothing!

  2988. Joey Says:

    Bullshit. I’m taking my “services” elsewhere.

  2989. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    Coincidentally, that is also what she said. To you.

  2990. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    The Ministry of Love would like to announce an official;


    To Putzy.

    This is all.

  2991. Sorry Joey. You don’t have a choice.
    Actually, scratch that. I’m not sorry. Get back to the cage.

  2992. Joey Says:


  2993. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    It’s almost closing time for these comments.


    We must be ready.

  2994. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:

    23 left to go.

  2995. Why is nobody posting on here anymore? It’s making this last stretch verrrrrrrrrry slow…

  2996. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    like your mum?

  2997. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:


  2998. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:


  2999. Joey, Chief Antagonist. Says:


  3000. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:


  3001. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    C-C-C-Combo Breaker!

  3002. Arreh, Ministry of Love Says:


  3003. Putzy Von Putzingburg The Third Says:

    6 comments left, and yes i did factor in this one.

  3004. … But it’s okay, because… Now… I have it. Remember guys, no posting after this comment! See you all over on The Alchemists Code 😀

  3005. Hey guise, I herd you were going for the 4000get, but I’m going to steal it! Oh.

  3006. Dr_Zanzabar Says:

    Might as well make it 4002

  3007. some random guy Says:

    The only time I got a thousand get was the time with the GAY ASS VIDEO WTF IM BORED!!!

  3008. some random guy Says:

    The only time I got a thousand get was the time with the GAY ASS VIDEO WTF IM BORED!!!kbai

  3009. some random guy Says:

    The only time I got a thousand get was the time with the GAY ASS VIDEO WTF IM BORED!!!kbai IT WONT LET ME POST MY FUCKING COMMEEEENT. I’m insane.

  3010. Michael Says:

    No, some random guy, you are the comments.
    And then some random guy was a comment.

  3011. chris 12 Says:

    i like the series but you should update more… really btw, you know how hard it is to post a comment here?!

  3012. Darverses Says:

    Nondrick is worth waiting for.

  3013. Devlosirrus Says:

    What in the hell has happened to Chris Livingston?

  3014. Arreh Says:

    Why in Goat’s name would you post here?

  3015. Michael Says:


  3016. Jaded Empath Says:

    Sorry; not last – because Darverses said it best, and it’s all the more true now.

    Welcome back, Nonny.

  3017. LAST Says:

    Lol, Last!

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